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Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:06 pm
by Quiv
I always thought myself a casual mount collector, never realized I had so many oO (148).

This does make me wonder about the next tier of mount achieve, and BOA. Right now on beta, my horde has my mounts. However when I got to a beta alliance character, the faction specifics don't show up any equivalent. For example, I have the 5 horde faction pvp mounts (black war raptor, etc), but on alliance I have none of the pvp mounts.

What I wonder is will this allow us to double dip with out mount totals? If I collect all horde faction mounts (wolves, kodos etc), and then collect all the alliance mounts (hordes, elekks etc) will they all count toward the achieve? makes me wonder if the ach will remain character based but the reward boa?

if the next tier of achievements allow for this double dip, then 150 will be much easier.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:25 am
by Royi
Quivering wrote:This does make me wonder about the next tier of mount achieve, and BOA. Right now on beta, my horde has my mounts. However when I got to a beta alliance character, the faction specifics don't show up any equivalent. For example, I have the 5 horde faction pvp mounts (black war raptor, etc), but on alliance I have none of the pvp mounts.
I think they specifically mentioned that those PVP mounts would not flip over to the other faction.

(i could be wrong)

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:05 pm
by Makoes
I thought I read that as well. Mounts like pvp mounts would not be converted over.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:17 am
by Arwyn
<(" <) (> ")> Happy Dance!! <(" <) (> ")>

On the 17th the Obsidian Nightwing becomes the new RAF mount so my unclaimed Touring Rocket will mutate into a living, winged stone cat.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:03 pm
by Snowy ... r_embedded

I used to be super jealous of everyone who got the RAF mounts because I have no irl friends who are interested in WoW at all. Now I don't care because that is one messed up mount.

Onyx Panther + Winged Guardian wings painted black. Because those wings *totally* match with the body. *Eyeroll*

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:47 pm
by Makoes
That youtube video was posted back in April. Though I'd hoped by now they would have "finished" the model, aka blended the wings. Even so, I've my "cheap" christmas bought wow boxes sitting in a drawer waiting for MoP so I can RAF myself for mount and power leveling.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 3:04 pm
by Royi
Makoes wrote:That youtube video was posted back in April. Though I'd hoped by now they would have "finished" the model, aka blended the wings. Even so, I've my "cheap" christmas bought wow boxes sitting in a drawer waiting for MoP so I can RAF myself for mount and power leveling.
I have a box saved as well! Does powerleveling work pretty decently if you have two computers? Do you just put one on auto-follow and then kill things with the other?

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 4:02 pm
by Makoes
I dunno, never done it. Was just going to use the one computer, set the raf toon on follow, have free-for-all looting, and occasionally tab to the background screen when quest items needed looting.
Going to wait about a month after MoP release though before doing it, hoping to take advantage of all the dead animals to skin to rack up some extra gold this time around.

I hope though that the RaF mounts wings get blended more though....

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:53 pm
by SpiritBinder
Everdeen wrote:Onyx Panther + Winged Guardian wings painted black. Because those wings *totally* match with the body. *Eyeroll*

To be honest, it may be similar to the Onyx Panther, but the thing it does not have (which I really don't care for at all) is all the random coloured gem chunks sticking out of it like "Disco Rainbow Chip" kitty. Just to much imo.

This one does not have these which makes me VERY happy and I cant WAIT to get one (even though I already have the last 2 RAF mounts, yes let the jelly flow!)

the Obsidian Nightwing is a play on the....

Obsidian Destroyer.
An obsidian destroyer is a creature made out of obsidian. It has the lower body resembling a powerfully built panther with a pair of great black wings protruding from its back. Almost twenty feet wide, these latter appendages appear carved from old, porous stone. The creature's upper body is humanoid. A pair of dazzling emerald eyes set within deep, cavernous sockets stand out in the midst of the creature's shriveled, skeletal face

I always liked these designs and models ever since their release in WC3

That and for me, it's one of the 1st (flying) mounts that is predominantly black in colour. Sure we have black drakes (which look like Vegemite :lol: ) and other blackish mounts... but none of them all black. The closest I found was the IronBound Proto, but he still has a lot of "Blue Shiny" emanating from his mouth and runes.

Anyways, with the black theme I'm planning on running with in MOP, I'm going to be as happy a pig in poo when this one becomes available, cant WAIT! :D

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:05 pm
by Wain
The obsidian destroyer wings are how I think this one should be handled. When it was previewed with organic wings I was sure they were placeholders, but I'm yet to see any change to that. It looks odd to me. Like a statue with live human arms attached to it.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:52 am
by Snowy
Wain wrote:The obsidian destroyer wings are how I think this one should be handled. When it was previewed with organic wings I was sure they were placeholders, but I'm yet to see any change to that. It looks odd to me. Like a statue with live human arms attached to it.
This. The Obsidian Destroyer's wings actually match well with the body since they look like they might be made of stone.

And the video might have been posted in April but since then, MMO-C actually put the video up on their website themselves when they announced the new RAF mount. And they changed the title of the video. So I'm guessing they have already dug through files to see if there was any changes to the mount and that there was none, so they simply copy/pasted the old video. Here's hoping Blizz does make some changes, but if people can start claiming the mount in just a few more days, I seriously doubt it.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:00 am
by Arwyn
Whether it kept the feathered wings or will gets the stone wings I really don't mind since its not the Rocket. *and I can have more RP fun with it too.*

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 8:27 pm
by Miacoda
The phoenix got a tail animation! :D

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 10:41 pm
by Ziarre
Spiritbinder wrote:This one does not have these which makes me VERY happy and I cant WAIT to get one (even though I already have the last 2 RAF mounts, yes let the jelly flow!)
*is not jelly, has them too!* Well, might be jealous if I can't convince anyone to let me RAF them. :c Want them all!

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:42 am
by Ziarre

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:21 am
by Snowy
OH MY FREAKING GOD. If I wasn't sold on MoP before, I sure am now. I can't not have it what with all these new mounts! I NEED THEM ALL.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:21 am
by Arwyn
The Riding Yak animation is hilariously adorable. Some people may not like the bouncy animation, but its just a laugh riot to me. Making it one of the best ground mounts Blizz has ever made.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:49 am
by GormanGhaste
Thanks for the link, Ziarre.

And Arwyn, I love the Riding Yaks too!

What I'm really excited about is the Klaxxi exalted mount:

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:32 am
by Snowy
I'd never seen the tigers before, so I totally spazzed when I saw them. And the phoenixes... Probably the mounts I'm excited about most. They're beyond stunning.

Re: New MOP Mounts Inc

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:22 am
by Ziarre ... uild-15882

Two words: Kite. Mounts.

Also, all of the cloud serpents apparently require the cloud serpent riding skill now, if they didn't already.