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Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:50 pm
by KarmaKitty
Hunter's name: Karmakitten
Server name: Uldaman
Faction side: FOR THE HORDE!!!
Current Favorite Spec: Beastmastery
Current Favorite Pet: I like all the kitties..Right now I am digging my black lion Judus..AKA Humar the Pridelord.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:16 pm
by Melentari
Hunter's name: Oh, I have many. Melentari and Tanglewood are my main hunters, though.
Server name: Moon Guard (US)
Faction side: Alliance more than Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Survival
Current Favorite Pet: Either Mazzranache or the Ghost Saber.

I've been away from the game for a good few months, almost a year thanks to spontaneous computer death, but I've been peeking at Petopia the entire time because with all of the new additions, it's been like sneaking candy while on a diet. I've been playing for years thanks to a friend of mine who used to be a hardcore raider, but now both of us are more casual RPers.

Just recently, inspired by Petopia, I've started two new hunters on Wyrmrest to try theming - one hunter is only going to tame bugs, and the other is only going to tame reptiles. It surprised me how quickly I've liked the animations on a female Night Elf. I never thought I would, but it's actually pretty nice!

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:50 pm
by Jaronn
Hunter's name: Jaronn
Server name: Moon Guard
Faction side: I love the Horde best of all, but my current pleasure is Jaronn, who is on Alliance! *gasp*
Current Favorite Spec: I'm a hardcore Beast-master, but I like Survival too.
Current Favorite Pet: Thistle - blue fox

Summary: I've played WoW since the beginning, almost always a hunter though I have an 80+ of every class; most 85 and raid specced. I'm very proud to be in one of the better raiding guilds on my server, though I am a role-player at heart. I love writing, character development, and all that fun stuff.

I've known about Petopia since forever, but only recently joined as Jaronn sort of re-inspired my hunter-love and my appreciate for Alliance. I'll always be Horde at heart, but I haven't done Alliance since early WotLK so it has been like a whole new game almost and very enjoyable. :D

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:28 am
by Snickarz
Hunter's name: Snickarz
Server name: Azjol-Nerub
Faction side: Was horde for along time, Alliance since the start of cata
Current Favorite Spec: Beast Mastery will always be my fav but Survival for some PvP fun times
Current Favorite Pets: Starlight (Magria), Akali (Deth'tilac) tags along for some PvP fun :D

Summary: My main was a feral druid till cata, then started a hunter (finally). I ended up loving it, being able to tame just about anything that I wanted. My first pet I tamed was Ashtail, I then decided that this is what I wanted to do 'tame rares' and that is what I did.
I love hearing about peoples taming experiences and how happy it makes them, makes me happy too lol. I help a lot of hunters on my server tame the new rare beast if I see them struggling. Atm I just need solix to add to my stable, pitty he's being a bit to shy.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 10:42 pm
by KnightFall
Hunter's name: Thisil
Server name: Nesingwary
Faction side: Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Beastmastery
Current Favorite Pet: DragonHawks

I hope to be able to meet and play with most everyone here i also play a dwarf hunter on the Icecrown realm so if you have a alliance characther there feel free to /whisper me and chat with me when i'm on him his name is Thoisin.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 2:27 am
by Krypta
Hunter's Name: Krypta,Female NE
Server: Tanaris US
Faction: Alliance
Current Favorite Spec: Beastmaster always has been,though I`ve be dragged kicking and screaming to MM and SV from time to time
Current Favorite Pet: Cant pick just one but Ember,Margarita,Aslan and Apple are at the top
Pet Owned the Longest: Lucca formaly known as Gutripper,I`ve had him since early BC
How long I've been playing: Since Vanilla,I celebrate my 6yr Anniversay this November
Favorite thing to do in game: Ride through Winterspring,has been my favorite zone since I started playing.
Favorite WOW memory: Would have to be back in Vanilla,I was lvl 52 and I was killed by a lvl 60 Frost Saber Stalker.

I was forced to buy WOW(I wanted to buy The Sims2 Christmas Edition) almost 6 years ago,by my bestfriend. Spend 2 hours installing the darn thing,my first toon was a UD something,and to say I hated it isnt a strong enough word. I wasnt a happy girl almost $80. gone and what did I have to show for it a game I couldnt stand! Before tossing the game in the trash I looked at the different classes and races once more,and desided to give a NE Hunter a try,within an hour of creating Krypta I was a full blown junkie! By the time I reached lvl 10 and tamed my first pet I was completely inlove(even if my 1st pet ran away cause I didnt know how to feed him). Todate my hunter continues to be my favorite hands down,no other class even comes close,I have no clue how I managed to get a Priest and Druid to lvl 85.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 6:56 am
by Doc Privas
Hello! I'm Tenryu, I'm 26 years old (in two weeks)! I'm not new to WoW, I had a lvl 85 hunter and an old Petopia account, but now I'm using this new toon and I prefer to have the same nickname. Since I didn't post that much I re-present myself. ^_^

Hunter's name: Tenryu
Server name: Runetotem EU
Faction side: Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Beast Mastery
Current Favorite Pet: Saber worg (and Skoll of course)

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2011 1:20 am
by Karin
Hunter's name: Deli
Server name: Bad Ash Realms, Kick Ash.
Faction side: Alliance mostly.
Current Favorite Spec: BM has always been my main priority, but I do MM for raids.
Current Favorite Pets: My scorpion, Antares, and ghost wolf (not spirit wolf), Perish.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 1:45 pm
by fleetwreck
Hunter's Name: Znee Fleetwreck
Server: Wyrmrest Accord
Faction: Horde (though I do play a little ally-side)
Current Favorite Spec: BM!
Current Favorite Pet: It's a tie between my Rak'Shiri saber (unnamed for now) and Riptide, the ravager I tamed on Azuremyst (what a trip).
Pet Owned the Longest: Mook, a blue crab that I ran all the way to Westfall to tame when I was 13 or so. He saw a lot of use in my earlier levels, and still makes the occasional appearance. He's awesome.
How long I've been playing: I don't know the exact date...around 4-5 years? Or something? Since vanilla.
Favorite thing to do in game: Using the RDF on my priest with my favorite tank, and RP.
Favorite WOW memory: Guild meetings on Frey Island with my first RP guild, before there were NPCs there. We had our very own base.

I guess I'd say I'm kind of a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none. I like to do BGs, instances, quest, and I've currently got a character of every class above 20 (and all but three above 40 - not that either is much of an achievement now, hahah) - but I'm not a fantastic player or anything. I do love to roleplay, and above all else I really enjoy playing the game with my friends and meeting new people. I've been off-and-on for awhile now, and just started anew on WrA within the past year or so. Hunters are definitely one of my favorite classes!

Outside of WoW, I'm an almost-21 year old "artist" (it's a constant struggle with how I feel about that word) who works from home for a virtual pet website. I live with my bf (who also plays WoW, though has never been a hunter) and roomie and 3 cats.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:04 pm
by Wes1234
Main toon: Wesleytiger (even though I haven't played him for a bit)
Realm: Llane
Faction: Alliance
Favorite Spec: BM forever!
Favorite Pet: Cosmispire (Loque, the Spirit Beast)

I've been lurking around for a bit, but only just now decided to join the forums after wanting to share some of my rare pet taming experiences. I've been playing WoW for roughly two years and I'm an avid PvPer on my Hunters and my Feral Druid, Wesleycat. Yes, I said Hunters, as in I dual-box two Human Hunters, in addition to doing PvP solo on my main Hunter, Wesleytiger. You'll usually see me in-game with "Wes-" being at the beginning of the toon's name. Exceptions include Glaceon and Glacean, my dual-boxing Shamans that I'm currently leveling up via RAF. Yes, I also like Pokemon. I competitively participate in the Pokemon TCG, and I'm a die-hard Eevee-evolution fan.

I like to burn most of my in-game time either PvPing or soloing older content raid bosses for easy gold. My greatest desire right now is actually not Hunter related. I BADLY want the Flamescyth that drops from Fandrai (sp?) on my Feral Druid so I can be a flaming kitty! But alas, I must be patient...

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2011 8:33 am
by Sylrae
Main toon: Sylrae
Realm: Kilrogg
Faction: Horde!
Favorite Spec: Always been MM
Favorite Pet: My colour changing crab called Cakes..

Starting playing WoW to towards the end of TBC and been spending a lot of time reading these forums. :D Raiding about twice and week and can safely say that Rag has it in for me. Currently putting together transmog sets for my Hunter with the pets to match! Daylight might be required :idea:

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2011 1:50 am
by kinderfield
Hunter's name: Weehlos
Server name: Saurfang US
Faction side: Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Beast Mastery
Current Favorite Pet: Ghost Wolf i tamed him today!

Been playing since 07 and have loved every moment of it, i have been using petopia for ages. Im trying to put together a transmog set but i dont know what to do, i just know i want it to be modeled around my quel'dalar i was one of the first on my server to get it.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2011 4:41 am
by Kyta
Main toon: Safire (Paladin)
Hunter's name: Kyta
Server name: Draenor EU
Faction side: Horde
Current Favorite Spec: cant pick between survial and BM
Current Favorite Pet: Orion (Loque'nahak)
Pet Owned the Longest: Raven (Ironjaw) got him since TBC
How long I've been playing: Since Vanilla somewhere before the patch of naxx
Favorite thing to do in game: Raiding, which is on hold atm.
Favorite WOW memory: got a bunch tough, here is 1: While was leveling my hunter in tbc(pvp server) a rogue was ganking people at nessery camp.
On some way i feign death at very low health. He tought he killed me. He turned around and walk away. and I shoot him death.

Other note:
Im a 24 year old girl from netherlands.
Got full time job with computer stuff. I have 2 reallife pets: a beared dragon and a horse.
Thanks to my little bro, got me addicted to warcraft. First Charachter was a night elf hunter.
Which is Blood elf now. No other hunter i tryd to create could replace her.
Tough i switched main in tbc, dure changing faction and server.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 8:34 am
by Binni
Character Name: Binni
Server: Hyjal (US)
Faction: Horde
Favorite Spec: My favorite spec has always been Beast Mastery. To me, that is what a hunter is all about - their beasts! But because Marksmanship is top in DPS right now and because I'm a raider, I am a Marksmanship hunter at the moment. (I really hope Beast Mastery gets their time in the spotlight to be #1 in DPS someday!)
Favorite Pets: Echeyakee (my current DPS sidekick right now), Terrorpene (my tank when I need him), and all 9 of the spirit beasts that have come into the game thus far (I LOVE their look).

Summary/Background: I have been playing WoW since Vanilla. My younger brother played the game for many hours a day when it first came out, and I just HAD to see what all the excitement was about. Then I got my boyfriend (now my fiancé) into WoW. I will admit, I am terribly addicted to this game. Hunters have always tied with priests as being my favorite classes in the game. I have been using Petopia as a hunter's resource for years, and only recently discovered the Petopia forums. I have already found and given lots of amazing name suggestions and resources in naming hunter pets. I am very excited to be here, and can't wait to get to know you all!

;) Binni

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:45 pm
by Grimfang
Hunter's name: Grîmfang
Server name: Darkmoon Faire EU
Faction side:Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Always BM
Current Favorite Pet: Fenrir (Sköll)
Pet Owned the Longest: Fenrir (Sköll)
How long I've been playing: Started mid Wrath
Favorite thing to do in game: ATM I've developed an addiction to getting gear for Transmog on all my toons.
Favorite WOW memory: Think my favorite wow memory has to be when I tamed Sköll. With my hunter being by first toon in wow I was still learning the ropes, I knew about rares and things but I didn't know about him. I was flying though Stormpeaks one day in Wrath, I think I was doing the Sons of Hodir dailies for something when I found him. The moment I saw him I knew he had to be mine, I'd never seen such a beautiful pet. I spent a good 10 minutes just sitting and watching him in awe. When I started to tame him a human hunter landed next to me, my heart sank as I waited for the inevitable tame-steal or kill to come. Imagine my surprise when he /cheer'd me and let me tame him. Sköll was my first spirit beast, and set off a hunger inside me for the others. But he will always have a special place in my heart.

Other Stuff:
I'm a 19, Male and from the U.K. Currently I spend most of my time studying I.T, playing wow or derping around with IRL friends. Within wow I'm a bit of an altoholic, I like to try everything, but hunters are my true love. It's all about the pets. I like rares, not because they are rare so much, but because of the game you play trying to catch them. It's like you're a true hunter, sitting, waiting for that one illusive creature to appear before you make your move. At least that's how it goes in my mind :lol:

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 6:33 pm
by JezzebelPop
Main toon: Jezzebelpop, Night Elf Hunter (only toon... so far)
Hunter's name: Jezzebelpop
Server name: Alonsus EU
Faction side: Alliance
Current Favorite Spec: BM... I have MM as second but I don't like as much.
Current Favorite Pet: Cat... aka Skarr, only because he's out just now, my other favourites are my Deth'tilac, Terrorpene (Torkoal), Skoll and my Ban'thalos <3 OH and my Ghost Saber named Shan, just beautiful.
Pet Owned the Longest: Cibo my starter frostsaber.
How long I've been playing: Since May 2011, I'm still a nub! Go me.
Favorite thing to do in game: Right now... the occasional dungeon and mount collecting.
Favorite WOW memory: When I tamed my Deth'tilac :3 It was so intense but fun at the same time!!

Other note: Ok so i'm still fairly new at this and also a slow learner unless i'm doing the same thing very often. I'm not terribly confident at doing dungeons because there's other people relying on me to not mess up and I always have the lowest dps.

However aside from that I love collecting rare things in and outside of wow, my pride and joy in wow is my Amani Dragonhawk mount which was given to me by my fiance as a graduation present. I was the one to pull it from a booster pack BUT as I had bought the entire box for my fiance it was technically his and he pretended he was gong to sell it. :p

About me as a person: I'm 22, live in Scotland, have a degree in visual communication (graphic design) and now work at Gamestation. I hope this job will keep me on after xmas! I have to say I am attached to my older games, favourites including the first 3 Spyro games, Zelda, the Final Fantasy series between 6 and 10 with a few earlier ones being favourable. I am engaged to a gamer like myself and have been for a year now (curse being skint, CURSE IT).

Also a massive Pokemon fan, kinda what drew me to the hunter class :p It's like collecting pokemon, waiting for the rare is like waiting for that elusive shiny to appear!

When my fiance gets his current alt to lv55 i'm going to make a DK so we can go quest together! His main is on another realm.

So that's all I have for just now. I need to update my mount collection here as it has grown by quite a bit since I last posted about the Raven Lord.

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 9:55 am
by Shaded
Hunter's Name: Shade
Server Name: Arthas (US)
Faction Side: Horde
Current Favorite Spec: Survival, then BM, then MM
Current Favorite Pet: Crisis (Skarr)

Summary: Oh, hey. I'm a ditzy, overly confused person who obviously overlooked this place and just went and made an introduction in the Show and Tell thread because that's what I do. And instead of going to a stable master and pulling out more pets to show and tell like I said I would, I ended up posting a mount thread because I decided to start camping TLPD.

BM was my fav spec in BC, I wouldn't have specced out of it for the world. I still have fond memories of my Ironhide Devilsaur thumping around Black Temple and my guild leader yelling "Korath, you're in the fire, move!" at my pet. Good times on that first boss when pet management was crucial. Good times indeed. I should have named him "RhyllisDevlsar" to see if that man would have still yelled it. Maybe he would have gotten tongue tied... maybe I would have wiped the group. Hm...

So. Yes. Spacy. Ditzy. Forgetful. 6/7 my first week in FL on my hunter in a raid group that's only been there two times, and taking her was the second time. Hoping to down Ragnaros this week. Not much raiding next week...

And I have a boyfriend. :3 He geeks out over Skyrim at me. And I geek out over my hunter at him. We compliment each other, I think. Talking about how he would rob banks if he had mutant powers and could get away with it. And yet I was the one who suggested watching X-Men Evolution. Hm...

And I'm a rabid, obsessive collector. Leaving my laptop on all day while I go out and play.


Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:07 am
by ravingsockmonkey
Hunter's Name: Jahzina (though I do have a few others floating around...)
Server Name: Trollbane (US)
Faction Side: Alliance mainly
Current Favorite Spec: BM
Current Favorite Pet: Onyx (Skarr) and Banafrit (Gondria)

Summary: I've been playing WoW since Dire Maul was patched into the game way back when. I chose hunter because I liked the idea of having a companion with me as I explored the world. I used to raid quite a bit pre-BC, and then raided some during Wrath. Now I just do whatever strikes my fancy, and I work on my little pet collection. :D Transmog has become a big thing for me, and being able to work towards an outfit and having my character look a certain way has really revived my interest in the game. I'm going to need more void storage at this rate. :lol:

Outside of game I enjoy cooking, photography, and hanging out with my BF (whom also plays WoW). I like "silly" things like Pokemon and plushie cthulhus. I also collect sock monkeys. :)

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2011 9:57 pm
by ApolloThePasserby
I guess I should've made my first post here instead of elsewhere... Ah well lol!

Hunter's name: Touroprier
Server name: Zuluhed (formerly Dethecus)
Faction side: HORDE
Current Favorite Spec: Beast Mastery since Vanilla! I picked up Survival if I absolutely need to switch specs. I tried Marksmanship in a PTR; it's deadly, but it's SOOOOOO BORING!
Current Favorite Pet: I got two that have always stayed with me since the very beginning!
-Steve, my good ol' Mulgore black Vulture, and my first pet since all the way back in Vanilla!
-Richard, my cute little bright green Crocolisk, caught right outside Grom'gol. My ultimate tank, and now a good PvP pet! :headbang:

Re: Introduce yourself here newcomers!

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:40 pm
by CandidHeartbeat
Hunter's Name: Foxsong [lvl85, Blood Elf Hunter] & Raevon [lvl22, Worgen Hunter]
Server Name: Thrall-US
Faction Side: Horde & Alliance
Current Favorite Spec: Marksmanship [End Game] & Beast Mastery [Leveling]
Current Favorite Pet: Romeo [Rare Spawn Lion on Foxsong]

Introduction: So, about me; I'm a 20 soon-to-be 21 year old student getting ready to go back to school for nursing. My first toon was Foxsong, originally she was a Night Elf Hunter named Ali on the server Winterhoof-US. However, with new friends and knowledge gained and main swaps most of my toons ended up landing on Thrall-US. Originally, I started playing this game at the recommendation of my ex-husband -- who helped me level my first hunter. After awhile, I managed to get all classes [minus a rogue, who is sitting at lvl60] to 80+ and that's when my boyfriend and I decided that we wanted to reroll something new on the alliance.

I have a unique fondness of hunters, and decided against my better judgement to roll a worgen hunter and thus Raevon was born. I fell in love with the hunter all over again, and though she is just a baby right now I have every intention of seeing her through to 85 :) Me in general, I am quirky, sarcastic, and blunt and I adore gaming in any form or fashion. Initially I was addicted to console gaming, with Halo being my biggest fascination.