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Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:10 pm
by rubybeam
For plot I think is fine, but serious I feel so stressed when theres special charrys around, only because of the incident in fury of the twlight, which I still kinda think is offence to anyone but I think its kind've stupid

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:15 pm
by Saturo
That what is stupid?

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 pm
by rubybeam
Its probably best not mentioning it i this thread

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 11:18 pm
by rubybeam
Its probably best not mentioning it i this thread

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:03 am
by Moonlost
Why do I feel the need to come check on the forums despite really needing to stay in bed? >.<

Ruby, just what do you consider to be a "special" character? Especially considering this roleplay is set to allow anything that isn't ungodly powerful?
Just want to clear up any ambiguity on that point, so we're all on the same page.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:28 am
by Azunara
I'd like to point out there is no way the WoW RP was guilty for having a bunch of special characters. Let's take a look at the PokeRP. RotS. Plenty of special characters, though all the Dusk evolved were for plot purposes. VotS, which was the real downfall...Everyone but two or three were special: A hybrid, or Delta, or fakemon. There was Venin, Ivika, and Baaz who weren't that I can remember.

WoW RP: All the Cultists/Swift/Decay are special for plot purposes. Threnaad is a broken. Azu is a ghost. Koz is a dragon. If you want to look at anyone to blame for special characters, take a look at me. Neither of my characters are ordinary, which I still, sometimes, squirm and worry there's secret resentment at me for it.

So yeah. Special. Define it please. What's special in one world isn't in another. Hell, a pony with a horn and wings is super special and rare.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:50 pm
by rubybeam
Actually a pony with wings and a horn is quite normal in MLP

when it honestly comes to special characters I mean things thats kinda rare in the normal rp ex: someone poessed by a demon? a unicorn/pegusus pony? A hybrid child from perfect world?
yeah I dont want to see those unless you have a GOOD reason for a backstory
or unless its normal; in the original world

im going to stop now


Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 12:55 pm
by Azunara
rubybeam wrote:Actually a pony with wings and a horn is quite normal in MLP

when it honestly comes to special characters I mean things thats kinda rare in the normal rp ex: someone poessed by a demon? a unicorn/pegusus pony? A hybrid child from perfect world?
yeah I dont want to see those unless you have a GOOD reason for a backstory
or unless its normal; in the original world

im going to stop now

Man, I can't believe I wikied this.

According to some wiki I looked up..."Outside of the three races, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna possess both wings and a unicorn horn. They are the only known permanently winged unicorns, and they both possess extraordinary magical power."

Only those two have got wings -and- horn. So one with both would in fact be rare.

ALSO: Fine. If you suspect you have special characters, then you can ask others. If majority say yes, then revise. If the mjaority say no, it's fine. Democracy go.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:07 pm
by rubybeam
Before anyone gets pissed off at me I'd like to apologise
its strange the things I get fired up over

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 1:10 pm
by Azunara
I suppose I was a smidge frustrated and confused. Might have been snappy in reply, but you do make it seem like A. I have no idea what I was talking about (I may not watch the show, but I can pick things up) and that it was the fault of others alone for having special characters and you were innocent, or at least that was how it was worded to me.

Rewording my prior statement:

Yeah, I think there should be the group agreeing if a character is too special or not, that way it's less biased and more democractic. Majority rules kind of thing.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:11 pm
by rubybeam
So anyone know when this is going to be made? Im quite anxious to roleplay it

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:14 pm
by Azunara
I'm waiting on Moon and I to properly confer the antagonist deal, and then just tie it all together. I wouldn't mind waiting until Senna comes back as well, but we can start if people are rearing to go.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:28 pm
by Moonlost
Sorry, I'll try to have the antagonists ready for you asap. :S
If not today, then tomorrow.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Sun May 29, 2011 10:33 pm
by Azunara
Take as long as you need, Moon. I am not personally in too much of a rush. Really.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:33 am
by Moonlost

Antagonist details: The-Devourer-of-Worlds

A great creature exists between the dimensions of alternate realities. It has no shape, no form, no name, no size. It simply is. A creature of thought alone, it sustains it's existence by devouring universes. In times past, the being would target only one universe at a time, consuming it entirely before moving onto the next. However, as the idea of this creature has become larger, it's hunger has increased as well. In an attempt to sate it's desire, it has latched onto multiple dimensions, spreading itself across each of them to sustain itself.
The few who do know of it, call it The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
The process of devouring these universes isn't quite as one would imagine. You won't see great big teeth crunching down on the sun, for example. Instead, what the creature does is slowly erase knowledge from the universe. Once that knowledge is gone, the thing that knowledge represents disappears. For example, let's say the creature killed anyone who has knowledge of Mars and destroyed all the books that held passages about Mars. Since nobody now knows about Mars, Mars suddenly vanishes, eaten by The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
Once a concept is completely destroyed, it leaves a rift in that universe. Normally, entering one of these rifts would kill you. However, since The-Devourer-of-Worlds has latched itself onto multiple dimensions, instead going into one of these rifts will send you to another dimension. Beings are freely able to hop though these portals with no ill effects, assuming the portal in question doesn't lead to some place inherently dangerous, like a volcano.

Now, The-Devourer-of-Worlds consumes this information by sending out manifestations of itself into the universe to attack and destroy. These beings share only one distinguishing feature between themselves; their eyes appear to ripple, as if they were crafted with the same stuff that dreams are made from. Or nightmares. Otherwise, they look completely different from one another. Some skitter by on hundreds of legs, others are more humanoid in appearance.
Most of them are mindless drones, attacking and killing anything in their path. However, there are a handful of these beings that show a remarkable degree of intelligence and are able to command the drones. Calling themselves “Monarchs”, they are able to think, reason and speak with any creature they might encounter. These Monarchs are the last remaining figments of past universes eaten by The-Devourer-of-Worlds.
In times past, the Monarchs have made deals with factions within the universe they is being devoured, promising to spare the lives of those who submit and help their master to destroy everything around them. This is always a ruse, a trick to make the process so much easier.

Each of these Monarchs has in their possession a single fragment of the universe they came from. If each of these fragments are brought together and imbued with a certain spell, it will cause The-Devourer-of-Worlds to physically manifest, which allows it to be possibly killed.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:40 am
by Magnakilro
wow...that sounds really awesome XD

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:43 am
by Serendipity82
Wow Moon...that is kick ass.

*Debates using Sen as an antagonist* *shutters at the idea*

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:45 am
by Kira
...If I do join this....I Have to be an antagonist...I just Have to be...they sound Awesome.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:46 am
by Azunara

Protagonist Details: Mending the Tears

With all the tears in the universe, chaos is completely and utterly breaking loose. Civilizations that prosper are over run by aggressive, chaotic races that tear through and destroy in their desires, or in the name of the Devourer-of-Worlds. Furthermore, civilizations that would once grow to do great things are quelled without a whimper, and the stability of the universe is crashing down.

Legends speak of a spell to Bind and subdue the Devourer-of-Worlds, allowing heroes to restore their peace and stability. But with a catch, for the reagents to the spell are the essence of worlds destroyed, and they must face the Devourer-of-Worlds' most horrible allies to restore the order.


Hesitant set of rules:

Name and location must be placed at start of post.
No "lore" characters. (As in, no Tirion, or Captain Jack Sparrow, or Dr. McKay (as cool as that would be. *Coughs.*)
If your character is deemed too "OP and special" by the majority of the group, you will be asked to change it. Politely of course.
Preferably, stick to already established universes as opposed to self created and post wiki-links so people can understand roughly what you're talking about. Not everyone is a huge fan of Mass Effect or MLP and knows what you're talking about.

Re: Forget Brainstorming...

Posted: Mon May 30, 2011 12:47 am
by Serendipity82
Sounds fair to me.