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Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 3:56 am
by Chimera
Woooo my final 5.1 rare! (this char is gonna turn into a panda when i can save up some splurge money.. damn christmas shopping.. ><)


Not sure what to name my blue arcane serpent, sapphire owl, or new shiny tiger but hopefully it wont be too hard to think of some names ._.;;

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 4:21 am
by Vephriel
Zormus was waiting for me when I went to get him tonight. :) It's not exactly a new tame since all I did was retame Reznor as this mob instead of Gezz, but it suits him much more and I'm happy to have a purple warpie that doesn't have a singularly feminine source.


And Deathstrike showed up in the middle of the night. He's got Naraku written all over him. That's my angry baby. <3


Last one of the night, picked up Manas so that I can give dragonhawks another chance since I do love the colours on the grey skins. After some contemplation I'm fairly certain I prefer this paler version than Sunwing's dark skin. The darker one just has a bit too much of a contrasted green tinge to it or something, I like the softer look of this one.


Aaannnd I think I have finally solved my wind serpent dilemma (being that I couldn't decide between my white and black and ended up with two that had very similar personalities). Shiki has taken on Yukiko's model, which is a combination of both, and I think now I can feel as though I still have aspects from each of my serpents culminated in one.



Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:04 am
by Falcon
Arconiss has proved to be too painful, so I went and grabbed a purple arcane wyrm instead. It's better this way, the purple wyrms were the very first ones I saw and fell in love with, and I don't have to worry about setting off anybody's NPCScan, so I can have her with me anywhere I want to.

Here's my girl, Tuonela.


Also, never take the Northrend Wormhole Generator to Borean Tundra, it's a very, very bad idea! O_o; Luckily for me, I have a Goblin Glider on my cloak, so I was able to maneuver myself to land on the roof of Warsong hold, but, geez, scared me half to death.

Just Sunwing to worry about now.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:38 am
by Finduilas
Could someone post a pic where I can see clearly the spawnpoint of Sunwing (dark dragonhawk)? I know the location, but I'm not sure where exactly. If its up on the mountains or halfway or on the foot of the mountains.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 10:59 am
by Akyo
I managed to snatch Sunwing just today, was lucky to be alone in the spot when it spawned :) He/she is beautifull so its a keeper.
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Was never to interested in Manas but desided to tame if i should run into it to get a close look on it. Now Manas is very pretty in cold enviroments where the white on it pops but else i find its colors kinda washed out. So dont think ill keep it for too long.
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Not a new beast but got curious how the yellow one looked so went to tame. Ive never really liked Yellows but its not looking to shabby im kinda getting attached. Also, a pic of all dragonhawks i have atm. ARMY!
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Of course i had to get a arcane serpent as ive drooled over em for years. Still looking for the red one but its highly camped atm. I do quite like the blue one though.
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And Windserpents! I snatched myself a Quetzl(?) and i find it stunning! Another ill keep. I also did tame Skyshadow but again, yellow isent my color.
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Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:09 am
by Akyo
About Sunwings spawn spot.
It does NOT spawn on the hills. for me it spawned about mid air in the exactly between the hills (the one hill next to the camp and the giant hillside going through the sone) in the west/southwest.
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Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:13 am
by Finduilas
Thank you Akyo, so I know I have to watch my surrondings cloesly. There are lots of questers in my CRZ in this valley and a dumbass level 90 pala trying to grief hunters :/ Was hoping he would spawn in the mountains so I could snag him without having to worry about questers.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:14 pm
by Layiaissa
For the last two years, ever since she was browsing petopia with me, my daughter has be wanting a dragon to tame. Tuesday, she finally hit 47. Yesterday, made me camp one of the new rares after she went to bed....


Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 6:16 pm
by Yoruko
So, sitting on Acroniss' spawn and having a lot of time to take screenshots! Speaking of which, I went to check him out yesterday, but there was already another hunter camping before I arrived so I decided it would be fair to let them have the tame if it spawns and just tag along and see how the skin looks like in game. The hunter in question seemed to be grateful since they named the pet after my hunter. (Large screenshot, so have a link instead.)

Anyway! I'm a big fan of the black warp stalker (as you might've guessed) so Zormus who lurks in a dark crypt eyes glowing was instantly very appealing to me.
I think me and "Azreon" will be good friends in no time.

This tame is a bit of a test or try-out to see how I like scorpids. This skin in particular since I think it fits spot on with my favourite transmog set. I really wanted to try green Madexx already during Cata, but I was simply too unmotivated to camp a random skin long timer rare mob in case it turns out I end up not keeping it. Toxx's appearance was a blessing for me in many ways. :) I'm quickly growing fond of him. (And he thinks I'm squishy. Ow, cut it out!)
When my character was still a night elf I used to have a white scorpion called Narahkin, so to honour his memory I decided to name this lively fellow slightly similar; Nazrahk.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 11:05 pm
by Falcon
I'm pretty much done for the time being with the new rares, though I might, and this is a pretty big might, try for Arconiss again sometime in the future, but, well, we'll see. Like Magmagan, these two ended up winning me over.

First up, Empathy:

And Cloak:

More detail about their tames in my blog.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:38 am
by Ijomi

The name is entirely my fiance's fault. >.>

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:59 am
by TygerDarkstorm
I am thankful for so many of the new ghost babies we got in this patch. <3 I decided to make a tauren hunter that will tame only ghostly and diseased pets in an effort to help try to cure them or help them move on.

Tahney's first tame so far is Snarl (formerly Nighthowl).

I made up a story for how they met but it's too long to post here. He's basically a former hunter pet that died with his master in an ambush from Scourge in the area. Ever since he's haunted that fateful spot, going unseen by most until Tahney and her attunement to spirits came along and offered him a better path away from his sorrow and anger.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:25 am
by Seilahyn
I originally planned to get the purple one on Xalyndrie and the white on my eventual Panda Hunter... but I do love the white one and couldn't wait. Was a nice challenge to tame as well. With the easy one evade bugging I had to shoot this one in the air, drop and disengage before hitting the ground.

I was trying to think of some pets to fill in the other slots of my stables, and I have always LOVED this eagle since LK, so it only made sense to try him out.

I've never owned any birds other than Aotona who, unfortunately, never clicked with me as I just didn't like the parrot model. When I first started playing I did like these guys and had thought about taming one but I just never had the room. Blue is my favorite color, but I think this white and black one wins over the blue and black one.
I totally wasn't expecting the stun from Favored of Isiset. I just hit tame and was all, "la-de-da taming new rar- wtf? Oh.. you wanna play like that, eh?" So I dropped a trap to settle it down.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:05 am
by 7seti
Managed to snag Manas, haven't thought of a name yet:


I've always loved the silver skin.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:08 am
by Falcon
7seti wrote:Managed to snag Manas, haven't thought of a name yet:


I've always loved the silver skin.
Oh, wow, that screenshot is amazing! Where'd you take it? It really brings out Manas's soft coloration!

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:18 am
by Mozag
Looks like The Eye of Eternity, Falcon.

But I concur, LOVELY screenie 7seti!

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 10:41 am
by Falcon

ADFGFHKIFNXDFHDX EEEEEEE!!!! I finally got her!!

Tuonela didn't want to change to the red, so she's staying purple, so Acroniss became her sister, Hel. ^_^ Double meaning for the choice of name. First off, she's named for Loki's daughter who rules over the underworld in Norse mythology. Secondly is for the chaotic time I had trying to get her.

I can finally catch up fully on much needed sleep.

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 12:42 pm
by GormanGhaste
I originally tamed Ionis, but it was not a good match. So today I tamed Quetzl, and named her Liana. We've been having a lot of fun!

Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:52 pm
by Miuliu
I catched a rare fox named "Bushtail" in Elwynn forest, never heard of this fox and didnt seem to find it in the petopia. It has the model of "white fox"


Re: Show off your 5.1 tames! [picture heavy]

Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:55 pm
by Kalliope
Bushtail is in Caelan's huuuuuge 5.1 thread. :D Grats on finding him!