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Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:03 pm
by Ungoro
Ungoro ducks, does a backroll and gasps with bewilderment "Did you guys see that!?"

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:16 pm
by Dragonpuff
"At least you have a way to distract him then, right?" She replied thinking about the green Devilsaur. They were obviously getting more popluar lately as pets; After all, she'd seen two different ones on the same day in the same place. It was a little funny to that, right as she thought of the big dinosaur, his head appeared through the hole in the wall again. She grinned, and waved at him. "Aw, that's sweet!" She's never really been partial to taming something so much bigger then herself, but she could understand the appeal Devilsaurs had.

"Whereas my Yume here is suspicious of anyone new whatsoever. She's a big sweetie at heart though." Komia scratched just behind the crest of feathers on the serpent's head, and the animal gave the closest thing to a purr as she could, leaning into the touch. She chuckled, then held out her other hand to the man before her. "My name's Komia Sunsinger." She said with another smile, fully expecting to have a nice, normal conversation for the first time that day. But alas, it seemed not to be, not after that yell and the sound of a gun firing drew her attention.

"Hey, you'll probably scare him if you do stuff like that!" And that could mean another rampaging dinosaur, which really wouldn't be good for what was left on the Inn. At least the wall-o-explosives hadn't blown. Yet.

((Mister Troll is trolling! Ignore it!))

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:21 pm
by Saturo
((Oh right, just noticed.))
((We wuvz our Stable Master!))

"Aye, do whatever you want to do to the non-explosive wall. It's so non-explosive and stuff... I've ashamed my goblin masters.", he said, clearly disheartened.

He falls to his knees, and yells into the roof, " Why do I suck!?". Eddie seemed to be formulating an answer, but Tael had already walked off to a nearby table and started drinking. He sulked quietly...

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:29 pm
by Dragonpuff
((Thank you Veph! :D Oh, and I meant to say something, but the troll distracted me. XD Very good job of reminding me of 'You Awaken in Razor Hill' Saturo! Made me really lol!))

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:37 pm
by Magnakilro
After being scared half to death from what would've been a possible explosion Mag turned to Yoshi "I guess draeneis don't like dinos...." Yoshi shrugged. "By the way....what happened to my core hound?" Yoshi moved over to reveal the giant lava dog taking a nap. "Awwwwww.....well at least he's calm now" Mag pulled a piece of meat out of his pack and threw it at yoshi, who caught it in his giant mouth and happily ate it. Mag the started stroking the top of the dino's head. Yoshi rested his head on the window sill and started to nod off.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:02 pm
by U MAD
((Okay then. How would you prefer I enter then Mrs Saturo. I'm not too good with this kind of RP?))

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:06 pm
by Chrizesu
A dark purple grape-juice color hide darts in and out of reality, taking Ivor's spot. Her eyes patterned like a galaxy and lime green stripes interrupting the otherwise perfectly toned hide. This warpstalker seeming to grin as its high elven master struts in.
The hunter's eyes are a blue like the sea, her hair a deep blood red, several golden rings line her long ears, and a four clawed scar lines the right side of her face (viewer's left) going from her nose ridge to the bottom edge of her ear. She wears a skull pauldron on her left shoulder, a breast plate of blue dragon scales, re-enforced jormungar leg-guards over sturdy leather shorts, jeweled blue dragon gloves, and a sturdy pare of plate covered boots. For weapons she's wearing two runed bloodstained titansteel blades at her hips, a mage-crafted rifle strapped her pack, and a rune-crafted bow slung to her pack with a neatly kept quiver.
"Hmm, this place looks like a warzone, but I guess it's a good place to rest while waiting up for the rogue dragons to show themselves," she spoke to her pet while kicking a bottle on the ground from her path.
Several pets followed in behind her. They were an albino hydra with battle worn scales, a perfectly groomed eagle sized parrot, a runed wolf with vibrant white mane-like back/neck fur, and a spirit cat that is a child of the troll god Har'Koa.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:12 pm
by Saturo
((I won't tell you how to enter, it would prevent you from fleshing out your character, but have a look on the earlier posts, see how we did, and think of something that fits your character. In fact, the post above me is an perfect example of a nice entrance. Just do something that fits your character. This kind of thread is like co-writing a book, only difference being that you need to get to know the other characters, to try and create a nice plot, by trying I figure out preemptively how the others will react.))

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:22 pm
by U MAD
((Got it.))

"One step." The elderly man walking in with his cane said, keeping time and controlling his feet with amazing precision.

"Two step." He looked as though he could barely even walk, like, he was going to keel over and die at any moment, of course he wasn't because he was actually in his twenties and had just recently been suffering from the dreaded 'look and talk and walk like an old man' disease. The most powerful disease in all of Azeroth. Most people shortened it down to Latawlaom Disease, partly because that sounded cooler but also because you could say it all in one breath.

The elderly, or young man, depending on how you saw things sat down at a little table and looked on from behind his huge bushy eyebrows which kept you from seeing his beady little eyes. The man was dressed in a humongous black cape, a red shirt and over the top of that a white jacket which was completed with a pair of white pants. His hair was thinning now and he was almost completely bald.

Goldsmith was his name and Goldsmithing was his game. He had smithed enough gold in twenty years to last him a lifetime and was pleased with his life so far. Apart from the fact he had that accursed disease. He spluttered as he sat down and took a sweet out of his pocket. He unwrapped it with ease and popped it into his mouth and kept chewing. Wondering what all these people were up to and if the bar sold absinthe.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:26 pm
by Emowin
Emowin peaks out from behind her wall of fur and scales at the high elf that just came strutting in. Most of the pets in her wake she had seen on other occasions, having a runed wolf much like the new comers. But then her eyes fall on the spirit cat, she squinted at it and whispered "Zuse?" No that was impossible, Zuse was out there some where with her adoptive sister Nightshade. She allso happened to know that the god Har'koa allowed few to bond with the sacred kittens. She eye balled the elf again and made a note not to piss her off, eather she stole the kitten or she had done some thing great in the eyes of the god, or perhaps it had even been the kittens choice. What ever the case maybe she would have to keep on eye on her.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:40 pm
by rubybeam
rubybeams looked at the green dino with his head in the wall " so he's like a puppy huh?" she patted the devilsaurus holding up a piece of rinolious wormsteak feeding it to the devilsarus " i hope u don'tmind i'm nore like a druid than i hunterand prefer to kill to killbeasts unless i need something from them " she looked over to it's master "i'm sorry for the trouble my rino and worm caused my worm always seems hungry and my rino has a fear for lots of things" looking at the rino with his legs shakeing at the sight of the dino

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:43 pm
by Saturo
Tael looked at the newcomers, and wondered what they might be doing here. He remembered what a wise troll had once said to him. "If ya be' wantin' ta knoo 'bout wha' peoples be doin', ya betta' be playin' it smooth.". So he graciously walked over to the bar, sat down only a table away from the "old" man, and remembered what the troll had told him to say if he "be wantin' ta' "learn" about peuple, you be catchin' me grift mon?".

Tael leaves forward, about to say something when he realizes that every time he's been following the old mans "tips" he's been slapped, kicked, shot, and of course the one time he was jumped by a group of Tauren on his way home. He might not be wanting to "get ta' be knowin'" this man.

"What happened to your legs?", he asks instead.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:57 pm
by U MAD
Turning round slowly the old man realised that Tael was talking to him. He slapped his lips and licked them about two times, or maybe it was three, it was so fast that only two licks could be accurately seen. After Goldsmith felt he had moistened his lips enough he rubbed each lip against eachother and then finally, after feeling he was ready to speak began to speak.

"I drank a poisoned absinthe and." The elderly man trailed off, not knowing what to say, not that there was really a need to because anyone could work it out unless they were completely stupid. "I caught Latawlaom" He lifted one hand to his face and rubbed it slightly.

"Boy. Do they have absinthe here?" The Goldsmith grinned. He was clearly an alchoholic and hadn't really been interested in Tael to begin with. Just getting himself drunk silly on something really strong, beer wouldn't do.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:05 pm
by Saturo
"What Eddie doesn't store, the vending machine creates.", Tael explains, and lifts the Gnome up by the collar of his robe. "The Gnome, seemingly offended by being treated so badly even by his own Alliance, told Tael in a squeaky voice "Please put me down."

"Or what?", Tael asked, clearly not scared by the puntable little guy.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:24 pm
by rubybeam
rubybeam scowled at the gnome she hated them for one trying to keep her as a research spicemen once

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:55 pm
by Chrizesu
Absently scratching her spirit cat behind the ears the elf sized up the others around the room, if she would call it much of a room. She actually couldn't stand the alliance much and even scowled at the gnome, wondering if she should put it out of its misery. The thought was discarded as these people probably wouldn't appreciate the culling of their vending machine. Instead she just found a comfortable looking spot to slump in, and being an elf couldn't help but still look graceful. Her back was against her purple companion who by now had firmly decided to stay in this dimension. The rest of her pets arranged themselves around her as if led by a hidden cue, well, except for the Hydra. This three headed reptile suddenly decided to start arguing with itself.
The sharp hisses and grunting stopped however as the hunter bark towards it, "Cease Salt, your constant chattering is wearing on my mind."
Salt bowed all three heads submissively and went to lay in front of a fireplace that conveniently suddenly decided to exist in this rp.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:58 pm
by Magnakilro
"I don't mind if you feed or pet him. I'm sure he'd like the friendly gestures. Only times he's angry are if me or his stablemates are in danger....then he's an entirely different animal." explained Mag as he watched ruby feed the dinosaur. Yoshi happily ate the meat and started sniffing ruby. He was obviously looking for more. He then looked at the worm and the rhino. He tilted his head curiously at the rhino, wondering what its so scared of.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 8:06 pm
by rubybeam
rubybeam petted her rino telling him that this one isn't going to harm him sootheing and calming the beast rubybeam was looking at her beloved snowleopard tombraider she was sleeping soundly by the fire sje wanted some fun so she forced the vending machine to wear a dunce helmet of course the gnome was sweating but she couldn't help it

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 4:40 pm
by Emowin
Lyca, being the canine that she was, had been slowly and covertyly trying to climb onto Emowins lap. Emowin would scratch her lovingly behind the ears and she would scooch up futher. By the time she was halfway to her goal Emowin giggled. "And they call you a beast. No self respecting wolf would be trying to curl up on my lap." Lyca smiled a wolfy smile and tryed to wiggle up further, but Emowin pushed her heavy body back down so that just her head layed in her lap. "Honey butt I love you dearly but your to heavy to be a lap dog." Lyca huffed out her nose and slapped the flore with her tail. Ambush eyed the wiggiling furry tail and started slapping at it with his heavy paws. Salty gave a warning hiss to the kitten, he didn't want a repeat of the flying lion incedent again, the young lion had allmost hurt their mommy. Ambush stoped slapping at Lycas tail and promptly climed up on top of saltys shell and peared down over the edge at the old man. That was fine with him as long as the kitten wasnt cauzing chaos again.

Re: Forum Role-Playing

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2010 6:36 pm
by Saturo
Bored with the recent events, and the fact that his explosive wall didn't work, Tael decides to continue working on his flying machine. He takes a small leatherbound notebook from his bag, and starts scribbling down into it. He takes up his Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor and starts attaching small screws and engine parts, cogs, gears, to a frame of Tempered Titansteel.

He begins working on attaching the chair and the engine to the rest of his contraption, and decides to build a retractable cabriolet roof from the flying rug. He attaches some Saronite armor plates around the vehicle too, to make it more durable. Finishing his build, he looks proudly on it. But it seems to be missing something... Ah, of course! He's a goblin engineer, and he has forgotten to put any bombs on the vehicle!

He walks over to the explosive wall, and pulls out some guns, one of the bombs and a bunch of landmines. Everything seems to be wrapped up neatly in some of the roots from the Druids spell. He attaches a launching system of sorts to the underside of the Gyrocopter. The system revolves around a slingshot, designed to eject the bomb at a point directly beneath the vehicle. He also built a device to drop the landmines on anyone beneath him. He attached the guns together, and attached the Rotating Guns Turret to the front of the vehicle.

"Excellent!", he proudly exclaims, as he looks at the finished device. Almost immediately he gets sad however... How the fekktig is he going to get it out of the inn!?