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Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 6:40 pm
by Serendipity82
I knew there was a reason I liked Zojja. That is awesome.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:02 pm
by MaximumOverdrive
Agree with ya on the leveling thing, Royi. I barely notice that I'm so close to leveling most of the time cause I'm just having fun.

As for the Asura, I'll probably try it someday...after I get another character slot lol.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:53 am
by Royi
I'm not really trying out other characters until I probably hit 80 myself. Although someone said Thieves can use bows too, I wonder how that gameplay feels like. Engineers I'm moderately drawn to for the gun aspect as well a little bit.

Can any classes duel wield pistols? That would be uber fun as well.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:14 am
by MaximumOverdrive
Engineers can, tho I like the rifle and flamethrowers on them the most (thieves probably can too).

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 3:18 pm
by Wassa
Engineers, thieves, and mesmers use pistols. The first two can dual wield them, while mesmers can only use one in the off-hand.

I haven't leveled a thief to higher than 10ish, I think. They have no cooldowns on their moves. Instead their moves cost initiative, which is kind of like energy in WoW, but the bar starts at zero.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:41 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Thieves are very hard, and very squishy to play in solo PvE and from what I've read you have to constantly be moving on them and go for a full toughness/vitality build. Their move sets are extremely fun, don't get me wrong, but I made it somewhere to the 17ish area before I was just dying so much that I had to reroll that character because it wasn't fun anymore, even with toughness talents.

That being said, I love dual pistols engineer. You get a lot of nifty movesets as well as great damage (that is also AoE). It's a really solid set of weapons, imo.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:51 pm
by Royi
I just love the ranger too much to even make it through character creation with a thief atm. My pet polar bear 'Lee Von Mox Esquire' is very good at taking aggro on mobs.

I also realized that I guess the server I'm on has been number 1 in WvW for several weeks now, I just figured out what WvW was just a couple days ago. Talk about lucky server selection :)

I'll look into a dual pistol engineer, that sounds like loads of fun.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:23 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
Dual pistol engineer is a lot of fun. :) Your offhand pistol serves as a flame thrower and AoE slow effect while the main hand has your auto attack, which is what explodes and causes AoE damage, a poison attack, and an electrical discharge that bounces between enemies and blinds and confuses them. Plus you get to build turrets and other such nifty things as an engineer. :)

Rangers are fun too; I'm personally fond of the greatsword and longbow play styles.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 5:29 pm
by Royi
I posted a long message to Sylviadragon about the game and I figured I would share my thoughts here as well.

Fun things about the game:

There is a lot of World Versus World (the main PVP thing in GW2). If you don't know, my current understanding (i'm still a noob to this game) is that its a big territory map battle that has 3 servers competing with one another for control. It goes on indefinitely throughout the week and then every 15 or 30 minutes, points get totaled into a pool. After a week or so, depending on how well you did, you move into a higher or lower bracket (or stay the same). Brackets are groups of 3 servers. Right now my server (that I picked since I knew a guild on that server) has been the top server in the game NA side for the past month or so. (Lucky choice I made :) )

There's end game stuff too like dragons or dungeons, but I haven't experienced those yet.

I like how I can just explore and find things to do. There is no chain I have to complete (i do have a race story arc that I can do if I want to). I just jump in a zone that's at least my level or lower and just go find events that are happening randomly around me or find Hearts (kind of equivalent to quests) to help other people.

A nice thing is that if you go into a lower zone, you'll downgrade your level to match. The cool thing is that you can quest in a level 10 zone at level 30 (you'll downgrade to maybe level 11 or so) and level at the same speed as a level 30 zone. It makes it super easy to quest and group with friends. As long as everyone is above level 20, they can all benefit from going into a level 20 area to quest / find events.

Gameplay wise it feels a little more easier and less demanding than WOW. You only have 10 buttons you really press, so its limited there. Some people may like having 7 different action bars with 80 different abilities and macros etc, but I'm more of a simple guy. Weapon switching is pretty neat feature too. You can be a Ranger who shoots a longbow, but then switch to a Greatsword when you feel like melee'ing.

It definitely has not felt grindy at all for me yet. I also have a kick trying those darn Jumping Puzzles.

I like being somewhat of a noob at a game for once. Its a completely new world to explore. I think it seems bigger than both Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms combined (I wonder size wise where it compares to WOW with the expansions added). It has given me that feeling again that I had when I first dived into WOW back in 2005. It could be my attitude has changed (which I'm sure it has), but I don't care about gear or power leveling or making the most out of my time. I'm definitely stopping and smelling the roses whenever they appear.

PS ~ Vistas are super fun to try and get to. They are little landmarks that are sometimes easy or sometimes very hard to jump up to. Creative jumping on things / walking on thin paths is needed.

Happy day :)

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:01 pm
by Rhyela
Royi, you pretty much summed up my feelings exactly about GW2. It is the new and fresh experience I so desperately needed. I don't know about other folks, but I LOVED feeling like a noob again. :D <3

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:10 pm
by Lupis
Royi wrote:I like how I can just explore and find things to do. There is no chain I have to complete (i do have a race story arc that I can do if I want to). I just jump in a zone that's at least my level or lower and just go find events that are happening randomly around me or find Hearts (kind of equivalent to quests) to help other people.
This feature of the game has been one of the ones I just can't decide on. On one hand, as you said, the ability to just adventure around is really nice. It's an extremely relaxed, no pressure way of questing, which can be really, really nice. It makes playing with friends a thousand times easier, and I've been more social in GW2 in the short time I've played than I've been social in WoW for months. But one thing I've noticed is that I've completely stopped reading the quest text. The random quests idea is fun, but I find myself completely disinterested in the quest dialogue. Now, that doesn't apply to my personal story. I love that. But I do find myself missing the long, intense quest chains. I just go through the zones without a care in the world, more concerned about staying alive than anything else.

tl;dr I can't say I overall like or dislike this feature.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:31 pm
by cowmuflage
I have not found the quests as fun as I thought I would. I dunno I don't find them that engaging that much :/

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:57 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
I personally love GW2's questing system. It's not that I hate WoW's, but I *never* read the quest text (which gets me in trouble when I suddenly hit a jam in my questing and look that quest up to see what I'm doing wrong), and I also dislike all the running back and forth to and from the quest givers, though I appreciate they've made this a little less of a hassle recently.

I like that as I'm in a general area for a heart in GW2 I can go about my business, completing the hearts and gathering, and receive credit and payment for it all while I'm on the go, thus leaving me free to move onto the next area. Also, as a bonus, no quest text to read for those hearts either! I love the sense of freedom GW2 gives and being rewarded for exploring. For the first time in my MMO experience, I have become a completionist, fully getting everything I can in a zone because you get rewarded for it--that's amazing to me.

So far I have liked just about every personal storyline in the game that I have come across and I like that even if I have multiples of a race, their story can be a smidge different every time. Of course there's a bit of overlap, but I'm so in love with the races that it hasn't bothered me yet.

There is not a linear leveling system! As much as I wanted to love SWTOR, I could not stand the linear method of questing. As an altoholic, it made alts miserable. In GW2 you can do your personal story, complete hearts (in any zone you feel like), PvP, dungeon, or craft your way through levels. And as Royi and others have pointed out, not being penalized to go help lower level friends and still receive credit/rewards for your level is awesome. :D

The sheer level of detail in this game amazes me. I know that graphics a game do not make, but I love GW2's style. I can't play on as high of settings as I would like, but I enjoy what I can see and occasionally turn them up for specific screenshots. I'm also very fond of their much more subtle easter eggs than the level of non-game related crap thrown at us in WoW-Cataclysm (MoP has gotten a lot better about making them subtle, which is what they're supposed to be, imo :P).

I could probably go on and on about the little things I like about this game. xD But that's not to say I like it better than WoW or anything. I like them both equally and appreciate each one for what it is and I love that it's okay to shelve GW2 for a while because I'm not paying monthly for it. :)

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:02 pm
by Wassa
I like the variety with heart quests. I can do the same zones on alts and do them in a completely different way if I want to. Plus with dynamic events it makes doing the same zone again sometimes a whole new experience.

Some heart quests though, urgh. Those that have only one thing to do (sneak though an ash legion camp one in Blazeridge Steppes or the math one in Brisban Wildlands) are just annoying and I hate doing those.

Heart quests aren't supposed to be long quest chains. You will find that with the personal story and with dynamic events that lead up to boss fights. I just wish the personal story wasn't so spaced out (one quest every two levels most of the time), more choices, and once you join an order your asura/charr/norn/sylvari all of a sudden talk like a human. Plus can I kill Trehearne? Please~

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:18 pm
by TygerDarkstorm
I think the heart quests are kind of intended to be filler content between the levels of your personal story line.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:36 pm
by SylviaDragon
Rhyela wrote:Royi, you pretty much summed up my feelings exactly about GW2. It is the new and fresh experience I so desperately needed. I don't know about other folks, but I LOVED feeling like a noob again. :D <3
I was more or less just telling Royi this.
I have been playing wow for a long time now. I started wow with a sense of awe and no clue what end of the arrow to stick in the enemy. I also had the Pokemon theme song stuck in my head because I wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.
Well, I got better. I outdpsed 80s and 85s as a 70 in the worst raiding spec, I solod raid bosses and rares as a twink and then became the most prized player on my rbg team at 90. I guess I was even a minor Arygos celebrity at one point…
and now I just want to be a noob again! :) As cool as it is and as much as I enjoy the rewards wrought from honing my wow skills, I would really, really like to get lost in a world without a clue as to what I’m doing. I miss those days when I would get lots in the starting zone because the world felt so big or just stopping to enjoy things like the color of the trees.

*pulls up a chair and waits for the next GW2 free trial event*

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 8:37 pm
by Wassa
Agreed Tyger. Heart quests are just a small part of the leveling. More of a "you guys really want traditional quests like WoW/anyother MMO here you go" fill in. Most of the time leveling is the dynamic events. I heard of some people that have leveled to 80 just in one zone doing chain events over and over. Sounds boring to me but it can be done.

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 10:22 am
by Royi
Wassa wrote:Agreed Tyger. Heart quests are just a small part of the leveling. More of a "you guys really want traditional quests like WoW/anyother MMO here you go" fill in. Most of the time leveling is the dynamic events. I heard of some people that have leveled to 80 just in one zone doing chain events over and over. Sounds boring to me but it can be done.
As Wassa and Tyger said, I just use the hearts mainly as "filler". I'm not too keen on some of the hearts myself sometimes (i hate fighting oozes, they're icky) but I personally focus on exploring and the Dynamic Events. I find them very engaging and fun. You can level just fine I believe not paying attention to the hearts and simply focus on exploring new zones and doing the dynamic events that are happening as you continue to explore new areas. Though I do the hearts that are helping people with cool names like Meinolf Njordson. Seriously, how cool of a name is that?

I like when the Heart's area overlaps with Dynamic events, in which by simply completing the Event you also get the Heart done as well

I hated that part of SWTOR though that you HAD to do places like Taris. I hate Taris. I hate the moolocks or whatever those deformed things were. They were basically the SWTOR Murloc but not comedic in any way.

Lupis ~ I don't pay attention to the quest dialogue for the basic Hearts. I never really paid attention to quest dialogue in WOW or even SWTOR when it was a non-class quest. I can see how it might be bothersome for others if its not interesting. I think by reading the little box on the upper right about what to do for the heart, I get a "gist" for what I'm supposed to be doing.

Rhy ~ I consider and refer to myself as a Seasoned Noob. I'm proud of that.
SylviaDragon wrote:
*pulls up a chair and waits for the next GW2 free trial event*
They'll be another one eventually, or a sale soon

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2013 1:53 am
by Rhyela
I believe you are talking about the rakghouls, Royi. You are not alone in your hate for Taris. My husband and I are on that planet right now, and...ugh. I was telling him they need to re-name it Planet Rakghoul. I think it may be a little bit worse for the Republic side, though. It just seems I had to deal with them a lot more on that side than I do on the Empire side. /shrug

Re: Guild Wars 2

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 9:14 am
by Royi
ugh hate Rakghoul.

Anyways, I'm about to make another character (an engineer) and my main question is choosing between Human, Norn, or Asura:

Is there any reason I would want to pick a Human over a Norn or a Asura? I have a Norn and Asura already, so I'm thinking of Human just to experience another story line. But Humans don't have cool tattoos like Norn do, nor do they shapeshift. And they're not small like Asuras are. And Asuras and engineers seem to fit nicely.

I can't make a Taurgen (cross between a worgen and a tauren), and the leaf elves just weird me out considerably.

I guess another question would be: What you think are the coolest race storylines?