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Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:49 am
by TygerDarkstorm
zedxrgal wrote:I guess I'll try and put it another way.

Blizzard is giving us in 4.1 eight unused skins. What makes that any different then making hydras a now tamable mob???
What makes /made those eight unused skins anymore important or easier????

I fail to understand why eight unused skins are being added in 4.1 as tamable mobs but a skin that's been in the game for how many years now, would take that long to be made tamable. Even if the family stayed under crocolisks. :D
You don't get the difference between skins and an entirely new mob that needs to be made tamable? I mean really? Those skins are already existing skins in the game being slapped on a skeleton that already exists as a hunter pet. I imagine it's a very small amount of work to implement the new cat skins than it is to work on ZA/ZG, Firelands, class balancing, and making hydras tamable.

Not to mention; they're doing yet another overhaul on pets this patch. In case any of you have forgotten, they're getting rid of the clunky happiness system which is a whole other set of things to work on.

I'm saying look at the whole picture, not just the pets. There's a whole bunch of other crap they're doing this patch that they've deemed more important than hydras (unless they're stealth making them tamable) and it's something we have to live with.

For those who don't know, here's a summary of hunter changes for 4.1 since it seems to have been brought up about what we're specifically getting this patch:
Deterrence no longer requires a melee weapon to be equipped.
Explosive Trap now has a new spell effect.
Master's Call now has a new spell effect.
Multi-Shot damage has been increased by 250%.
Tame Beast now tames pets to match the hunter's level, rather than 3 levels below.

The Feed Pet ability now instantly heals 50% of the pet's health. Cannot be used in combat. Requires diet-appropriate food.
The Happiness/Pet Loyalty System has been removed. Hunters will no longer have to manage Happiness for their pets, and the previous damage bonus for pets being happy will now be baseline for all tamed pets.
Bloodthirsty no longer generates Happiness.
Carrion Feeder no longer restores Happiness.
Guard Dog no longer causes Growl to generate additional Happiness.
Summoned pets now start with 100 focus, up from 0.

Glyph of Mend Pet is now Glyph of Lesser Proportion, which decreases the size of the pet slightly.

Hunter Bug Fixes
Hunters will no longer automatically acquire a new target if the current target dies in the middle of a cast.
Aimed Shot and Steady Shot should no longer start casting Auto Shot on a new target when the "Stop Auto Attack" option enabled.
Auto Shot now automatically turns off until reactivated once Freezing Trap is cast on an enemy player.
Deterrence: The area damage of the paladin ability Hammer of the Righteous will no longer hit hunters with Deterrence active.
Distracting Shot and Multi-Shot are now properly 40-yard range.
Intervene (Tenacity pet ability) range has been increased so that the pet will properly intercept attacks.
Multi-Shot now properly has a 1-second global cooldown.
Scatter Shot's disorient effect should no longer sometimes be broken by the hunter's Auto Shot.
Oh yeah, and let's not forget all of the coding and whatnot they had to do to make it so that we can see whether spells like Circle of Frost are hostile or friendly in PvP. I think a lot of people are purposely overlooking the bigger picture of what Blizzard's been doing this patch just to cry foul. That's the vibe I'm getting anyway.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:10 am
by Wain
It's a small patch. Not every class is guaranteed something big, special and shiny every patch. Even less so now they're going to release smaller increment patches.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:12 am
by TygerDarkstorm
Wain wrote:It's a small patch. Not every class is guaranteed something big, special and shiny every patch. Even less so now they're going to release smaller increment patches.
Yeah, that's another reason that I don't think hydras will be tamable in 4.1. They've basically already added everything they wanted to add in this patch.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:08 am
by Cerele
Well it seems silly to me, explosive trap animation doesnt need revamped, i agree it is a very very nice look, but its just more lag in AoE pulls, and i dont like they are removing pet happiness, they just have taken any realism from the hunter and pet system away and i liked it before, i know my opinion doest effect blizzard little to none at all, but i would rather have the Hydras added in than change an animation that will have very very little effect on game play (in pvp its more noticeable for enemy players too so there goes the stealth), OR fix the more game impacting bugs ive seen nothing on fixing *coughs at pet summon with low health glitch* *coughs again at nether rays, hyenas and other pet ability glitches* rather than spell effects =(

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:20 am
by GormanGhaste
Redith wrote:I feel like they went into a kids room stole a toy, put new batteries in it, then wrapped it up and gave it to him on christmas
When you're not a kid anymore, you appreciate getting fresh batteries for christmas. Socks too.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 8:45 am
by Yoruko
GormanGhaste wrote:
Redith wrote:I feel like they went into a kids room stole a toy, put new batteries in it, then wrapped it up and gave it to him on christmas
When you're not a kid anymore, you appreciate getting fresh batteries for christmas. Socks too.
This. Absolutely this!

Anyway. From what little I have studied animation and game developement it's not that simple or "flip of a switch" to basically add a new game mechanic. Ghost hydra was an accidental hydra pet that had the game mechanics of a crocolisk. IF they do make an intentional hydra family; then I'm more than willing to bet that they want to make it well and properly. Give them a unique family skill and whatever, and if so it has to be tested and balanced. Not even talking about proper hunter pet "behaviour" from anchor points to scaling and animations.

That's loads of more work than adding skins to an already existing tameable family. The new skins don't need said work done to them because the textures are applied to the same skeleton/model the other monsters inside that same family already use. :)

Of course I too would hop about in glee if we did get hydras eventually, but let's not be ungrateful from all the stuff that we are getting now? ;)

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 2:32 pm
by Tilo
I dunno so they didn't put in hydras, big woop it's not the end of the world...of warcraft.

see what I did there?

So they'll go in a later patch or maybe not at all, have patience padawan...

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 5:39 pm
by Nachtwulf
The reason people are all worked up about hydras is that Bliz -has- gone to the trouble of making a whole new family with a specialized skill. We're not just talking new skins on old riggings, or making a miscategorized mob untamable or tamable again.

I don't believe Bliz would go to that much work to recategorize -one- "glitch pet" that maybe 2% or less of the entire hunter population (which is only a fraction of the overall WoW population) has unless they have something else in mind. For all we know they've done the same to other hotbed pets (like basilisks) and we just can't tell because no one has a glitched basilisk that they can pull out of the stables and check.

I agree that this is something that they do intend to implement at some point, but haven't yet because this patch is big enough and they need to get it out to keep people happy. If they hold back the HAY GUYS, TAMABLE HYDRAS LOL thing for a patch when nothing as important as the ZA/ZG update or even Firelands is going in (both of which are fairly huge deals to the WoW populace as a whole), then that means they have something worth generating excitement for a smaller patch that would otherwise be little more than 'oh boy. more class tweaks. yay.... *yawn*'.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:45 pm
by Rikaku
zedxrgal wrote:I guess I'll try and put it another way.

Blizzard is giving us in 4.1 eight unused skins. What makes that any different then making hydras a now tamable mob???
What makes /made those eight unused skins anymore important or easier????

Because it's easy to just swap skins on an already existing mob that's part of a family already existing for Hunters to tame.
Making a new family isn't just "checking a box to tamable". It's making sure that the family works well. That the skill isn't OP. That it's a right time for the Hunter class...

Do I need to bring up Moths? They were supposed to be TBC, but it wasn't until Wrath that Blizzard was ready for them to be added.

I mean it's the first patch of the expansion, we're not going to get everything in ONE patch. If you wanted to apply the same argument you mentioned above, why did Blizzard wait for 4.1 for those 8 unused skins? What made those 8 not be implemented in 4.1 and not 4.0? What made these 8 skins any more or less important than the other colorations added in 4.0?

The fact remains that Blizzard adds things when they feel it's ready. So unless the devs feel that Hydras are ready to be tamed, then that's the way it is. Comparing a new family to new skins to an already functioning family isn't even right. They're not comparable.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:53 am
by Lisaara
Making a totally new pet tameable and slapping a skin on an already tameable skeleton is two totally different lengths of coding and testing. Hydras arent ready for 4.1 and i think a lot of people here know that. Just keep your pants on and be patient. Lets have them be ripe for picking rather than too early. :)

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:15 pm
by zedxrgal
Ok everyone chill and keep your knickers on. :D I am not trying to pick a fight or even a minor squabble. *cuddles forum members*

My WHOLE point in posting is an attempt to understand what the true difference is between "slapping skin on a skeleton" and taking a mob that is already in game, already has a diet and even it's own family, and let's not forget that people with ghost hydras can also now control them /talent them, now couldn't be made tamable by 4.1.

Can anyone on her explain why not?????

To me, the non coder I would think adding a skin that's never been used to a tamable mob wouldn't be that much different then where hydras are now at. Again I'm looking at this as what Blizzard has already done with hyrdas not what they need to do or should have done.

That's all I am asking for is the reason and explanation of truly why it won't or can't or isn't being done by 4.1.

It's not that I don't "get the difference between skins and an entirely new mob that needs to be made tamable? I mean really?". (FYI that statement comes of as kind of rude :) ) Maybe it's not being gotten what I am trying to say. Still. :lol:

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:24 pm
by Lisaara
zedxrgal wrote:Ok everyone chill and keep your knickers on. :D I am not trying to pick a fight or even a minor squabble. *cuddles forum members*

My WHOLE point in posting is an attempt to understand what the true difference is between "slapping skin on a skeleton" and taking a mob that is already in game, already has a diet and even it's own family, and let's not forget that people with ghost hydras can also now control them /talent them, now couldn't be made tamable by 4.1.

Can anyone on her explain why not?????

To me, the non coder I would think adding a skin that's never been used to a tamable mob wouldn't be that much different then where hydras are now at. Again I'm looking at this as what Blizzard has already done with hyrdas not what they need to do or should have done.

That's all I am asking for is the reason and explanation of truly why it won't or can't or isn't being done by 4.1.

It's not that I don't "get the difference between skins and an entirely new mob that needs to be made tamable? I mean really?". (FYI that statement comes of as kind of rude :) ) Maybe it's not being gotten what I am trying to say. Still. :lol:
Thing is....we've told you why......several times. We can't go into detail cause a lot of us dont know the same type of coding Blizzard does. We just know it takes whole different type of coding than just switching out skins. You should just be satisfied and accept that fact. Didn't mean that in a mean way's the best way I can say it. ^^;

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 12:57 pm
by Sasrei
The thing is no matter what blizzard does someone will be happy, the only thing we can do is take what we can and hope that blizzard gives us a little more love mechanic wise as well. I personally am sick of in pvp, some I just about killed intervenes/blink etc right on me and I am virtualy helpless. Detterence doesnt last long enough to be of much use, and while in deterence you cant even use your HS or lifeblood for frigs sakes.. every other class has a way to get health but we dont, and we just laughed as we try to disengage only to get intervened to again or blinked or whatever and go splat, when one explosive shot would have killed him but our pet is off somewhere chasing some mob and wont be back for lunch :lol: .. all I am saying is every other range class doesnt have any issues close range, yes we have no dead zone.. big whoop when my raptor stirke does no damage :lol:
I am usually more squishy then a mage/lock/priest aka any cloth class so.. some extra love would be nice... all I am saying is, yes woot new.. animations (sigh) but fix some things that already screw us please

Hopefully in the next patch they make hydras tameable, they wouldnt go all out on a mob noone can tame anymore, so patience people itll come.

I am just happy about auto level pets some people *cough* have issues leveling pets.. but the best thing is.. I can do bgs with any pet.. leveling in bgs sucked hardcore..

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:02 pm
by Rikaku
Jessibelle wrote:
zedxrgal wrote:

Can anyone on her explain why not?????

To me, the non coder I would think adding a skin that's never been used to a tamable mob wouldn't be that much different then where hydras are now at. Again I'm looking at this as what Blizzard has already done with hyrdas not what they need to do or should have done.

That's all I am asking for is the reason and explanation of truly why it won't or can't or isn't being done by 4.1.

It's not that I don't "get the difference between skins and an entirely new mob that needs to be made tamable? I mean really?". (FYI that statement comes of as kind of rude :) ) Maybe it's not being gotten what I am trying to say. Still. :lol:
Thing is....we've told you why......several times. We can't go into detail cause a lot of us dont know the same type of coding Blizzard does. We just know it takes whole different type of coding than just switching out skins.
Exactly what Jessibelle said. Many users here did explain why Hydras aren't tamable, so your question was answered. There is a host of more coding to be done to make a new family tamable. It has nothing to do if it has a diet already or not; it has more to do with "can this family's skill fit something Hunter's need? Can we keep the skill from being OP? What niche does the family skill need to fill?" type of stuff. It isn't just all coding and pet diets, its about the long term future of the family in the WoW.

And a new family obviously isn't priority number 1, and didn't make the cut for 4.1. It's simply just that. THAT is the reason and explanation why it isn't in 4.1. The Blizzard devs don't think it's ready to be implemented for this patch. Heck, it could turn out it'll be a long time before they're added into the game (look at moths!). We may end up waiting for the next expansion before Hydras come out. You just never know. Some stuff thats inside a patch doesn't actually take shape until much much much further down the road. XD

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:03 pm
by Lisaara
Sasrei wrote:The thing is no matter what blizzard does someone will be happy, the only thing we can do is take what we can and hope that blizzard gives us a little more love mechanic wise as well. I personally am sick of in pvp, some I just about killed intervenes/blink etc right on me and I am virtualy helpless. Detterence doesnt last long enough to be of much use, and while in deterence you cant even use your HS or lifeblood for frigs sakes.. every other class has a way to get health but we dont, and we just laughed as we try to disengage only to get intervened to again or blinked or whatever and go splat, when one explosive shot would have killed him but our pet is off somewhere chasing some mob and wont be back for lunch :lol: .. all I am saying is every other range class doesnt have any issues close range, yes we have no dead zone.. big whoop when my raptor stirke does no damage :lol:
I am usually more squishy then a mage/lock/priest aka any cloth class so.. some extra love would be nice... all I am saying is, yes woot new.. animations (sigh) but fix some things that already screw us please

Hopefully in the next patch they make hydras tameable, they wouldnt go all out on a mob noone can tame anymore, so patience people itll come.

I am just happy about auto level pets some people *cough* have issues leveling pets.. but the best thing is.. I can do bgs with any pet.. leveling in bgs sucked hardcore..
You still gotta level them after you tame em. They just auto go to your level the time you tame them. If you level up, they dont level with you like warlock pets.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:16 pm
by Sasrei
Jessibelle wrote:You still gotta level them after you tame em. They just auto go to your level the time you tame them. If you level up, they dont level with you like warlock pets.
.................... really? .. ... well I am glad all my hunters are level 85.. but.. really? on the ptr I just have my lvl 85s so I didnt know.. but.. but... well... just glad they are all level 85 and no plans on making an extra hunter lol

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:18 pm
by Lisaara
Sasrei wrote:
Jessibelle wrote:You still gotta level them after you tame em. They just auto go to your level the time you tame them. If you level up, they dont level with you like warlock pets.
.................... really? .. ... well I am glad all my hunters are level 85.. but.. really? on the ptr I just have my lvl 85s so I didnt know.. but.. but... well... just glad they are all level 85 and no plans on making an extra hunter lol
Thats how I understand it. They just meant when you tame them, they wont be 3 levels behind you. I could be wrong, however! I leave room for that. XD

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:33 pm
by Rikaku
Sasrei wrote:
Jessibelle wrote:You still gotta level them after you tame em. They just auto go to your level the time you tame them. If you level up, they dont level with you like warlock pets.
.................... really? .. ... well I am glad all my hunters are level 85.. but.. really? on the ptr I just have my lvl 85s so I didnt know.. but.. but... well... just glad they are all level 85 and no plans on making an extra hunter lol
So glad I'm 85. I'll actually use more pets now lol. I hate sitting and just leveling my pet mindlessly. I used to be able to do it fine back in TBC. But with 70-85 levels being longer than 1-60, even in pet levels, I just can't anymore XD

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 1:33 pm
by Lisaara
Rikaku wrote:
Sasrei wrote:
Jessibelle wrote:You still gotta level them after you tame em. They just auto go to your level the time you tame them. If you level up, they dont level with you like warlock pets.
.................... really? .. ... well I am glad all my hunters are level 85.. but.. really? on the ptr I just have my lvl 85s so I didnt know.. but.. but... well... just glad they are all level 85 and no plans on making an extra hunter lol
So glad I'm 85. I'll actually use more pets now lol. I hate sitting and just leveling my pet mindlessly. I used to be able to do it fine back in TBC. But with 70-85 levels being longer than 1-60, even in pet levels, I just can't anymore XD
I love it cause it gives me somethin to do.

Re: TAMABLE HYDRAS? (patch 4.1 on PTR, no tamables found yet

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:06 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
zedxrgal wrote:Ok everyone chill and keep your knickers on. :D I am not trying to pick a fight or even a minor squabble. *cuddles forum members*

My WHOLE point in posting is an attempt to understand what the true difference is between "slapping skin on a skeleton" and taking a mob that is already in game, already has a diet and even it's own family, and let's not forget that people with ghost hydras can also now control them /talent them, now couldn't be made tamable by 4.1.

Can anyone on her explain why not?????

To me, the non coder I would think adding a skin that's never been used to a tamable mob wouldn't be that much different then where hydras are now at. Again I'm looking at this as what Blizzard has already done with hyrdas not what they need to do or should have done.

That's all I am asking for is the reason and explanation of truly why it won't or can't or isn't being done by 4.1.

It's not that I don't "get the difference between skins and an entirely new mob that needs to be made tamable? I mean really?". (FYI that statement comes of as kind of rude :) ) Maybe it's not being gotten what I am trying to say. Still. :lol:
If I came off rude it's because you keep asking the same thing over and over again even though everyone keeps giving you the answers.

Just because they worked on the ghost hydra DOES NOT mean that they have worked on implementing ALL hydras as a whole. The things they've done to the ghost hydra could purely be a way to have the players test the pet without having to go and make all in game hydras tamable.