Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 122
*Raises a finger and opens mouth to speak, but clams up and sulks instead.* Next Pinkerlocke I do there's going to be a cap on how many dragons I take in.

Standard roll today and I rolled a 1 which means a Fae. Ended up with this little cutie whose parents and lair have RP too!

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x2 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Krysteena »

I reckon a dragon cap might be a good idea next time - so many new faces! This one is especially cute, though, and his parents already having lore could be a big inspiration for what to do with him :D
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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Wowee, what a gorgeous little lad! I second toxin/capsule, though I really like the full on poi/tox/capsule myself. If you feel up to gem genes, Stained is gorgeous on him with ANY genes- I especially liked Lion/Nox.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

wow he is handsome!


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Syleye »

beautiful baby there


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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Haven't seen an update in a few days which is completely fine, as there's no rush and you should take your time! But I did want to say that I miss your presence on the subforum and hope you're doing okay. <3

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Aw, sorry I worried you :hug: I've gotten more materials from Pink and didn't want to get anyone's hopes up by posting something like, "Discarded another material today". The previous post was an exception cos I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaally needed to get the Magus thing off my mind :lol: I've not rolled for Reader Events either cos if I'm not writing right now why should I make you guys? As it is I got yet another material today!

As for why I haven't caught up on previous chapters yet... one part lack of inspiration, two parts Oxygen Not Included is a very addictive game :lol: In seriousness though, while sorting out the pending chapters I wanted to have a good think about where I want to take things. While I know what I want to include in the next WoC update the entire story feels like The Ilmatar Show. I've tried to deviate away from it by focusing on Meifeng, Ayaz and Whisper so far but in the end it comes straight back to our adventurous Coatl. It's a similar case with IWB in that I want to focus on select characters which is causing the others to flounder. I do have an idea on how to introduce Orchid and Wisteria but still am stumped with Verbena and Plumeria.

And then there's the eggs I got during my 10 Items Challenge. They weren't found by my Pinkerlocke characters but that's how I got Makani way back when. The temptation to hatch eggs is so great, but that'll give me two more characters to figure out on top of what I already have. Not to mention Ciro, the new Fae and Iris and Shears' kids.

I won't have much time today or tomorrow anyway, but I do hope to get something up for you guys soon :hug:

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 123
Meep. Flipped Heads so I have to go.

Rolled Ayaz, Ilmatar and... *sighs* Anvindr. Any death streak that has Vin in the group is in for a rocky time. Thankfully these three are close in level but Ayaz was in a tricky spot, being a caster 4 levels lower than Vin, but Matar has Guard so much as she may dislike the Tundra she protected him a fair amount. Both boys did go down once each (interestingly both times were to Beastclans. Raptorik for Ayaz and harpies for Vin) but they managed to squeak through their 10 rounds. They even took down a Thunderstomp!

Vin is now lv15. Eeeeesh.

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x3 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

Loooove the Fae's new outfit! Also /whew/ glad to hear everything went well with that death streak. Vin is such a big boy that it can really destabilize things, huh? x.x

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Honestly guys, I think I'm going to take a small break from the 'locke for now. My brain's not been functioning right or else I get distracted by other stuff. I can't keep fighting in the coliseum and potentially losing more dragons while the story is at a standstill otherwise there will be a chapter where I have to explain 5 deaths (hopefully not really but you see the point). Likewise I've got far too many dragons at current to keep track of lore-wise, none ready to earn genes and none I want to breed. Art, too, is suffering due to not being able to fully focus (I got a trinket today and my mind just went NOPE and switched off). So rather than make excuses and skip writing segments while doing the rest of the prompts and likely causing things to fall severely out of kilter I'm simply going to shelf it all for a while.

I'm sorry about this. I know more or less what I want to write, it's getting it down that's been difficult. Hopefully it won't be half a year before I pick it back up again :lol:

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Chapter 30

“So where exactly are we going?”

“You shall soon see.”

“That'd be nice, I can't see anything right now. Can't we light a candle or someth- ow! I kicked another rock!”

“It must be kept this way.”

For what felt like hours Ilmatar had padded blindly through twisting tunnels branching off from the vault cave, hidden behind carefully placed rocks to give the illusion of a solid wall, with only Ayaz's voice to guide her. Save for the rare – very rare – bioluminescent mushroom like those often seen in the Shadow lands no light penetrated the twisting stone corridors. As yet it seemed to be one path spiralling down in long, lazy loops beneath the clan grounds. There was some comfort, then, that the Tundra wasn't playing tricks by leading her down one way while peeling off down another.

In this choking darkness, dust clogging the stale air, there was no concept of time. Just how long had they been walking already? Having caught pretty much every loose stone and pebble gone unnoticed in the murk Matar's feet had already began to throb and tire like she'd walked for days. A shuffling of fur up ahead betrayed Ayaz's movement. Steady, certain. He knew what he was doing. But then he was of Shadow. He could probably see everything as if in daylight.

“Ah, your giant friend has returned.”

“What do you- umf!” the Coatl began to inquire only to run against a shaggy obstruction where the Tundra had paused in his stride.

She could hear the smirk of amusement in his voice as he replied, “The Imperial of course. What was his name?”

“Whisper.” She responded, at first trying to sound irritated at his aloofness only to loose her edge as she splayed her legs to steady herself. Now that they had stopped the gloom had closed in thickly around them both, leaving Matar feeling like the ground on which she stood now was the only solid spot left. Even the walls, close as they actually were, could not be made out, making the serpentine dragon feel like she were about to plummet into some hidden void.

“Whisper. Apt, yet also ironic given his inability to speak.” There was a flash of lavender as Ayaz presumably turned to glance at her, his pale eyes glowing faintly in the dark. The slight arc to the bottom of those orbs indicating his grin. “Remember, I can sense the movement of everyone and everything in the shadows of this place. All the easier given it is night time. I can tell when someone is leaving or arriving and guess who it is by their size and gait.”

“And then invade their minds so you can see who it was for certain.” Matar scoffed, recalling what the Tundra had told them when they'd first met him.

A low chuckle echoed off the rocky walls. “Only if I need to know. Were we not expecting them then yes, I may do.”

Long fur scuffed along stone as he set off again, answering a silent plea Matar had been circulating in her mind as the immediate world around her fell away. Tentatively she stepped forward, testing the ground for stability before taking another, repeating until it was safe enough to decide that they were still in that cave system. She felt claustrophobic, had done since they'd left the fading light behind. Underground was no place for a Wind dragon like herself. Stories and rumours described the winds being born from deep within caves; were they true this was certainly not one of them.

The more she thought about the idea the more she wished it were true. Vertigo still gripped Ilmatar tightly, causing her to pause her step to make sure the ground was solid and that she weren't about to tumble into the abyss. Much as she hated to admit it the ordeal was a lot nicer was Ayaz was talking. Of course he only spoke when he felt it necessary, given how chatty he could be otherwise. Matar began to feel sick as the stress of disorientation weighed down heavily. Despite being grateful for a long, lithe body and, for once, short legs in these cramped conditions – whether they actually were or not – she could not help but feel as if she were about to fall. More than once her large, feathery wings flared as a falling sensation not unlike those annoying twitches one gets while sleeping took over.

And without knowing how long she'd been down here, how long it would take to reach their destination or whether she'd be able to get back brought her to breaking point.

Just as the Coatl parted her jaws to say that she needed to stop a soft humming sound started up from ahead. A haunting yet soothing melody playing in her mind as much as her ears. She focused on that, keeping herself long and low as she found her footing once more.

Close your eyes and focus on my song. Matar barely flinched at Ayaz's voice in her head even as he himself continued to hum, so soft was his intrusion. She did so, closing her eyes and allowing her feet to carry her. A couple of times she became vaguely aware of the Tundra walking alongside rather than in front. Weird as he was Ayaz was not incapable of comfort.

For more time unknown to the dragons the pair continued down the stony halls in this manner. Taking long, deep breaths the knot in Matar's chest began to loosen. The feeling was still there, hindering her progress, but with the melody to focus on she could ignore it. It no longer mattered how long it might have been. So it came as a surprise when Ayaz spoke again: “We have arrived.”

Uncertain at first if it was worth doing the Coatl slowly and carefully cracked her eyes open. Was it still too dark? Should she keep them shut? Curiosity gnawed at her to check and Ayaz had not stated otherwise. So she did.

And she gasped.

More of those purple glowing mushrooms decorated a large, round hall interspersed with candles lit with an ethereal violet flame. It would be unsettling had it not been the first true light since starting this journey. Save for a definitely unsettling dark mass in the centre of the room.

“Welcome to the Umbral Chamber.” Ayaz announced, voice low as if to not disturb something sleeping here. The idea made Matar flinch more than the suddenness of his declaration.

“Wha... what is this place?” Her voice was airy and distracted as she slowly crept deeper into the chamber, taking in the ghostly lighting shrouding the object in the centre with a deep darkness that seemed almost to writhe at her presence.

Ayaz remained at the entrance, his grin gone save for a slight pull at the corner of his lips at his companion's amazement. “Tell me, what do you know of the Shade?”

That made her stop and snort, the question so much more absurd than it ought to be after the unnerving descent. “Shade?” Matar jeered, rounding on the Tundra with the most incredulous look on her features. “Everyone knows the Shade is nothing more than an old dragon's tale used to scare kids that refuse to go to bed at night.”

All humour vanished from the furred face as the antlered head tilted to one side, sending a wave of uncertainty along her spine. “Still, I'd like to hear what you know.” There was a kind of accusatory undertone to his words. Had... had she said something wrong? With a shake of her head Matar snorted again. He was doing this to spook her. It was his thing, right? He was doing this because he enjoyed it, right?

But he still did not grin.

Keeping his head down to gaze at her from under his brows somehow drained her of confidence. Again Ilmatar shook herself. This was stupid. Why take her all this way just to ask a dumb question like that?

“Fine, if it humours you.” Though her words also lacked the mirth she'd intended. Padding over to seat herself a short distance away from the dark-furred dragon she took a breath as she recalled all the silly stories she'd heard over time. “When Sornieth was made and the Deities quarrelled over how it should look a mysterious entity dubbed “the Shade” invaded and attempted to destroy the world they'd created by sucking out the life and magical energies. The Deities fought back and forced it out for eons by forming a massive pillar until a great magical force broke their defences and remnants of the shade fell to the earth where it began to infect all life.” Her brow furrowed as she continued, “Because of that wildlife became more vicious and aggressive and monsters began to pop up all across the world.” Shooting Ayaz an unconvinced glare she finished with, “and that's why hatchlings shouldn't wander off alone at night.”

Silence set in at the final word as the two observed each other, waiting for the other to act. As Matar was about to snap Ayaz let out a humourless chuckle, shaking his head as he stood, passing by the copper Coatl to stand near the throbbing mound of nothingness in the centre. “You do not believe the words you just spoke?” He turned enough for her to see the glint in his purple eye.

“No. I don't.” she responded defiantly, a determination to not be scared unintentionally adding to the volume. The loudness of her statement startled her slightly as it reverberated around the room, causing her feathers to puff out and fur to stand on end.

If he found this funny she could not tell as Ayaz had turned away again. “You mentioned the World Pillar. Do you believe in that?”

Ilmatar blew out air between her teeth. “Everyone knows about the World Pillar.”

“And what happened to it?”


“You know what befell the Pillar after it was shattered?” He was looking at her again. The air was feeling chillier than before. She shrugged it off.

“Not entirely,” she admitted absently, “though they say the reason the regions are as they are is because of where pieces of it landed.” What was the point of all this? What was this guy hoping to gain by sharing fairy tales in an underground hollow filled with ominous light and a... whatever that black thing was? And how did it relate to Venillia's death?

Ayaz must have sensed her impatience as the Tundra sighed, overcast mane swaying as he shook his head once more. “Well, 'they' would be correct.” Before Matar could comment on that he lifted a spotted arm to grip the wriggling object. Tugging at it gently a curtain of vines separated to reveal a cracked marble slab. A jolt of energy shot through the Coatl's body at the motion, giving her a strength she didn't realise she was capable of. A small gust of wind stirred the dust on the smooth floor, tussling fur as it passed. It was a welcome sensation and Matar found herself revelling in it, standing tall and allowing the breeze to buffet her.

Then it dawned on her, a smile fighting to cross her blunt face as she realised what it was she was standing in front of. “This... is this really...?” Her words trailed off as she closed the gap between herself and the fragment. “Is this really part of the Windsinger's piece of the Pillar?” She reached out, a desire to rest a paw against such a powerful relic too strong to resist.

Then a stronger, larger paw had grasped her own, holding it back. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

“Why not?!” She protested as the Tundra pulled her away, allowing the vines to fall across the stone once more.

“Understandably you realise what this is.” Ayaz responded not unkindly, letting go of her arm as he shifted to block her from returning to the fragment. “Indeed, if that magic wasn't obvious enough this is part of the World Pillar in which your Deity slept within. Merely a splinter of a fragment of a chunk that fell upon these lands you now know as the Windswept Plateau.”

“So much power... even for something so small.” She couldn't help it, Matar wanted nothing more in this moment than to draw back the vines and revel in a piece of one of the mighty beings that had made this planet.

Again Ayaz moved to stop her. “Yet that is all you see here.”

Blinking in confusion the Coatl sat on her haunches to wave her forearms about. “What else is there to see? The mushrooms? The candles? I figured the purple fire was Shadow magic. Why bring me here at all? I could tap into that energy and whip you away if I wanted!”

His gaze remained steady, unfazed by her threat. “You wouldn't get the chance.”

Oh, now he was threatening her? “What is your deal?!” Matar spat, wings flared, tail lashing, teeth bared. “What even was the point of any of this? You said you wanted to show me how Venillia died! Unless somehow it was the magic in this Pillar fragment I remain unconvinced by any of this!” Another, much weaker gust kicked up then as her own elemental abilities manifested in her rage. “Tell me, Ayaz! Tell me what is going on!”

Still as calm as ever Ayaz merely stared her down, unwavering in her display. “You see the fragment, yet you do not see what obscures it.”

“What? The vines?” She spat, slamming a paw on the ground. “Anything left alone for a long time would get stuff growing on it!”

“Take a closer look.” Shifting to one side the Tundra gestured at the tangled mess covering the marble. Without waiting the Coatl stalked past him and up to the plinth on which the fragment had been placed. “Do not touch anything.” She snorted again.

Don't tell me what to do. Ignoring his warnings Ilmatar raised a clawed hand to pull away the vines.

Only to stop suddenly. Something wasn't right. Something drew her gaze to the floor. As expected, her shadow and that of the stone wavering in the candlelight. Yet... She dropped to all fours again, bending her long neck down to peer at the shapes. Her breath caught in her throat as it became clear: the edges of the shadows weren't wavering from the flickering, they were being pulled towards the dark tendrils. The air became colder as she warily turned back to the vines.

They weren't shadowy vines, they were vines of shadow. And they were moving on their own. No tricks of the light, no tricks of the dark. It was alive and it was eating away at the places light could not reach.

Matar reeled, leaping back and away from the mess. As she stared at it even at that distance her green eyes widened at the lack of features. No one vine could be determined from the rest as they all joined in one solid silhouette. “It can't be...”

“Do you understand now?” Matar yelped as Ayaz spoke directly into her ear, sending her skittering away in fear.

“Wh- What- Why- I don't-” The Coatl tried to speak but her throat was tight, her words failing to form into coherent sentences.

Black against the candlelight Ayaz stood between her and the Pillar fragment once more. “The Shade is real, daughter of Wind.” Those pale lavender disks held her in place as he spoke. “It hungers. It seeks out powerful magic such as this in attempt to snuff it out. Sornieth was pulled from a void by entities born of chaotic energies, entities unintended to have been given form. The Shade wants it back. It wants back the life, the magic, everything until it is all that is. It sought out the residual energies within these pieces of the Pillar, the Gods' own essence, to smother it as this one has.”

He gestured again at the very much alive tangle of Shade tendrils as they reached towards Matar, who balked at this revelation. “This is why I told you not to touch it. Even if you touched the stone the Shade would be on you in seconds. Then there would be nothing left but a lifeless husk.”

“Then why is it here?” Her voice was tight and weak, her legs threatening to give way under her body as she took it all in. “Why? And why bring me to see it? Knowing I could have been...”

Even as the shadows obscured his face Matar could see a softness overtake Ayaz's eyes. “Because I wouldn't let it. If it had managed to attack you I would stop it. It is my duty. But sometimes pieces of it get away. That is why the cave is lit as it is, to prevent that escape. Should any one of them go out a tendril of Shade would break off. The tunnel is kept dark to encourage it to split and divide further; while it may sound counter-intuitive it overall would weaken it. But even that is not always enough.” He bowed his head, the glowing disks disappearing momentarily. Was... was he grieving?

“Venillia.” Matar barely breathed.

“Indeed. Weakened as she was from the acid, non-lethal as it may have been, it was enough for the Shade to seek her out first. That is why I was there when she died. To rid the surface of that Shade.”

“Wait.” She swallowed hard as she forced out her next question. “This is... your duty?”


“Why? How?”

“Do you not see?”

This again. Why could nothing be straightforward with him? And yet as he said that Ilmatar's eyes were once again drawn to the floor.

She froze. Having only ever seen him in darkness it had never been noticeable until now.

He had no shadow.

He no longer had any features save those damnable eyes. Nothing more than a living silhouette like the mass of vines covering the Pillar.

And her shadow was being pulled towards him.


“I am Shade.”

<Coming Soon!>
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x3 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 124

One more for the stockpile.

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x4 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

So... yeah! I finally found some inspiration to get the pending chapters out! Sorry I didn't include anything with them, I was just too focused on writing and it ended up getting late. The reason I found some inspiration is because I have an idea on how to continue this once the two sides meet.

And that's by not merging them together.

That's right, while both halves of the story will converge and the dragons meet and mingle I will not be continuing the story with them. Not all of them at least. Essentially I'll be starting a new Pinkerlocke and I'm thinking of having you guys decide who your favourite characters are, or who you're most interested to see develop further, and who you'd like to see active in the next run. That's not to say the others won't be there - those who aren't chosen to carry on will be retired and only appear in the story as cameos and background characters. But let's face it, that's 28 dragons total unless more fall in the next few chapters. That's a lot of characters to keep track of.

So! My plan is, once all the favourites have been picked out, to narrow them all down to 3 top favourites to act as my starter trio. If they have a story familiar they will go with them. If at least one dragon has a familiar while the others don't those without will get rolled random familiars to keep things fair. From there I will be enabling a limit of 15 dragons with a hard cap of 20 if I end up with lots of healthy nests hatching (though the total must fall below 15 before I can get new dragons). It's already a pain with the amount I have per story, with some characters MIA or not even introduced yet so hopefully a number like this will keep things more manageable.

Unless claimed first (Lupis is interested in Iris, Krysteena Hyacinth etc) all the retired dragons will go into the Hibernal Den.

Rules-wise I will be using the 3 Strike coliseum rule. I love the RP potential of the Badly Wounded one but RNG didn't allow for much drama that way, with there being only one close call and no deaths. 3 Strikes will allow me to play fights and injuries while also allowing growth and higher risk of death. I will also be keeping the familiar roll and saving throw, though I'm yet to decide how to manage them in terms of character limit.

Other small changes include:
- Only eggs found by the Pinkerlocke team or through scavenging can be hatched. No more mooching off my non-RP fighters' luck. That means the Light and Arcane eggs I got through the 10 Items Challenge will not count and cannot be used for the 'locke. If anyone would like them please speak up as I'll otherwise be selling them on the AH!
- In a similar vein I will actually put the "every egg found allows one breed change to an existing dragon" rule to use, though I'd need a very good RP reason and method to explain it.
- I will allow random pairings through breeding prompts if I can think of a good RP reason for it so that more compatible pairs can actually mate. However I will be adding a same-size rule so Fae can only breed with other Fae or Spirals while Guardians, Ridgebacks and Imperials can only breed with each other etc. Because FaexImperial pairs are weird. I will allow exceptions based on in-game dragon size, so similar sized Bogsneaks and Coatls could breed with Guardians for example. This includes Reader breeding prompts.
- Eye types can be included in gene prompts. Because come on, Innocent eyes are just amazing. I may be thinking of giving some to Lupin. This does include Scatter Sight if anyone has and is willing to donate them but given how limited they are I do not expect this.

There's bound to be something I forgot or will change in future, but for now I hope you guys are excited to see the story return and like the new ideas!
Last edited by Varethyn on Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Lupis »

I am so late in responding due to being busy and away from my computer but oh my god, Vare, that chapter was AMAZING. I'm so excited to see where this goes next- the way you worked in the World Pillar lore and the Shade was so incredibly cool, and I'm really excited to learn more about Ayaz and why he's fighting the Shade if he's part of it! +_+

As for the new rules / the new, "joint" Locke- I think that's a fantastic idea, honestly. It solves a lot of the problems you've been having and will make the story a lot more fun to tell with only characters involved that you're invested in!

My faves...

1. Avandir
2. Lupin
3. Ayaz
Last edited by Lupis on Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:07 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

I like the new rules. Favorites: Anvindr | The Half-Crazed and Vegin | The Apprentice (mostly due to the fact that he is so stunning! )


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Yay! Glad to see this is still being enjoyed, and we have our first lineup! There's still a few chapters left each but depending on what Pinkerton feels like that may come around very quickly.


Day 125
Ah yes, nothing like a good coli romp to welcome me back. Thanks, Pink.

Rolled Meifeng, Ilmatar and Pavan. Initial worries for Pavan disappeared quickly as he was surprisingly sturdy for his low level, plus Ilmatar has Guard and, save for a couple of turns, put it to perfect use.
Maybe too much


Thankfully this was the only time anyone was KO'd, though Pavan did come very close.


Friggin' serthis.

Meifeng is lv11, Matar is lv14 and Pavan is lv7

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x4 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

Last edited by Varethyn on Thu Nov 14, 2019 9:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 126
There it is. I don't expect any less from Pinkerton.

But I rolled a 45! Which means~

Image Reader Event Image

It's your turn to write for me instead! Short stories involving my dragons, or perhaps one of yours passed by one of the groups. Or maybe they sent a letter to one of the clans or an individual within. Design a bio for someone who is lacking that little something or even write songs or poems if that's your thing! It really is up to you!

Or if you're not feeling creative consider sending a gift! Food, treasure and gems, Baldwin materials, apparel, genes... anything goes! Except dragons and eggs. I have too many of them. And as always potions are welcomed eagerly.

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x4 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 127
Pink says I have to write anyway.


Chapter 31

“I suppose it's not entirely accurate to say that I am Shade.” Ayaz' voice spoke from somewhere within the swirling apparition that once was a jaguar-spotted Tundra. Long fur now fluctuated in long, smoky wisps, encasing him in a null fire, then began to coalesce back into itself to reveal the dragon once again, albeit in a darker shade.

Across the cave Ilmatar had backed up so far in shock that she now pressed heavily against the wall, chest heaving with each frightened breath, emerald eyes wide and staring, babbling incoherently as she struggled to find her tongue. The Coatl looked like she hoped the cave would simply swallow her and end this nightmare as she cowered further against the rock.

“You see,” the creature, for how could anyone call him (it?) a dragon after such a display, “there once was a time where I was a living, flesh-and-blood dragon like yourself. At least, part of one.” He stood, taking slow steps towards his guest, lines of darkness rising off his form like a mist.

At this movement Ilmatar let out a high-pitched squeak, darting away from the thing to keep good distance between it and the Shade-covered fragment. Aside from the exit tunnel she had few options. “How?!” She blurted suddenly, lowering herself to the floor and pressing into a small dip in the stone wall. “How could you have been- How is that- How is any of this real?!” The Shade was a dragon's tale. A fantasy. A scary story to trick hatchlings into behaving. It wasn't a real thing. It didn't exist. Shouldn't exist.

And yet, not only did it exist it lay dormant beneath the land she hoped to claim as her new clan grounds, smothering a fragment of the Wind slab of the World Pillar – the source of her and all Wind-born dragons' power – and had taken the form of another dragon. A mockery of dragonkind. And now it intended to reason with her?

“You have every right to be afraid.” Ayaz intoned, all hints of his previously mischievous manner faded along with the known truth and Matar's trust for the world. “But you need not be. Not of me at least.” He took a few more steps towards the skulking Coatl, stopping at a respectful distance to sit once again. “You see, I once was a living dragon such like yourself. A Tundra, as you may guess by my appearance.” He held up a forearm, long strands of fur billowing without aid of the elements.

“Not like any Tundra I've met.” Ilmatar spat from her crevice as she fought the urge to bolt back up the passageway. “Tundras are supposed to be doofy with short-term memories. You... you're... not.” It was hard to come up with anything intelligent when the world around you felt nothing more than a brightly painted canvas lifted to reveal a bleak, miserable existence. The Shade is real and it's right here. The thought circled her mind like a ravenous vulture.

A sound resembling a chuckle but wasn't quite left the apparition. “Not now perhaps. But then it's hard to say if I was alive or merely part of another. Close your eyes and imagine for a moment-”

“I'm not closing my eyes now knowing what is standing right in front of me!”

“You have no reason to fear me.” Ayaz repeated, unflinching at her tone. “I, or rather the dragon I was once part of, was just as afraid when he found this place.” The shadow-veiled Tundra sank to the floor, making himself comfortable as he lay calmly on the ground. “My- our? I really don't know. There was a clan living here long before you and yours moved in. A large clan well known for the arts of all kinds. As your Guardian guide may well have spoken of.”

Lore. Raising her head ever so slightly Matar recalled the jade dragon who had flagged them down, who had joined the party long enough to find this place, who had left upon seeing the ruins and claiming to document the fall and founding of the new clan. Could she have... did she or any of her own clan know about this? They were Light after all. Confusion and fear wrapped tightly about the Coatl's mind, casting doubt on every dragon she'd met on her journey. This isn't what I meant when I needed some excitement in my life.

“We were one who did not partake in the grand festivities.” Ayaz continued, still lounging comfortably. If he saw her minute change he ignored it. “We were shy. Capable, but didn't enjoy large crowds. Our days were spend wandering the outskirts of the grounds, sometimes travelling alone to different parts of the region. Our dream was to see the fullness of the world. To not feel bound to any one place. Of course, we felt obligated to return and help our clan. Because we were kind and enjoyed supporting others.

“But we were also curious.” He closed his eyes and turned away, as if a painful memory had been reawakened. “As we walked we saw another dragon enter a forbidden cave. No one knew why it was out of bounds, only that it was deemed unsafe. So when we saw them enter not once, not twice but multiple times over weeks, months, we decided we needed to know.”

“And you found this.” Guessing where the story was going Ilmatar began to fill in the blanks despite her anxieties. “Don't suppose your clan was happy with that.”

For a moment the Shadow dragon was silent, eyes still closed, head still turned away. Was he ashamed? He'd never shown shame for all the times he'd intruded upon her or the others. What could possibly have happened for him to act so differently?

Finally he spoke again, allowing his body to solidify into the rain cloud-coloured Tundra she'd known him as. “Our leader knew this was here.” He sounded bitter. “She and a select few members of the clan, including the one we'd seen enter the cave. The cave we followed.” Again an arm lifted as he opened his eyes once more to gesture at Matar. “I'm sure you figured that out.” She nodded slowly. “No one knows why but our leader and those who knew had been tasked with keeping this place safe and secret. To protect the land above from the Shade that you see now. By moving the fragment down here they'd hoped to confine the Shade and seal it away. But it found its way out.

“Even those Shadow dragons she'd enlisted could not control it. For it is not truly shade. That is simply a name we gave it. In truth it is nothingness. A hole in reality that absorbs even the most blinding of light..”

Tendons clicked and joints popped as Matar slowly pulled herself out of where she'd been crouching. While still very nervous and distrustful she'd managed to relax enough to realise just how uncomfortably painful her stance had been. Half expecting the thing sitting a short distance away to invite her over the Coatl stretched gingerly, not taking her sight off of him. “If that's true,” she began once alleviated of her discomfort, “then how is does keeping it in actual darkness help anything? If it's not real darkness itself, how does one long, dark tunnel stop it from getting far?”

Ayaz shook his head. “Honestly it doesn't help as much as I'd like it to. It seems to hide in the shadows the same as anything wishing not to be seen, splitting off to seek out new targets. But this is how the cage was designed and this is how I have maintained it.”

“And how did you come to look after it?”

For a flash the grin reappeared, then faded again as he snorted. “The dragon we'd seen coming down here was such of Shadow origin. One of the protectors. I forget what species they were, only that they were present when we... made a mistake.” Lavender eyes glinted as he fixed his gaze on the crimson Coatl again. When she did not make a guess he continued, “Remember how I told you not to touch the fragment, enticing as it may have been?”

“You touched it.” Matar answered bluntly.

The Tundra nodded. “We were enthralled by the fragment and its history. For whatever reason the Shade had been parted as I had for you so we did not think about it. By the time the protector noticed our paw was already upon the surface. They pulled us away but the Shade was interested. You saw how the shadow you cast and that of the pedestal were being pulled towards it?” Again Matar nodded, even slower this time, frowning at the implication.

“Even though our body had been pulled clear the Shade caught our shadow. Me. The Shadow dragon managed to fight the Shade back but I had been torn from my body. A strand of Shade had claimed me, trying to use me to get to them both. I fought back, a desire to return to my body but also to defend it. It is unknown how I came to be as I am now. We blame the Shadow magic involved. Neither I nor Thayvern, the Tundra I was once a part of, remember those moments, only that I had been given form and been bound to this chamber.”

Ilmatar recoiled as Ayaz gave her an expectant look, tail flicking, waiting her response to his story. How did someone reply to that? How could she even believe him after everything that had transpired over the last... however long it had been? The feathered dragon fumbled for something to say, only to stare, shaking her head in bewilderment. Nothing made sense any more, least of all what the Tundra had- Tundra's shadow had said. What was he? How do you describe a living shadow that is infected by a work of fiction and can assume the darkened form of who they once were?

As she began to force herself to speak Ayaz's head snapped upward, rising quickly to his feet as he appeared to study the ceiling. “No. Not again.” Was all that was said before the Tundra charged straight through a darkened wall, leaving Ilmatar alone with the writhing mass of Shade tendrils.


The short trek back to the main clangrounds was spent in silence. Anvindr, the very limp Vegin draped over one shoulder and down his back like some comically long red scarf, kept flicking his gaze around, twisting his neck this way and that in case the whatever-it-was that killed Venilia came back. It was times like this the Spiral was grateful for having such huge eyes when they were otherwise only good for attracting dust and tiny flies and all other irritants that seem to go right into the most sensitive part of the face despite the amount of space around them.

Nervously he would every so often switch his attention to the young Ridgeback; while Meifeng had grown considerably over the last few weeks she was still very much a hatchling. Vegin suddenly felt a lot heavier as Vin realised that he needed to protect her since Vunguza had remained at the pond to delegate with the maren.

“You are unnerved.” The dragons jumped at the suddenness of Nathrach's observation.

“Should we not be?” Vin countered, harsher than he'd meant to as he turned to face the serthis. What frustration the spindly dragon may have held for the serthis fell away at the puzzled look the snake wore.

Ociara bared a similar expression. “Much still to learn.” she explained brokenly, the draconic words yet unfamiliar to her. “Know not dragon for fear. See fear in dragon is wrong.” Clicking her tongue the harpy spoke to Nathrach in the beastclan language.

“Your kind isss known for terrorizing and killing.” The serthis translated once Ociara was finished. “To sssee dragonsss feeling terrorized themssselvesss isss not sssomething we would expect. It isss...” He paused for a moment, having some trouble finding the words himself. “Both pleasssing yet dissscomforting at the sssame time.”

“You like it when we get scared?” Meifeng piped up curiously, wincing slightly as her voice peaked squeakily. “Why?”

Vin waved his free arm between the pair as the serthis got ready to tell the young one about the animosity between dragon and beast. “Another time. L-let's just focus on getting back while we- while you can still see.” Stupid. When you have a quirk you expect everyone around you to also have that quirk. No, they can't see in the dark like you can. Moron. The vicious thought that entered his mind caught the Spiral off-guard and he shook his head to rid himself of it.

It was such a small detail beneath a much larger problem. Yet this always happened. Any slip up he made, any mistake any anything that was bad or ended up bad even if it wasn't by his own hand the memories would invade and remind him at every single convenience. Killing someone by accident? Understandable. That was the kind of thing you'd expect to haunt you. But Deities forbid you say a wrong word, or you put something somewhere it wasn't supposed to without knowing it didn't go there, or someone else broke something and suddenly you're the one breaking it or someone else upset another person and now you're having that conversation with someone you like and upsetting them even though it never happened and then you're alone and no one likes you and-

Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP.

As Anvindr broke away from the mental assault he became aware that the others were looking at him. Had... did it show? Was it obvious that he was having another bout of “wandering thoughts”? Oh Gods what if they asked? How do you explain something like that? For once something everyone had and yet it hit him so hard and-

“Yes or no Vin?” Meifeng pouted as if she'd already asked once.

Oh. They'd asked him a question and he'd missed it. Another mistake. He could easily ask her to repeat the question. But he really didn't want to risk explaining his issues. But they might not ask and just be annoyed that he hadn't been paying attention. But then they'd be annoyed. “Um... yes?” Please don't have just signed up for something dumb. ...I signed up for something dumb, didn't I? The Spiral deflated in despair, almost dropping the still-unconscious Vegin in the process, as Meifeng cheered and began prancing and bouncing around. Turning to the familiars for guidance his spirits only flagged all the more at the amused way they looked at him.

“The ssspiny one asssked to ssstay with you tonight and learn alchemy together.” Nathrach elucidated with a wry smirk.

Oh bugger.

It was in that moment that Anvindr realised that the small group had made it back to the centre of the clan grounds already. Casting about he spotted the tree Noelani and her hatchlings were living under, making a sharp beeline towards it. No point hurting Mei by saying no now. Then again there was no way to tell when Ilmatar would be back and it would be unfair to let a hatchling, even one so large, to sleep on her own after seeing something like that.

“Who's there?” The Wildclaw's demanding voice shouted from her hollow. “If it's that stupid Tundra tell him he can-”

“It's us! It's just us!” Vin pleaded, poking into the burrow with his arm up. Instantly the pale dragon calmed, letting out a relieved sigh as she lay down to be used as a living climbing frame by the tiny Imperials again, though she lifted a brow at Vegin as Vin deposited the ruby Spiral on the ground.

“What happened out there?”

Well the thing is there was this confrontation when a group of beastclans came in but they meant well because they were seeking refuge but one got scared and threw acid at a female Imperial who was looking to join us with Vegin here but she didn't come with us when Mei told us about the eggs so we went to look for her but she was dead and now Matar is down in a cave with Ayaz and Vegin's gone catatonic and now we have beastclan familiars-

“There was a fight and Venilia got injured and now she's dead and Matar went off with the Tundra.” That is not at all what I wanted to say.

There were three loud squeaks of complaint as the hatchlings were all but thrown from their mother's back, as she pushed herself up on her forearms, wings splayed and teeth bared. “A fight? Someone died? Again?!” That's right. It had felt like they'd been living here for some time but in actuality it hadn't been that long since they lost Isaura to poison. Something they were still yet to figure out. What... what if whoever did that was involved again now?

“Um, you didn't know her?” Vin tried unhelpfully. When Noelani didn't back down he swallowed hard, backing up as he heard the approaching footfalls and slithering of the others. Oh no...

“What happened out there?!” Lani demanded again, stalking towards the Spiral only to stop as she caught scent of Nathrach and Ociara. “You... you let beasts in?!” With the snarl that left her Vin was afraid she was about to jump out and tear them apart.

They were seeking refuge because they were outcast from their clans and the serthis is the one I spoke with at the river before they're good I promise-

“Ilmatar let them in after the figh- it wasn't actually a fight but things went wrong and-” Before he could finish let alone chastise himself further the Wildclaw screamed, throwing herself from her den and expertly pinning Ociara beneath her talons, sickle claw pressed against the harpy's throat.

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you and feed you to my children!

Panicked Ociara began babbling in beasttongue, beckoning to Nathrach as the two of them tried, and failed, to remove the offending dragon. “We want to help you!” The serthis exclaimed, shooting Anvindr a sharp glare as the Spiral yanked at his horns inside the den. “We are outcassst. We ssseek ssshelter and believe we can be of asssissstance here. Your leader allowed it!”

It was at that moment that Whisper returned, slamming heavily onto the ground and storming over to his mate and her captive. Words were thrown from dragon and beast but whatever was said was lost to Vin's ears as he rammed his head into the solid root-bound side of the hollow. Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! If only he could say things properly. If only he could speak the words on his mind and not blurt some half-arsed mockery of what he was thinking of.

“Vin? What's wrong with this one?”

Spinning around so fast that the world kept going for a few seconds the Spiral dizzily regarded the rather wobbly-looking Ridgeback that had sneaked in behind him. “Wha's wrong whi wha?”Aaaand there's the headache. Slapping his bony hands over his face and sucking in a few long breaths Vin took a moment to steady himself before inspecting what it was Meifeng was so interested in.

And immediately regretted the decision.

Hatchlings tended to be far more resilient than most would think. Fragile as they look if they fell they got back up again. Sure they complain about it. Loudly. But they got back up none the worse for wear. So when Lani had bolted upright and sent the little ones scattering neither of them had had second thoughts as to their health. Indeed the blue boy and purple girl had already set about tussling with each other.

Then there was the mottled boy.

“Mei, stay here.” Vin told the minty Ridgeback, giving her the 'stay here' gesture with his hands as he slid out of the hollow. Sheepishly he approached the ongoing argument between Noelani and the beasts as Whisper loomed over all of them. “Um... excuse me?” If sight had physical effects then Vin would have been thrust many miles under the ground as all four pairs of eyes turned to him, each one baring their own level of anger. Crumpling under their scrutinising gazes the Spiral forced himself to say, “L-L-Lani an-and W-Whis-per c-could you p-p-please come inside?”

The two larger dragons exchanged glances but the Wildclaw did not budge until the Imperial nudged her with his snout, humming gently to her, punctuating the sound with grunts. With a huff Noelani released Ociara, who scuttled away quickly to join Nathrach, and marched back into the den.

And gasped in horror.

“You! What are you doing in here?!”

Whisper was beside her like a cyan bolt at the cry, Anvindr wriggling between them to get a better view. Ayaz was there now. In the minute he'd slipped outside the Tundra had made his way inside. The Spiral turned to Meifeng, who was staring in amazement at the dark-furred dragon.

“Get away from Keano!” Whisper had to put a clawed hand around his smaller mate to prevent her from leaping at Ayaz, who was sat coiled around a very muted Imperial child. Vin's hands shot to his mouth as he watched the colour seem to fade from the tiny life, flicking between him and the Tundra wrapped around him. “What have you done to my child?!

Where is Ilmatar? The two had gone off together hadn't they? Why was he here and she wasn't?

“I have done nothing.” Ayaz's voice was worryingly low compared to his usual creepy, bouncy demeanour. Though there was no lack of creepiness as he began to gently caress the one Noelani had named Keano. “I am so sorry little one.

“That's a laugh.” Lani snorted, pressing against her mate's grip. Even the two playing hatchlings had stopped their fun to watch now, as had Nathrach and Ociara managed to slip in beneath the larger dragons to see what was the matter. “Sorry for what? Sorry for sucking the life out of him?!” Her eyes glowed dangerously as her elemental magic became unfettered in her rage.

Ayaz shook his head sadly. “Was he this dull when he hatched? Did you not notice how he lacked the lustre the other two have?” Why was he speaking like that? Why did he suddenly care so much to put on such a serious tone?

A sorrowful whine filled the room and all looked to Whisper, who had turned his head away. “Per-per? What is it?” Lani asked with a softness unexpected from someone so upset. Another whine followed by short chuffs, then the Imperial bowed his neck to inspect the still child with his lone eye. “He... was like that?” A low rumble. “He... why didn't you say he looked ill? He looked fine playing with Pavan and Maili.” More chuffing intermixed with growls and squeaking. “E-even so that doesn't excuse him from barging in and-”

“To explain further,” the Shadow Tundra interjected tersely, “your son had a weak heart. He was strong to begin with but something caused stress enough for it to give out.” Those weird eyes narrowed as he regarded Noelani. “You are quick to blame me and yet you didn't even care for him yourself.”

I cared for him with all my heart you wretch!” Doubling her efforts to break past Whisper's paw the Wildclaw struggled and snapped her teeth at Ayaz, flailing claws leaving streaks of pure Light magic in their wake.

Doing his best to avoid flying limbs Anvindr wound his way over to Meifeng, the Ridgeback being the only one present at the time of Keano's need. “Mei, did you see what happened? T-to the hatchling?”

Tilting her head to one side the spiny dragon took a moment to recall the last few minutes. Because that is all it had been – minutes. “Well after Lani got up those two,” she pointed at the now cowering and keening pair, frightened by their mother's display, “started making noise and I went to go play with them but they started playing together anyway. But that one,” she pointed at the muted hatchling between Ayaz's paws, “kept wriggling around on the floor. I thought he was playing too so I didn't do anything. I was gonna get them together and play with all of them but then that guy," she pointed at Ayaz, "suddenly ran in through the wall! You shoulda seen it, it was so cool!" Then as a disinterested afterthought she added, "Oh, then you guys came back in.”

“So right after we'd all left...” Vin trailed off as he returned his gaze to Keano, who was decidedly not wriggling around any more. That still didn't explain how Ayaz tied into all of this. The Spiral studied the Tundra intently as with each stroke over the still form more colour seemed to fade. Hadn't that been what he did with Venilia, too?

“There was more than I thought...”

“Wait, say again?” the charcoal Spiral asked, catching the other dark dragon muttering something.

Teeth bared in a disgraced grimace as Ayaz lifted his head to meet Anvindr's sight. “If you all plan to stay here then there is something you should be aware of. After the little one is... taken care of, I will fetch Ilmatar and share with you all the secret this place holds.”

“T-take... care of?” There must have been some magic in those three short words as Noelani's anger was all but replaced by fear and sorrow in a heartbeat. Lower lip quivering she asked, “Y-you don't m-mean he's...?” Ayaz nodded solemnly and the Wildclaw collapsed into Whisper's hand, wailing as he drew her close to his chest.

“I truly am sorry.”


Next Chapter
Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x4 OR Gen 1 Purchase x1

Last edited by Varethyn on Wed Dec 25, 2019 9:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Ana »

Sorry that I can't be active in the reader event but simply too much stuff going on in RL.


HUGE thanks to Makoes, Syleye, FeralClaw, Pingupuff, Karin,Bowno, Varethyn, Ashaine, Kishay, Aki (Täräin13), my friend Marie and some lovely ppl on Fligth Rising for my lovely sig

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Petopia Artist
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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

It's okay, I appreciate that you have a lot going on in life :hug: Do remember that there's no longer a time restriction though, so if you see a prompt and want to join in but can't feel free to do something another time!

Apologies for the backlog already. Friday isn't a good day for me to be creative as I volunteer at a charity store that day so I'm out for most of it and tend to be tired when I get home. And of course Pinkie hit me with the "three writing prompts in a row" bat again.

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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Petopia Artist
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Re: Winds of Change (Pinkerlocke)

Unread post by Varethyn »

Day 128
So, uh... I probably should actually post this before I get distracted again.

While I don't have any limit rules for the current two challenges I have decided to not take in any more dragons or do any breeding until the merger. Sorry things have been slow and boring until I fix the two upcoming chapters.

Inventory/Notes: Breed/Gene x4

Check out PetEmote here! | Visit my Flight Rising lair!

Rest in peace mum. I really did love and miss you, even if I never got to see you.

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