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Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:08 pm
by Dragon616
Kalliope wrote:, it isn't....I just wanted to link that.
Even though, I approve!

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:09 pm
by Vephriel
As for kiting him around, it was basically done very slowly and with a lot of patience. xD

I body-pulled him, then I would fly the equivalent of one step, let him bite me a couple times, nudge forward another 'step' in the air, let him bite me, go forward....etc, etc, etc. Veeery slow. Also why I realized that my vision of kiting him to Undercity would probably take 50 years so I changed course to Stormwind. :lol: I was going the same pace the whole time, but maybe when he lost aggro I had gone a smidgen too far. Oh well....when I'm bored another day I'll try again. x)

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:14 pm
by Kalliope
It's just a nudge to the left...

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:37 pm
by Skyshot
lol That's awesome! Epicus Maximus senior perhaps? xD

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:22 pm
by ummeiko
I was bored today, and tried my hand at kiting killing time. I took him over to Goldshire... tried to get him low enough for the duelers to see... and the guards shot him. :(

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:55 pm
by Anyia
Kalliope wrote:
Sarayana wrote:That works on flying mounts?
Not while they're flying. ;)
Oh, hadn't realized that. :oops:
Well, how about flying backwards then? That's always slow as!

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:54 pm
by Jesswyn

I expected someone with a fear of sharks wouldnt have posted any so i thought it was safe to scroll down then BAM :"(

I also have an awful fear of sharks, and it sucks so much they're puting so many of them in cata >< I need to get my husband to tame the blue warp stalker at the bottom of the sea for me coz theres no way ill be able to do it :( Even wotlk had a few too many sharks and orcas for me to avoid.

I really hate that new shark model. Its too realistic and scurry :(

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:00 pm
by Jesswyn
*after posting, go back to trying to read rest of thread*
*page 2*
*See post with top of picture showing, "All i can think of is this..."*
*see water*

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:14 pm
by Sarayana
Aww Jeswyn. :hug: You might need your hubby to help you level through Vasjh'ir (I think that's the underwater zone?) - I've heard you need to quest in all the new zones to get to 85. Or run a lot of randoms?

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:21 pm
by Jesswyn
Sarayana wrote:Aww Jeswyn. :hug: You might need your hubby to help you level through Vasjh'ir (I think that's the underwater zone?) - I've heard you need to quest in all the new zones to get to 85. Or run a lot of randoms?

I hope not :( ill be killing green mobs on land if i have to

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:10 pm
by Ryai
Gummers is actually Epic Maximus' grandfather. Gummers is Jaws father, Mosh just hooked up with Jaws and they had babies.

in one movie Jaws was female

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:51 pm
by Vephriel
Aww I'm sorry Jesswyn!

I'm scared of the idea of being in the water with a shark, or encountering them in deep water like in a game. I love the creatures themselves though, fascinated by them (I always watch Shark Week and love seeing photos of them.) I just get all freaked out if I have to encounter them myself.

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:23 pm
by Bytail
I think I died laughing seeing this the first time XDD major love for the terror of flying sharks! I keep coming back to the pictures for fresh chuckles, that's some awesome kitting skills you have there ;)

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:48 pm
by Jesswyn
Vephriel wrote:Aww I'm sorry Jesswyn!

I'm scared of the idea of being in the water with a shark, or encountering them in deep water like in a game. I love the creatures themselves though, fascinated by them (I always watch Shark Week and love seeing photos of them.) I just get all freaked out if I have to encounter them myself.
Its ok :) i've come accross worse when trying to find the phobia name for fear of shakes. think is seaclaphobia or something, i dunno everytime i'd find an information page they'd have the worst possible photos on there. Guess they didnt think anyone with the phobia would look it up?

But yeah just pictures do it for me, honestly don't know where the fear came from, since I love endangered animals and obviously sharks fit into that catagory. I remember doing an assignment at school on cryptozoology and doing a chapter on megalodon and the possibility it still exists, had lots of pictures and information, facts, possible sightings/theorys, so i was exposed to alot of different shark stuff, basking sharks goblin sharks, deep sea sharks caught on film that were so big turns out that large gaping mouth is a gill. Shortly after i finished the project i just became terrified of the sight of them.

woops long post, ah well. :S

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:00 am
by Vephriel
*nods* My fear definitely doesn't come near the realm of phobia, it's just an extreme panic of seeing one. Actually deep water in general freaks me out (that would be closer to a phobia for me than sharks) and anything large beneath the water, even inanimate things like logs or sunken boats at the bottom. Vashj'ir is totally outside of my comfort zone, I know questing there is going to be quite harrowing on me, but I'll manage somehow.

Fun fact, my shark/deep water fear stemmed from the same moment in my life (along with my fear of corpses). I was about 5-7 years old and demanded to watch the movie Jaws. My mother was completely against it, saying it was too scary for me, but I just kept insisting and telling her that sharks didn't scare me and I really wanted to see it. Eventually she gave in and I started watching it.

Now, obviously this was a long time ago, but I still remember with remarkable clarity this one scene. The people were going through some underwater building that had porthole windows out to the ocean. At one point they stop to look out one of the windows, and a severed head floats up from the bottom to appear in the porthole. At this point I remember suddenly screaming and crying, trying to go up to the VCR to stop the movie while attempting to cover my eyes so I couldn't see the head. It terrified me, and since that day sharks have unnerved me and dead bodies still freak me out. I couldn't even swim in public pools for the longest time because I was certain there were corpses under the water or underneath the grates that were on the pool floor.

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:13 am
by Jesswyn
Vephriel wrote:*nods* My fear definitely doesn't come near the realm of phobia, it's just an extreme panic of seeing one. Actually deep water in general freaks me out (that would be closer to a phobia for me than sharks) and anything large beneath the water, even inanimate things like logs or sunken boats at the bottom. Vashj'ir is totally outside of my comfort zone, I know questing there is going to be quite harrowing on me, but I'll manage somehow.

Fun fact, my shark/deep water fear stemmed from the same moment in my life (along with my fear of corpses). I was about 5-7 years old and demanded to watch the movie Jaws. My mother was completely against it, saying it was too scary for me, but I just kept insisting and telling her that sharks didn't scare me and I really wanted to see it. Eventually she gave in and I started watching it.

Now, obviously this was a long time ago, but I still remember with remarkable clarity this one scene. The people were going through some underwater building that had porthole windows out to the ocean. At one point they stop to look out one of the windows, and a severed head floats up from the bottom to appear in the porthole. At this point I remember suddenly screaming and crying, trying to go up to the VCR to stop the movie while attempting to cover my eyes so I couldn't see the head. It terrified me, and since that day sharks have unnerved me and dead bodies still freak me out. I couldn't even swim in public pools for the longest time because I was certain there were corpses under the water or underneath the grates that were on the pool floor.
Oh man that is scary! I've watched Jaws once before i developed my fear, and thought it was pretty damn creepy, but didnt panic over them yet till after the project. We have the dvd in the video cabinet and somehow it always manages to be in a different spot it originally was, just so i can accidently come across it when looking for a movie. The finding nemo cover also scares me :( I remember the first time i watched it when bruce suddenly showed up, i shat bricks. well not really i jumped and farted >:( but anyway..

i'm hoping i can get rid of the phobia someday, I've gotten over alot of fears in my lifetime, this ones been the longest (3 years), others included vaccume cleaners (this ones a real mystery to me) and Devilsaurs (no one told me about them before i went to un goro :( i had an axiety attack as soon as i saw it and it took me a good few trips back to the area with my husbands high level character to accept them. Then i ended up tameing one :S :)

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:19 am
by Jesswyn
Oh and the thing about public pools, our local swimming pool had a really really deep end with these huge grates along the wall at the bottom, like there was a giant beast caged in there ready to come out and eat people. Scared me silly. :shock:

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:23 am
by Rikaku
Oh god that is too funny. I literally LOL'd when I read this. XD Good times.

I think that shark must've had the same bug I encountered on beta a few days ago. I dismounted my netherdrake and when I hit space bar, I suddenly took off to the skies of mulgore....mountless O_o

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:43 am
by cowmuflage
Well Vephriel it could be worse you could be scared shitless of butterflys like me..... XD

Re: That definitely helps my fear of sharks -_-;

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:51 am
by Anyia
Vephriel wrote:I couldn't even swim in public pools for the longest time because I was certain there were corpses under the water or underneath the grates that were on the pool floor.
Well those grates were just plain scary! I had forgotten all about that unpleasantness until reading the post here. These days they don't bug me, but swimming in deep water can still make me really uncomfortable if I let my mind start considering all the things that might be beneath me.