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Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 12:27 am
by HoneyShuckle
Lavi- Lake acuity

Lavi could barely comprehend what was going on at this point, but it looked like Someone had come to protect her. It took her a minute to see who it was. Circe. She would have to remember this later. But her thoughts began to feel more distant, and then she passed out.

Wasabi- Lake acuity

Wasabi Sighed a little as one of the foes backed off. It would be easier one-on-one. His Protective shield soon fizzled out, and the bird charged at him again. He Prepared some sharp rocks and hurled them at His foe.

Wasabi used Stone edge!

Mable- Lake acuity

Mable glanced at Orash. "you're still cold..?" Now that her jaw pain was subsiding a little, She began to see that she was a little cold too. At least it was warmer here then up on the mountain.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:19 am
by starkittens
Paches- Lake Acuity Cave

Paches smiled as the Starly went down under her. She stood up, her three tails flicking, as she wondered what to do next. More Pokemon had arrived, and fights had broken out. Paches turned around in a circle several times, looking for familiar faces. The only ones that Stuck out where Lavi and Crice. Paches, not really knowing what else to do, started to walk towards Circe and Lavi. She swiftly ran underneath most of the pokemon, her three tails streaming out behind her. When she got close to Circe, she slowed down so she could walk up to the Jolteon. Paches slowly walked up to the Pokemon, so that way Circe would see her and not attack her. She didn't want to be attacked, not by somebody she knew and trusted a little.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 12:30 am
by Silvershade
Lake Acuity

Sensing a Blessed he didn't recognise draw closer to him, Ari pushed himself up into the air, soaring above the pokemon. It was a Pachirisu, blessed by one of the lake trio. Not by Uxie, though. This confused the bird, as he had previously thought that all of the lake trio supported Arceus, but he was sure he had seen the Pachirisu attacking a fellow Uxie-blessed. Not wanting to take any chances, the bird dived down, seemingly disappearing for a second before appearing again near Paches with talons outstretched as he attempted to tear at the smaller pokemon with his claws.

Ari used Faint Attack

Lake Acuity

Lani tried to dodge out of the way of the rocks, and managed to avoid a lot of them. A few hit her as they whizzed by, knocking her off balance. They hurt and a few made small cuts, but didn't seem to cause any serious damage. Lani spread her wings in an attempt to regain her balance as she continued her dive, wings retaining their metallic shine.

Lani used Steel Wing

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 10:58 am
by starkittens
Paches- lake Acuity

Paches squealed as some unknown pokemon came close to her and tried to slash her. She stumbled back, blue sparks jumping off her yellow cheeks. When Paches steadied herself, she let off a huge blast of electricity, sending electrical bolts flying everywhere.

Paches used Discharge!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:05 am
by Makoes
Near Lake Acuity -Drihtan

The first two shots where warning enough for him, There were certain things he hated having to use just because they hurt him to use but if this annoying meal was going to start shooting ice at him...then he would have to take the burn. He dodged the third beam knowing full well that the fourth would hit him, but already his fangs had ignited with burning wrath. He caught the ice beam right in the face, growling slightly as the impact hurt, but it did not last long as his fiery fangs shattered the ice moments later. Blinking the last clinging remnants free he charged forward wildly at the dewott.

Drihtan used fire fang
Drihtan used Wild Charge

Tabuuna at a later date.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:19 am
by starkittens
Dews- Near Lake Acuity

Dews squealed. She didn't mean to, but now she was getting scared, scared that she would die before she found her mother. It was not a good thought. She knew she couldn't run, the Luxray would out distance her long before she got to the lake. Dews looked around, and saw nothing. No hope. It wasn't until she remembered a move her mother taught her, one that would be very useful against Electric types. Dews ducked down, and very quickly, dug a hole down into the ground. It was slow going at first, the ground was frozen cold, but after a couple valuable seconds, digging became really easy. Dews disappeared down the hole she had made, digging deeper as she went. The hole was just big enough to fit her small body into it, hopefully the Luxray wouldn't fit. Hopefully.

Dews used Dig!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 1:25 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Wasabi- lake acuity

Wasabi didn't have time for another counter attack, and the bird's wing slammed into his shell, Which didn't absorb near as much of the impact as he would have hoped. He winced and glared at the still close to him Pidgeot and hurled a large rock, which would hopefully be thrown accurately enough to disrupt the Bird's flight pattern.

Wasabi used Smack down!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 2:56 pm
by Makoes
Near Lake Acuity -Drihtan

Drihtan let out a loud frustrated Roar as his prey once again managed to slip away, this time into the ground with its dig ability. He paced back and forth awaiting the vermin to re-emerge, his fur rubbing together as he did so. Charging his fur with more electricity. His claws digging in and out of the soil, honing them.

Drihtan used charge
Drihtan used Hone claws

Lake Acuity Cave -Taabuna

The protect shield blocked her chance at finishing off her opponent, and now this strange looking Jolteon stood between her and her target. Still levitating, she suddenly dropped down, smashing against the ground with a mighty impact, the ground rolled away from her, throughout the whole cave. Everything shook.

Taabuna used Earthquake

Lake Acuity Cave-Houndooms

The wave of earth ripped towards them at incredible speed, Mimico quickly scrambled to his feet, and alongside his brother, both jumped up as the wave passed below them, though they landed before it was fully gone and where knocked off their feet. "Ooof" Loupell gasped as the air was knocked out of him. He heard a groan beside him and saw Mimico on his head with his back against the wall. "That was not nice." Loupell said as he staggered to his feet, surveying how others had fared against the mass attack.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 7:59 pm
by starkittens
Dews- Near Lake Acuity

Dews hid underground, silently praying that somebody would find the Luaxray before it was too late for her. Dews sighed, and set to work digging upwards. She stopped a couple times to just listen to where the luxray was standing, so she could at least try and hit the blasted beast. Dews dug upwards swiftly when she had confirmed that she was right below the Luxray. When she got closer to the surface, Dews dug at the ground above her faster. Just before she broke the surface, Dews stopped, and bunched herself up. She sprung upwards, hitting the shallow roof of dirt with a paw, and exploding out of the ground beneath the Luxray's chest. Dews prayed that the thing wouldn't jump away....

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:23 pm
by Silvershade
((So I haven't posted in a while huh.))

Lake Acuity

Ari let out a pained screech as the electricity hit him, losing his balance and nearly falling to the ground, but he forced himself to stay in the air. He flew up a bit, turning around and swooping at Paches again, flying so fast that he almost seemed to disappear.

Ari used Quick Attack!

Lake Acuity

The Altaria smirked as she hit the Shuckle, and she pushed off into the air again, flying away to prepare another attack. Before she had moved far from the Shuckle her wing was hit by something, and she plummeted to the ground with a shocked squawk, flapping her uninjured wing frantically in an attempt to regain her balance.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:49 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Wasabi, Lake acuity

Wasabi blinked. His attack had worked. He had expected his foe to dodge, but luck was on his side. Then all of a sudden the ground shook, spraying dust into his eyes and all and all painful. He was starting to feel the wear of all these attacks, especially the steel wing. soon he was going to have to take some kind of measure. He then hurled some sharp rocks in the grounded Altaria's direction.

Wasabi used Stone edge!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 8:22 pm
by starkittens
Paches- Lake Acuity Cave

Paches cried out in pain as the Bird Pokemon's attack hit her and sent her tumbling backwards. Pain spread across her side chest area, and Paches found she had a wound there from the Bird's attack. Paches' yellow cheeks sparked with blue electricity, and she let loose a blast of electricity that shot off in all directions away from her body

Paches used Discharge!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 12:36 pm
by Silvershade
Lake Acuity

Ari quickly made a shield, knowing that taking another electric attack might mean the end for him. The bird frowned, starting to regret picking a fight with an electric type. Ari hovered in the air, the gem on his head shimmering with iridescence before firing a brightly coloured, refulgent beam at the Blessed Pachirisu.

Ari used Signal Beam

Lake Acuity

Lani shakily tried to get up, screeching and falling down again when one of her comrade's electric attacks hit her. There wasn't really much she could do to defend herself at this point, and dozens of sharp rocks came hurtling past her, slicing into her as they flew past or becoming lodged in her feathers.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:25 pm
by Makoes
Near Lake Acuity-Drihtan

He felt the ground rumble just as the dewott burst out of earth below him slamming into his chest. He roared in pain as he was flung up and back by the force. Landing on his feet he turned his snarling face to the dewott and unleashed another discharge, putting more power into it them his previous ones. Even as the last of the discharge left him, he rushed in to unleash his frustration on the dewott. Playtime was over, it was time to finish this!

Drihtan used Discharge
Drihtan used Frustration

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 5:29 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Wasabi- lake acuity

Wasabi egnored the shocking around him, and was about to throw even more stones at the bird when he stopped. Was this really what his Patron would want him to do...? He hesitated for a few minutes before deciding. No. He crawled in that way shuckles do up to Lani and slapped her in the face. "Now you give up before I start actually TRYING to hurt you." Wasabi then backed out of the Altaria's reach and looked around for another foe to fight, although he should actually be taking some time to heal.

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:04 am
by Azunara
Crowley, Circe
Lake Actuity

Circe hissed as the world beneath her shook. Unbalanced, she tried not to fall in between the cracks that were forming, gripping Lavi with her jaws and trying to keep the huntail close. When the ground settled, she looked towards Taabuna with a vengeance, holding her ground. She called upon her Patron's powers, the loosened rubble around her rumbling as it shifted, hovering into the air. Circe took a deep breath, then launched the rocks all towards Taabuna.

Circe used Ancient Power!

Crowley could see Ari needed his help, and he tucked in his wings, gaining a burst of speed as he launched himself towards the other Champion, Irsa be damned. With a roar, he lurched to a stop near Ari, flaring his wings and hissing. Gathering himself, he released an explosive blast of flame down towards Paches and Circe, edging closer so that he was flying protectively by the pidgeot.

Crowley used Flamethrower!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:21 pm
by starkittens
Paches- lack Actuity Cave

Paches screamed in fear and terror as she was first hit with a beam of colorful light, then with a blast of flame that burned off bits on her tail. She had wrapped her tail around her body to try and protect herself, but it had done little against both the Beam of light and the fire blast.
The fire blast had also knocked her backwards a little ways, to where she was now laying. Paches rolled over, and got to her feet, sparks coming off of her yellow cheeks. She let off another blast of electricity, which shot bolts off in all directions. Quickly following the release of electricity, Paches took aim at Crowley and Ari. She opened her mouth, and shot multiple orangish-yellow stars at the two flyers.

Paches used Discharge!
Paches used Swift!

((Dews at a later point))

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 10:25 am
by Azunara
Circe and Crowley
Lake Actuity

Circe howled as the flames hit her as well, although she made sure to block Lavi's body. With a snarl, she grabbed the smaller huntail in her jaws, or at least the tail bit, and made a valiant effort to try and drag her away. She wasn't about to fight off Taabuna and Crowley, as well as keep Paches and Lavi safe. She paused to drop the huntail, gathering herself and crying out, "Lani!" The electrical charge from Paches did nothing to harm her, simply strengthening her some. At least she could tug the huntail away better.

Crowley bared his teeth as the energy sliced through his fur, cutting up his wings. With a stubborn growl, he spat a blast of fire, though instead of hitting anyone, he simply used it to help him keep aloft, riding the thermals it produced. He threw a shield of energy around Ari, narrowing his eyes and gritting his teeth as he refocused on Paches. Then, he gathered another blast of flame, launching it once more towards Paches. "Rally, Champions!" He called. "We can take these damn murderers, these traitors!"

Crowley used Protect!
Crowley used Flamethrower!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 12:18 pm
by starkittens
Paches- lake Acuity

Paches was knocked backwards by the fire blast. She got to her feet, panting. She needed a way recharge. Paches looked back at Circe, and an idea came to her, a way to charge up Circe, and herself, "Circe!" Paches called to get the Zapeon's attention. She opened her mouth, and a bright yellow ball formed. Paches shot a beam of electrical energy at Circe. Some of the electrical energy that came from the ball sparked off, and charged Paches up.
When Paches had depleted the energy from the ball, she turned back towards Ari and Crowely. Sparks jumped off her cheeks, and her tail started to glow with electrical energy. Paches jumped into the air, and flipped over forward. A ball of electrical energy shot off from her tail, aiming at Crowley and Ari.

Paches used Charge Beam!
Paches used Electro Ball!

Re: Fall of the Gods (PokeRP)

Posted: Sat Apr 13, 2013 9:59 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Wasabi - lake acuity

Wasabi heard Crowley cry out, and turned toward the action. Were their foes trying to escape? If he could help it, they weren't getting away. He hurled sharp stones at the Pachirisu, who was focused on attacking his allies.

Wasabi used stone edge!