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Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:04 pm
by Protego
Alright for this post. Glad it's here. I have my mind that need to be heard. Complaints: Thus far, there's no new Devilsaur colorations love and no brand-new Spirit Beasts. I expect 5.1 to come soon. Besides 1 of those epic white Arcane "serpents" I'm not really gonna get too much else.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:07 pm
by Loki
Protego wrote:Alright for this post. Glad it's here. I have my mind that need to be heard. Complaints: Thus far, there's no new Devilsaur colorations love and no brand-new Spirit Beasts. I expect 5.1 to come soon. Besides 1 of those epic white Arcane "serpents" I'm not really gonna get too much else.
The devilsaurs don't have any colors left in the game files if I recall correctly. These old-world rares are merely filling out skins that have sat unused in the files rather than adding any new ones, so we won't see any this time around.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:17 pm
by Lisaara
Loki wrote:
Protego wrote:Alright for this post. Glad it's here. I have my mind that need to be heard. Complaints: Thus far, there's no new Devilsaur colorations love and no brand-new Spirit Beasts. I expect 5.1 to come soon. Besides 1 of those epic white Arcane "serpents" I'm not really gonna get too much else.
The devilsaurs don't have any colors left in the game files if I recall correctly. These old-world rares are merely filling out skins that have sat unused in the files rather than adding any new ones, so we won't see any this time around.
That was my guess. majority of these were skins we had but were unused or used. Nothing actually brand spanking new.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:50 pm
by Kalliope
Junrei wrote:That was my guess. majority of these were skins we had but were unused or used. Nothing actually brand spanking new.
Or new combinations of things that already existed, yup!

Like Sparkwing, who I was really not expecting to see. Who is growing on me. Who I technically do not have room for. :|

It goes without saying that I have absolutely loved all of these new additions! Except maybe Parasitus, who freaks me out. >_< But even he adds so much flavor and personality to his surroundings that I can't hold that against him.

I definitely have my favorites (Venomspine who posed so well for the video, Gnath the adorable swimmer, Grovepaw the soulful wolf who suits my Hector far more than Deathmaw, the Deep Tunneler who's dug himself a hole in one of the most obscure places imaginable, Hugeclaw the mighty defender of the rock), much like I have favorites amongst the older Azerothian rares (....this means you, Chatter, among others) and don't care whether the skins they have are new or not. I remember when many of the Azerothian rares were simply a differently skinned common beast for that area. They weren't always unique. Noah's done so much to change the face of Azeroth and now he's done it again. It's just plain wonderful.

And well....Bombyx is in this patch too. And that adorable blob of evil cannot be ignored either. Wonderful and evil!

I'm in complete agreement with Caelan and her post....and have already been visiting many of the rares' spawn locations on live. :lol:

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:54 pm
by Kyria
Kalliope wrote:And well....Bombyx is in this patch too. And that adorable blob of evil cannot be ignored either. Wonderful and evil!
Oh god, do not even start me. :lol: Precious BB! Such a troll!

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:54 pm
by Electraa
Maybe someday they whip up some more Devilsaur skins.

Eitri really doesn't like the female devilsaur's and their boring Un'goro skins.

besides, who doesn't want devilsaur hatchlings? ;3

Anyways, I only have two spare pet slots, and well..
I probably wont be getting anything except Sunwing.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 2:57 pm
by Lisaara
Indeed Kalli! That moth is absolutely breathtaking and so is bombyx! And I thought Pat was a PITA to track....

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 3:21 pm
by Sasrei
Im excited for quite a few of them ok.. alot of them. Especially the windserpents and that dragonhawk! I just wish they'd use more skins we really want (like the orange chimera, and the golden saber cat) instead of using alot of skins that are already used on rares. I know we have a few more to find but im still hopeful :)

I really want that golden kitty! im still holding out hope for just one gyreworm, I mean we have gem cats, stone spiders, gem birds so its not really that much of a stretch.

The only thing that could really make me happier then these rares and sbs and what not.. them saying they are taking off crz lol. Cause this is going to suck.. its hard enough right now to find alot of old world rares.. imagine what its going ot be like with so many rares..

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 4:20 pm
by Moonlost
I admit as to being really surprised to hearing all about these new rares coming out of the woodworks. Part of me wonders whether or not they were originally meant to be added in Cataclysm (as I do recall seeing a lot of these names being datamined at one point during early-cata-beta) but this is the first time the Dev team really had the time to put them in. I imagine the poor guys were overworked as hell during that expansion.

But I'm really glad to see them here nonetheless. So many new rares, and so many new skins! If we weren't spoiled already, we certainly are now. XD Whilst I doubt Durana will be taming many of these new and wonderful beasts (I think it's an arcane serpent for me and not much else), I've been fighting the urge to roll up another hunter just to give some of these guys a chance to be part of my stables.

Manas, the Wings of Fate

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:33 pm
by Lupis
I am more than thrilled with all of the rares and I in no way want to make it seem as if I'm not endlessly grateful.


Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:36 pm
by Kurasu
I'm in agreement. WAAAHHHHH! As happy as I am to see the black skin, I really, *really* loved Sunwing as that glorious armored coloration. D: I think there's gonna be a lot of backlash for that change. I know *I* was considering the newest skin, thinking to myself it might replace my lovely Blueskies. The black.... I don't know now.

Still, it is beautiful! And hopefully if one skin has been changed, others will be added. It's just a shame it's happening after my bedtime tonight. :(

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:37 pm
by Lupis
Oh, his new skin is drop dead gorgeous, I won't deny that. It's my second favorite. And really, in beta, I can't say it was promised to us that we'd even get that armored skin- it was tentative, t'is what beta is for.

I'm still going to be upset though. xD I counted my chickens and now I want the unhatched ones more than any of those other ones.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:42 pm
by Kalliope
There have been a few other changes, which will be reported on in due course!

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 10:46 pm
by Ziarre
Yay black dragonhawk skin! Shame that we lose the armored one in the process, but I've been wanting the black and silver skins for a while (and deeply envious of the guy in Netherstorm that has one).

Also yay that Pent seems happy about Toxx. :]

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:33 pm
by Miacoda
Like omg I am so sad omg why did this happen omg
And the Deep Tunneler omg I am so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad
I seriously could just sob over this T-T

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:51 pm
by Maizou
With the changes to Sunwing and Deep Tunneler, that's 2 less pets I'm interested in. xD

Now just Quall (I prefer the non ghostly look more, TBH), Dustwing, and Acroniss to tame in 5.1.

But blah. I was really looking forward to the armored Dragonhawk and the Burrowed Worm. D:

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 11:59 pm
by Neilaren
I'm very excited that there's a nether ray in this mess!

Blizzard remembers them They exist!

(... Are we surprised? Come on, it's ME.)

Why is it there, though? Poor thing wandered through the dark portal and got very lost! I'll be re-homing it every chance I get!

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:00 am
by Magnakilro
Neilaren wrote:I'm very excited that there's a nether ray in this mess!

Blizzard remembers them They exist!

(... Are we surprised? Come on, it's ME.)

Why is it there, though? Poor thing wandered through the dark portal and got very lost! I'll be re-homing it every chance I get!
There's actually 2 of em.

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:08 am
by Maizou
Neilaren wrote:I'm very excited that there's a nether ray in this mess!

Blizzard remembers them They exist!

(... Are we surprised? Come on, it's ME.)

Why is it there, though? Poor thing wandered through the dark portal and got very lost! I'll be re-homing it every chance I get!
A lot of families that were ignored seem to be popping up in rares. I counted 3 or 4 tallstrider rares in the files Wain posted. XD They just haven't popped up yet. I'm HOPING that just means they're making new colors for them to add at a later date. >_> <_<

Re: Rants/Raves On The New 5.1 Tameables!

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 12:24 am
by Zangor
at the current rate of builds there is still plenty of time for our spirit beasts and the rest of the rares to show up. but i am concerned for them at the moment. i hope blizzard comes through and we get some spirit beasts in pandaria finally!