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Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:06 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Your story is incredibly awesome Kam. Wish I had the writing talents you guys have. :lol:

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:07 pm
by Saturo
I... was snickering at that part.

*Sneaks off*

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:24 pm
by Kamalia
I actually miss your stories, Tyger. They were fun to read. You had a couple, right? One with Kethtaz, one for Indi, and one that followed the RP thread, if I remember correctly?

Snickering can be good, too. I think. :P

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 3:30 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Yar, I have one for Kethtaz and then the one that was attempting to kind of go along with TotH (which ultimately just ended up being a pain to try and upkeep--I was uninspired for ideas and we moved right into FotC so I was like "meh"). Indi's background is basically a completed story I think, even with it's timeline errors (mostly because I'm unsure how to fix them).

I should really finish up Kethtaz's story. >_>

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 4:34 pm
by Serendipity82
Late to the party, but this is awesome Kam. I love every second it of it XD

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:19 am
by Kamalia
Glix stared silently at the clouds of ash billowing out of the volcano rising above the jungle's canopy. The panicked calls of animals echoed past the trees and clouds of birds took flight away from the island and over the ocean. The goblin was sitting cross-legged on the beach, disheveled and tired-looking. Dark smoke billowed from the destroyed oil rig down the beach, the black liquid staining the water and the sand as it slowly leaked out.
The mage's eyes trailed a flaming rock as it burst out of the erupting volcano, crashing down with a distant boom far into the jungle. The scent of smoke was strong in the air, carried by the wind as the tropical forest burned. Glix cast her gaze back to the mountainside, steadily watching it and the goblins exiting the tunnel carved there.
A loud booming sound made her twist around and she looked up into the sky to see a colourful blast of fireworks followed by the approving roar of goblins boarding the boat. The sight managed to pull the corners of her mouth up and she got to her feet, brushing the sand off of her clothes. She made her way to the dock and began to walk down it, only to find herself hesitating a few feet away from the boat. Impatient goblins shoved past her on their way to board, eventually pushing her near the edge.
Glix looked down at the waves down below and took a nervous step back, wincing as he bumped into others. A cry made her prick up and she looked over her shoulder and blinked.
"Hey!" Karzix appeared for a brief moment above the heads of the other goblins before disappearing. "Over here!" He called, jumping up again and waving frantically before vanishing. A few goblins let out annoyed sounds as Karzix pushed past them, ignoring their remarks.
"Lockfuse! Glad to see you're alive and well, huh?" He offered her a grin and clapped his hands down on her shoulders. He paused and quickly removed them, letting his arms hang at his sides as he uncomfortably shifted his weight.
"Yeah, I s'pose. And you're, um..." Glix tilted her head trying to think of a good word to use. Karzix was downright filthy, covered in dust and grime from the tunnels. He had somehow earned himself a black eye and several scrapes, no doubt from scraps in the labour mine.
"Hm. Didn't think I looked that bad." He gave her a wry smile, rubbing his scruffier-than-usual chin. He abruptly turned around to snap at a goblin that had bumped into him. Scowling, he glanced back at Glix and nodded at the boat. "Well, shall we? I dunno about you, but I sure don't want to be sticking around here for long." He thrust a thumb toward the magma-oozing volcano.
"Of course." Glix nodded. Karzix turned to leave, taking a few steps before stopping. He glanced over his shoulder, furrowing his brow at seeing Glix staying still. She was studying the boat, a hesitant look on her face.
"You coming or what?" He asked gruffly. "That volcano ain't gonna wait for you, y'know."
"I know." She replied quietly, shifting her gaze to look down at the choppy water. Karzix followed her eyes, frowning in confusion at the ocean.
"Well?" He asked impatiently, causing her to press her lips together in a thin line.
"Look, I'm just not all that enthusiastic about going on a boat after all... this." She gestured at the island. Karzix looked to the burning island for a long moment, at the boat, and then back at her.
"If this one sinks, I'll eat my shirt. Then go drown the engineers that built it. And the captain, him too." He said with a completely serious expression. "'Cause really, who manages to sink a huge boat - twice?"
"Fine, fine." Glix huffed, shooting him a scowl and stalking past. Her stalking quite quickly turned into nervous shuffling only a small distance down. Karzix heaved a weary sigh and came up from behind her, grabbing the back of her shirt and hauling her, squeaking the entire way, to the boat.

"There. Was that so bad?" He let go, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at her. She shot him a dirty look before glancing around, an apprehensive look on her face. The two made their way to the edge of the deck to get out of the way of boarding goblins.
"So, Durotar." Karzix murmured, placing his forearms on the railing and leaning as he stared absently out at the open ocean. "Any idea what that place is like?"
"Hot, dry, and dusty, from what I've heard."
"And very orange."
"... Orange?"
"Orange." Glix glanced down at the water lapping against the boat's edge and took a firmer grip on the railing, anxiously chewing on her bottom lip. She looked over her shoulder at the horn blast announcing that the ship was about to get started on its voyage.
"I s'pose I can live with orange..." Karzix sighed once their ears had stopped ringing. The roar of the engines started up and the boat lurched forward. Glix, unprepared for the sudden movement, slid with a squeak into Karzix. She stared wordlessly down at the foam being churned up in the water below, her ears folding back in alarm. The mage instinctively shrank further into the other goblin for a brief moment before getting a hold of herself and straightening, scowling.
She propped her elbow up on the railing and frowned at the open ocean the boat was headed for. She studied the horizon for a moment or so before glancing up at Karzix. His face had taken on a remarkably stony expression and he stared fixedly ahead. Glix followed his gaze, trying to figure out what he was looking at.
"What's up?" She questioned.
"Nothing," he replied rather quickly, clearing his throat. He looked over his shoulder, avoiding eye contact with her. "Looks like we'll be here for a while, hm?"
"Seems like it. Long voyage ahead, I suppose. Whee." Glix muttered, managing to earn a twitch at the corners of Karzix's mouth. He appeared to relax ever so slightly and he slid down, splaying across the warm deck.
"Well, I'm exhausted. Wake me when we get there or something, okay?" He mumbled, throwing an arm over his eyes.
"Or you could work on practicing how to talk." Glix quipped.
"Huh?" Karzix lifted his arm up to give her a confused look.
"Remember that orc you sold a few raptor bits and pieces to? Told me afterwards he could hardly understand a word you were saying with your accent."
"Accent? I have an accent? Since when? I speak normally."
Glix chuckled at his baffled expression. "Yeah, you speak normally... When you're talking in Goblin. It generally happens when you speak Orcish, you see."
"They're the ones with the accents." Karzix huffed, throwing his arm back over his face and grumbling under his breath. Glix shook her head and let him be, turning her attention back to the slowly disappearing island in the distance. The air was starting to clear, the burning ash and smoke left behind. The mage silently watched the island until it disappeared. She let out a long, drawn-out sigh, folding her hands and staring steadily down at them.
After a minute or so had passed she raised her head to look at the boat and the goblins milling about. She studied one or two before glancing back at the dozing, dark-haired rogue splayed out like a cat in the warm sun. She took a few steps over and sat down next to him. Acknowledging her presence, Karzix shuffled over slightly to give her more room. He stretched out and glanced at her through slit eyes before closing them again and resuming his catnap. Glix offered him a raised eyebrow and a crooked smile before crossing her legs, tilting her face up toward the sun and closing her eyes.
She figured that sleep was something she could always catch up on another time. It was going to be hell surviving in some strange city with little gold to her name; she might as well make the most of the simple pleasure of enjoying the sun's warmth while she had the time. Plus, Karzix might say embarrassing things in his sleep, providing her with an excellent chance to get back at him for dragging her onto the boat like that.


Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 5:56 am
by Saturo
Awesome as always!

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:10 am
by Litlemouse
Err, I mean, good read. >.>

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:43 am
by Azunara
Ah! the end! That means no more!

...Sad. ): Good ending, though.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:20 am
by Serendipity82
Loved it Kam! Have to say I'm sorry to see it end!

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:01 am
by Moonlost
I dunno, I think this story was the perfect length. It got across what it needed to without being bogged down, much more and it would have just been padding.
A shot but sweet ending to a wonderful story Kam, I loved every word of it. :D

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:39 am
by Saturo
Moonlost wrote:I dunno, I think this story was the perfect length. It got across what it needed to, without being bogged down, much more and it would have just been padding.
A shot but sweet ending to a wonderful story Kam, I loved every word of it. :D
Once again Moonie speaks the truth.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:53 am
by Silivren
Awww, I liked it and I dont often like goblins but you just made me fall in love them with <3 :)

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 1:03 pm
by Kamalia
Thanks once again, guys. :D I'm glad you enjoyed reading it so much.

And yes, I decided to skip out on a pretty big chunk of the goblin starting experience, namely the labour mines. I felt it would be too long and I couldn't see many ways I could get character development in there. It happened, but off screen, if you can call it that.
Glad to hear my ending was good. Ending things, stories or any other kind of written work, has always been my weak point for some reason.

Re: Notches ((RP Story))

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:19 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Aw, that was an excellent ending. ^_^ Fabulous job Kam! The whole story was a great read. :D