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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 6:40 am
by Varethyn
Day 107
...I have no words. Just... none.

*Takes a deep breath.* Rolled an 8, meaning Spiral. Decided to give them to this side of the story while keeping to the all-basic rule cos WoC needs more content. Plus I may have an idea for the new guy. Meet Vegin!

A male Plague Spiral. Who else do we know like that?

Fun fact: Technically there was one other cheaper than him but I decided to pry around for lore and stuff out of curiosity. Grabbed this guy because a wildwood owl is shown in his father's bio. So WELP.

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:00 am
by Ana
uHH UHH He is soo handsome

Image Image

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:02 am
by Varethyn
He is surprisingly pretty aaaa-

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:13 am
by Krysteena
Yo this new boy is crazy pretty! Ghost is working wonders on him, what a good spooky boy! :D

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 9:25 am
by Lupis
WOWEE what a gorgeous spiral! He turned out really stunning!

And god, as for how to deal with all these new dragons... I wonder if you could make a secondary clan in this story? Some antagonists, maybe, or a fellow group of wanderers they don't always travel with but run into frequently/have some sort of relationship with. Because geeze, this is a lot. :lol:

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 11:57 am
by Varethyn
Yeah eventually that's what I'd like to have happen cos jeez! I'm going to save it until after the merge however cos there's bound to be some conflict at that point. Namely the main trio of IWB's task to bring Ilmatar home and said coatl's refusal to comply. I just hope it works out better than Bean and Plume :lol:

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 11:54 am
by Varethyn
Day 108
Trinketssss... yesss, trinketsss... *Squawk!*


Have a pair of lovers!

I also flipped heads for a coliseum run today for 10-20 rounds. Rolled Wisteria, Plumeria and Alstroemeria who breezed all 20 rounds without stopping or using any potions thanks to Wisteria's healing. All of them are now lv6.

Coliseum loot:
Image - Rolled a 4 so Alstroemeria now has a pet snek.

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:13 am
by Varethyn
Day 109
And again apparently.


Not completely happy with this one but I had the image in my head so. Enjoy!

Flipped Heads for the coliseum for 10-20 rounds again. Rolled Ayaz, Anvindr and Whisper. Bounced between the Forgotten Cave and Blooming Grove to get the feel of things given the 7! level gap between Whisper and Vin until settling on the Grove. I think Ayaz and Whisper were busy bickering and making things hard for each other as both of them seemed to be missing a lot and taking a lot of damage in turn. Managed to get all 20 rounds done however and now Ayaz is lv9 and Whisper lv8.

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2019 10:14 am
by Ana
ohh gosh I love both those pieces of art!! Magnificent! :D <3

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 7:16 am
by Krysteena
The latest two pieces of art are both super cute! Whisper is such a gentle giant and lil Meifeng is precious with the fae mask on <3 :D

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 9:07 am
by Lupis
Aw man I love these arts!! Baby Mei is so DANG cute. ;_;

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:01 pm
by Varethyn
Day 110
Wow Pinkie is actually testing me for once.

Plunking in this side as I rolled Vunugza, Anvindr and new boy Vegin. Between the 3 and below immunity and 3 Strikes I felt safe enough with this team and took them to Sandswept Delta. Vegin did get KO'd once after reaching lv4 but nothing disastrous happened otherwise. Vegin is now lv6.

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:56 am
by Varethyn
Day 111
...I'm at too much of a loss for words to say anything about Pinkerton right now.

Rolled Venilia, Noelani and Ayaz and took them to Sandswept Delta as seems to be the best spot for most of the team right now. There were a few times I got overzealous which caused Vennie to get KO'd once... then absolute BULLSHIT followed. I have never, ever, ever seen a single mob dodge so many times in a row. And this is the Flight Rising coliseum we're talking about here, where everything dodges unfairly often. And it wasn't just one of them either. Vennie got KO'd a second time by the first serthis potionmaster (the Light element one) that refused to keep still. Ayaz then got KO'd once by the following one and finally...

Venilia was KO'd a third time because of another dodge streaking potionmaster.

However, she has a familiar. Or rather did. I rolled two 3s, a total of 6, meaning she lives but her familiar is dead and must be removed. Even so I am so freaking livid right now.

Before I go off to vent, Vennie is now lv9, Noelani lv12 and Ayaz lv 10. Since Ayaz is now lv10 I get to finally spend one of my stockpiled genes on him and gave him Jaguar:

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 purchase x1, Hyacinth Badly Injured for 5 days

^ It's about time I moved that over here.

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:43 am
by Lupis
Woah geeze, calm down, Pink! After all that "never fighting at all" he really started a death streak! I'm glad none of your dragons died, though RIP to that familiar. On the plus side, WHEW Ayaz is looking fine! +_+

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:44 am
by Varethyn
Day 112

Chapter 27

As expected the large blue Imperial returned the very next day to “check in and make sure things were going smoothly”. To which Ilmatar replied that nothing much had changed since the previous day and to please leave it longer to come back the next time. Venilia had left as asked, only to return again the following day as well. This continued for the entire week, during which the small clan had begun to really set about cleaning out the rubble to rebuild their new home. The Coatl had grown increasingly impatient with the Imperial to the point she'd begun to ignore her in hopes that she'd not come back at all.

After Venilia had left again with a highly annoying smirk on her long muzzle Matar had retired to her shack to unwind. Maybe take a quick nap. Progress had been slow with one pair of hands being too small to do much with, although Meifeng was growing rapidly and forming words a lot more clearly, another was wrapped protectively around a clutch of eggs due to hatch any day now and another was completely absent.

It was infuriating that the latter hadn't been seen since their initial meeting. Ayaz had agreed to share more information about himself the next time he and Matar were able to meet given his curious aversion to natural light let alone the element two of her clan members were born into. And yet the creepy Tundra had been nowhere to be seen. The others, along with herself, claimed to occasionally feel like someone was watching them only for no one to be found. Perhaps he was following them around from the darkness.

Whatever the case he had disappeared, Venilia kept coming back, Noelani was still brooding and just about nothing was getting done despite the small effort at work. Add to that having to split duties hunting, scavenging and patrolling to make sure nothing had slipped in during the downtime... maybe a few collapsed pillars had been swept to one side. The only noticeable progress was within their own dens which had been cleaned out, rubbed down and otherwise made more homely.

But as she slunk inside Ilmatar was stunned to see a neatly tied bundle of assorted flowers left on the floor of her little shack next to the cushion she'd been sleeping on. Unsure of how she should react - why would anyone gift a Coatl with flowers after all - the feathered dragon cautiously nudged the bouquet, picking it up when nothing happened to give them a tentative sniff from afar and only allowing herself to actually admire the blooms when she wasn't overtaken by coughing fits, poison or even an overly pungent scent.

A few flowers looked familiar from various floral arrangements placed around her old lair but that was as far as it went. No names were able to be derived from what limited knowledge she had on plants let alone specific flowers. All she could tell was that most of them were pretty, some were plain but not intrusive and that someone had purposely left them for her to find.

As the Coatl was mulling over this purpose her entire body tensed, feathers ruffling and fur puffing out, as someone deliberately rubbed against her from behind.

“Do you like them?” Ayaz purred, slinking out of the shadows caressing the fading light yet shining through the opening. "I went out and got them just for you.” The Tundra let out his signature chuckle as he settled himself in the corner opposite the bewildered Coatl. “What do you think?”

“I think," Ilmatar forced out as her body attempted but ultimately refused to settle, "that I want to know the point of it.” To be given flowers in some manner usually meant something. More often than not it was a gesture of goodwill to the more omnivorous or herbivorous members of the draconic species. You know, the ones who eat flowers and things. Coatls did not. The closest thing to a flower they'd sooner eat would be anemones and starfish.

Parting his rounded muzzle in an unnervingly contented yawn Ayaz stretched out his front legs until he was laying comfortably on the floor. “Did you know flowers have meanings?” Keeping his head low the Shadowborne regarded Matar through half-lidded lavender eyes. “I was intrigued to learn this and wanted to make an impact with it.”

“You made something, that's for sure.” Ilmatar snorted, unimpressed. “Flowers have meanings? Like what, daisies are actually the symbol of death or something stupid?”

A soft swishing sound was heard as the Tundra flicked his tail in amusement. "Akin to that perhaps. For instance," he lifted a paw to point at a ball-like yellow flower with rounded petals, "Plumerias represent charm, grace and new life. I found it fitting for yourself."

If her fur and feathers could puff out further than they already were then they did now. “Are you flirting with me?!” Tossing the bouquet to the floor in front of the dark-furred Tundra Matar stood and full length and height to appear as intimidating and uninterested in forming a romance as she was able.

“Hardly, but I won't deny that you are quite easy on the eyes.” Ayaz chuckled, unswayed by the clan leader's display. “I was more referring to your new life as leader of your own clan. It was out of coincidence rather than choice that it is among your little posy.”

“...meaning?” She did not relax.

“You are now very aware of my ability to peer into the dreams of others so long as they are embraced by darkness.” Ayaz stated simply, keeping his pale eyes trained on her green ones. “I find it the best way to get to know another, especially if I'm to be joining their clan.”

“Well that's not creepy at all.” The red dragon rolled her eyes as sarcasm encased her reply. “Can't you just be... you know... what's the word I'm looking for...?” A paw swung in an exaggerated circle as Matar feigned deep thought. “Normal? And talk to us directly?”

This only caused the smirk to widen. “I am now, aren't I?”

A scaled paw stomped the ground. “Not the point!” She scowled so heavily at Ayaz that a headache was starting to form. “You do not go around invading others' personal space!”

Still the Shadowborne did not react to Matar's posturing, instead closing his eyes and shifting only to make himself more comfortable on the bare stone floor. “Forgive me, but I find that seeing into others' dreams gives me the best impression of a dragon rather than speaking face to face.” He flicked his eyes open again, the lavender discs of his irises almost glowing in the evening gloom set as they were against darkened sclera. “Words can only portray so much of one's true nature, wouldn't you agree? Dreams cannot be coated in lies, twisted to suit another's preference. They are pure, they are the imagination unfettered. They are the truth in a person.”

Ilmatar's mouth opened to speak, only to close it again as nothing came. How did someone reply to a statement like that? In a way it made sense. At the same time she'd not yet come across anyone who'd been prepared to lie to her face.

...had she?

“What's this got to do with the flowers?” She forced herself to say, reaching for some other subject that she could form into coherent sentences.

“Well you see,” Ayaz explained, pushing himself back up to sit on his haunches, “I chanced across your Snapper friend. It's not easy to glimpse their dreams given how they never truly sleep, but he was in a particularly deep trance. He's been trying to reconnect with his elemental power of prophecy and sometimes words, shapes or images will come to mind. In this case, a list of flowers. Specifically, the ones I gifted unto you.”

“Vunguza dreamt of these flowers?” Ilmatar didn't know whether to be disappointed, amused or simply confused. "And you went and got them for me because of it?"

“They all each represent their own meaning, like the plumeria I mentioned. May I also mention how difficult it was to find one? And in such good condition?” He bared his teeth in a wide grin. “Never mind that though, it seems these flowers are connected to another group of dragons your Vunguza picks up on now and again. Who and why I cannot say, but I felt this a good opportunity to show how much I care.”

Ilmatar was sceptical as she retrieved the bouquet. “Care. Right. Just like you cared to tell me more about yourself almost a week ago now.” She regarded the Tundra through narrowed eyes. “Should I care what these all mean? Cos I'm more interested to know about the dragons Vunguza has been dreaming about.”

“Understandable.” A fluffy arm reached out, gesturing for the Coatl to pass the flowers over. Which she did after a couple of hesitant seconds. “I shall be brief.” Pointing to each plant in turn Ayaz recited their meaning, “Acacia flowers represent friendship. Alliums unity, humility and patience. That one is an Alstroemeria, representing devotion and wealth. Asters for love and daintiness. Gardenias are pure and sweet. Hyacinths mean playfulness and loveliness and, as is the case here, blue ones also mean constancy. Iris for faith, valour and wisdom. Lupin for imagination. Magnolias for the love of nature and nobility. Orchids also for love and beauty. Plumeria I mentioned already; charm and grace. Verbenas are a symbol of prayer and Wisterias suggest welcoming.”

A blank look covered Matar's features when he'd finished. “Am I... supposed to remember all that?”

“Not necessarily.” Ayaz replied, handing the flowers back to their owner. “I merely thought you'd like to know. Now,” he rose to his feet, shaking vigorously as he did so to fluff out his long, spotted fur. Matar blinked at that, swearing it had been striped the last time she saw him. He must have noticed this as he grinned again as he turned towards the doorway. “Appearances, like words, can be changed to one's preference. If one does not like how they look they will cover themselves in clothes and jewellery, perhaps going so far as to change what kind of species they are entirely. Perhaps our next meeting my pattern will once more be different, who can say?” His long, tufted tail swished as he exited without waiting for a reply. “Let us see to our Snapper friend, shall we?”

Ilmatar could only watch after the Tundra for a long while as his words sank in. She remembered how Vunguza had been covered in clay when they'd first met him, washing it off to show the dark wave patterns he now sported. Is that what Ayaz meant? Shaking her head, wincing as the pain increased and lowering her neck so she could place a paw over her aching forehead the Coatl took several long, deep breaths before finally heading out as well.


The place Vunguza had initially taken up residence in had been abandoned, though not neglected. He'd left it in good condition for Anvindr to move larger, more complex alchemy supplies and instruments into should they get the materials for such. And permission from Ilmatar. The squat, brick-coloured dragon didn't quite understand the restrictions the Coatl had placed upon the dark-scaled Spiral having not been around, or awake, for the events leading up to her resentment for him. Vunguza would definitely check up on their blossoming alchemist but did not see reason enough to escort Anvindr constantly.

As it was the Snapper had spent his time smoothing out a dip in the ground next to the cliff side, forming a sort of bubble in the rock and stone in which he could lay in comfortably. Snappers in general rarely slept in fullness let alone claimed a den or bed to sleep in. It only needed to be comfortable and smooth, nothing more. Perhaps a few large leaves or strips of cloth. That was it.

Finished to his satisfaction Vunguza had then set about investigating the nearby pond, such of which he'd decided to set up his den where he had. Ever since Isaura, bless her soul, had convinced him to overcome his fear of deep, fast moving water to rescue Meifeng's egg the Snapper had been interested in reconnecting with his element. Specifically his prophetic abilities. Filthy though the pond was now he'd taken to meditating at its lip in attempt to reach out to his Deity, the Tidelord. Try as he might though the best he received were names and blurred, faded shapes that may or may not be an animal or dragon.

Vunguza was in the process of using his magic to raise the silt to the surface and steadily skim it out of the water without spilling too much having thought he'd seen something moving within. Uncertain if it was real or a vision he'd started to filter out the murk when a large presence soared overhead. Glancing up and then back behind him the pinkish-red dragon had expected Whisper getting some fresh air. It was an Imperial for sure but not his Imperial. They were too deep a blue, and too blue in general compared to the sunrise sky the mute Whisper had been compared to before.

“An' who might you be?” He asked gruffly as the stranger alighted heavily a few paces away. As they did so a smaller, lither form zipped out of their scruffy mane to hover next to him. Another Spiral like Vin, only bright red with brilliant blue wings. Vunguza blanched, images of Isaura rushing back at the colouring. “An' you too I'm supposin'.” He added suspiciously as the ruby Spiral zoomed around, taking in the new location.

“S'up mate, name's Vennie.” The ocean-patterned Imperial replied cockily, jutting a thumb at her expansive chest. “Been pesterin' ya leader to join the clan but she keeps sayin' nah. Thought maybe we could get ya to, like, put in a good word to make it quicker, yeah?” She stood at full height, splaying her wings, in attempt to appear as impressive as possible, revealing a rather ruffed up, honestly horrifically ugly purple sweater covered in a skull and cross bone pattern. “Oh, 'n' that's Vegin. He's like, from my old clan 'n' stuff. Wanted to come with. Think ya can sneak in a favour for us?”

“Yes yes please let us join you!” Vegin, as the new Spiral's name happened to be. “There are numerous let us say complications back home that make the clan inhospit- I mean unsuitable for the two of us to continue living there much longer and so we're seeking out new refuge and Venilia mentioned this place so here we are!”

A rugged, spiny brow raised as the Spiral rattled on. Inhospitable? “Frightfully sorry lad and lassie,” Vunguza began, standing solidly in front of the pair. Or as best as he could with the wiry dragon fidgeting so much, “however yer better off askin' Ilmatar as ye have been already. I ain't got the authority to decide who joins our clan. Cannae say it's even a true clan yet.”

Both pairs of eye ridges shot up at that. “Not a real clan yet? Why not? There's enough of you right? And you could use more right? Right?!” Vegin babbled, splaying his spindly arms in random directions as he spoke.

“Well yae but-”

“Guz!” The familiar dark-scaled Anvindr shot out then, flinging his snakelike body to drape around the Snapper's thick neck and positioning his snout next to his ear. “Matar's coming I didn't want to get her angry so I came over here so it didn't look like I was alone.” Great, two loose mouths to listen to. Though having Matar visiting at such an opportune time was greatly appreciated as he really did not want to deal with all of this. What he didn't expect was the Tundra. He personally hadn't seen the weirdo since the first night so seeing him now put him on edge. Though if Matar was with him then it was okay?

“Wait wait wait wait wait!” Vegin squeaked, darting around to Vunguza's side to eye up his fellow Spiral. “Vin? Vin Vinnie Vin is that you?! What are the chances!”

“Vinnie? As in that Vinnie? The alchemist guy?” Venilia chimed in shrilly, grating on everyone's ears. “Wow! I mean I don't even know ya but wow, all three of us here? That's, like, crazy ay eff!”

The yelling spurred Ilmatar to pick up her pace and soon the Coatl was with the rest of them, glaring heavily. And... carrying flowers? “Okay what in Windsinger's name are you still doing here?!” Lashing her curled tail irately Matar snarled at the Imperial as if she was the reason for every bad thing that had ever happened to her. “I told you to leave less than an hour ago. I watched you go. Why the hell are you still here?!”

“Co~os I'm, like, super intent on helpin' you lot an' my chum Vegin wants a change of pace an' stuff. So we thought-”

“No, no, no! I said no!” Matar practically screamed up at the giant dragon regardless of the size difference between them. “I was considering it when you first arrived and asked but you keep coming back when I told you to wait and come back later!”

Venilia shrugged. “It is later though.”

There was a snapping sound as the Coatl's grip on her posy of assorted blooms tightened, cracking the stems. Before she could react however Vunguza pointed out, “So uh, there a problem whit our furry friend o'er there?” His voice was dry and untrusting but his eyes showed a small level of concern. Matar swung her neck around to glance back at Ayaz, who had stopped, no longer smiling, eyes wide and focused on something.

“Ayaz?” She asked, voice raspy from the shouting. “What are you-”

“Someone's coming.” His voice was low, shuffling his wings as he cast about as if picking up a sound or scent the others could not detect. “A lot of them. Around us. Above us. Something's in the water.”

Again the Snapper's eyebrows raised in shock. “In t'water? But it's nowt but a pond! How could naethin' get in there whit me lookin' in it all day?” Regardless, forgetting he still had a passenger wrapped around his neck, Vunguza strained his senses to pick up movement within the ripples. There had been nothing of note before, perhaps something small like a trapped fish or amphibian that had found its way here. This time there was something bigger. Much bigger. He looked in through the silty surface.

A blue face stared back, eyes widening as a shape ducked deeper into the filth. “What in the-?”

“Serthis.” Ayaz hissed behind him. “Harpies. Maren. Beastclan attack us!”

“Beastclan? But how-?”

With a guttural cry a group of serthis burst from the undergrowth around them, harpies shrieking overhead as they dropped, talons outstretched, from the skies.

They were already upon them.

Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 purchase x1, Hyacinth Badly Injured for 4 days

There was more I wanted to add but it was already getting long and this seemed to be a good place to leave it off :')

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2019 4:00 pm
by Krysteena
I see you planting the seeds for the eventually meeting of the two halves, I love it! :D All the flower meanings were lovely to read, and it's only just hit me how many dragons with 'v' in their names you've got

Also, that's one big ol' cliffhanger there - come on Pinkerton, you know what to do!

Double also, the struggle of the coli being v real aside, Ayaz is looking super fancy with his new gene! A good shadowy boy right there <3

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:19 am
by Varethyn
Ask and ye shall receive! Also... seeds. Flowers. Eh? Eh? :lol: :hug:

Day 113

Chapter 28

“You couldn't have warned us sooner?!” Spreading her wings and waving them back and forth, slowly at first, picking up speed Matar began to summon a mighty breeze with her Wind magic to knock the airborne threat from the skies.

“I did not sense them until now.” Ayaz growled in response, his usual dark humour absent in the moment as he flared his own wings in a show of dominance against the encroaching snake-people. “They must have travelled during the day when I was unable to detect them.” The Tundra kept his voice low as he backed up against the Coatl. It was too bright still; only just bearable for him to be walking around outside. He'd wanted to make a good impression – or at least as good as he was capable of appearing – to Ilmatar. It seems that in his preparations and searching for this gift and cryptic message he missed the enemy getting closer.

As the magical winds picked up the screaming harpies were knocked off-course, cursing as they fought to not be torn from the air completely. Moving around too quickly for any attacks to land a direct hit the birds circled around, riding the ethereal breeze as they searched for an opening. Several times they dived only to be swept one way or the other as Matar watched them carefully.

Her headache was only getting worse however. Once or twice the strength of her buffeting gales dropped momentarily as her concentration lapsed. Always been better at biting and scratching. What she did notice amongst all the movement was that the harpies only had eyes for one target.


The great blue Imperial had stooped low, her own red eyes trained on the skulking snakes as they slunk from hiding place to obstacle that prevented them from being easily hit. In turn they hurled spears and glass flasks brimming with multicoloured liquids, releasing a foul stench when they shattered, further reducing Ilmatar's capabilities and choking and blinding the others. Even those trio born from Plague roots found it hard to overcome some of the concoctions; Vennie found herself pulling back to cover her nose with a paw, snarling in irritation.

Again, Ayaz this time noticed that the serthis were aiming more at the blue newcomer and her brightly-coloured companion. A few projectiles flew his way as well, lessening the more he pulled himself back into the shadows of the larger dragons around him. As he did this, while incomparable to the pitch darkness of his caves, he felt his power grow and let loose a cloud of dark mist to envelope their foes and obscure them from view.

All around were cries of anger and frustration, more than once an attack from one side or the other attempted to penetrate the wavering fog only to miss by inches.

“Cannae help but notice how few o' them there is.” Vunguza muttered as he, too, pressed against the now rather friendly bunch of fur, feather and scale. “An' t'maren ain't doing nowt neither.”

“A distraction perhaps.” Matar responded, not letting her magic fade just yet despite their gloomy cover. “There could be more.” Here she shot Ayaz a commanding glare. The leaden Tundra shook his head in response, pale eyes even brighter still as he held his spell.

“I sense no others beyond this group. If there are more they are well outside the boundaries of this place.” Suddenly his horned head snapped to the opposite direction as he spat a glob of congealed shadow at a faint movement in the rippling mist, a poorly stifled hiss of pain confirming a hit.

“Well then I don' see much point in hidin' then!” Venilia declared, bracing her legs as she rose to full height above the mist. “Let's get 'em!”

“Vennie, no!” Vegin called through gritted teeth, zipping up to get to his friend's head and tugging uselessly at an antler in a vain attempt to get her to duck back down. She ignored him, letting out a guttural roar and striking out at the airborne beasts above.

Almost instantly all attacks switched to the exposed Imperial as she charged out to meet her small band of foes. Most of them bounced off her scales or merely tore her already distressed clothing but her clumsy, miscalculated swipes and bites left her all the more vulnerable.

A flask of acid hit her square in the face and she recoiled, screaming as the liquid ate away at her scales and underlying flesh.

“Okay that's it!” Vegin cried, rolling up the sleeves of the white lab coat he'd been sporting all this time and dropping his pink-tinted goggles over his googly optics with a noticeable snap. “No one uses alchemy against us while I'm here!” A second, darker streak darted after the ruby one as Anvindr took this as his cue to join in.

But as they were preparing to gouge out the eyes of those serthis closest to them a familiar voice cried out: “Ssssstop! Ssstop you foolssss!”

Vin about fell out of the air at hearing that, grabbing the other Spiral's tail and causing him to jolt, pulling the former forward a little and resulting in the both of them getting tangled in a living, scaly ball on the ground. “Nathrach?” The dark Spiral managed to ask after wriggling his muzzle out of the mess of arms and wings.

Nathrach the serthis alchemist had not been seen since the cave incident. Vin had lost control, forcing the red snake's partner to consume their own brewed toxins as a last ditch effort to drive off the last of the band of outcasts who dared kidnap them so. He'd made Nathrach stay with him and help with his potion making, designing cures and reversals until it was decided that it wasn't worth keeping the serthis hostage. Parting ways rather quickly Anvindr hadn't anticipated ever seeing his former captive again let alone so soon.

At the shout all the attacks broke off, the other serthis huddling together in the long grasses as the harpies came in to roost on the rocks behind them, watching the dragons within the mist carefully. In turn, after a few doubtful, considering moments Ayaz allowed the spell to dissipate so the two sides could interact more clearly. Even a small face bobbed up from Vunguza's pond to regard the goings on as Nathrach slithered between the two groups.

“Tend to the blue one.” He commanded, snapping thin fingers at the yellow serthis next to him and pointing at Venilia. “No one wassss sssupposssed to get hurt!” The dragons stared in bewilderment at the annoyance and betrayal present in the snake's lisping words. Not supposed to get hurt? Why? What was this about then? None of them moved to make way for the yellow one as she made her way to the writhing Imperial as all eyes flicked to one another, the snake in front of them, the group ahead of them and the few birds sat warily behind those.

“They were wary.” Nathrach explained apologetically, though a hint of humour danced between the words. “I had only dessscribed thossse of you I'd met at the river. When we sssaw three ssstrangersss my group acted out of fear. I apologissse for them.” The serthis, bowing low, waved an arm to address the other beastclans gathered around him. One of the harpies shifted her weight, appearing to only be standing on one leg. “We banded together, outcasstssss all, to ssseek refuge alongsssside yourssselvesss.”

“Refuge.” Matar repeated, still standing firm in denying access the wounded Venilia. “Alongside us.” For a moment all she and her troupe could do was stare at the interlopers as they pieced this information together. Why would beastclans seek to share a lair with dragons? Especially ones they'd encountered on bad terms previously.

“Pleassse let usss through.” the yellow-scaled serthis practically begged, placing a hand on the Coatl's shoulder. “The blue one will only sssuffer longer.”

With an unconvinced snort Matar spoke, deliberately loudly as if calling to her intended recipient, “We have an alchemist of our own who will help her.” Though of course it had to be the dumb, broken-draconic-speaking idiot who kept pestering and pestering to join. Guess she had little choice now.

“Little tied up at the moment I'm afraid!” The jaguar-spotted Spiral called out, the ball of dragon wobbling and threatening to roll off as the pair attempted to disentangle themselves from one another. “You know Vegin, we really need to stop meeting like this.” With exaggerated motion the ruby Spiral nodded vigorously for a few seconds before returning to his efforts. With a heavy sigh at this spectacle Ilmatar shook her crested head in dismay as she stood aside, motioning for Ayaz to do the same, allowing the serthis to nervously slip between them and busy themselves applying salves to parts of the Imperial's face.

“You already know my ssstory.” Nathrach continued, all eyes turning to the vermilion serthis. “Abandoned by my parentsss alongssside my brethren and the offssspring of othersss. Left to fend for ourssselvesss ssso our parentsss' sssect can cull the weak and ussselessss. A tiny band which you decccimated, holding me captive until alssso abandoning me.”

“So why did you seek us out after everything I got you to do for me?” Anvindr, having by this point half-freed himself from Vegin's coils. Part of him wondered if his fellow was holding onto him in places on purpose. “I made you teach me all that stuff and what to use and make more stuff and then told you it wasn't working as I'd hoped and let you go. And you did go. Now you're here again.”

Nathrach shifted under the scrutinising gaze of his assorted group of beastpeople. “Truth be asss it isss, I had nowhere elssse to go.” Pulling down the cloth veil used to hide most of his flat face the red serthis held out his arms to emphasise having nothing. “I would be ssseen asss weak, a failure. A ssympathissser of dragonsss for being made to ssspend time with you.” Lowering his arms and gaze he added, “Rather live with and help dragonsss than to never be treated asss a ssserthisss.”

The snowy-feathered harpy who stood on one leg hopped forward then, splaying her winged arms half a respectful bow, half to keep her balance. “We all were outcast from our clans one way or another.” She spoke, not lifting her head to face the dragons. “I met with another group of your kind. They had pilfered dragon eggs that my flock had traded for to use as bribery and distraction. I was a part of the retaliation squad only for them to strike us all down.” Hobbling slightly and casting her wings out further the white harpy lifted her deformed leg as proof, showing how she was unable to fully close or uncurl her talons or straighten the limb in full.

“I was held captive while my sisters were forced into retreat. It was during the time the great winds failed; we had no strength to fight back without them.” There was a pause as she considered the words she had just spoken. “No,” she began to correct herself, “not captive. I'd felt it at the time and yet...” Behind the scuffed bone mask her eyes closed as she took a staggering breath. “One of them wounded me, yet they offered to repair my wounds. The great white one told me of a view I had not considered. Perhaps did not wish to. Her words allowed me to see the error of my people's ways. Neither side deserves to perish, though neither deserve peace either.” Despite her injured leg the avian creature stood tall, opening her eyes to finally address the dragons properly, removing her bone mask and casting it to the ground.

“They healed me and let me go. I left them with nought but my name. I shared my new thoughts with my flock, asked if what we had done was truly deserved. For my efforts I was maimed further. They lashed at my leg, the leg the dragons had healed. I could have walked again and my own people stripped it from me and almost killed me. It was only by sister Ociara's intervention that I was able to flee.” With one feathered arm she gestured at a blue-plumed harpy sporting a blood red mask, shawl and sash, who bowed deeply.

“She is an envoy from the Stormcloud clan in the barren Fire lands, come to deliver news from the east. She too believes that poaching eggs from any dragon clan is not right. Though she believes deserving dragons should be targetted as such my flock chased her away for it, as well.”

A ripple of murmuring washed over the gathered beast tribes, some in agreement, others of sympathy, mostly an indiscernible language the dragons did not recognise. “We all have been treated thisss way.” Nathrach continued, slithering forwards once more. “While we will not all ssstay here, if you allow usss to ssstay at all, thossse that do are willing to aid you. Give adviccce and sssecretsss of our people.”

An uneasy silence gripped the draconic group save for the whimpering from Venilia as her face was cleaned of acid. As they had worked the yellow serthis had explained to her that it was meant as little more than a deterrent and will not cause lasting damage. Though the Imperial was luck not to get it in her eyes. “And t'maren?” Vunguza asked curiously, waving a thick arm at his pond and where the creature in question shyly ducked back under the surface at the attention. “How'd ye e'en get 'er in there while ah were layin' nearaboot?”

An amused smirk crossed the serthis' tanned face as he folded his arms over his chest. “Your 'pond' goesss much deeper than you may realissse, dragon. Long before your kind flew our ssskiesss maren carved tunnelsss underground to link bodiesss of water sssuch asss thisss.”

Vunguza's deep blue eyes threatened to drop straight out of his head as they widened to their fullest. “There's... there's more to it?” A broad paw lifted to rub his jaw thoughtfully. “Mus' be filthier than firs' thought...”

“Laika will be very happy to help you explore if you desssire it. Though ssshe isss rather ssshy and doesss not ssspeak much draconic unlike Ariana and myssself.” The white harpy in question bowed again.

“Nor sadly does Ociara, though she is very willing to learn given the time.” Next to her the blue harpy, Ociara, bobbed her head in agreement as another, darker-plumed avian whispered to her in their native tongue.

Another long, uneasy pause hung over them all after the beastclans said their piece. “It would appear that we have found ourselves in quite the predicament, eh Clan Leader?” Ayaz whispered almost mockingly to Ilmatar, his usual grin returning as he spoke. “I'm very curious to see how you will handle this.”

“Not helping.” Matar snapped under her breath to the Tundra, who merely chuckled in response. Lifting herself to full height the copper Coatl regarded the ragtag crew of serthis and harpy, then the maren as she poked her head out again, then back down at their leader, Nathrach. Come on Matar, this is what it means to be a clan leader. This is what you've always wanted to do, right? Think. Think! What should I do? An unbidden, tuneless hum worked its way up her throat as Matar murmured to herself in her own native language, ignoring the baffled expressions her clanmates gave her for it. They've tried to hurt us, hurt me several times. But then why come to us now? Like this?

Forked tongue flicking in and out of her snakelike mouth Ilmatar puffed out her chest, displaying the curls of feather and fur that converged there, purposely drawing out the time it took for her to answer. For she had none. When the assorted creatures began to wither and whisper, shift and bunch together under her gaze the Coatl finally asked, “What will you do if I say no?”

“Then we will sssearch for thossse who will take usss in.” Nathrach replied defiantly, the statement sounding rehearsed in case of such an outcome. “Or die.”

Having at last separated themselves from each other Vin and Vegin took their places either side of Matar, the ruby Spiral turned to study the extent of Venilia's wounds and the tactic the yellow serthis was applying to treat it. “R-r-remember Mat- Ilmatar,” Anvindr stammered, drumming his bony fingers together, debating internally if this was a good idea, “th-they are being hunted by their own clans now. They can't give us away because they'll be killed first.”

A sceptical green eye swivelled to look at him side-on. “You believe that?”

“Y-yes.” Vin gulped. “I do.”

“Not all of usss will be joining you.” Nathrach reminded them, gesturing to himself, Ociara and the pond where Laika was lurking. “The othersss will continue their flight lessst our former clansss ssseek usss out.”

That made things a little easier. Having only a few of them would be simpler to keep an eye on as opposed to effectively a miniature beastclan... clan. “Alright.” Matar spoke at length. The gathered group of creatures let out a collective sigh of relief. Bubbles rose from the depths of the deeper-than-expected pond. “But we will be keeping a very close eye on those who stay. We have a lot of work to do here and one of ours is currently nesting. You will all be under strict order to not leave your assigned dragon's side. Do I make myself clear?”

Heads bowed and bobbed as a chorus of agreement was heard, the group then turning to themselves to bid each other good luck, safe travels and hopes to see one another again. Anvindr yelped as he felt his tail being tugged, twisting around to see the yellow-scaled serthis holding out a bottle of clear liquid. “For the blue one.” They said simply, not meeting his wide stare. “For the acccid.”

Blinking a few times Vin reached out to take the bottle as he realised what they meant. “Oh! O-of course. Thank you!” The serthis bowed, still avoiding eye contact as they slid quickly over to join the departing group.

As they all splintered off, possibly to reconvene in separate parties to avoid drawing suspicion Matar was a mix of disappointed and relieved to see only Nathrach, Ariana and Ociara left standing before her, with Laika in the water that Vunguza had gone back over to inspect. Ariana, the white one, hopped forwards. “I will not stay,” she admitted, bowing again, “I simply wished to ask that, should you meet them, to please extend my thanks to the travelling dragons who healed me.”

“You're not upset that they caused you to be kicked out of your flock?” Matar asked curiously, tilting her head and catching an unwelcome glimpse of Ayaz still lurking at her side from the corner of her vision.

Ariana shook her head, dark hair dancing with the motion. “They helped me to understand you in another light. One day, if we were to meet again, I would join them. Until then,” she turned, spreading her white wings wide, “I pray your god spares me the same way. May the winds forever fill your wings and grant you swift passage.” With some effort and a few hopping leaps Ariana took to the sky to follow her darker-plumed sister. Ilmatar watched them all go, the serthis slinking off through the grass in different directions and the harpies overhead until they were all out of sight.

“Well. That happened.” The Coatl remarked, half unsure if what had happened actually had. Clearing her throat she waved the remaining two over. “Na...thrak? Right?” The serthis nodded, a hint of an amused smirk on his lips at her attempt to recreate his name. “You know Anvindr already. I suggest the two of you stay together.”

Obediently Nathrach sidled into place next to the Spiral. “And Ociara? One of these?”

Matar thought for a moment. Who would a harpy best suit? A passing glance showed her that Vunguza was already trying to coax Laika to the surface so that they could attempt some form of communication. It seemed best those two be paired in that case. She herself didn't fancy a beastclan companion so her emerald gaze searched Vegin's. Which turned out to be rather troublesome as his eyes shared almost the same shade of red his scales did.

No, he and Venilia had only just arrived here. She knew nothing of him except that he apparently knew Vin and Venilia was a pain in the proverbial. Maybe Whisper? Or Noelani? Meifeng was too young yet so that left the two Lightborne.

“Follow.” The Coatl commanded, waving a paw to beckon the harpy. Nathrach said something to her in their combined beastclan language and she nodded, falling into step behind the ruddy-furred dragon. “I need to get Whisper to help escort Venilia somewhere she can recover anyway.” Not needing to look over her shoulder Matar was very aware that Ayaz was hovering in her shadow as they they made their way back towards the main part of the clan grounds, followed by the two Spirals and the serthis.

Barely halfway to the hollow the Wildclaw and brighter Imperial had taken up residence a minty blur careened towards them as the young Ridgeback came tearing over, kicking up stones as she ran and her hook-claw leaving ruts in the soil from the force. “Mama! Mam- Matar! Come quick! Come quick!” Skidding to a halt in front of the group and basically ignoring the strange newcomers as she forced herself to correct her speech – turns out Matar didn't like being called Mama – Meifeng's rear end wiggled with the exertion from her excitedly lashing tail and she hopped from foot to foot. “They hatching! Lani's eggs hatching!”

Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 purchase x1, Hyacinth Badly Injured for 3 days

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:37 pm
by Lupis
Two great chapters! I'm really startin' to feel the mojo again with this team. Matar is really forming up into a good leader, and I love how she's creating this band of missfits- this way of adding familiars to the party was super clever, and I love the concept of all these dragons and beastfolk who have suffered so much just trying to help each other get by!

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:54 pm
by Krysteena
Pinkerton pulled through and I'm so glad he did - what a wonderful chapter to read! Like Lupis said, the way you worked together all the dragons and their familiars was really clever! These cliffhangers will be the death of me, though, I can't wait to see how you introduce the three imp babs next :D

Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:14 pm
by Kirrandria
Aaaaah, I was so pleasantly surprised to see Ariana again! I enjoyed this chapter a lot, and I'm excited for the next. Hatchlings!