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Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:13 pm
by Warfish
#1. Gondria

#2. Skoll

#3. Devilsaur (named Gutripper)

#4. The Rest as Whim Strikes (Crab, Cobra, Unk'loc, Nuramoc, etc).

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:14 pm
by swordoath
Probably going to stick with Ramotith (my Echeyakee) until 85; we've been levelling partners since I first got him in the Barrens, so no reason to stop now.

Once I'm up to 85 he'll likely get stabled while I explore for new tames, but I never hesitate to call him if I need an experienced partner.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:21 pm
by Kurasu
Almost definitely Panzer, whether he's a Mudrock Spikeshell, or whether he 'ages' and turns into the ancient turtle from BFD (which I am almost defintiely going to do). If I need a DPS pet, I'll have so many other pets I wanna play with! So no clue! :(

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:23 pm
by swordoath
Kurasu wrote:Almost definitely Panzer, whether he's a Mudrock Spikeshell, or whether he 'ages' and turns into the ancient turtle from BFD (which I am almost defintiely going to do). If I need a DPS pet, I'll have so many other pets I wanna play with! So no clue! :(
I've already tamed Ghamoo-ra in anticipation. :)

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:37 pm
by Ryna
Smiley, my white worm is my standby soloing pet, so I will probably use him the most.
I do want to tame the dragon core hound for dungeons.
I'll use Gondria until I can find and tame Loque (I have the worst possible luck with him! I haven't even seen him alive when I've camped him, just Krush a few times!)
After that, it'll be a tossup between Twitch my brown silithid, Omnom the devilsaur (I need to replace him with Krush when I can find him alive and not get him slaughtered as I tame him..) and a topaz shale spider. :c)

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:50 pm
by Saturo
Sporebat Suski, Ravager Ravage and undead Spider Bones.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 6:51 pm
by pop
for my orc skoll and nuramoc and gezz when she is tamable.

for my dwarf arcturis and the orange dragonhawk and magmadar when he is tamable.

for my troll either louquenahak, ukhloc and princess huhuran when she is tamable

for my draenei gondria.

for my tauren her azuremyst biege moth and karoma when it's available.

for my undead hunter the brain exposed silithid, chromaggus and other undead themed pets

for my goblin, im not sure yet.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:08 pm
by Skyshot
It's a tough pick for me. I have three pets that I already feel have 'bonded' with my Orc rather closely. :D
One is my most recent tame that I've quickly grown to love. He's a black bear named Stoneclaw (Stoney for short).
The other is a swamp jaguar I had back in vanilla WoW and retamed with the expanded stables. His name is Rune.
The last is a brown devilsaur I tamed with Wrath and leveled with me to 80. He's called Brutus.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:13 pm
by Razzy
Proooobably the mastiff I want. I've watched their animations, and though they use the Worg base, they've edited it to look much more realistic, and I've fallen in love. And I like their special ability. x3

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:20 pm
by Bulletdance
My worm, Squirmadin! He can kill large groups at a time for more exp :D I love him.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:47 pm
by Yuku
1) Yuki: Blue/grey rare fox
2) Zero: Loque
3) Sambas
After that- oh heck i love them all- its going be sooooo hard to keep a single pet out!

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:44 pm
by Rhyela
I suppose I can't really use Nemaeus to tank tough stuff, so I will probably keep Sheldon on hand. He's been my main tank for a long time now and even though worms are great (love Mortimer!), Sheldon's my go-to turtle. I don't even have the heart to "upgrade" him to Ghamoo-ra. Sheldon is and always will be my little gray lump of love!

I think Naphthali (my red spider) will end up with me quite a bit, too. :)

With so many to choose from, it really will be hard to pick one or even a few "mains". So after thinking about it, mine will probably be:

1) Nemaeus (Duskfang)
2) Sheldon (turtle)
3) Shikon (Gondria) - love her and can't bear to leave her in the stables too long
4) Mortimer (currently ghost worm, will be the green one)
5) Naphthali
6) Apollyon (King Krush) - can't forget my best bud!

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:57 pm
by Wassa
Same pet I've leveled up with since level 20 back in vanilla. No pet can ever replace my Hahadori.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:03 pm
by wyndigo
I'll be leveling with my wolf Blackfell, again. He's been my pet since Vanilla. Though in this expansion I'll be calling on my turtle Smrgol for the ocassional group quest. Since Smrgol was Ghamoo-ra it seems he'll be getting a nice graphic change.

Zahk will be using Norman the warpstalker and Garthim the wind serpent. If I ever get around to leveling past 80 on him. =(

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:08 pm
by Acherontia
Gezzarak and Shango, in all likelihood--and Karoma, when I can get her :)

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:25 pm
by Valashe
When it comes to getting to level 85, it's me and Daishi (Loque).

After that, I really am not sure.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:30 pm
by Rhyela
Wassa wrote:Same pet I've leveled up with since level 20 back in vanilla. No pet can ever replace my Hahadori.
It warms my heart when people have pets for that length of time and still love them. :3 The Bond isn't always about what skills a pet has or how unique it is, it's the pet's personality we come to adore. :D That and Hahadori is the SC so she's just awesome by default. ;)

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:32 pm
by Loethlin
I had amazing time levelling with my boar and I'm not going to change it, therefore my BillShatner, whom I tamed as soon as I could, at lvl 10, will be levelling with me. I'll be taking my spirit beasts to dungeons, however. Most probably Arcturis, I love him to death. I might be using him when soloing group quests too.

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:37 pm
by Astratia
- Rak'shiri despite his colors changing. Going to have to figure out the reason for the Prince of Witnerspirng's fur change :)
- Ashtail will be making her showing in my group, will be the first pet I tame next patch
-Duskstalker has returned to my stables - was my first pet (tamed before I knew what a rare elite was xD) and will mature into a charming white spotted saber soon.
- Loque will be joining me in my travels as well ^^

My final team position will remain open for the opportunity to tame a rare if I come across one ^_~

Re: Your main pet when The Cataclysm comes?

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:23 pm
by Knowlton
My main team for Cataclysm:

Duke (Hill Fox)
Seabach (Ghamo-ra)
Nowaki (Scion of Quetz'lun)
Yet to be named Silithid (toss up between damaged or Buru)
was thinking of rotating Sambas, and a corehound, but now thinking it'll just be maggy