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Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 4:52 pm
by Mania
I still have money for a couple of these left, so if you want one and can't get one send me a PM.

(Again, I'm not sure about EU but I am willing to try.)

Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 9:27 am
by Ana
ITs adorable, and it tweet and sing when u click it :D

I manage to pursuade my husband to let me have one, first thing i have bougth from the battlenet, and i love it.

Note: I live in Denmark and i could get one jsut fine

Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 12:31 pm
by zedxrgal
After a really bad day yesterday I decided to do some retail therapy and donate to charity and I got the little hatchling. I've yet to see the little tyke (may not get to for a while) but I've seen others with it and it is extremely cute. Hope to see mine little one soon!

Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:48 pm
by Mania
Argh! I need some help from a friendly EU player with a PayPal account.

Either Blizzard or my credit card company is being a pain, and between the two of them I can't get EU codes for this pet. So basically I need someone to buy an EU code for me and I will send you the euros. If you can help, can you drop me a PM?

Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:27 pm
by Calomel
*Squeee* Baby hippogryphs for everyone! \o/

I have the TCG hippogryph, so a part of me does wish that this one would have been a different color or something, to give me a reason to buy one. BUT I am glad that everyone now has the opportunity to have a hatchling, they're so darn cute. And now they FLY! How awesome is that?! I've been waiting for years for mine to start flying!

Re: Cenarion Hatchling - Help Japan!

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 4:31 pm
by Chimera
Im still trying to convince my bf to buy a vanilla mastercard already.. he says he is gonna buy some for some cosplays he wants (he actually did have $10 left on the card but then used it about a week before i asked him if i could use the last of the next card he buys for the hippogryph) but i dunno when hes gonna be ordering them..