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Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 2:30 pm
by DannyGreen
The only reason Camouflage isn't used is because it takes up the same slot as exhilaration. I guarantee you if it was BL everyone would use it.
I use fetch all the time. Chameleon has its uses in pvp.
Few changes you could add to the others.
Firework is now mini personal flare. Instead of selecting a location, you just fire a firework that dazes any stealth target around you.
Eagle eye, Now can detect enemies through walls, detect invisible. And can now cast hunter's mark from channel.

Removing skills doesn't help anyone. Plus eyes of the beast is SUPER FUN!
You just need to be creative in it's uses.

Melee BM. If they remove the whole exotic beasts, then you have it right there. SV.

But BM always felt like, sit back. Let your pet do all the damage while you make sure your pet buffs stay active. Compared to the other two.
As for the idea of ranged pets, While it sounds good on paper. It would either become a mandatory pet. Or a forbidden pet.
Mandatory: The pet can attack at range and now has the best advantage in pvp because it's harder to kite. It can attack out of melee range targets.

Forbidden: Depending on the pathing of dungeons/content it may be forbidden because as you move, the pet will decide to take an npc pathing and pull extra mobs. An example of that in modern wow would be necrotic wake with that ledge everyone jumps over. Pet's cant jump it second you step on it, your pet does a runner. Dismiss time is time wasted.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 9:46 pm
by Ana
I miss the old cheetah aspect.. the new one is so useless.

Hate that there is bis pet... Special because clefhooves are so big. Bring back switching between the specs.ø and pref let BM switch between which family a pet is in for more utility.

Bring back res pets! This was sooo nice to have and made a pet more usefull

I miss a tank pet being actually able to tank.. also in dungeon.. i remember how fun it was to turn off grown and have my pet tank a boss... not possible now. I can see it could be a problem with hunter taking agro over a real tank but then give the real tank a possiblity to turn our pets growl off..

More fun utility for pets. Let them have a tank, healer and dps tree which you can use and mix to your liking. Pets feels meh. I personally HATE having 2 pets out but it's bis so gotta if I want to do damage.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 9:37 am
by WerebearGuy
Here's a fun concept. Since we're getting real friendly with dragons, why not have a pet item that's magical in nature? Over in Winterspring, there's some enemies that change appearance constantly. This is due to the blue dragonflight's presence, as the critters are constantly being polymorphed. What if, as a bonus for helping the blue dragons in whatever way, hunters get a glyph for Call Pet that, regardless of which pet you summon, the summoned pet LOOKS like a random stabled pet? This way, you can use the Clefthoof abilities (which are objectively the best), but you can VISUALLY have a different pet. While I like having my big beefy meat shield, I still think a glyph to have a random pet appearance would be nice. Bonus points if it shows the stabled pet's name too.

Want to use a cunning pet without the negatives? Done. Want to use that silly looking pet that's got bad abilities? Done. Want to RNG summon a second version of your glitched pets when you only have one? Done.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 12:02 pm
by GormanGhaste
I love the random Call Pet idea! There are probably pvpers that would make frowny faces?

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 12:20 pm
by WerebearGuy
Personally, I say "who cares about pvp", but for a reasonable response; the effect could simply not work in battlegrounds and arenas. It would be pretty fun to see a scorpion spitting webs again, but for the sake of keeping it understandable in instanced pvp, the effect should simply be disabled.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Sat May 07, 2022 1:12 pm
by Ana
I like the visuel idea but I prefer to be able to pick. Like the thing we could do with the wolf sb ?

Still think pets should have talents trees so you could build your pets Like you wanted. Just imagine having a pure healer pet, or a pure buff pet? Maybe make hunters more disarable in groups if our pets could do more different stuff

I been playing and I miss being able to move while I shoot. I miss auto facing the enemy once engaged. Both im used to in ff14 and it just flow better imo. The auto face is an option but I really like it and would choose it if it was able in wow.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Wed May 11, 2022 3:23 pm
by Ana
Ooki double post but here goes

in ff14 my pet (companion) are always the same lvl as me, but it gains rank by doing stuff which gives me xp

currently my pet (specced healer) is rank 8


It gives me acces to the healer stance and the free stance. At healer stance, the pet will always choose healing over other actions. in free stance it chooses freely between the actions.
I can teach the pet ALL the stances and the abilities in each stance but it takes time.. ALOT of time. I been running with this chocobo since lvl 30 ish and im lvl 85 now and only got enough points to put into the healing tree
examples of trees here

I would love to be able to do that for my pet in wow. It would bring back the feeling of being connected to the pet. Not saying it should be excatly the same but it would bring back some of the uses for a pet.
Im sure wow would have its own system but this is just me trying to explain what i mean with pet talent trees

in wow you could build up ranks who can be spend with all pets so you dont need to do the ranks on every single pets. not sure how it would work but something like it would be super nice

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 3:12 am
by DannyGreen
Not to sound dismissive, but it's best for pets to be as simple and braindead as possible if you want them all to be usable/viable.
The second you start adding things like, ranged, healer, tank pets, ones that can fill in missing group buffs etc. You no longer get the choice on your pet.
You go from bringing a few you like, to Bringing what the group wants you to bring even if it feels bad. Meta will always outplay personal taste. Turning the current problem of clefthoof meta to Clefthoof/sporebat/dragonhawk meta.

I think a better idea would just be bringing back pet talent trees in the same way they used to be with a choosable spec.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu May 12, 2022 6:17 am
by Ana
The trees im linking should be viable for all pets and you should be able to switch between them.
There already is one meta pet and by allowing all pets access to spec trees like healer, tank or dps it would add to the utility not lessen it.
All families, all pets would be worth something. Like a crab pet but want it to be a dps pet, no problem. Your grp needs extra heal for a boss,no problem you just respec it. Ups the tank went linkdead, no problem you respec again.
Your damage will take a hit whdn using heal or tank specs but the utility will increase

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 12:47 pm
by ace_of_hearth
I want Predatory thirst and Blood of the Rhino to become baseline pet skills across all pet types/abilities/families.

Extra skills for BM hunters to make non-exotic equal to exotic pets.

Swappable Pet Talents/Abilities.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 3:09 am
by Ana
Bern playing a bit and the pet stances needs changing...
on agressive my pet will attack what im attacking but not whats attacking me.
On defensive it will attack whats attacking me but not what im attacking unless it hits me

I want a stance which do BOTH. Attacks those hitting me even if I dont shoot on them and attack what im shooting on even if it's not hurting me. Not sure how it would be solved but ohh my i want it.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 11:58 am
by worgpower
I would also like a battle ready stance that is a mix of defensive and assist where your pet attacks as you attack and attacks when a mob attacks you, I’m glad they removed aggressive stance because it just attacks hostile mobs for no reason and could get you into trouble if you need a bathroom break or to check your items and quests

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 9:38 am
by Ana
Also please let us have a "res another player" pet again!!

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:04 pm
by bepples
The ONLY change needed to the existing pet system is respeccing. Everything else about it is fine, to be quite honest. It's close to the ideal mix of uniqueness of family capability yet freedom of choice.
Maizou wrote: Sat Apr 09, 2022 7:04 pm 1. Exotic pets being removed. I posted in the Community Council forums a while back my thoughts - Make Spirit Beasts BM-only, but open up every other family to Survival and MM. To make BM unique, have Spirit Mend become a generic pet spell that every pet learns as a Beast Mastery hunter. This way, BM isn't shoehorned into a Spirit Beast for Survivability, and they retain a unique pet ability.

Exotic Pets have no place anymore. They made sense when all 3 specs were ranged and used pets, but all 3 specs are unique now. One is melee, one is ranged with no pets, and one is ranged with pets.
All thee specs WERE unique when they were ranged. Furthermore, SV being melee (i.e. a nonsense handicap as a tokenistic uniqueness) was not only a disastrous decision for the class but it's also not, in fact, a license to lift every unique and prominent aspect of BM and give it to SV. It's far beyond acceptable that SV is already has Kill Command, Spirit Bond, and Coordinated Assault (i.e. renamed Bestial Wrath). Giving SV exotics is out of the question. I realise SV mains are now conditioned to being handed everything from BM but enough is enough. Exotic pets are an important unique aspect and selling point of BM.

We should be discussing REMOVING these BM clone abilities from SV, not giving them more. Demanding SV access to exotic pets exposes the whole "we made SV melee to make it unique" line for the farcical lie it always was. For one, we don't need "ranged BM" and "melee BM" in the same class. If they wanted a melee BM they could have made an optional talented melee stance for it so the overwhelming majority of Hunters who did not want to melee could safely ignore it. That way we wouldn't have had to lose ranged Survival for it. Speaking of which, my second point: ranged SV did not have to constantly leech unique abilities and capabilities from MM. It had its own toolkit and felt very distinct and valuable. This is why I call the whole "uniqueness" angle farcical. It WAS unique, but now it apparently has to steal from BM to be worth anything.

P.S. We are not shoehorned into using Spirit Beasts. This isn't BFA. Spirit Mend is significantly nerfed; or rather "fixed" because the amount of healing it was doing throughout BFA was unintentional (it was doing the initial tick level of healing for every tick). Our own class guide recommends using a Ferocity pet for raiding. The "shoehorning" of pet choice is literally at the lowest it has ever been. You can take any pet you want to raiding and not miss out on anything particularly significant. You can even take a non-Exotic pet as BM.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:21 pm
by bepples
DannyGreen wrote: Wed May 04, 2022 2:30 pm The only reason Camouflage isn't used is because it takes up the same slot as exhilaration. I guarantee you if it was BL everyone would use it.
Exhilaration is baseline. Camouflage shares a talent row with Trailblazer and Natural Mending which is a cooldown reduction on Exhilaration.

Camouflage does see usage in open world, PvP, and M+. It doesn't see usage in raiding because it's largely useless there. Everything in the raid revolves around bringing down the boss and Camouflage gives no combat benefit. So it's better in most cases to go with Natural Mending for a shorter Exhilaration cooldown or on some fights Trailblazer if there's a long period of downtime with a mechanical gimmick (a good example of this is Painsmith in Sanctum of Domination). In any case Camouflage isn't taken because of what's on the same row but rather because it just gives no combat benefit and I'm not sure if it's worth updating Camo to give a combat benefit.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 4:56 am
by DannyGreen
Looks like someone didn't like their tier set bonuses.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:32 pm
by Valnaaros
Blizz made a post about Hunter pets. After reading through it, at least at this point in time, there aren't going to be any major changes. From their first paragraph, it sounds like they do not intend to make it so that you can change a pet to one of the other specs.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:43 pm
by Talihawk
bah, well that sucks. ;(

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:47 pm
by WerebearGuy
Checking "Developers openly decline an objective improvement and/or fix" off of my Dragonflight bingo chart. Haven't filled every single space on a bingo chart this quickly in a long time.

Re: Wishlist for Hunter Pet System Changes in 10.0

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:06 pm
by DannyGreen
There comment just seemed like a whole load of nothing. Fancy words to say, you're still not gonna use pets you want.

NOW Let's give them the benefit of the doubt and assume it's weasel words. They COULD be saying things are changing with the whole mortal wound thing. But I doubt it.

As for a change that could possibly work...
Maybe pets do get their own trees. Well. One tree.
And pets start with a few points in a certain starting tree like the other specs seem to be doing.
So the turtle starts with a few points in thick hide to start with, and a Fox would have a few points in dodge. Etc.

That's me huffing copium though.