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Re: Developer Chat on Twitter - Friday, July 16

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:09 pm
by Saturo
Q. Concerning Marksmanship hunters, why is the PvP talent Resistance is Futile a prerequisite for PvE talent Marked for Death?
A. In an upcoming build it won’t be a prerequisite, and we want to change it to proc a free Kill Command instead of an instant critical.
Hey look, now MM will have even more pet-stuff! :(

Any news on BM?
EDIT: Or not. :D

Re: Developer Chat on Twitter - Friday, July 16

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:57 pm
by Dweezill
Well, it looks like we will get all 25 slots before cata comes out, so we can collect out little critters before they all go bye bye. I do have to say that I was really disppointed by that Q & A. I kinda figured that most hunter qustions would either be skipped over or an answere would be given that really gave no detail. At this point, going by what i saw, it seems that Blizz has no idea what they wanna do with Hunters/Pets at this point.

Tyvm Mania. I got a twitter account for nothing now. lol You did a great job of digging out all the hunter/pet info for me. Getting twitter and following the Q & A was a waste of time for me. lol

Re: Developer Chat on Twitter - Friday, July 16

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:39 am
by Kalliope
One of the biggest appeals to me about marks for PvE is that chimera shot refreshes serpent sting. Cobra Shot doing this for the other specs is great news! Now they just need some talents to buff it and we'll be good to go.