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Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:13 pm
by Nachtwulf
To reiterate what lots of people want:

White/Gray/Black lynxes (C'mon, they have to come in other colors besides 'poop brown' and 'mustard and ketchup'
One or two low-level spiny windserpents (maybe Azzere could get one since his red skin is no longer difficult to obtain)

and most importantly

Channeled roots? Horrid idea!
Spell interrupts? Either fix the AI to be smarter or replace with something less totally worthless

Ferocity with a stun would be great. Or a snare that wasn't channeled (which is useless since KC breaks it)

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:19 pm
by Delphinie
I would like to see a Snake kinda in the designed like the lower part of the Naga.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:01 am
by Oswen
Nachtwulf wrote:To reiterate what lots of people want:

Channeled roots? Horrid idea!
Spell interrupts? Either fix the AI to be smarter or replace with something less totally worthless

Ferocity with a stun would be great. Or a snare that wasn't channeled (which is useless since KC breaks it)

I partially agree with this.
Spell interrupts however are totally fine, i can solo interrupt an Alysrazor add if our 10-man raid lacks kickers and in pvp with the right setup interrupting pets can be pretty annoying. Of course you have to manage the interrupt yourself but that's actually better than letting them interrupt whatever they want.

As for the channeled root i totally agree, it's useless on every level.
We already have ferocity pets with a stun (wasps) so i could see dogs getting a "Ravage-like" ability increasing phisical damage taken and basically becoming a ferocity alternative to ravagers (which are cunning).
As for me it never made sense that scorpid lost a poison-like ability to get a disarm, if any tenacity pets were to get "Clench" it had to be crabs, it would be nice if they can get that ability while scorpids could get a sunder armor/cast slowing/stun/movement slowing poison like ability.
If that can't be done well...i guess a stun could work too since there aren't any tenacity pets (not counting exotic shale spiders) with a stun at the moment.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:30 pm
by Nachtwulf
The problem with spell interrupts the way the pet AI is now limits their usefulness. You don't have to just manage the interrupt, you have to turn EVERYTHING off, including Bite/Smack/Claw. Otherwise the pet spams the hell out of whatever is set to autocast, meaning you have to try and catch it when it's not on GCD.

With Hysteria, I also run into this problem, but I can usually furiously mash the button enough times to get it to go off at least -close- to the time I want it to happen. Unfortunately, interrupts are a little more precision-focused than a heroism clone, meaning by the time you get your pet to squeeze an interrupt in between the claw spam, whatever the mob was casting is over and the interrupt is wasted. Also if you're mashing the interrupt button, you're not hitting any of YOUR buttons, thus nerfing your dps.

Or, like I said, you can shut down ALL your autocast abilities, and render your pet a gimpy mobile interrupt bot and (at least in my case) dropping a good 2k off my overall dps. And I don't like that much either.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:28 am
by Bubu
No more recolored spirit beasts. Poor Gondria :O(
I'd like the way it was before - every single SB has it's own unique design.
Yes, we should say thanks to Cata for Ghostcrawler and Ban'thalos? but IMO Karoma was a 'lil bit too much.
At least the skin design wasn't even close to Skoll...
And yes to SB croc or slime or worm or whatever - but once again only with unique skin design.
Dark spirit beast is a brilliant idea, thanks Britany :O)

And yes, more black/dark skins plz :O)

PS: Oh, I forgot... MORE STABLE SLOTS PLZ! :headbang:

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:49 pm
by Snipely
I wish for a few things in 4.3.

The first is more Tameable dinosaurs. I know they're not officially members of the family, but for the sake of ease of programming, Terrorsaurs should be made into bats, Diemetrodons should be crocolisks.
I can't wait for Hydras, but was a little bummed to see they will get Crit buff. it's a great buff, but I just wish it was something unique.

My idea? How about a buff we don't already give out. I like the idea of the mage's int buff. Named... wait for it... Three heads are better than one.

As for spirit beasts. I totally agree with the no more cats motion. I usually use Arcturis or Ghostcrawler. Why? Because it's the only way to have a DPS bear or crab. Plus, they're funny.
I'd like to see a ghost bat with a dark theme. That would be soooo freaking cool, especially for my new undead friends.
A ghost rhino would crack me up. Same with a Gorilla, especially one with a leafy green motif. Think the Agility enchant effect, but alive and scratching its butt.
I love the tanky pets, but rarely get to pull them out in raids. This should be what Spirit beasts should be for. No more remakes of Ferocity pets. They're already plenty popular.

I would like gyreworms to be tameable. I know some are elementals, but many count as beasts. My little goblin heart would swell to have an animated pile of gears as a pet.

I, like everybody, could go on for days with a wish list, but those are this big ones.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:02 am
by AzureWolf
there are a few 'new' pets i'd like to see but before they do that, i'd need a bigger stable (i only got a few spaces left so i need to be picky bout what i tame next =( ) . would they be able to do it like the mounts or companion pets... i mean, make it that big (or at least bigger then it is now)

but i'd like a fiehawk as a pet (could make firehawk hatchling as a companion pet) or one of the hell hound thingys (from hyjal, forget what they call em)

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:20 am
by Daisypoo
I really, really want a panda! It being a spirit beast would be even better

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:34 am
by Niabi
Pet wishes for Patch 4.3 and beyond ...

1. I'd like to see every one of these beasts be made tamable:

2. I'd like to see Cower removed. It's pretty much a useless ability since Growl can just be toggled on and off as needed for soloing and raiding. Edit: It was brought to my attention that Cower no longer reduces threat.

3. Old pet skins, prior to those introduced in Burning Crusade, could desperately use updated graphics. Please Blizzard! Show these pets some much needed pixel love!

4. I'd like to see a Sugar Glider companion pet added to the game. I shall name mine Sweetums! :hug:

5. Many well-known characters have already been added as NPCs to the game, such as Breanni from and Nyhm from his infamous YouTube videos. I'd like to see tribute given to Mania as well. Petopia is THE bread and butter website for so many of us hunters ... it just seems right to have her commemorated in the game somehow.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:39 am
by Kalliope
@Niabi: Cower was changed to a damage reduction quite some time ago: It no longer reduces threat.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:57 am
by Niabi
Kalliope wrote:@Niabi: Cower was changed to a damage reduction quite some time ago: It no longer reduces threat.
It was? My bad.

I need to pay more attention to these kinds of things.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:19 am
by Kalliope
No worries, you're far from the only hunter to miss it. :) It's no wonder, since cower is still not a hugely exciting spell, regardless of how effective it is. ;)

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:28 am
by GormanGhaste
Daisypoo wrote:I really, really want a panda! It being a spirit beast would be even better
Would go well with Mists of Pandaria!

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:15 am
by meepitco
Here's my list:
1. HYDRAS!!! I wanna tame the purple one so badly! (And as a extra, make them for every spec?)
2. More Lynx, Devilsaur, and Bear skins, they're underloved (And underestimated)
3. An Onyx type Wind Serpent. I think that would look so damn cool. (Or shall we take it to the Badass level? :lol: )
4. More Warpstalker and bat and Tallstrider skins. They're so underloved!
5. Either a Warpstalker or a Fox spirit beast.
6. ... land2.html to be added in-game as a Rare of Common. I would LOVE one.
Well...that's my longish list ._.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:35 pm
by Arcanimus
My list:

1. Low-to-the-ground Serpents as tameable (think Adder/the ambient snakes in ZG)
2. Non-Exotic Ghost Wolf (Grimtotem Spirit Guide/Karoma model)
3. Change Dogs' family ability to the 4% Physical damage debuff, or make it the old Hamstring pet ability (Tendon Rip)
4. Change either Wind Serpent or Dragonhawks Family ability to something not covered. Maybe a ranged snare (Wind Serpent).
5. An exotic that induces the 10% physical haste buff. Hydra, maybe?

I'm just hoping and praying on the last one here, but:

6. Tamable "Swarm of Wasps/Bees" or Tamable Flying Nerubian (Spider family)

to further elaborate on some of the changes:
(3) The physical damage debuff can be explained by the dog's teeth leaving a deep wound in the target, creating a vulnerability to future strikes. The Hamstring ability can be explained by the Dog being commanded to attack the legs/moving ability of the target, slowing its escape/pursuit.
(4) Ranged slow on Wind Serpent could be easily explained by a ball of energy from the mouth of the Beast striking the target, causing the target to be statically charged.
(5) Mainly for buff accessability in this case, as 2 specs and 1 class can currently provide the buff. Would be better if the pet was non-exotic, but I don't see that happening.

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 3:48 pm
by GormanGhaste
Arcanimus wrote:Tamable Flying Nerubian (Spider family)
Yes, please!

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 8:48 am
by ahnalia
My wish-list:
New Tenacity pets:
shoveltusk bore
new bear skins
more "ancient" turtle colors to choose from

New Ferocious:
more lynx colors
a saber moonstalker would be cool, or a greyish colored saber like that one cat mount.
a regular non saber "ice" cat
more hunched cat colors (I like their shiny look and red eyes)

New Cunning:
new dragonhawk colors

Hydra or dragonhawk would look cool

And for the love of God and all that is holy.. MORE F*!@ing STABLE SLOTS!

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:52 am
by Mychelle
Pets I want tameable:
Talbuks (If I can ride them, I should be able to tame them. Damnit.)
Stags (Would be awesome looking for Nightelf hunters.)
Low-ground snakes.
Hydras. (Dur.)
Fairie Dragons
The hellhounds out of firelands... /drool (In my wildest dreams.)
More Dino's from Ungoro!

Remodel / New Styles of:

New Spirit Beasts:
This is a cat lover saying she doesnt want anymore cats. >.<
Snake (<---This)
Wind Serpent
Fox (<---This too. Only if it has three tails. Or I will be disapoint.)

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:23 am
by yaginoashi
Lol I am imagining how much the fire hawk would shrink if it were tamed :P but what perfectly sane hunter wouldn't want one of those beauties? Seriously the most beautiful Blizzard creation I have seen so far <3
-metal skins would be nice....but would we count something made of metal as a "beast"? unless it was a cyborg...but then again how in the heck do you explain the awsomeness that is the shale spider?? it is a pile of animated rock & crystal-clearly not a beast!
-reskins....instead of having to go back and try to make it even more bad@ss looking the second time around, why not allow players the ability to customise their tamed pets, to a certain degree? Sort of like the barbershop, but for pets. EVERYONE loves the ability to customise. Ovcourse, that idea would probably need it's own patch ^^
what about a phoenix- like the mounts but tameable? It could even count as a spirit beast.
I know I'm probably asking for a lot when I am saying this, but what about NEW beasts that are not allready in the game?

Re: Pet wishes for 4.3 (and beyond)

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:30 am
by yaginoashi
Oh yea I almost forgot!
More pets MUST mean more stable slots or else the balance of the universe will be out of whack!!
and... what about adding/fixing some pet animations? For example.. Loque & skoll do this rediculous scuttle when you get too far ahead of them....because they are perpetually walking exept for their first glorious rush into battle where they then are first on one side of the screen and then zooom on the other side!!! I would like to see some cute pet idle animations for our tamed pets just like our companion pets have, but thats just me being all girly :P