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Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:43 pm
by Falcon
Argh, I'm sorry that happened! I hate getting bags like that, too, I always hesitate in scrolling downward because I know it will be nothing but disappointment. Man, makes me wonder if you, me, and Lupis should all gang up and mob the Horseman for his stupid mount.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:31 am
by Jurz
I would love to join this group to mob the Horseman for his mount. I have been farming this thing ever since it was first released :/ Saw it drop once and lost the roll back when it was a drop rather than in a bag. I bought a sub just to farm this thing, so if I don't get it this year then I'm going to be very upset (I wasn't originally going to buy a sub until the first week in Nov)

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:14 am
by Lupen202
I've gotten three swords now. >.> I realize it's like a 5% chance compared to the rein's.. 1%? But come on.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 7:06 pm
by Bangeall
I severely doubt the Horseman will cough up the reins for me this year, but I'll rub the luck thread just in case. I love Hallow's End, but the end of each Headless Horseman run is always rather disheartening.

*rubs thread*

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:46 am
by Falcon
Two helms and two swords now. This is bullshit.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 10:25 am
by Bheleu
Guess I better post for some luck to come my way too. playing since BC, no luck yet. Got 5 90's running this year. I got more swords/helms/brooms/rings than I know what to do with! How about making the mount purchasable for 500 treats instead of the Arthas costume? At least then I could grind it out!


Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 11:33 am
by Arthur
Please luck thread, help me get the horseman's mount. I'm doing it 8x a day and still nothing. I think I might cry lol..

I'll join in with saying enough swords, enough brooms, enough helmets, ENOUGH!! Just let me have the horse and I'll NEVER bother you again, I promise.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 8:12 pm
by Falcon
Please, please, PLEASE, luck thread, this is the last week of Hallow's End and it's almost halfway over. I don't care if Huolon is mean to me for the rest of my WoW life after this, I just want this god. Damned. Horse. *flips table*

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2014 11:33 pm
by Lupis
Look, RNG gods. I know that I'm doing a lot of mount farming recently. It's probably pretty alarming, with all those bosses dying. I get it! I understand. You don't want to deal with all those chances, so you just don't register any of them. That's okay!

But I'd like to bargain with you. Maybe- just maybe- DROP THE BLOODY AWFUL STUPID HORSE YOU USELESS PILES OF RANDOM CHANCE.

Sound good? :D

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 1:08 pm
by Azunara
You're not funny anymore Headless Horseman. Just give up.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 12:37 pm
by Falcon
Fuck you, Horseman.

This is the WORST THING you've EVER DONE!!!!

On my last of five 90s, Isee purple, but it's THE HOOD AGAIN. THREE TIMES.


Two swords, THREE hoods that I CAN'T USE. No horse.

Seven years mountless...

Fuck everything... I'm so pissed off I'm in tears and on theverge of a panic attack... It's so hard to breathe right now I'm so upset...


You win, Horseman. You've broken me. I hope you're happy.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:05 pm
by Lupen202
Yep, no horse for me either. I know I'll be here next Halloween too, and there's nothing I can do about it... but to wait eight damn years for a virtual item is kind of ridiculous. Eight. Years. I'd much rather end up running some raid 200 times for a mount because unlike holiday mounts, I can choose when I want to farm it and I have all the time in the world... not just two weeks.

Six 90s this year. More than I've ever had. I ended up with a grand total of countless treats, masks, weighted jack-o-lanterns, brooms, rings and hallowed helms. Three helmets. FIVE swords. 0 horses.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:15 am
by Jurz
I know how you guys feel...been playing for almost 10 years and didnt get the horse either...

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:40 am
by s1ncer1ty
Very sorry for those who didn't get their HH mounts this past Halloween... :(

On the luck topic.... I love the premade group finder! I'm able to go on World Boss Tours again -- downed all four Pandaria world bosses on five toons last night, three more at-level toons to go today. Let's find ourselves a mount, preferably Oondasta's Cobalt Primordial Direhorn! (And a patient group after Tuesday reset that will do Firelands achieves and not yell at me!)

*rubs thread for luck!*

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:15 pm
by Lupis
Okay okay okay I guess asking for the HH mount was too much.

But maybe I can get the ZG raptor today? Or Ashes- but I won't be greedy. Just one. Please. I've killed Mandokir over 160 times. PLEASE.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:36 pm
by cowmuflage
Azure Drake please just drop. I'm having such a shit day because of my sick fish I need this D:

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2014 9:34 am
by biscitandchina
Just 3 days ago I decided to go and kill Houlon Just for a new bow or crossbow but 2 epic items were up and one was ... ud-serpent

First run i'll post a screenie soon

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:02 am
by Ziarre
Please show up, Pathrunner. You don't want to disappoint the lovely raid group I've gathered to watch for you, do you?

EDIT: Why thank you! You're going to get all the treats in my stable, yes you are.

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:59 am
by Golden
Please Silthide, you have a couple of real animal lovers waiting for you out here. My stables have plenty of room to roam in and all the food you can eat!

Re: "Where are you, rare mounts?" Magic Luck Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 3:39 am
by Castile
Ok luck thread I'm begging you...all I need is my Blazing Drake for my emerald achievement...I've lost it 3 times in legit raids now I just need it one more time!! I got Flametalon in 2 runs....Invincible in 4 so surely a blazing isn't too much to ask now is it? ~.o