The Raid

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Ask Overhealz and Tentyo if they've heard any whispers. After all, they started while the raid was still theory.
They shake their heads. Apparently not.
Kalliope wrote:> Make sure Mighthammer has pants somewhere. Make him wear them.
You tell Mighthammer to put on his pants. Mighthammer is now wearing Blood and Alcohol Stained Platemail Pants.
Kalliope wrote:> Grab the empty bottles. Your inventory is rather sparse at the moment.
You have received 17 Empty Beer Bottle.
Kalliope wrote:> Tell Tentyo to stealthily take a look into the passages to the west, north, and east with the explicit orders of not going too far.
He sneaks away, having obviously thought of this before.

Find food is empty.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Question Mighthammer to see if you can get any more useful information out of him.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Question Mighthammer to see if you can get any more useful information out of him.
"I effin' I've had more than enough of ya questions, boy!"

You can hear a loud crash. Tentyo comes rushing out of the eastern tunnel. You can hear loud clicking and tapping noices.
Pick a road, and quickly.

Find food is empty.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Swear under your breath about how useless dwarves are.
> Flee with your party to the west.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Swear under your breath about how useless dwarves are.
Kalliope wrote:> Flee with your party to the west.
You quickly run west, and judging by the noices behind you, so does the others. You are in a dark room. There is no light here. You can't see a thing. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. You can't hear whatever it was that was chasing Tentyo. You might be safe in here. Tentyo lights a match. There are many Silithid Eggs here. You can see Mighthammer staring at you, wielding a small dagger. Man, this guy IS crazy! He seems to get ahold of himself, and puts the knife down.

"I ain't listenin' to ye!", he exclaims.
Find food is empty, which is a shame. You're getting hungry. Churje might be delicious, but you won't survive very long on it. You turn on Find Fiah instead. If there is any opportunity to find raw churje, which you can cook, out here, you're SO taking it!

Find Fish is empty. Mighthammer seems to be arguing with himself. Tentyo and Overhéalz are looking at him warily.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> See if the eggs can be cooked into food.
> If so, take a few with you.
> If not, get the HELL out of there and try the passage to the north in the last room.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> See if the eggs can be cooked into food.
You walk up to one and smell it. Yuck! This thing reeks! Even if it would be edible, it'd taste horribly, you wouldn't eat one of these even if your survival was hinging on it.
Kalliope wrote:> If so, take a few with you.
These eggs are quite big. In fact, they most likely weigh more than you do. Tentyo or Overhéalz might be able to carry them, but these things smell so horribly that they wouldn't want to. You decide not to ask.
Kalliope wrote:> If not, get the HELL out of there and try the passage to the north in the last room.
A splendid idea. You carelessly walk back. You can see three Silithid Workers rummaging around in the pile of empty bottles, the ones you're not lugging around, that is.

You decide to stay at a safe distance.
Find Fish is empty.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Return to the egg room to the west, making sure that the silithid workers don't spot you.
> See if there's another way out of that room.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Return to the egg room to the west, making sure that the silithid workers don't spot you.
> See if there's another way out of that room.
You return. You ask Tentyo for a match, and walk around the room, lighting up the corners. You have discovered Locked Door. It seems to be held in place by Magic Tether, running to a spot in the middle of the room. When you walk close to the circle, it illuminates. This is a good thing, your match was starting to burn your fingers.
Glowy runes pulsate around the circle. Now how does one break the Magic Tether?

Find Fish is empty. Mighthammer is sitting in a corner, repeatedly saying "Cant be true, can't be true...".

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Ask Overhealz if he knows anything about the runes. He IS a druid, after all. They're into all that mystic stuff, aren't they?
> See what other useful goodies your party has in its collective inventory.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Ask Overhealz if he knows anything about the runes. He IS a druid, after all. They're into all that mystic stuff, aren't they?
He walks up to the runes, and tap them in a specific order. The runes pulsate quicker now.
Kalliope wrote:> See what other useful goodies your party has in its collective inventory.
Tentyo has:
3 Raw Sunscale Cod
2 Broken Guns
4 Springed Sprocket
998 Unlit Matches

Overhéalz has:
23 Conjured Water
12 Conjured Food
700 Saronite Shells
Bobbing Head Hula Hula doll
3 Saronite Armor Plates
Pointy Stick

Mighthammer has:
Paper with crazy scrawlings
2 Empty Beer Bottles
4 Bottles of Rumsey Rum
Weird Glowy Orb thingie with Inscribed Glowy Runes

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Ask Mighthammer for the orb to see if it will help get you out of this room. Also ask him for any information he has regarding it.
> Ditto this for the paper.
> Tell Overhealz to do his druid thing with the orb.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Ask Mighthammer for the orb to see if it will help get you out of this room. Also ask him for any information he has regarding it.
You have received item Weird Glowy Orb thingie with Inscribed Glowy Runes.
"So... Where did you find this?"
"Ah can't remember, tha' whispers kept talkin' bout it..."
Kalliope wrote:> Ditto this for the paper.
You have received item Paper with crazy scrawlings.
This paper has a few stickmen drawn on it. They seem to be fighting a huge tentacle. One of the stickfigures is standing in the back. It's short, and seems to be cheering.
Kalliope wrote:> Tell Overhealz to do his druid thing with the orb.
Overhéalz does druid thing on the Weird Glowy Orb thingie with Inscribed Glowy Runes.
The runes stop glowing. He places it in the center of the circle. The runes are glowing constantly now. The Magic Tether has been cut. Locked Door has been opened. Behind it is a stair downwards. You can hear the sound of water dripping down there.

Find Fish reveals a school of Glassfin Minnow beneath the stairs.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Lead everyone down the stairs.
> See if you can make a fishing line to grab some of the minnows.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Lead everyone down the stairs.
You reach the bottom of the stairs. There is a long corridor here, seemingly dug out of the mountain. To the west the tunnel shrinks down, until there is a hole about a decimeter wide. There is water slowly flowing out of the hole. To the east the "spring" of water flows very slowly. You can see small fish darting around in the water. It is very dark, the only illumination comes from Mighthammers weapon, which seems to be burning with a blue, magical fire.

You look carefully east. You can see a dark, tentacle like thing. You rub your eyes, and look again. Nothing there.
Mighthammer has raised his weapon threateningly, and is staring down the corridor.
Kalliope wrote:> See if you can make a fishing line to grab some of the minnows.
There is nothing here to use as a fishing line. Intent on getting fish, you throw your Titansteel Destroyer into the water. After carefully preening the fish off of it, you reequip it.
You are now wielding Smelly Titansteel Destroyer. You have received item Smashed Fish.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Wave your Smelly Titansteel Destroyer under Mighthammer's nose to continue sobering him up.
> Inspect Mighthammer' see if it has a normal enchant or if it's something spookier than that.
> Group up and carefully continue east. If it gets to be too dark to see, light a match.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Wave your Smelly Titansteel Destroyer under Mighthammer's nose to continue sobering him up.
He doesn't look any more sober.
Kalliope wrote:> Inspect Mighthammer' see if it has a normal enchant or if it's something spookier than that.
It's just a hit rating enchant. His weapon also appears to be cowered in yearold alcohol stains. Dwarves...
Kalliope wrote:> Group up and carefully continue east. If it gets to be too dark to see, light a match.
No need to light a match. Mighthammer proceeds to walk in front, and his weapon is very glowy. Tentyo cowers next to Overhéalz. He doesn't seem to like this place. The Adorable Tiny Silithid Wasp flies next to you, and carefully nudges your head from time to time. You can see a dark form up ahead, and Mighthammer seems to be getting jittery.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Try to communicate with the wasp. It's adorable; what could go wrong?
> If that fails, see if Overhealz can do any better, since he's part animal.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Saturo »

Kalliope wrote:> Try to communicate with the wasp. It's adorable; what could go wrong?
The wasp hisses at you. You don't know if it's threatening you.
Kalliope wrote:> If that fails, see if Overhealz can do any better, since he's part animal.
Overhéalz shifts into his bear form and growls at the wasp. It's ineffective.

Mighthammer seems to be getting ready to charge.

Find Fish reveals Smashed School of Fish to the west.

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Re: The Raid

Unread post by Kalliope »

> Cautiously head east, while keeping an eye on your wasp companion.

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