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Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:03 am
by Ana
Wain wrote:
SpiritBinder wrote:I'm trying to remember when, I think it had something to do with Cata' "new" lighting effects or the likes, but oddly enough it's almost looks like a masking issue. It really obvious on some models sadly :|
Veph covered it here I belive ---->
Thanks! I'll take a look at it and see if I can pass anything along :)
Tårnfalk wrote:It looks to me like wow is building their game less and less around really casual players and more and more around PvP and large guilds which have a raid schedule...
i do love wow for the hunter class and but tbh... i feel less appriciated as a casual player in a 2 person guild with no desire for normal raids... i just want to quest, and do achivement which i can do solo... i dont care if it takes along time to do.. aka the insane title... as long as i can do them solo.
If WoW keeps this up im afraid i will have to look for a new game... i feel sadden that they nerf bm and stampeede... i understand the pvp issues but why couldn´t they just scale that in pvp then....
ugh have a empty feeling inside :(
Solo play is usually very forgiving. Even if the changes are ultimately a net nerf, I seriously doubt they'll impede your questing and achieving. But also remember this is the early PTR and hunters could be adjusted 20 more times before 5.4 comes out. It's a bit premature to be 'feeling empty' ;)
hehe i was feeling a bit down when i wrote that... feeling sorry for myself these days due to my knee being torn up.. so fare wow is the game which best let me play solo in a mmo content... the only thing which i am going to miss is my 5 x healing from stampeede pet.. i accually use that quite alot when soloing.... and silence shot.. cause i always been a bm and always will be.. i guess i just end up taking pet stun again.. will that work on bosses now they remove silence from bm or do we have to have a gorilla or moth?

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:16 am
by Slickrock
Well, it is a fair complaint that while they are keeping our dps even sofar, they are doing it at the expense of variety and utility for hunters. If they continue to listen to the PVP QQ, our entire toolbox will be Arcane and Steady/Cobra, with no real utility to speak of.

I feel for anyone doing purely solo content that doesn't have the raid gear ilvl boost to compensate for the things they are stripping away.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:10 pm
by Ariamodasu
Godamnit Stampede. Gonna have to bring forward my OS3D 25 attempt sooner than I'd like which means zerging my lower Hunter round to get her gear up. Great.

Scenarios are about all I bother with now as Raids are still boring as heck for me :/

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:26 pm
by Nachtwulf
I think by fur issue they mean the strange black keyline around the jagged fur. It makes the older models look really bad because you can see the jagged square pixels that comprise the edges of the 'perforated' polygons super easily.

Though... I have a suspicion I'm actually -responsible- for Moon Moon existing ingame. I saw the meme go across my tumblr and rolled a worgen druid on MG named MoonMoon, and posted about her. I actually deleted her a few weeks later because I was all 'hurp a meme is not a reason to roll a class I don't like' but... haha. Now I'm sorry I did. I imagine that since my post was flagged as WoW stuff it pinged Blizzard's social media radar.

(It's here btw. ... -as-she-is )

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:29 pm
by Zangor
i have the feeling that the corrupted vale may be more a phased thing than for everyone. blizzard has never deleted entire daily areas before and apparently with the change GL daily quests are no longer doable. it will probably be a phased thing for players who complete a quest or two for patch 5.4

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 12:41 pm
by Silivren
Zangor wrote:i have the feeling that the corrupted vale may be more a phased thing than for everyone. blizzard has never deleted entire daily areas before and apparently with the change GL daily quests are no longer doable. it will probably be a phased thing for players who complete a quest or two for patch 5.4
Or they can just simply relocate them/redo them. It wouldn't be hard to be honest. I don't see them making the GL dailies disappearing as a phased thing because that means some people would wait quite a while to see the new content and Blizzard wouldn't want that. more likely they move the dailies or just create new ones. I think this is especially true since some people I know still farm those dailies for gold even once exalted since they're all relatively in the same spot and reward quite a bit of gold easily.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:07 pm
by ShootsAlot
Found Portent on the 5.4 PTR, sorry the screenshot isn't as good as it could be. Moving mobs and the PTR randomly disconnecting you doesn't give you much options (For those of you who are skeptic and think that I fabricated this, I had a hunter's mark on him if you look at his back it's oddly going into his back. Good thing it isn't a real arrow, that would hurt).


Still patrolling HIS Vale.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:21 pm
by Lisaara
Sha of Pride invadin HIS Vale? Pfft. Portent don't give a f***....

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:22 pm
by Kalliope
Of COURSE green Portent would be up...


Good work. ^^

So that appears to be on the west side of the Vale, yes? How far east does he travel? :)

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:27 pm
by Zangor
Portent had so much pride that it allowed the sha to manifest in the vale......but portent dont give a $@%^

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:30 pm
by Slickrock
Zangor wrote:i have the feeling that the corrupted vale may be more a phased thing than for everyone. blizzard has never deleted entire daily areas before and apparently with the change GL daily quests are no longer doable. it will probably be a phased thing for players who complete a quest or two for patch 5.4
Don't be too sure about that, the Blue posts and tweets seem to be indicating that this change is for all. They don't mention phasing.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:37 pm
by ShootsAlot
Kalliope wrote:Of COURSE green Portent would be up...


Good work. ^^

So that appears to be on the west side of the Vale, yes? How far east does he travel? :)
He is only traveling the western side of the vale now, he refuses to go anywhere near the Sha infested zones, he goes from the mogu camp in the southern part up towards the north west one then patrols back, I'd have a more accurate description, but the server is being a bit...disconnect with me. I also managed to get a small sight of the new "rare" quest mobs currently the General guy is patrolling in the southern Mogu camp Portent moves around.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 2:38 pm
by Qraljar
Made a thread on the MMO-Champion forums with the images of the weapons that should drop in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid currently in the files.

It's here: ... MG-heavy-)

It didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but you can still see what it is, so I guess it's not -that- big of an issue.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:10 pm
by Slickrock
Qraljar wrote:Made a thread on the MMO-Champion forums with the images of the weapons that should drop in the Siege of Orgrimmar raid currently in the files.

It's here: ... MG-heavy-)

It didn't come out as well as I had hoped, but you can still see what it is, so I guess it's not -that- big of an issue.
Nice work!!! Thanks!

Based on the models and the bosses we know of, looks like the gun will drop late in the raid, and the bow/xbow early, as the first fights will be in the Vale, and the later fights lead to Org.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:19 pm
by Kalliope
ShootsAlot wrote:He is only traveling the western side of the vale now, he refuses to go anywhere near the Sha infested zones, he goes from the mogu camp in the southern part up towards the north west one then patrols back, I'd have a more accurate description, but the server is being a bit...disconnect with me. I also managed to get a small sight of the new "rare" quest mobs currently the General guy is patrolling in the southern Mogu camp Portent moves around.
Smart doggie.

Thanks muchly! :) Will have to track him down myself once servers are more stable.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 5:12 pm
by Chimera
HunterFTW wrote:
Shalyth wrote:Why can't we have pretty places in WoW? Why must Blizz raze every beautiful environment aside from Moonglade (hopefully they don't decide to trash that place), Feralas (also hoping they don't trash that place any more than they already did with places like Feathermoon Stronghold) and restored central Hyjal?
thats what war does.they distory everything we hold dear.
Yea but still, its like Blizz is purposely doing it now to all the places that people go 'oh wow, look how gorgeous that landscape is!'. It's killing me, I don't want every zone in WoW to be torn to shreds like this but they're doing it. I had high hopes Pandaria would have at least a few beautiful places and they up and utterly wreck Jade Forest right off the bat via the quest lines (thankfully I can avoid doing them....) and Krarasang in 5.1... Thankfully aside from where the wall broke, Four Winds is still relatively untouched but I'm not expecting that to last long. And currently Vale is being ripped to bits. I wish Krarasang regarding Dominion Point/the ally equivalent was phased so I could decide whether I wanted it to be war torn or not.

Hopefully Vale is phased. Unfortunately the only character I go to Vale with for the landscape is my blood elf hunter who has already reached exalted with the lotus and completed all the quests. So sadly, even if it's phased, she will forever be stuck seeing the destruction ;_; No more pretty screenshots with her golden serpent. I'm finding fewer and fewer places to just play the game without seeing war machines or gouged earth. Fewer and fewer places to just relax in a spot or a zone for a few hours and solo roleplay with my pet and enjoy the zone's music.

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:37 pm
by Funk


Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:39 pm
by Kalliope
And that is why we are dropping the dailies....

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:41 pm
by Funk
He Softfoot and Rook Stonetoe are the other two.


Sorry to be editing so much but I found this also...


"Bringing all three Protectors to 1% health simultaneously will restore clarity to their clouded minds."

Re: Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17056

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 8:49 pm
by Funk
Kalliope wrote:And that is why we are dropping the dailies....
There's a few dailies available to me at Setting Sun Garrison.... So not all of the Golden Lotus has fallen. There's a few more than just the ones shown in the picture, though.


Man I'm super sad now though.