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Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:40 am
by Agravaine
Zhinru wrote:Possible new annual pass deal could include a mount, new expansion beta access (there will be an announcement at BlizzCon, you can bet on it) and... in lieu of D3, probably some special deal for Hearthstone.
... or Titan ;)

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:04 am
by Maizou
I will cry if this is tied to a collect X mounts achievement. ;_;

And if it's annual pass... ugh. I may just cancel til next xpac out of frustration. Lol. Although I'm joking, I know quite a few people probably would quit over that, as weird as it sounds. I don't think Blizzard would do that. Releasing such a high def model and probably one of the most stunning mounts and tying it to the annual pass would not go over well.

I might also point out, we have no dragons that can be used as grounds mounts, to my knowledge. An annual pass mount would presumably have to be useable by all levels.

Also, I'm sure it's been posted before, but this interested me:


I do honestly think it could be the Alliance version of the Bat. They're both extremely HD, the Sprite Darters fit with the Alliance (Night Elves) and the bats fit with the Horde (Trolls/Undead)

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:35 am
by Snowy
Myzou wrote:I do honestly think it could be the Alliance version of the Bat. They're both extremely HD, the Sprite Darters fit with the Alliance (Night Elves) and the bats fit with the Horde (Trolls/Undead)
Can you imagine the Horde outcry though? I know I wouldn't be happy. If anything they're trying to *stop* faction-specific mounts these days.
Myzou wrote:I might also point out, we have no dragons that can be used as grounds mounts, to my knowledge.
TCG Feldrake. ;)

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:46 am
by Maizou
Snowy wrote:
Myzou wrote:I do honestly think it could be the Alliance version of the Bat. They're both extremely HD, the Sprite Darters fit with the Alliance (Night Elves) and the bats fit with the Horde (Trolls/Undead)
Can you imagine the Horde outcry though? I know I wouldn't be happy. If anything they're trying to *stop* faction-specific mounts these days.
People were telling Alliance to suck it up because of the bat mount. I see no difference. :P

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:50 am
by Snowy
Myzou wrote:People were telling Alliance to suck it up because of the bat mount. I see no difference. :P
Of course, but this thread is about the Faerie Dragon. ;)

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:53 am
by Maizou
Snowy wrote:
Myzou wrote:People were telling Alliance to suck it up because of the bat mount. I see no difference. :P
Of course, but this thread is about the Faerie Dragon. ;)
I know. :P I'm pointing out saying Horde outcry would be crazy if it were Alliance only means nothing because there'd be just as much outcry from Alliance about the bat mount. :P

I LOVE the Faerie Dragon, but the Bat Mount is insane.

I'm seriously going to scream if it's the annual pass reward. To the point I will cancel at least one month in protest. :S Annual Pass is so not fair to those not stable enough economic wise to guarantee a year of uninterrupted service. Punishing them by restricting one of the most detailed mounts in this game from them would be ridiculous. The charger was fine. This would just be cruel.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 6:55 am
by Lupis
Personally, I HIGHLY doubt that this is the Alliance's bat. This is almost completely based off of one thing: the color changing. No mount ever before has been able to change colors. It's completely new and, at the moment, 100% unique to this mount. That would be incredibly cruel to do to Horde players. The bat is wonderful, but besides the fact that it's a bat, there's nothing new about it. New model, sure, but people expected a new model. It's just a bat. This Sprite Darter mount, however, not only has a shiny new model, but a completely unique aspect that no other mount has. To keep that from ALL Horde players would be ridiculous. I'd be infuriated! The Horde mount would need something equally fresh and unique for their mount, too.

Besides that, there's also the fact that this mount is a dragon, new model or not. Dragons are very, very rarely (if ever?) faction specific. I'd be really surprised if suddenly they changed that.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the bat mount is bad. I'm crazy about the bat mount. I want it with every fiber of my being, too.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:19 am
by Snowy
LupisDarkmoon wrote:Personally, I HIGHLY doubt that this is the Alliance's bat. This is almost completely based off of one thing: the color changing. No mount ever before has been able to change colors. It's completely new and, at the moment, 100% unique to this mount. That would be incredibly cruel to do to Horde players. The bat is wonderful, but besides the fact that it's a bat, there's nothing new about it. New model, sure, but people expected a new model. It's just a bat. This Sprite Darter mount, however, not only has a shiny new model, but a completely unique aspect that no other mount has. To keep that from ALL Horde players would be ridiculous. I'd be infuriated! The Horde mount would need something equally fresh and unique for their mount, too.

Besides that, there's also the fact that this mount is a dragon, new model or not. Dragons are very, very rarely (if ever?) faction specific. I'd be really surprised if suddenly they changed that.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the bat mount is bad. I'm crazy about the bat mount. I want it with every fiber of my being, too.
That's pretty much my entire opinion summed up for me, thank you. xD

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:20 am
by Maizou
There's non-color changing ones in the files as well, just btw.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:19 pm
by Malackai
getting more and more of a nagging feeling its gonna be a store mount tbh >_>

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:34 pm
by Dino
LupisDarkmoon wrote:Personally, I HIGHLY doubt that this is the Alliance's bat. This is almost completely based off of one thing: the color changing. No mount ever before has been able to change colors. It's completely new and, at the moment, 100% unique to this mount. That would be incredibly cruel to do to Horde players. The bat is wonderful, but besides the fact that it's a bat, there's nothing new about it. New model, sure, but people expected a new model. It's just a bat. This Sprite Darter mount, however, not only has a shiny new model, but a completely unique aspect that no other mount has. To keep that from ALL Horde players would be ridiculous. I'd be infuriated! The Horde mount would need something equally fresh and unique for their mount, too.

Besides that, there's also the fact that this mount is a dragon, new model or not. Dragons are very, very rarely (if ever?) faction specific. I'd be really surprised if suddenly they changed that.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the bat mount is bad. I'm crazy about the bat mount. I want it with every fiber of my being, too.
Worded it better than I could. Thanks. xD

I was okay with the bat. Not too crazy about it. But to fix the no bat on Alliance, I would just give Alliance a bat too. c: I don't see any wrong with it. Yeah it leans towards trolls/undead, but eh why not give the Alliance one too. If not a bat, what about an updated Hippogryph. I can see a Hippogryph going for the Alliance more than the fairy dragon. The fairy dragon is way too detailed, more so over the bat. It color changes and has a special particle flight animation on its wings. The fairy dragon really does have a blizzard store mount smell to it, and I kinda hope it is. My soul is saying not to make it a TCG mount. Dx Cause I really don't have the money to fork out to hunt down the beauty.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:50 pm
by Equeon
What if...

The Faerie Dragon and the Bloodwing were the faction mounts...
but they would be usable on all characters?

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:59 pm
by Silivren
I personally don't think that'll ever happen because then racial/faction mounts would mean squat and players would clamor for all mounts useable on a toons. I'm still betting its a store mount. EVERYTHING about it screams store mount and it's about time for a new one too.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:09 pm
by Meggers
I was hoping it would be a new mount achievement reward for like 200 or 250 :c

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:31 pm
by Maizou
Meggers wrote:I was hoping it would be a new mount achievement reward for like 200 or 250 :c
The outcry on that would be MUCH worse than if they were faction-specific.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:36 pm
by Meggers
Myzou wrote:
Meggers wrote:I was hoping it would be a new mount achievement reward for like 200 or 250 :c
The outcry on that would be MUCH worse than if they were faction-specific.

I don't see how, there hasn't been any outcry like that over the others. o_O

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:37 pm
by Chimera
Myzou wrote:
Meggers wrote:I was hoping it would be a new mount achievement reward for like 200 or 250 :c
The outcry on that would be MUCH worse than if they were faction-specific.
Not really. I only just barely inched to 150 mounts about like a month or two after the kite went live so I sure as hell won't be seeing the 200th reward for many months to come but at least I know I can ride it on BOTH factions opposed to just one which may be the one faction I never play /is a hordie for life :)

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:38 pm
by Snowy
Meggers wrote:I don't see how, there hasn't been any outcry like that over the others. o_O
Because none of the others were insanely-amazing, unique-modelled faerie dragons who can *change colour* whenever they want. The others are rather dull in comparison.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:42 pm
by Silivren
Shalyth wrote:
Myzou wrote:
Meggers wrote:I was hoping it would be a new mount achievement reward for like 200 or 250 :c
The outcry on that would be MUCH worse than if they were faction-specific.
Not really. I only just barely inched to 150 mounts about like a month or two after the kite went live so I sure as hell won't be seeing the 200th reward for many months to come but at least I know I can ride it on BOTH factions opposed to just one which may be the one faction I never play /is a hordie for life :)
I think it's the fact nobody would see it. Truthfully does it make more sense to be alliance only? Yes, I remember vanilla wow the horde slaughtering and capturing Faerie Dragons in Feralas. BUT it's so unique that I'm still betting its a store mount. This mount can change colors. That's something that definitely screams store mount. I personally don't think it's a mount achievement. The Dragonhawk is already confirmed even though it hasn't been seen and I don't think that they'd put the next tier out when there's only one known achievement. That's my opinion but I'm thinking how fancy all store bought mounts are....this one totally fits that bill.

Re: faerie dragon mount?

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 5:48 pm
by Snowy
Doctress wrote:but I'm thinking how fancy all store bought mounts are....this one totally fits that bill.
Yeah, it's almost like an OTT kind of fancy. So insane and over-the-top that it can't be anything but a store mount. :P