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Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:59 pm
by Lisaara
TygerDarkstorm wrote:Saying that CTA DOES NOT apply to DPS (which is exactly what you said Jessibelle) is a false statement, especially right after you said this can create a surplus of tanks and healers. CTA can apply TO ANY class/role that is needed at the time.

You people act like these mounts are extremely hard to get on your own or that this system is going to kill you. Either tank or heal and be happy they're making the bags BoA, or be happy that your queues as a DPS are being lowered.

For fuck's sake, they haven't even implemented the goddamn thing yet. WE DON'T KNOW HOW IT'S GOING TO WORK.
Yeah we do. We got a pretty good idea how it's gonna work. It's on PTR. Try it out.

6/10 its gonna be tanks.
3/10 it's gonna be heals.
1/10 it's gonna be DPS.'s gonna apply only to tanks and heals 99% of the time. My friend irl is a healer and he doesn't get insta-ques. We'll still sit 30 mins in the server with 3 dps and a healer.

I've been trying for years to get Raven Lord and White Hawkstrider and the Strath mount. That should tell you a lot.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:00 pm
by Purrverted
You people are so closed-minded...This isn't even live yet and you are crying over it...Don't get me wrong, I get a kick out of all of you crying. This is not just for tanks and healers. Wait for it to go live and see if it balances then come back and make an argument over how you were wrong and how you thought this would play out. IMO though just stop playing WoW. Go do something outside of WoW. Live life a little and go see something worth crying about in real life then come back and laugh at how dumb you sound crying over a game idea...

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:05 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Blizzard: "Hey, people have been bitching about the queue times for randoms. What can we do to help lower them? Oh yeah, people need incentive to actually use LFD, especially tanks and healers because they receive the most abuse."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard you guys suck and don't care about DPS!"

Blizzard: "You'll get lowered queue times, which is exactly what you've been asking for."

Other Players: "All of these mounts are obtainable easily anyway."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard!"

Other Players: "Perhaps we can make these BoA so that way DPS mains/collectors can get this stuff too?"

Blizzard: "Hey that's a good idea. All goody bags are now BoA."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard!"

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:08 pm
by Purrverted
TygerDarkstorm wrote:Blizzard: "Hey, people have been bitching about the queue times for randoms. What can we do to help lower them? Oh yeah, people need incentive to actually use LFD, especially tanks and healers because they receive the most abuse."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard you guys suck and don't care about DPS!"

Blizzard: "You'll get lowered queue times, which is exactly what you've been asking for."

Other Players: "All of these mounts are obtainable easily anyway."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard!"

Other Players: "Perhaps we can make these BoA so that way DPS mains/collectors can get this stuff too?"

Blizzard: "Hey that's a good idea. All goody bags are now BoA."

Players: "Fuck you Blizzard!"

IMO, AMEN and close the thread! last thing. My tank on Maiev is Slashbird. Any of you guys want quick runs just pm me. I am not a fail tank and we will have fun. If not i will solo queue when this hits and PROUDLY open my goodie bag right there in party so all you can QQ over my OMG tank gets loot bag lootz!

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:10 pm
by Rikaku
Some people in this thread really need to chill out. While you're free to disagree with people, there is no need to be mean about it. If you can't argue your side of the argument like an adult, don't post.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:12 pm
by Lisaara
Rikaku wrote:Some people in this thread really need to chill out. While you're free to disagree with people, there is no need to be mean about it. If you can't argue your side of the argument like an adult, don't post.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:17 pm
by Purrverted
Rikaku wrote:Some people in this thread really need to chill out. While you're free to disagree with people, there is no need to be mean about it. If you can't argue your side of the argument like an adult, don't post.

I agree. It also goes the other way. If you can't handle the argument being an argument or discussion you should not QQ on forums. I am not trying to argue or be mean to anyone. I have not pointed out specific names of anyone or called anyone out. But if you do feel I am being mean, I am sorry. Though again, QQ'ing doesn't get you anywhere. Just sit back and see how it plays out. That's all I was trying to say.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:28 pm
by Saturo
Bad troll is bad.

Either way, this thread needs to calm down if there's going to be anything other than just mindlessly tossing the same arguments back and forth.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:31 pm
by Rikaku
Honestly, I'm not calling any singular person out, I'm just trying to prevent a thread from getting locked. Discussions about ideas is great, and I think they should be calmly discussed.

So for the sake of that I will put in my own thoughts. Yes, originally, I admit. I was not for this LFG dungeon idea originally. Why? Well to me I was bitter that (in my view) tanks and heals (who already had better queues on my realm) were getting better treatment. But once they announced that the bags were BoA well... sure, I don't like healing but I'd do it on my alts on normals. Why not? I'm not above being a sellout to the healers if it means I get my stupid Anzu a bit quicker.

I think as a pure class you kind of have to step back and realize we *chose* to be pure dps. When you click that Mage, Lock, Hunter or Rogue button, your only real difference in specs is "what color is my dps going to be" in essence. In our exchange for lack of heals/tank, we're usually the better DPS in the chain of Recount Mountain (even Blizzard has stated this is their intention) otherwise, why would you roll a pure in the first place?

Does it suck I can't solo queue and get a chance at Anzu on my favorite class? Yes. Yes it does. I hate running it once a day on my hunter.
But I will admit, the plan works. As soon as patch hits, my alts will be healing normals up until they are ready for heroics for their chance at a mount for my main!

Edit: fixed my wording! XD

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:32 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
This only works in level 85 heroics.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:36 pm
by Rikaku
TygerDarkstorm wrote:This only works in level 85 heroics.

Well I mean queue once all my healers are up there. My druid is, but the paladin/shammy/priest still have to level/get their ilvl up. But I meant like... queue them as healer at low level to get practice for real healing.

Sorry for misinformationing XD

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:43 pm
by Purrverted
Rikaku wrote:Honestly, I'm not calling any singular person out, I'm just trying to prevent a thread from getting locked. Discussions about ideas is great, and I think they should be calmly discussed.

So for the sake of that I will put in my own thoughts. Yes, originally, I admit. I was not for this LFG dungeon idea originally. Why? Well to me I was bitter that (in my view) tanks and heals (who already had better queues on my realm) were getting better treatment. But once they announced that the bags were BoA well... sure, I don't like healing but I'd do it on my alts on normals. Why not? I'm not above being a sellout to the healers if it means I get my stupid Anzu a bit quicker.

I think as a pure class you kind of have to step back and realize we *chose* to be pure dps. When you click that Mage, Lock, Hunter or Rogue button, your only real difference in specs is "what color is my dps going to be" in essence. In our exchange for lack of heals/tank, we're usually the better DPS in the chain of Recount Mountain (even Blizzard has stated this is their intention) otherwise, why would you roll a pure in the first place?

Does it suck I can't solo queue and get a chance at Anzu on my favorite class? Yes. Yes it does. I hate running it once a day on my hunter.
But I will admit, the plan works. As soon as patch hits, my alts will be healing normals for their chance at a mount for my main!
Well said!

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:07 pm
by Vasken
Think the thread can be summed up with one of the earlier posts:
Good lord, some people will look for any reason to complain.
Wish some of the DPS here would give tanking and healing heroics (without guildees or friends) a go- just to prove how difficult it is. Additional MINOR (key word: Minor. Read the other replies if you need proof.) rewards for difficult roles (which get the most abuse and grief in the dungeon finder) that'll likely shorten the DPS' queues aren't a game-breaking thing!

I'll fraps myself and record chatlogs twice tomorrow in heroics- once while tanking, once while DPSing- just to prove that there's a substantial difference in difficulty between the two. (Healer isn't geared yet, sadly!)

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:17 pm
by Lisaara
If they cut out the mounts, and just put in like Argent Tourny minipets, then I wouldn't be so angry about it. Still disguntled cause I actually worked hard to farm minipets and mounts but I'd be satisfied with it.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:17 pm
by Purrverted
Vasken I <3 your Sig. Lol. It's my new fav. Kinda reminds me of an old movie I used to watch as a child like 20 years ago...I think it was Oliver and Company. The lil orange kitty got Floof'd.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:20 pm
by Chimera
Please please keep the thread friendly to all, voice your opinions but dont blow out into a full argument, i dont want it to get locked from indecency since theres gonna be a lot more posts to come on peoples views of the system and a possibly place for people to post updates like how we now know the bags are BoA :)

I see the arguments already been calmed but just a little reminder again ^^

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:23 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Jessibelle wrote:If they cut out the mounts, and just put in like Argent Tourny minipets, then I wouldn't be so angry about it. Still disguntled cause I actually worked hard to farm minipets and mounts but I'd be satisfied with it.
Nothing in this game is hard, especially when it comes to random chance drops. It's time consuming and RNG based.

It is an incredibly small chance to get a mount in a bag and a much larger chance to face abuse if you screw up because it's a lot more noticeable when a tank or healer screws up compared to a DPS.

I know I personally avoided LFD like the plague on my tank characters unless I was with guildies. This might encourage me to use them more.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:29 pm
by Purrverted
Jessibelle wrote:If they cut out the mounts, and just put in like Argent Tourny minipets, then I wouldn't be so angry about it. Still disguntled cause I actually worked hard to farm minipets and mounts but I'd be satisfied with it.

I have and am still currently farming for old school mounts like Rivendare and some others. Was lucky enough to get the zg tiger on my bear and the zg raptor on my tankadin. But if I, as a tank,healer, or dps can get them from a reg heroic by tanking, That's awesome. Cause not only will I still have a chance at the mount but I will be helping gear random people... Instead of just farming the reg old boring instance over and over and over and over...Granted the other day, I think I randomly tanked HoO like 4 times in a row... Plus them forcing the Call to Arms class to solo queue is a great idea. Sure it sucks cause I wont be able to queue and help speed my friends and guildies queue times up but doing so for every tank across the board if they so choose to go for a goodie bag opens up more dps slots instead of the tank queuing with his 1-4 friends he knows who play their class well. So it is opening up more dps slots in the long run shortening the queue times. IF tanks or w/e do care for the bag. So yeah, this idea Blizz has, is awesome. People just need to see the whole gallery and stop staring at the tank picture and take a step back and get a total and complete view of all the art in the room.

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:38 pm
by Chimera
I would love to see the retired mounts (the original non-armored epic mounts such as Ivory Raptor, and Ancient Frostsaber, Zulian Tiger, the original Amani Warbear-- not that ugly sob they replaced it with)

--Yea i dont like the bear mounts except for amani/black with goggles/white with goggles, luckily i got black from killing city leaders on my sham and im trying for white on xakaal.

Again though, i would looooove to see retired mounts back

Re: Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:40 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
What do retired mounts have to do with this thread? That's getting a bit off topic.

Besides, if they added hard to get mounts, or retired mounts, to the bags people would only complain even more than they already are.