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Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:47 am
by cowmuflage
It would have to be a very big ceiling to hold Skum haha

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:48 am
by Vephriel


Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:49 am
by cowmuflage
Oh god its like hes perveing on me XD

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 4:50 am
by Chimera
o.o epic. so much epicness. i love it XDDD!!!!!!!!! that just trumped having vyra spawn ontop of me hust half an hour ago lols

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:16 am
by evil950510
It’s kind of creepy. Just think about lifting the cover to the crawl space in your ceiling and he pops out!!

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:05 pm
by zedxrgal
Vephriel wrote:xD

I'm so making that my new sig!!!

I will make some runs through there before I decide if I do /do not like the changes. It's a long dungeon and at the time was very enjoyable. But if the reduce the size and dumb it way down then it won't be very fun anymore. Just kind of waiting to see what those changes will be.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:24 pm
by Makoes
if its anything like Sunken temple...I will no longer find it enjoyable.

Blizzard might as well just put all the bosses at the start in a nice little row, for the amount of castrating they are giving dungeons...

Somewhere along the way, the concept of running dungeons for fun, because they are fun got ruined by running dungeons just for loot.

I wish they'd impliment a nostelgia version of the dungeons for those of us that actually appriciate the dungeons for the complexities and chellanges.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 12:25 pm
by Moonlost
Vephriel wrote:xD


That pic makes me so happy. You would not believe how much I am grinning right now. My brother is giving me strange looks as a cackle to myself.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 2:25 pm
by Acherontia
Speaking of dungeons, does anyone else miss the OLD SFK?

Wolves, wolves everywhere?

Fenrus... where art thou! ...He should be a rare somewhere now! I like that Silverlaine summons the ghost wolves and worgen, but it still is sad the rest are gone :(

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:01 pm
by Chimera
I do miss old SFK :( It was like the before and after in the grizzly hills quests. At SFK's lvl you kill Arugal, he gets buried outside the keep as a result, then when your in grizzly hills and you take that vision, you see that the lich king has his minion guys (san'lyan?) dig him up and bear a new army of worgen who by far are a lot more usefull then turning them into zombies lol

I kinda want Thunder Lizards to be tameable now lol... I want to tame Skum, i'll name him Ceiling XDD

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:08 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
The changes to SFK make sense with the new story line in Silverpine. /shrug
I miss the worgen, but I'm also in love with the new story.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:24 pm
by cowmuflage
I miss the old vanilla worgen. Look alot better than the new ones imo.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:27 pm
by Chimera
Yea i really do love the new questlines but i do miss the fact that they're removing parts of the game (wrathgate for perfect example) because they're moving the ENTIRE game forward. Except Outlands. Thats still back in the freaking stone-age.

They used to have it where your in Azeroth. Your prime goals are to defeat Ragnaros, the Prince guy who owns Windseeker, help trash the already trashed Ahn'quiraj kingdom, and defeat the two most powerful children of Deathwing. Congragulations, you've done it!

Now, you must go to Outlands and defeat the terrors there and save Azeroth from another invasion! Congragu-- wait! You must return to azeroth to help stop time from being altered by an 'evil dragonflight' and theres some funky things going on at Karazhan! Congragulations you've saved us all!

You must now take the fight to Arthas himself and save us from the undead legions and Malygos before he destroys all magic weilders. Congragulations! Azeroth is saved from all its threats, we can now live in... *baboom baboom earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions* Oh god its Deathwing!

Heroes you must save us from the Twilight Cult!! Our world is being torn apart by dragons and elemental beings! But this is also the perfect time to bolster out defensives and reayd ourselves for a massive offence against the alliance/horde!

>_> >_> i sees what i did thar. lol.

With all the hype Wailing Caverns gets, i think they need to redo Northrend Barrens quests and have more of them circle around there. All the old sect of Druids of the Fang that didnt turn evil are now inside the dungeon but they should be on the outside too helping you lead up through a series of quests to finally entering and ridding the caverns of the slithering threat (hehe :P)

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 3:36 pm
by rubybeam
cowmuflage wrote:I miss the old vanilla worgen. Look alot better than the new ones imo.
If your wondering theres still one of the world worgen exsiting, its a rare in silverpine known as 'lost son of argual'

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:29 pm
by Acherontia
rubybeam wrote:
cowmuflage wrote:I miss the old vanilla worgen. Look alot better than the new ones imo.
If your wondering theres still one of the world worgen exsiting, its a rare in silverpine known as 'lost son of argual'
Yeah, I had a friend of mine who was rather upset they removed those guys--level 20 elites in a lvl 15 or so zone. You'd be questing killing worgen and then BAM, Son of Arugal right in your face, and you die. The day after he was reminiscing, I was leaving Silverpine for Hillsbrad and got a debuff called "Chilling" or something, with the tooltip "A chill runs down your spine..." or something along those lines. It's apparently the debuff that the new rare version of the old elite gets--he's still level 19 or 20, still hits like a truck, but now has Lost attached to his name :P My friend was quite happy to hear he was still around!

And regarding Grizzly Hills, actually--half of the Worgen hints were due to Arugal being resurrected and resuming his activities but in Northrend. In fact, when you kill him, it's only a "shade of Arugal" or something--it's rather silly that he's simply vanished now O.o I kinda assumed that the new SFK and heroic SFK would prominently feature him and relate him to the worgen. It's disappointing that they haven't, and I'd forgotten about it till now--I guess he didn't mesh with their epic (ly bad) retcon : /

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:56 pm
by Gimlion
Makoes wrote:if its anything like Sunken temple...I will no longer find it enjoyable.

Blizzard might as well just put all the bosses at the start in a nice little row, for the amount of castrating they are giving dungeons...

Somewhere along the way, the concept of running dungeons for fun, because they are fun got ruined by running dungeons just for loot.

I wish they'd impliment a nostelgia version of the dungeons for those of us that actually appriciate the dungeons for the complexities and chellanges.
I agree 100%... ST was my favorite dungeon ever, and I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive Blizz for turning it into the POS it currently is.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:34 pm
by cowmuflage
Well Acherontia it's sad but blizz is trying to make it that Arugal never happend or something O.o I liked him and his worgen. SFK was a awesome dungeon pre cata. Allso duskwood was kind of scary with the old worgen. A girl can dream that they will come back one day.

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:37 pm
by Lisaara
cowmuflage wrote:Well Acherontia it's sad but blizz is trying to make it that Arugal never happend or something O.o I liked him and his worgen. SFK was a awesome dungeon pre cata. Allso duskwood was kind of scary with the old worgen. A girl can dream that they will come back one day.
Where did you read that? Arugal DID happen, cow. Blizzard isn't changing that. The undead/Forsaken took over. Thats all. The worgen lore mentions Arugal quite a bit.

and whats Arugal got to do with Wailing Caverns exactly? o.o;

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:40 pm
by cowmuflage
We were talking about vanilla worgen :roll:

Re: New vs. Old wailing Caverns

Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 6:47 pm
by Lisaara
cowmuflage wrote:We were talking about vanilla worgen :roll:
But topic is about Wailing Caverns, yes? Just thought I'd throw that reminder in. :3 But if one of ya'll decide to make a topic on the worgen, I'll gladly hop in.