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Re: Araga Blind!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:06 pm
by ZeroEdgeir
I've had a couple "straight to survey" tickets recently. I think when it's just a blatant bug you can't really go into details with, that has no real warranted explanation, they just skip the pleasantries. However, asking for a survey on a GM that didn't even speak to you, is pointless.

Re: Araga Blind!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:25 pm
by Victorelle
maybe they are changing her eyes?

Re: Araga Blind!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:27 pm
by Raydex-of-the-dawn
I believe this actually has to do with the graphics. The last couple patches have automatcially reduced the settings - you might want to check them.

Re: Araga Blind!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:41 pm
by Kittykat
Raydex-of-the-dawn wrote:I believe this actually has to do with the graphics. The last couple patches have automatcially reduced the settings - you might want to check them.

This does not explain why all the OTHER similar models in the area still have eyes, and only Araga is missing hers. If it were a graphics resolution problem then the other cats in the area should logically have the same empty eye socket appearance. Only Araga is affected, no other cat models that I have seen so far.

If it were multiple cats with this bug , I would suspect my graphics resolution, but EVERYthing else in the game including eyes looks fine.

Re: Araga Blind!!!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:43 pm
by Ryai
She's most likely suffering the same syndroms as Bangladash suffered in early beta; his skin quality took a dramatic decrease and he also lost his eyes- they either were gone or reduced to very pixelated green flecks.

Going to check on my own Araga, will edit in a moment.



Well outside of the normal tooth glitch Araga has [along with several cat models], her eyes are perfectly fine. Perhaps you should try running a repair and deleting your cache.