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Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:23 am
by Xota
Wain wrote:Regarding the green core hound, I posted here:

The first post is to do with the mount version, the third post is about the non-mount.
I know a lot of decisions to leave things out are based on artist/programmer time constraints. But I can't imagine that'd be much of an issue for those. 99% of the time has already been spent.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:07 pm
by zedxrgal
vv From SB on the main WoW forums vv
The sheer amount of geekage in this post makes my head delightfully spin with giddiness.

Dear Blizzard, also please consider Wain for president, that is all.
I totally lol-ed at this.

But I'd really love to see the redo of these gorgeous corehound mounts be used on the actual pets. So gorgeous

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:34 am
by Maizou
Since anyone who knows me knows I'm the king of pink pets and often poke muffinus constantly on twitter in betas until one gets added, (Pink moths in WoD <3)...

What about a Pink Mechanical Squirrel named Goggles with a Red Bow on its head we can tame? It can be a reference to Giggles from Happy Tree Friends.

I will be -extremely- sad if this is the first expansion without a -single- new pink pet. :(

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 6:14 pm
by NazzyDragon
We've had armored pets tameable for years, so I've been wondering... why are these still untameable?
I would love to get these bears.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:49 pm
by zedxrgal
NazzyDragon wrote:We've had armored pets tameable for years, so I've been wondering... why are these still untameable?
I would love to get these bears.
I believe. And please do not quote me on this.
The bears don't have a body under the armor or some reason like that.
Granted I could be making that up but I could have sworn a long way back that was the reason provided.

I would love one too! *grabby hands*

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 2:59 pm
by Nachtwulf
Yeah, I think they're missing the top of their heads. Like, under that deflated volleyball they call a hat, there's nothing underneath. The rest of the armor is probably the same. But like... I don't honestly know why that'd matter, the armor doesn't exactly disappear off the other armored pets.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:02 pm
by NazzyDragon
They were accidentally tameable on one of the BC PTR patches.. I remember going out and getting one.

There were no errors with the armor. It was a normal armored bear. It was pretty rad, too, but Blizzard did not like armored pets back then.

I'd like them now, please.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:02 pm
by Xota
There should be a time walking Zul Aman. At the end, instead of a lootable jar with the bear mount in it, an armored bear should burst into the room. If subdued, it should be a lootable mount, and it should be tameable (although not both in the same run).

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 1:37 pm
by zedxrgal
That's a great idea too Xota

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:36 pm
by Wain
That would be a cool idea :)

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 7:18 am
by Kurasu
A fairly simple(?) idea, but one I somehow doubt anyone will disagree with:

Rhea's Last Egg

Make it a toy, rather than a trinket. Just have it summon a ghostly, non-combat whelpling instead of a combat whelpling.

If you're going to make an item that breaks our heart and eats up our inventory space, because we're supposed to "Take care of him for me", then at least make it something we can continue to use so that we *can* take care of him, rather than having him be stuffed in our boxes and forgotten.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:09 am
by Wain
Indeed :( It's awful to have to lose that one.

There are a lot of trinkets with fun secondary effects where it would be cool if you could turn them into a toy after you've replaced them as a trinket. Even if it was when you reach a higher level, say if the trinket was level 100, there's a use that only unlocks at level 101 to learn the toy spell.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:22 am
by Kurasu
They've already turned several trinkets into toys, after all; even just recently. Like the Rainbow Generator (which made me very happy).
Even if it was when you reach a higher level, say if the trinket was level 100, there's a use that only unlocks at level 101 to learn the toy spell.
I would be down for that. Not sure how much extra coding it would take for something like that, admittedly, but it might be a good way to get/use/do both. After all, there are a lot of trinkets that work well as toys in various ways like that. Maybe they're trying to limit the number of 'summonable' effects? I don't know.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:41 pm
by Melissa
Been debating wether I should post this for a while now since it's a bit of a rant and idea all in one but...

Mech pets bother me.

Okay, scratch that. I don't -mind- mech pets. Some, like the Iron Juggernauts, I even love. What bothers me about them is two-fold; the implementation, and the thought behind them.

First off, implementation. I really dislike the fact that we need an engineering item to tame them, which can only be earned once Legion actually hits, except for Goblins and Gnomes. Not only is one of them a brand new Hunter race which to me makes it feel like a bit of a middle finger to all the older hunters, it also means that two races get a free pass on something that'll be rare for others (judging by how the mats seem to be fairly rare) and, if the PTR is any sign, get to tame these new pets before the others as well, in the prepatch.

It'd be like saying well guys Night Elf Druids get early access to their class hall in the prepatch since it's in a Night Elven area!

Secondly, the thought behind them... As a Night Elf roleplayer who has been asking for hippogryphs to be tameable since I started playing WoW but was constantly told they are too intelligent (despite being the Night Elves' flying mount of choice and a quest in Feralas stating they can sense who their allies are), the fact mech pets seem to have by and large been brought in to fit Gnomes irks me, a lot. Because at that point, why are hippogryphs an issue again? They'd work perfectly with Night Elves.

And then as salt in the wound, we have these gorgeous new hippogryph models they seem to finally be using on the Broken Isles... And we're still not allowed to tame them.

I guess my idea / suggestion would be... Scratch the engineering item and just let everyone tame mech pets from the start for the sake of fairness. The item itself doesn't exactly add much gameplay other than annoyance at the RNG to get the mats required -- most of mech pets' uniqueness seems to be in the way they are tamed.

And also, let us tame those amazing hippogryphs, please :(

Sorry for the small rant.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:09 pm
by zedxrgal
I understand completely where you're coming from Melissa. I truly truly do. Especially with the hippogryphs.
But the method of collecting something to tame something else isn't new. While I do not agree with the mats being so stinking rare I do agree with the method. It kind of ties into the lore (for lack of a better word) that a non gnome /goblin would have to learn this ancient knowledge to master control of a mechanical construct. This really is no different then the Ancient Tome of Dinomancy. I just think that making the mats so rare is not cool. :lol:

But yeah. My nelf hunter has pined for a hippogryph since forever. I got so ecstatic that they were tamable in alpha only to be shot down in the next patch that it was a bug and not intended. They were so perfect too.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:23 pm
by Xota
I agree about the hippogryphs.
Not about gnomes/goblins not having a mechanical aptitude. It's like 2 months of gnomes and goblins having tinker pets before other hunters. Mech pets are so that there's a class that can be somewhat tinkerish, without having to add in a tinker class (which even if it weren't a trainwreck, has no upcoming expansion in which it would fit).

Frankly, I think there should be more flavor tied to the in-game races. Not to the point of restricting spells to certain races (like fear ward for just dwarven priests). But for example, having different elemental models available for shaman and mages, with pandaren having the pandaren elemental spirits from the get-go, and other races having to do something to unlock them.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:30 pm
by Wain
^^ totally agreed. I love that gnomes and goblins get mechanicals by default, and the rest of us have to learn it, though I'm not so thrilled about the item recipe being from an ultra-rare coin and that it's a painful long wait. I hope the curious coins become more common than they have been.

I also agree about the hippogryphs, or if not those then the coursers or owlcats. It's a shame we didn't get one new family that was a little more unusual and iconic for the zones and culture of the expansion (and Mana Sabers are a cheat family and Musken aren't really iconic - they're nice but mostly just background filler and barely modified from the Pandaren yaks). But we got some really lovely stuff all the same.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 3:19 am
by Rikaku
I'm personally a bit annoyed about Mechanicals. I mean yeah, they're cool and I'm glad that for some players, this is a great pet opprotunity for them. And I probably will tame one too. I certainly don't mind races having some flavor either. My real beef with Mechanicals, however, is that it still feels a bit... gimmicky to me. Maybe its because the idea that these are sentient machines are a bit weird for me, but more so its the fact that other creatures which have sentience (dragons, hippogryphs, gryphons) have had the same excuse used as for why they *aren't* tameable (though why that never stopped us from certain tames like Loque and whatnot has eluded me, lol). And we know its a bit of a sentience thing because the npcs/dialogue lore suggests such when it comes to the Hunter order hall and the two npc's discussing Rush and Treble.

I guess I'm just salty because I feel like yeah, its cool we get mechanicals but... where the heck are the other pets that Hunters have been asking for for years, which wouldn't be nearly as far of a stretch as mechanicals are: the Zul Aman bears, Zhevras, Rocs, Pterrorwings, Dread ravens (or even just the TBC Anzu), Hippogryphs, Gryphons...

There are dozens of pets and models that have been asked for, and that could reasonably fit within existing families, without making a 'stretch' like Mechanicals. Again, I'm all for race-themed pets that can be tamed 'by default' by certain races, and learned as an additional skill for all others (Hippogryphs for NE's, Gryphons for Dwarves, etcetc), it just makes me kind of sad/annoyed that the idea wasn't expanded on further and that we have this new family of pets that kind of feels like its using a lore-reason for existing that was the same reason/excuse for us not having previously highly-desired pets.

Also agreeing with Wain. Like I said, maybe overall I'm just sad I'm not seeing Legion bringing us pets that I personally wanted to see badly. XD I can admit and live with that. I just hope down the line we see owlcats, coursers, hippogryphs (and that sleek new fox) at some point.

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 4:06 am
by Wain
Minor idea for Mechanicals. Currently the database says they eat "Mechanical Bits", which is a rather nondescript. Maybe they should consume oil and alcohol, or just "Fuel" and flag both oil and alcohol items for that.

I know feeding pets is now a minor function that most players probably no longer think about, but since they went to the trouble of adding something to the database they may as well make it something that makes sense :)

Re: Legion - random ideas thread

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:23 am
by Melissa
Hmmmm, maybe removing the item completely -is- a bit much, but still, at least lower the mats to not be as stupidly difficult to obtain for other hunters...