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Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 3:26 pm
by Falcon
(Urgh, I've been busy all morning, sorry about this, guys. I won't be available to post much in the mornings, it's the only time I'm able to spend with my boyfriend, who works graveyard shift.)

Saoirse and Ciar - Village Bridge (Forest's Edge)

"With them? No, definitely not. My baby brother and I lost our parents because of them," a sigh left the Noivario before she glanced upwards, frowning when she saw fragments of the sun's rays filtering down through the canopy. 'Damn it, if only it were night, then I could try healing her... Wait, I can!'

"Hold still," she murmured, reaching out to set a forepaw upon Allira's shoulder, before the Hybrid closed her eyes and began to concentrate upon channeling healing energy into her fellow Pokemon. It may not be much, but it was the best she could do.

Saoirse used Heal Pulse!


"Mm... nope, not right now. My name's Ciar, and that's my sister, Saoirse. It's nice to meet--" The Noiolu cut himself off, eyes going as wide as saucers when a black arm suddenly materialized from out of nowhere! "What the...?!"

When he saw Robin turn to flee in the direction Saoirse had disappeared to earlier, the little Hybrid wasted no time in trying to help do all he could to at least befuddle the Ghost-type. Ciar took a deep breath, before he unleashed a wave of high-pitched sound from his mouth towards the Chandelure.

Ciar used Supersonic!

"SAOIRSE, HEAD'S UP! WE'VE GOT COMPANY!" He shrieked at the top of his lungs as he turned and bolted off after Robin. "And don't call me kid!" he snapped crossly, this directed towards his fellow Hybrid. "I hate that!"

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:15 pm
by Azunara
Near Blessing Encampment

The Champion shook himself, grateful for Antares' healing him. "The others had better be finished up. I'm not going back there." There was a frustrated edge to his voice as he lashed his tail. He still ached a bit, the pain from Mattie's attack lingering. Damn. "That was supposed to be easy, and nobody was really going to get hurt. Bastards had to get involved--" He sighed in irritation before looking over at Antares. "Hey, you alright?" He didn't wait for an answer, throwing a weak heal on Antares.

Crowley used Moonlight!

"We should probably get moving back to the others, let them know how it all went down. We managed to get most of them, should be good enough for the higher ups to leave us alone, right?"

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:28 pm
by Senna-Umbreon
((I get to my aunt and uncle's house, and immediately steal their wifi to get on here. Because I'm a horrible family member. :D))

Terrakion - Village Bridge

"Heh, that's a change. Usually it's me saving your ass!" Terrakion replied, shooting a grin at GTM. He paused, glancing at Mattie, "Eh, to be fair, it would be nice to figure out what the hell just happened."


Antares - Near Blessing Encampment

Antares nodded weakly, "I'm fine, Crowley." While the Moonlight did help, bringing himself and Crowley through a time stream had taken a lot of energy. He sighed wearily, "Let's hope that would be the case. The last thing we need is trouble from any of the higher ups for this.. Particular mess."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:40 pm
by HoneyShuckle
Spinnaker- Forrest's edge

Spinnaker was about to fire at the hybrids when they... Didn't seem like the hybrids anymore. He spun around in his confusion, unable to see through the thick fog that was obscuring his thoughts. "Damn you...!" He unleashed an overheat, setting some nearby brush ablaze.

GTM, Mattie- village bridge

"Well...." Mattie started, looking up at the suspension of the bridge, eyeing the bird and bat at the top. "If we knock them down, we can make them tell us what's going on." GTM swished his tail at that idea. "Right... Because they're just going to tell us." "Got any better plans?" Mattie asked. GTM hesitated, then flung sharp rocks upward at Sam and Ace.

GTM used stone edge!

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 5:57 pm
by Silvershade
Village Bridge

Sam watched the commotion calmly. It was beginning to become clear that while those Legendaries knew each other, they did not work particularly well in a team. If he were even a tiny bit sympathetic he would be embarrassed on behalf of those Champions that they had been pushed back so easily.

His attention was brought back to the Mewtwo when it fired rocks in his direction. Leaving Ace to fend for herself, Sam pushed himself off his metal perch with his wings spread wide, lifting himself into the air. Sam moved his tail feathers far to one side, pulling one wing closer to his body so that he rolled on to his back, leaving the rocks to fly above his chest. When he was in the clear he righted himself, drawing his wings close in short, swift strokes. As he picked up speed, he aimed to slam into the Mewtwo with his talons.

Sam used Sucker Punch!

((okay so that isn't quite how it works in game but eh close enough))

Forest's edge

Okay, I managed to buy myself some time, Robin thought but I'm not nearly out of the woods yet. Robin paused at that, and would have smacked themself in the face for making such an awful pun if they weren't currently using their paws to carry them away from the ghost as fast as they could.
Bursting out of the trees, Robin spoke quickly "Okay so I know you didn't want me to follow you and all but we are having all kinds of issues he-"
Hey, was that the lizard-thing?

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:34 pm
by Falcon
Saoirse and Ciar - Village Bridge (Forest's Edge)

Saoirse's ears twitch when she hears her brother's call, and the Noivario turns her attention away from the Lugioptile, only to catch sight of the Hybrid that had nearly careened into them earlier skidding to a stop in front of them.

"What's going on back there? Who found us?" Saoirse grit her teeth, not happy at the fact that if she and Ciar make it out of this, they'll have to find somewhere else to live. When Robin speaks, only to abruptly cut themselves off, the Noivario can't help but blink before her gaze moves to settle back on Allira for a few seconds, and then back to Robin. "Do you two know each other?"


Ciar bursts out of the treeline not long after Robin does, and the little Hybrid adjusts his wings, landing close to his sister before he shoots a nervous look back towards where they'd left that Chandelure. A flash of yellow from the edge of his vision soon catches Ciar's attention, though, and the Noiolu turns to look at the brightly colored reptile.

"Is this the reason why you came out here, sis?" And then a small barrage of questions, this time all directed at Allira: "Who are you? Why are you so colorful? Are they after you, too? Are you okay? You look exhausted."

Ciar can't help but give in to the curiosity threatening to devour him from eartips to tailtip, and the pup takes a few steps towards the Lugioptile, his fluffy tail wagging slightly.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 6:43 pm
by Senna-Umbreon
((Probably my last post before I almost certainly fall asleep in the car on the way home...))

Terrakion - Village Bridge

Terrakion narrowed his eyes at Sam, watching the Honchkrow dodge, then swoop down. When he realized who the bird was aiming for, Terrakion charged forward. "Move it, dumbass!" He growled, pushing GTM out of the way of Sam's attack.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:13 pm
by HoneyShuckle
GTM, Mattie-village bridge

GTM blinked as he was shoved out of the way. "HEY! I know you get a boost from getting hit by stuff like that, but I'm fighting type too, you know! It's not like I'm weak to it right now!" With all these dark types around, Terrakion should be glad that he COULD be fighting type. He started to charge another attack, when Mattie suddenly dashed in. She weakly vaulted off one of her lances and jabbed upward at Sam.

Mattie used Megahorn!

GTM winced. He REALLY didn't like Mattie, but at this rate she was going to get herself killed. After she attacked, he placed a barrier around her so she wouldn't get in the way.

GTM used Protect!

Spinnaker- edge of the forest

The flames spread quickly through the underbrush and up into the trees, like a.. Um.. Wildfire. The Chandelure tottered and spun out of the woods in his confusion, the fire spreading in his wake. He was so dizzy! And he didn't like it.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 7:30 pm
by Silvershade
Village Bridge

With a harsh, distressed caw, Sam thrust himself sideways to avoid crashing into the much heavier Pokemon. He careening past them in a flurry of black and red feathers as the Escavalier's lance hit one of his legs, unsteadying him even further. His wings rocked shakily as he tried to right himself, slowing down as he grew closer to the ground.

Suppressing a wince as his injured leg made contact with the earth, Sam hopped a few paces forward before turning around, holding his leg close to his body briefly before forcing himself to put pressure on it.
"How rude!" he exclaimed with a crooked smile, trying to keep his voice steady "Can you not converse like reasonable adults without resorting to violence?"

Forest's edge

"You could say that, yeah." Robin answered, looking at the Lugioptile "But like I was saying, it's a long story, and now isn't the best time to be explaining that, seeing as there's an angry ghost all after us."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:01 pm
by Azunara
Blessing Encampment

Crowley rolled his eyes at Antares, using Moonlight on him again. "I do appreciate you getting us out of there. You did a better job at the whole diplomacy thing than I did." He leaned over anyways to try and help Antares as they made it back to the camp. It was in a bit of a disarray, sleeping pokemon dropped off and put back in cages, several more officer-like pokemon receiving reports and others simply trying to patch up those who returned injured.

A somewhat weary looking gallade approaches, eyeing the two of them. "I take it you came back from the bridge as well? I've heard it from the others more or less. Legendaries intervened and several of our confused and sick escaped. We'll have to send scouts to retrieve them. Time and resources that can't be squandered. Go and rest, then. We'll figure something out."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:07 pm
by Moonlost
((Sorry if I was holding anyone up, only just woke up.))

Allira - Village Bridge

Allira was a little hesitant, even as the other pokemon said she was not with the blessing. But her following actions helped soothe over any doubt, as the reptile felt a refreshing tingling running along the course of her body. She shook herself a little, and allowed her frill to drop back down to her neck, taking the time to have a look at her savior. A Hybrid from the looks of it, which only cemented the fact that she was telling the truth.
"Thank you," She started to say. "I'm sorry for my-"

She started a little as two others appeared, but quickly relaxed as both appeared friendly. She even recognised the white-and-brown mammal from the group of escapees. Issues? She craned her head a little to look behind the two new arrivals, looking for any sign of a pursuer. She could smell smoke, but...
She looked down in surprise as she was suddenly assaulted by questions of all things. Finally, Allira allowed herself a small, slightly weary smile. Cute kid.
"I'm Allira." She answered Ciar. "And, if you do not mind, I think your other questions can wait until we don't have Blessing on our tails."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 8:55 pm
by Falcon
(Nah, you're fine, Moon.)

Saoirse and Ciar - Village Bridge (Forest's Edge)

"He does that," Saoirse replied, giving her brother a warning look that silently told him to keep quiet, before she turned her head to see if anyone from the skirmish in the Village had taken notice of them yet, since they no longer had the protection of the trees.


The Noivario winced at the volume of Ciar's cry, and she was about to tell him to quiet down when the scent of smoke suddenly slipped passed her nose. Saoirse paused for a moment, sniffing, and she felt her fur stand on end when she realized that her brother was right.

'You have got to be friggin' kidding me...' She grit her teeth, wondering just what else in the Reverse could go wrong today. It was starting to wear on her mood, but she knew that Allira and the other Hybrid both needed rest - and soon. However, if they didn't do anything to stop the fire before it could get out of hand, then they really would be in trouble.

"We've got to do something now or the entire forest will end up ablaze," she said finally, before she turned her attention to Robin, though her next question made her feel foolish, since her fellow mammal didn't appear to be of the Water-type. "Err... you wouldn't happen to know any moves that would be useful in putting out a forest fire, would you?"

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:11 pm
by TK-Hikaru13
Sin'Dorai - Blessing Encampment

Sin watched as Antares and Crowley returned, eyes narrowed as he munched on a Chople berry. "Well well well." He sneered, "If it isn't the two Champions. Take it the 'rescue' mission went well?" He walked closer to the pair, tossing and catching the half-eaten berry in his hand.

"Nice job getting our 'friends' back."

{Best I could do right now, sorry everyone.}

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:18 pm
by Silvershade
Village Bridge (Forest's edge)

The kid was right, the forest was on fire! Robin felt kind of embarrassed they hadn't noticed that, but they had been awfully busy, you know, trying not to get caught by a crazy ghost.

"Water moves, uh..." Robin raised a brown paw to their muzzle as they pondered "... Rain dance, I guess?" Yeah, that should work Robin added silently as they lifted themself onto their hind legs, raising their head to the sky and furrowing their brow as they concentrated.
The sky started to grow dark and cloudy as a few drops of water fell from it, the rain starting out as a light drizzle but quickly growing heavier.

Robin used Rain Dance!

Satisfied with their work, Robin lowered themself back onto all fours, the now damp dirt starting to stick to the fur between their toes as they put more weight onto their forepaws.
"Y'know, actually, I'm regretting this decision." Robin said, frowning as they felt the water start to seep into their fur.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:28 pm
by Azunara
Blessing Camp

The umbreon turned to look at Sin, narrowing his eyes and hissing in response, "I didn't see you helping us. There were two Legendaries, what exactly did you expect us to do?" He snorted, tail twitching. "Next time, you want the job done your way, you be there. Otherwise, keep your mouth shut. Besides, given the circumstances, the number we did manage to get is impressive."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:35 pm
by Falcon
Saoirse and Ciar - Village Bridge (Forest's Edge)

"...That'll do it," Saoirse commented dryly, spreading a wing as she tried to shield herself from the worst of the downpour. "Great job, uh... You know, I don't think I ever caught your name back there."

"Yeah, but now we're soaked," Ciar snapped, scurrying to hide underneath his sister's wing, large ears slicking back against his skull as he shook himself, ignoring the brief look Saoirse gave him before the Noiolu wrapped his wings around himself. "But, at least the fire's been dealt with..."

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:36 pm
by HoneyShuckle
GTM, Mattie- Village bridge

"Hey! Let me out cat!" Said Mattie, Jabbing at the protect. "And as for the "reasonable adult" thing.... I got nothing. Never mind." GTM rolled his eyes, then looked back at Sam. "You know what, I don't care. You better fill us in on what exactly is going on though, or I will become LESS reasonable." It was then that the Mega evolution wore off, and he reverted back to his normal form with a flash. He winced a little bit as a wave of exhaustion fell over him. He was always shocked at how much energy it took to maintain that form. A light drizzle started to fall, which was a little odd...

Spinnaker- Village bridge (Forest's edge)

Spinnaker was broken out of his confusion by rain drops falling on him. he winced as they started to steam and evaporate. What was he doing again? Right! Hybrids! He looked around frantically and saw a group of them at the riverbank. Some of them were the ones he had spotted earlier, however there were more of them now. He would be outnumbered, not to mention MOST of his team had already retreated, and the rain put a damper on things. He turned and fled, flames streaming out behind him. He tried to think of an excuse to give to camp when he got back, just in case anyone asked him anything.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:42 pm
by TK-Hikaru13
Sin - Blessing Encampment

Sin crinkled his nose at Crowley. "Oh sure, you expect me to magically teleport here when I'm already taking care of the freaks we managed to keep?" He retorted. But he had to admit, taking on two legendaries sounded interesting.

"Fine, maybe next time I'll come along." Sin sneered, taking another bite from his berry. "Get the chance to show you up."

'I hate him. Fucking Champions and their better-than-you attitudes.' Sin thought.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 9:53 pm
by Swiftpaw
Zotz - Forest/Blessing Camp

The Noivern turned back after the fighting seemed to stop, his wings carrying him over the trees and back toward the others of the Blessing. He was careful as he went, listening more than watching as the light seemed to bother his eyes. He slowed and began his decent as he got closer, staying away from the main body of the camp and finding himself a nice log to land on, claws digging into the wood as he folded his wings up to watch. Much easier than trying to do anything.

Alaria and Nexus - Forest/Blessing camp

"I still wish I could have just-"
"Stop. You know what would have happened."
"Hmph." Alari stomped her hoof at her next step, ignoring the chuckle that came from Nexus. She felt like harming something and since there were so many trees around she went for one before the Sawsbuck could stop her. A blast of a Sacred Sword sliced into the trunk easily, though the tree continued to stand. She huffed after it and made her way back to camp much faster, Nexus behind her. The two were silent as they came back to the camp, though Nexus was immediately looking over those who were there.

Re: Dawn of the Blessing (Open RP) (Unova)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 10:08 pm
by Silvershade
Village Bridge (Forest's edge)

"It's Robin." The Linoone hybrid answered, glancing to the side and grinned a little sheepishly before replying "And, hey, least you aren't being all burnt up." Robin was reluctant to admit that they didn't think they had the energy to prance around through the forest putting out fires. The rain would do a decent enough job by itself, despite the inconveniences it caused. On the bright side, that ghost type was a Chandelure, and cutting the power of its fire moves a little bit couldn't do any harm.
Speaking of that ghost type, Robin wondered aloud "Reckon that Blessing guy is gonna keep following us?"

Village Bridge

It had started to rain. That was odd, considering the sky had been relatively clear just before. He'd better make this conversation quick, then, lest he be trapped on the ground with useless, drenched flight feathers and several angry Pokemon at his heels.
"Ah, well. In that case, I'll be leaving." Sam began, turning his back on the Pokemon and raising his wings, the motion causing water to spray to his sides "Clearly neither of us are going to benefit from this conversation, so let's nip it at the bud, shall we?" he continued, turning his head back to look at the group over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed and corners of his beak raised in smug contentment "Unless, of course, you would be willing to humor me; convince me to part with some intelligence. Information isn't free, I'm sure you know, but I am a generous bird. I am very willing to trade."