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Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:01 pm
by Azunara

Well, a lot of people really dig the Seven Sins concept. And a lot of people already have concepts. (Which, by the way if you want to use it for whatever we do next I'm still cool with. We can still have the subset seven come in, I just don't think it has to be that big a focus? That way, we can have one or three or six and it will still work fine.) I still like the idea of some new Legend rising up though and causing trouble--kidnapping pokemon, Legendaries, corrupting them or whatever. (No I am not thinking of Replacement go away). But there'd be one or two big bads for people to RP if they'd like as opposed to multiple?

Or we can hash something different along a different route. Search for the magical macguffin!

And I was gonna say something like that Honey. Maybe the Sins are formed and goad pokemon into doing their dirty work. In this case, killing Legends and absorbing their essence to become new scary legend/god/monster beasts--weapons for the sins.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:05 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
The RP hasn't started yet or anything so there's plenty of time to work out plot details and hashing out what happens if one Sin or something isn't as active as they should be. :)

I think a good place to start is:
What are you(we) looking for in this RP?
Where do we want it to go?
Do we (should we) establish rules/guidelines for the 7 sins if we opt to continue with that idea?
Are there any further clarifications for how either of the two plots would work?
Would it be easier if the plots were merged?
What role(s) do the sins play? (anti-hero, villain, chaotic neutral, etc)
Pokemon only RP or human characters allowed? Human NPCs?

Uh, that's all I can think of right now. I'm getting really tired. >_<

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:07 pm
by Senna-Umbreon
I dunno, I vote that, at least for now, we see if we can come up with a plot idea everyone can agree on? Because it seems as if not everyone (Including me, derp. XD) is set on the Sins idea, so...

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:08 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Might have been too slow in coming up with my post. xD I do think Azu has a point in that relying on 7 people that are integral to the plot of an RP to keep it running might be a bit hard and a bit unfair to the people without sins. Thus needing some sort of rule establishing what happens if someone's inactive too long or altering the plot as Azu suggested (I dunno why that problem didn't occur to me before >_>).

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:14 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Well, I suggested the sins be added later in the plot, because by then, most people who might go inactive probably already have!

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:14 pm
by Rubywashere
If we do the sns should we also throw in the vrtues to balance them out?
Okay that may be a little hard but im willing to roleplay every virtue and I WILL be active I promise, IF we do throw them in

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:28 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
I think doing that creates way too many legends and it wouldn't really be fair to other people to have one person playing that many legends.

I am kind of for the idea of limiting how many characters people can have for an RP, but that's mostly because I find it very hard to keep track of who belongs to who once everyone gets going with 2-4+ characters.

Just my two cents.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:44 pm
by HoneyShuckle
I didn't think about the virtues! I'm.. Not sure it actually solves the problem at hand, but it is something worth mentioning.

Also, I am against the character limitation, just for the record.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 11:57 pm
by Silivren
I personally LOVE the sins plot line. I really don't want to see that thrown out the window. Possibly not an integral/game-changing plot if one or two goes missing/drops out but its too great of an idea not to use. A lot of people have really neat concepts for them and I'd utterly hate to see that wasted. This is very unique for a Pokémon RP and I admire/like that it isn't just your normal RP.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 12:07 am
by Rubywashere
yeeahh last time we tried limiting it didn't turn out well at all
I just say only use as much characters as you can handle

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:50 am
by Senna-Umbreon
Agreeing with Ruby and Honey here. We once tried limiting character amount in a looooooong forgotten PokeRP (Seriously, which one was it? We've had so many XD), and YEAH, it went over VERY badly. Definitely completely against it.

Anyway, one of the other issues I see with the Sin plotline is, well.. We definitely have more than seven people here, and it was kind of a "first come, first serve" deal, which isn't exactly fair to people who ended up being late to getting a Sin they'd like. Sure, we could use the Virtues as well, but.. Bah, as cool as they are, it doesn't make up for losing out on a Sin you'd really like to have. So, in light of that, Honey and I were talking earlier about the idea that there could be like, two or maybe even three Legends that represent a certain Sin, instead of only one? That way people WILL get a chance to play whichever Sin they want (Hopefully), and it would lessen the issue of "oh no someone isn't active so *Insert Sin here* isn't around for plot stuff whoops". (And if this does happen, I vote we can have like two or something different species representing the same sin, since while it may not make THAT much sense in the long run, it would allow for more creativity and freedom if two people share the same Sin, since they wouldn't have to collaborate to make one species that would work for both of them. Although that could be kinda fun as well.)

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:52 am
by cowmuflage
I'll be the Magikarp that comes in every once in a while and does a hyperbeam and then runs away.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:23 am
by Makoes
I am pretty good with whatever, though I wouldn't object to people maybe offering some tips on RPing (once the RP gets going, via pm's) as I generally tend to play passive characters...and why I chose Wrath, since I felt that type of character would get me to take a more active roll. I really want to be able to RP more actively, and with more confidence...
The first two poke RP's I joined here, the houndoom's where passive characters in both, just tagging along. The 2nd Drihtan was more active, and really fun, but I felt that he got backed into a no-win situation...I am hoping to avoid that sort of scenario this time around.

I am having fun designing Wrath, I'd hate to not be able to play it.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:15 am
by Silivren
On limiting characters. I'm for it to a point. I don't want to see one person with like 20 characters in an RP because that's just confusing and half the times nobody can keep up themselves. That being said I don't mind if people have more than one character but it should be limited at some point so people don't go around having ultra high crazy numbers. >.<

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:58 am
by Rubywashere
Dirty-Claws wrote:On limiting characters. I'm for it to a point. I don't want to see one person with like 20 characters in an RP because that's just confusing and half the times nobody can keep up themselves. That being said I don't mind if people have more than one character but it should be limited at some point so people don't go around having ultra high crazy numbers. >.<
Im willing to go for something like this.
We don't need crazy high numbers, but we don't need to severely limit it to a small number either.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:25 pm
by Senna-Umbreon
Well, I vote that the only limiting is by how many characters a person can think they're capable of handling. If it's only two that they feel comfortable handling, then fine, but if they're fine, and can handle having five characters, I don't see how that's an issue. (And I'm sure we'd have a list of characters and who they belong to, so keeping track of who is who shouldn't be that hard.)

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 2:44 pm
by HoneyShuckle
I agree with Senna. Personally, I know I can handle up to Ten or fifteen characters. (Not that I will in this circumstance. Just saying that I can if I have to.)

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:15 pm
by Serendipity82
Not that I'm in this rp but I know that even with a list, if a person has more than four characters, even with a list it just gets too confusing and makes an rp too chaotic. Ypu may be able to keep the characters straight but not everyone is you and yoy have to keep that on mind Sp other people dont get frustrated. At least for me.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:37 pm
by Silivren
Serendipity82 wrote:Not that I'm in this rp but I know that even with a list, if a person has more than four characters, even with a list it just gets too confusing and makes an rp too chaotic. Ypu may be able to keep the characters straight but not everyone is you and yoy have to keep that on mind Sp other people dont get frustrated. At least for me.

This. Seren said it so much better. This is my stance as well. Too many characters adds too much confusion.

Re: Whoo interest check for PokeRP

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 3:56 pm
by HoneyShuckle
But in no way should we have just four! With four you become far too limited! How are you supposed to see what this world truly has to offer?