Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Rawr »

Neither C'thun nor Yogg is dead, the only Old God that was confirmed dead is Y'Shaarj, and even Y'Shaarj's heart survived being pulled off Azeroth by Aman'Thul. We know the other two are still somewhat "alive" (Old Gods are neither dead nor alive) and we know this because Y'Shaarj is the only one to have "faded from existence" and destroying C'thun and Yogg would have done major damage to Azeroth (as it did when Y'Shaarj was pulled from Azeroth's crust). All Old Gods burrow deep to corrupt sleeping titan world-souls, like ours, so pulling them out or destroying them would more or less kill the planet. Aman'Thul, the leader of the titans, realized this and imprisoned them where they were and we stupidly unlocked the doors.

I think it would be great to see new, old, and unused silithid and ravager models in the game, maybe even some fel corrupted ones. Bugs need some love :hug: :mrgreen:


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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Valnaaros »

They are actually dead, at least physically. Xal'atath confirmed that the only one still physically alive is N'zoth, who is the weakest of the four. Further, Cho'gall was trying to resurrect C'thun, because he is dead. The original theme of them being neither dead nor alive was propaganda spouted by a Old God zealot. Killing the Old Gods doesn't kill Azeroth. Only does so if you forcibly remove them from the planet, which is what happened with Y'shaarj. He had burrowed so deep that he was wrapped around an artery. When he was torn out, it tore the artery. The rest were imprisoned since the Keepers didn't have the power to kill them, and the Old Gods were too poweful at the time to be killed by anything other than the Titans.

Also, we didn't unlock their prisons. They have been gradually doing that on their own or via minions.
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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Rawr »

I can't find anything offical stating N'Zoth is the last Old God in existence.

The titans had the power to kill them but didn't for reasons stated above and ""They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle." was said by Herald Volazj who is a N'raqi or faceless one who were made from Old Gods stuff. I'm going to quote this here because I don't feel like wrighting it again:

"The Pantheon realized that the Old Gods had burrowed too deep to be excised from Azeroth without killing the nascent titan, and so they ordered their servants to instead imprison the vile gods, rather than killing them. The campaign of the titan-forged to contain the remaining three was long and brutal, but eventually they succeeded in containing the Old Ones below the surface of the world."

The only reson to go through that much effort of not destroying them is because their destruction would kill Azeroth.

Scepter of the Shifting Sands was used for what now? To unseal something, something that was locked?

I'm still confused as to why you think you need to rain on everyone's parade in here by bringing up things that will most likely have nothing to do with them, them being tamables in Siliths. I've said all that needs to be said so no need for a warning. :mrgreen:


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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Valnaaros »

"It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, and......well.....only one would remain to consume the world that was always meant to be." This what Xal'atath said, which confirms that the thee mentioned are indeed dead. And as I said, Cho'gall was trying to resurrect C'thun, because he was dead. The line from that C'thraxxi was only referenced once, and we don't even know that it is true. As I said, could easily be propaganda.

".... To be exercised from Azeroth..." which means they could not remove them without killing Azeroth. The only way the Titans could kill the Old Gods would be to remove them, which would kill her. The Keepers weren't strong enough to kill them, only imprison. When we fought the Old Gods, they were not completely free yet. If they were, they would've killed us as their full strength. We killed them because they were still partially restrained.

For us to get in and kill C'thun before he would be entirely free. The whole reason we unlocked the gate was because, if we didn't, he would eventually break free, return to full power, then destroy us all. We took the initiative by attacking him first. Same for Yogg.

I'm not raining on anyone's parade by bringing up the fact that Sargeras is going to stab a gigantic sword in Silithus, which devastates the whole region, which would kill or corrupt everything there. The only reason I brought up the Old Gods was to state that C'thun is not why Sargeras stabs that region.
And I have said that I do want that unused model in, but there is a better way to do it.

I don't know what you're talking about in regards to a warning.
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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Rawr »

I only going to address the last sentance as the rest is bs, the warning is because you like to argue and so do I but we normally get a warning to not do so. I could argue with you on this point and the fact that you like to rain on peoples parades in these forums often, but I'm not going to as it's not worth it. This is my last responce to you on this topic, please don't respond to me again as I won't answer. :mrgreen:


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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Valnaaros »

And this shall be my last response to you. You don't have to like my answer, but it is entirely based off of current, sound lore. New lore always trumps old lore. Has always been that way.

There is nothing wrong with a debate, so long as it doesn't become heated. If you're getting angry or annoyed over it, then that is you. I am not.

It is not raining on parades when I express an opinion and suggest a better alternative. I never said, "That unused model shouldn't be implemented, and your idea is stupid" or something like that. I explained why it probably can't work and an alternative to it. I am all for new models being implemented into the game, but I also want the lore to be sound in their implementation.

I have every right to express an opinion or view. You don't have to like it, nor do others, but I still have that right. :mrgreen:
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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Arthur »

I'd love to see this wasp added into Silithus! I'm not personally interested, but I'd be super happy for wasp fans if it was! :^)

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Re: Suggestion for silithid wasps in revamped Silithus

Unread post by Vephriel »

I think it's silly that such a thing even merits a debate in the first place. It's a missing skin, it would be cool to see it added in game, it doesn't have to be that deep. :)

Added my support Wain!
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