all the raider ladies?

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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Lupis »

Mm, I haven't seen any real sexism in WoW for a while. Of course I see the odd "Girls don't play WoW" but that isn't really sexism, in my eyes.
The guild I'm in has plenty of women in it. There are still more guys, but these guys are tolerable.
The only thing even close to sexism I have encountered was simply towards my character, not me. I play a Female dwarf (NOWAY! Catch it! Lay a trap! /send pet!) and lots of groups look at my portrait, see a female dwarf, and go "..NO WAY. The only female dwarf in the World of Warcraft is in our group." Sometimes people pick on it, queue "Cute pets don't make up for fugly Female Dwarves," but eh. I tend to have some fun with it. I now I'm a femdwarf and I'm proud of it.

I do have several male characters, because when I first started playing, I hated all of the female character models. That lead to a few awkward "You're a GIRL?!" cries, but I can live with it.

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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Adam-Savage »

I hear alot of the time that ppl will comment on how there isn't any real female players anymore. To many guys making female toons and dolling them and giving them girlish names. The typical excuse I hear to often is that they don't like to star at a male toons rear end all day.
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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Wassa »

My raiding guild is mostly all males. In fact, including me, we have three girl raiders currently. Sometimes it can be overwhelming with all the guy jokes, but I've gotten used to it.

I'm treated very well by my raiding guild and I'm also an officer. Only thing I notice is if I get pissed off by wiping on easy bosses, my commands to the raid are usually just blown off, but if any of the other officers (all male) get pissed, everyone shut up and listens. It's not like I get angry easy either. I'm known as the nice girl officer and everyone comes to me with guild problems and even real life advice, because I listen.

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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Jakkra »

Whenever I raid, I think I'm treated the same as everyone else, and people tend to like me around. It is frustrating, though, when you aren't recognized for playing your class well.. for example: I run Icecrown Citadel 10 with another guild than my own (because my guild is very very small) and one day we pugged another hunter because it helps a lot with the Saurfang encounter. All the guys proceeded to remark, "oh wow, a hunter that uses Misdirect!" to the new guy, when.. I use it every pull and when applicable to bosses. But I don't think that has anything to do with me being a girl. Whatever.

I do enjoy surprising guys when they say like, "thank you, sir" And I correct them, "m'am, actually ^_~" And they're all "my bad :O" I always find that amusing.
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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Vephriel »

Jakkra wrote:I do enjoy surprising guys when they say like, "thank you, sir" And I correct them, "m'am, actually ^_~" And they're all "my bad :O" I always find that amusing.
Heh, yeah that happens to me a lot. I think it's especially amusing when I'm on my Death Knight (a male character), and I'm tanking things. At the end if people are like 'Hey thanks man!' or something, I'll correct them and they'll be in shock that I'm a girl. Playing a male character. That's tanking.

They probably don't believe me half the time, but oh well. xD
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Re: all the raider ladies?

Unread post by Kalliope »

How on earth did I miss this thread....?!
kairii wrote:to all female raiders! do you find yourself a lil ... mis-treated? like trying to help and getting ignored just to have a guy say what you said 5 mins later?


It depends on the raid leader.

There are guys who are just won't listen to reason, regardless of who the good advice is coming from. It's pretty dumb and a waste of time, but at least it's not gender-based.

I've had one truly sexist RL before. He's kind of like the above-mentioned type, where he digs in his heels and doesn't listen to anyone who disagrees with him....but when it comes to females who disagree with him (especially the stubborn type, like myself), he gets downright insulting and attacks in personal ways that are based on gender and stereotypes that have nothing to do with the situation at hand.

It's kind of sad, really. Because I understand that he's just mouthing off out of his own insecurities as a leader, I find it really hard to get long-term pissed off anymore, but it's still pretty frustrating that he treats me (and others) differently because we're female.

I like my current raid leaders because they're confident in their own abilities (as they should be) and are willing to listen to their raiders, regardless of gender. It's how raiding should be. Sure, we all make mistakes on occasion and sometimes grump a bit at each other as a raid, but it's all impersonal, so we can focus on figuring out what exactly is going on in any given situation. A couple of the guys rib me for being female on occasion, but it's all in fun; I'm not the only female in the raid - it's personality-based joking.

All in all, I'm lucky to have my guild. :) Lotta females in there and people don't judge you based on your gender.

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