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Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:10 pm
by Carnacki
Name: Carnacki
Realm/Region: Crushridge US
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: flying and ground
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: yes

Don't ask for gold/free items. Be respectful when I'm raiding and don't bother me much.
I will help camp rare spawns and alliance.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:18 pm
by Qinni
Name: Qinni (for WoW and Petopia)
Realm/Region: Fizzcrank US
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: None but I do have [Have Group, Will Travel]
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes (Level 60 mage on Fizzcrank)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 8:40 pm
by Demon

Sorry to rain reality everywhere...

But wouldn't it be easier to have someone, anyone, roll a DK on said realm. Get it to 58, then help newly made hunter of X race get from A to B, or kill things that aren't the pet in question? I mean, you could just e-mail someone, ask for help, and a couple hours laters you can have a 58DK willing to slaughter everything NOT the pet you want..

just my rusty 2c...

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 11:32 am
by Melissa
Name: Melissandra on Alliance, Níghtcore on Horde (note the 'weird' í), Melissa on the forums
Realm/Region: Ghostlands EU
Faction: Both
Multipassenger Mounts: on Alliance yes, both flying and ground, on Horde sadly not
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Not really an opposite faction if you play both but yep :)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 12:34 pm
by Makoes
Demon wrote:umm...

Sorry to rain reality everywhere...

But wouldn't it be easier to have someone, anyone, roll a DK on said realm. Get it to 58, then help newly made hunter of X race get from A to B, or kill things that aren't the pet in question? I mean, you could just e-mail someone, ask for help, and a couple hours laters you can have a 58DK willing to slaughter everything NOT the pet you want..

just my rusty 2c...
OR...we could use our pre-exsisting toons with all their individual perks. And not have to ask someone to not only take the time out of thier day getting a DK out of the starting area but then the time to come and help them. which I think is one of the point of this thread (hey, I've got pre-exsisting toons on <insert server> that I am willing to use to help people)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 1:37 am
by Wark
Asking for an update please! Under my listing ("Name: Wark; in-game Aeolian, Lacustrine, Vorrozja"), please revise: Multipassenger Mounts: flying.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 10:18 pm
by gigandetsgirl
Name: Constantyne (Gigandetsgirl on forums)
Realm/Region: Onyxia/US
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: None yet
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes - I have a few lowbie Alliance characters, as well as access to my husband's worgen warrior

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 10:57 am
by NoRaisonDetre
Name: Gweneviere
Realm/Region: Mug'thol US
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: My paladin has the motorcycle.
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes.

You can find me on either of the guilds I am in, mine ~ Shines Brighter or my bf's ~ Spleen Knights.
Just send an in game message to anyone from either and I'll get it somehow.
Or send one straight to my hunter.
If you're alliance, I would be more than willing to help you.. though we'd need to figure out some way to converse as well as you being able to transport there as I would be unable to assist in that regard.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:55 pm
by Ayasha
Saw no EU-ers so thought I'd contribute :p.

Name: Ayasha, same as in game.
Realm/Region: Vashj-EU (PVP).
Faction: Horde.
Multipassenger Mounts: Mechano-Hog, but could fly to areas that are hard to reach for low levels and summon with the Have Group, Will Travel guild perk.
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Sure.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Sure, but on Alliance I only have a lvl 21 Dwarf Paladin.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:33 pm
by Nimrod
Name: Nimrod, Hohenheim
Realm/Region: Ghostlands-EU
Faction: Alliance
Multipassenger Mounts: Flying + Ground on main, none on alts, [HG, WT] on main+alts
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: If able (I have no Horde characters and no free character slots)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 8:17 am
by Raiyen
Update on Kasstra my hunter.

As of Friday, June 3rd she will be moved over to Shadowsong, US. My guild left me for Rift (/growl) so thankfully someone I know invited me to join his lvl 25 guild over on Shadowsong. :)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2011 10:33 pm
by tactfullyArtisan
Update on all of my toons on Emerald Dream - Skaia is Alliance now, and Jettatura is over on Nesingwary. All other things should stay the same.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2011 11:16 pm
by ServÅntos
Name: JellybeÅn
Realm/Region: Proudmoore-US
Faction: Alliance
Multipassenger Mounts: none
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: If able

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:25 am
by Konor
Name: Konor
Realm/Region: Garona-US
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: None.
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yep.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: If I can, yes.
Other: I have "Have Group Will Travel" for easy summoning.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 9:53 am
by Ana
updated, i got a multible gournd mount now :) the 3 persons elephant

and add Chasmir, marcipan and predatoria to the list please :D

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:12 pm
by Zenali
Name: Zenali (also Morgra, Zukra, and Nairi of <We Fight Bears>)
Realm/Region: US-Stormscale
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: Rocket, motorcycle, mammoth (and Have Group, Will Travel)
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Always.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yep. =D
Other: I'll tell you when rares are up, and I check Northrend for all the noteable rares every day. (I take full credit for many a Gondria being tamed).

Name: Kassidi (Also Kolli, Huttser, and Blighthowl of <The Holy Knights>)
Realm/Region: US-Shattered Halls
Faction: Alliance
Multipassenger Mounts: None. (Have Group, Will Travel, though)
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: You bet.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Horde is where my heart is, anyway. =P
Other: Dibs on Sambas.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 11:48 am
by Aoife
Name: Aoife & Gondul (Aoife is Petopia User Name)
Realm/Region: Mok'Nathal - US
Faction: Alliance
Multipassenger Mounts: None
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes, if I'm available.
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes, if possible.

Some of my guildies have pledged their assistance too: Fegalund/Mikal, Catwisperer/Iolanthe, Obadi/Tasker, and Gondul (my lvl 69 alt) are willing to help others on our realm.

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 8:45 pm
by Morven
Name: Mindala (85 Hunter), Akhali (76 prot warrior) (both Horde) — username here Morven
Realm/Region: US-Crushridge
Faction: Horde
Multipassenger Mounts: None
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:33 pm
by Acherontia
In order to keep within the posts' character counts, and to neaten up the list, I've reorganized it and simplified it considerably. If anyone sees a name or realm missing or out of order, or sees information missing, please post here or PM me and I'll fix it ASAP.

Note that to keep it simple I've had to cut quite a few of the notes off, but the basic necessary info should all be here!

Thanks :)

Re: "Willing To Help" List--by Realm

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2011 4:49 pm
by talonkylor
Name: (Talonkylor - Furkme) Teether on US lightbringer.
Realm/Region: (US-Drenden)
Multipassenger Mounts: Yes
Willing to do Dungeon Runs: Yes
Willing to Assist the Opposite Faction: Yes