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Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:45 pm
by Tae
Greetings Petopians!
Looooong time lurker, first time poster here on the new "forums" although i used to post on the old one sometimes aswell as on mania blog.

I can say i am a very pet lover, i love my pets as much as i love my hunter (or maybe even more) and i love to go and hunt the pets i like, although i have many rare or hard to get pets (loque, krush, sambas, ukloc, jadefang lord kri etc) i am not a true rare hunter but i just love to have the pets i like more (which usually happen to be rare pets but not always, like i prefer my red fox more than the ashtail colouring etc) and the first thing i did when getting to 85 was to level immediatly my entire (full) stable... but anyway i disgress, we are here to speak about mr Scorpion Madexx!

At first i wasn't really sure if i wanted him/her or not, but after seeing it more carefully i found myself quite found of it and decide to go and start the hunt.
I didn't have much luck with him since it was never there when i had the time to go and look around his spawn points...until yesterday when he finally decided to show up.

He spawned with the red colour on a plateau north of the buried statue, although i'd love to have him brown i decided to tame him anyway...sadly it didn't go too well.
As i was finishing my tame a blood elf paladin landed next to where i was and proceeded to stun and kill me. I rushed back as fast as i could but needles to say madexx had been killed.
I never felt so griefed in 5 years of playtime :(

Anyway i just wanted to share my story with you all, hoping that posting here may bring me some luck...who knows maybe next time mr Huge Scorpid may even spawn brown...

Best of luck to all of you who are (like me) still looking to tame this awesome aracnid!

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:17 pm
by Miyon
I literally just got a red Madexx for christmas. WoW santa heard my wishes! I was flying around in hope that the guy might be up at around the same time I found the blue one yesterday, and it was close to 24 hours after, 21 minutes off. If he spawned somewhere in between I wouldn't know.

23.59 I flew by and npcscan popped, and it was the red. Jump off mount and hit tame button three times before realizing I only needed to hit it once. xD

Also, I have two other hunters to look out for. The first one has helped me camp and said he would keep it there for me if he found the red or the green, and asked if he could take it if it spawned in another colour. Ofc he could ^^ The other hunter I met in jadefangs cave, and later on in uldum and found out he was looking for the red one. I added him as I usually do to hunters I wish to help.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 7:27 pm
by Miyon
Tae wrote:At first i wasn't really sure if i wanted him/her or not, but after seeing it more carefully i found myself quite found of it and decide to go and start the hunt.
I didn't have much luck with him since it was never there when i had the time to go and look around his spawn points...until yesterday when he finally decided to show up.

He spawned with the red colour on a plateau north of the buried statue, although i'd love to have him brown i decided to tame him anyway...sadly it didn't go too well.
As i was finishing my tame a blood elf paladin landed next to where i was and proceeded to stun and kill me. I rushed back as fast as i could but needles to say madexx had been killed.
I never felt so griefed in 5 years of playtime :(

Anyway i just wanted to share my story with you all, hoping that posting here may bring me some luck...who knows maybe next time mr Huge Scorpid may even spawn brown...

Best of luck to all of you who are (like me) still looking to tame this awesome aracnid!
That was the case for me too. However, after finishing the tames of the pets I had set my mind to find and tame, I figured I might try for Madexx too, just to have it. Needless to say, I just had to find him, red or green.

Really sorry to hear your story :( Sad to say such things happens too often. Just because they can. You will get yours one day, just keep on looking :)

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:46 pm
by Rhyela
Been at this for a week now! I even stayed up til about 6:40 a.m. looking, then had to go to bed. Slept til 12:30 and he's still not here. Probably spawned during those ~6 hours I was sleeping. :( Argh, I even found and tamed King Krush a heck of a lot easier than this!

Please green Madexx, please green Madexx, please green Madexx.......

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 2:48 pm
by Tae
Found Madexx again today, he was green which i think it's pretty cool even though i'd love the brown one more, my heart was literally shaking as i was pressing "Tame beast" on him...but a level 83 shadowpriest from my same faction decided that i needed help for some reason and even after i was literally yelling at him to stop attacking it ended up killing it after a great struggle with me trying to get aggro off the scorpid.

He never answered my whispers, he just added me on his ignore list in response of me was asking for explainations for his actions...i mean what was the point of that? I really can't understand this kind of behavior :(

Oh well, guess i'll go back into the cursed desert tomorrow.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 3:09 pm
by Rhyela
Ugh, seriously? Had you tagged it already? If not, I can understand their line of thinking, that maybe they'd get an achievement or an item if they don't know better. But if you had it tagged and were taming it, then there's absolutely zero reason for someone to do that to you.

If I find him, I'm definitely going to toss out a few arcane shots before taming, just to hopefully deter someone from stealing him from me.

I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you find him again in the color you want. :hug:

(And I just hope to find him at all, lol)

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:02 pm
by Sandpanther
i've just had a madexx spree in 3 days.tamed brown on the 24th,red on the 25th and black today... now i'm just waiting on the green one to appear and my cata pokemon set will be complete.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:10 pm
by Rhyela
'Kay, so talked to a good guy on my server today who said the last Madexx spawn was 8:10 p.m. He went afk for a few minutes, came back, and found him dead right underneath him. It was the brown color. Unfortunately I was at my in-laws house (well, not unfortunate that I was there, just that I was there at that time, lol). The spawn before that was 8:49 p.m. Friday night. So it looks like he's spawning around the 8:00-9:00 p.m. mark. Gonna check back in 6 hours (the supposed minimum time), then 12, then 24, and hope to get lucky. My horde counterpart (the other guy looking) wants blue, and I want green/black/brown, so we're gonna try to help each other get the one we want. At least I finally have something to go by, what a relief that is! Now it's just a matter of being at the right place at the right time. I might get him before I go back to work Tuesday after all! I'll try not to get my hopes up too much, but I can't help but finally feel a glimmer of hope. :D

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 11:14 pm
by Novikova
I hope to get a blue or green scorpid for christmas. *pets thread* Or one for my friend is good too.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:34 am
by Rhyela
Okay, Blooddsurge and I are going to look for Madexx at about 8:00 a.m. today. I just had a nightmare that I was taming my green Madexx, and Blooddsurge was there keeping watch, when another troll hunter named Tamable swooped down and kept trying to take the tame from me. I had to keep using distracting shot and tried to tame it back, but finally I was so low on HP I had to FD and Blooddsurge had to kill it.

So I log on my horde alt to see if Blooddsurge is on, he's not yet, but there is an 84 troll hunter here. x_x About half an hour til we're thinking Madexx will spawn, so we'll see what happens. But now I'm really nervous. I doubt he'll spawn at exactly 12 hours, but you never know. Ugh.

Edit: Waited from 7:30 a.m. til 9:00 a.m. with nothing. So maybe the 24-hour mark is the magic number again. And hopefully this time I'll actually be there, instead of getting home 40 minutes too late. I wanted to cry when I heard that. :(

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 8:51 am
by Jin
Rhyela - wow you're putting so much effort into this, I really hope you get your Madexx soon!

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 12:43 pm
by Tae
Just found Madexx again, She spawned red again so i guess it must be a sign, i didn't waste time and tamed right away.

Well now that i look at her she isn't so bad in red..


Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:28 am
by Allua
Miyon wrote:I literally just got a red Madexx for christmas. WoW santa heard my wishes!
Aah, grats! :)

And as for me... well, persistense has to pay off... Not for a hunter, but for a pet in this case. I went to Uldum this morning again... and sure enough, my green friend was waiting there for me.

I gave up.


An frankly, I'm even glad... Cause somewhere deep in my heart I was already feeling like I'm letting him down :)
With him and Karoma, my rare hunting is officially over, though I may be keeping an eye out for camel statuettes and Aeonaxx. And for tameable rares when I'm nearby, but only for friends and guildies :)

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 7:29 am
by Ryno
Was leveling an alt with a friend. Thought "Eh, I'll go check for Madexx on my human." Since I had been camping Madexx, but after seeing so many people in the area, left heartbroken, thinking I'd never find them.

Yay early morning spawns!

Not to mention, an orc hunter rode by not 30 seconds after I tamed him, made and alt and found out he was actually camping Madexx too. He was really nice about it, glad I gave him a spawn time.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:09 am
by Girmoo
Found the black one on my server at about 6:30 p.m. server time :) I was planning on taming him after I found Sambas, but needed to finish the quest line in Uldum. So in attempts to kinda look for him I would just do random fly overs. After completing the quests my bf informed I didn't have anymore in the area. So low and behold I decided to do a final fly over and my NPC scan popped lol. Very happy with him :D


Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 9:13 am
by Aquillian
Ahh Madexx, how much I want this lovely bug! I've found it dead once (green) and seen it killed before my eyes (red) while a frantic friend tried to save it for me (she'd tapped/hibernated it with her druid... evil rogue killed it anyway while I emoted /cry and hoped they'd get the hint. *sad*). I also had it 'spawn' and then immediately poof into oblivion once. It's been a painful camp so far, to say the least. But... someday, Madexx... someday! I'm not even picky about color, though blue would be absolutely fantastic. Lesigh! grats to all the rest of you, thank you for sharing your screenshots! They give me something pretty to stare at while alt-tabbed and waiting for NPC scan to alert me!

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 12:51 pm
by Ryno
Aquillian wrote:I also had it 'spawn' and then immediately poof into oblivion once.
GM with the carrot on a stick messing with you. Or, should I say, scorpid on a stick...

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:29 pm
by Jonmcslain
Just got a red one at 51 20, 7am server, after a very very long time looking. Ooo look a fail group on CoC :lol:


Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 3:22 pm
by Quiv
I dumb luck stumbled on the black one and tamed it, though if I came across the blue or green one, I would definitely think about switching. i dont have enough room in my stable for 3 madexx's with all my raid buff pets, rare pets and "other" pets already crowding the place.

I dont pvp much so i dont have much use for it other than just running with it for grins so i think ill be content with my black one and let the others go to those without.

if i did have room to spare, i can see myself obsessing until I got all colors though. man i can already see the wasted hours in that desert.

Re: A new obsession (The Madexx-thread!)

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2010 5:31 pm
by Novikova
Well, Madexx spawned for us - though he was in red, a color my friend wanted. I let him tame him. Now, c'mon green or blue...