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Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 11:47 pm
by Kalliope
*nodnod* I've been having similar luck! I ended up abusing Wowhead, checking to see where such pieces tend to drop, then specifically killing things there. I've tried to restrict that sort of thing to instances/rare spawns, though I haven't had a whole lot of luck with either. I think I've managed to get two, maybe three pieces that way. It's really a crap shoot. :/

Good call on the shortbow being too....short. I've eliminated certain bows and crossbows myself, just because they're too big! My crossbow of choice is actually really small and thankfully comes in three different dark colors, so they tend to go with just about anything. :) Course, I only just discovered the pure black one today, so now I'm feeling compelled to farm BRC...

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:49 am
by Lupis

Decided to go fairly simple with Dalinda's set. I had something more elaborate planned out, but she looks good in this simple robe.

Also, a dinky, not-at-all-polished Darkmoon Faire set for my worgen, becauseā€¦ I like the hat and I haven't replaced those shoulders in ages.


Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:52 am
by Kalliope
The shoulders match! :D So cute!

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:23 pm
by Kalliope
Two more down, one to go! Today's feature: plate-wearers!


Nalanie, my paladin (holy PvP, prot PvE - though lately, she's just been gathering dust, so I've only done over the one set)


Bryndis, my warrior - I would have preferred a mail set for her (those are her sets that I'd kept from before), but she wouldn't get very far...

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:44 am
by Ceravan
kalli, i'm gonna be a n00b and ask, how do you get pics of your toons like that, I wanna show off my dk and that would be a nice way to do so.

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:05 am
by Kalliope
Ceravan wrote:kalli, i'm gonna be a n00b and ask, how do you get pics of your toons like that, I wanna show off my dk and that would be a nice way to do so.
There's a tools button on your armory page - just click "export character image" and you'll get that picture. :)


Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:21 am
by Ceravan
Well here goes then, other than the axe, my DK's transmog set is complete

and here's my rogue

and then my pvp hunter

what do y'all think?

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:50 am
by Binni
So excited about my transmog cloth BoA set to level up my baby holy priest in! Took me a while to come up with this one, but I think it matches really well. :) I want a priesty look, and did not want to level up looking like a warlock in the regular BoA cloth gear. So here it is! Do you all like it? ... 29%3A65482*

*(Click on the tiny down arrow above the robe, and select "View in 3D" to see the full outfit equipped.)

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:11 pm
by Kalhoun
Binni wrote:*(Click on the tiny down arrow above the robe, and select "View in 3D" to see the full outfit equipped.)
LOL, thank you! I could never figure out how to look at the outfits people would put together on wowhead! I'm dumb. ;)

Anyways... that looks nice! I've always liked those old school staves. And the shoulders look like they're a part of the robe, they match so well.

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:35 pm
by Binni
Kalhoun wrote:
LOL, thank you! I could never figure out how to look at the outfits people would put together on wowhead! I'm dumb. ;)

Anyways... that looks nice! I've always liked those old school staves. And the shoulders look like they're a part of the robe, they match so well.
You're welcome, Kalhoun! But you're NOT dumb! It took me a while to figure it out myself. I also figured out that if click on the "Compare" red button on items listed on WOWHEAD, it'll add the item to the list. And if you click & drag those items together in that list, you can build a set! :)

I'm glad you like the look of it. In a way, I built myself a new priest cloth BoA set. 8-) But now I'm having trouble deciding between that set and a new set with the Mooncloth Robe ( instead. Here's a new link comparing the 2 sets: ... 65482:4729 For now, I will have to wear the original robes until my priest reaches the level to wear the Mooncloth Robe if that is, in fact, what I want to do.

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:01 pm
by Kalliope
Yayyyyy, finally!!! After numerous changes, I finally worked out a blue "watery" set for my shammy Adamina. Considering that the entire point before was to work out a bright "fiery" set for her, this is a complete 180.


I may yet work out a fire set for her....but that's optional at this point. I could finish with transmog here and be pretty satisfied.

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:10 pm
by Vephriel
Looks good Kalli! I take it at this point in the expansion you might be a bit sick of fire themes. :D

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:16 pm
by Kalliope
Oh definitely. -_- But I do love that kilt! And yet, Mina's always leaned toward blue....

I may have found a better shield (one that isn't almost as big as she is!), but I'll have to do an instance or two for the JP. I also worked out a few of the details on her fire set, so that will probably be happening too. The nice thing about this entire expansion being fire-themed is that pieces I already have fit perfectly. :)

EDIT: Nope, the shield clashes, though I still like the look of it, and the transmog on the fire set can't happen because of the shared pieces. Thank god, I AM done! xD

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:12 pm
by Wassa
Kalli, how about this shield? Also this mace has a bubble effect on it.

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:18 pm
by Kalliope
I actually would go with that shield (and did consider it), if I wasn't so tired of farming! I tried to farm gloves from regular Halls of Reflection, which she hasn't got the gear for. I had to clear the other two prior to that too. I'm just...rawr, burned out. I had to farm instances for rep for my rogue, which I hadn't been planning on. Some of the others would have needed to quest for my first run of choices, but I just couldn't bring myself to commit to that. I'd do anything for Kalli, but not so much for the alts.

I hadn't seen the bubble mace, though - that's cool!

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:22 pm
by Qinni

I got the cloak I finally wanted! Though I think my bow could be a more simple model..


Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:33 am
by ravingsockmonkey
Jahzina's set:


I originally was going for the Sea Wolf shoulders which are a brighter color, but they would never drop. When I saw these were an option, I gave it a shot, and they dropped on the first run. The staff was a challenge because the trash at the end of heroic PoS is pretty tough. I really wish the weapon enchant for the staff it's covering up wouldn't show. :cry: The tabbard semi-matches, but I do have an Ebonblade tabbard that should look a lot better.

Mushboom is a proud gnomish engineer, and I wanted an outfit that captured that feeling. The shoulders are just the smallest ones I could get as I didn't want to take away from the overalls. I'm still looking for good boots and gloves. The boots I originally had planned on using were the rocket boots, and those aren't transmoggable!


My druid Tanooki went for something a touch more off the wall for right now. ;)

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 12:07 pm
by Ana
oki just renewed my subscribtion to wow :) - i will try it a month to see which i prefer. eq or wow... or both :D


this is anadra (druids ) trasnmo outfit




Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:14 pm
by Chakori

Re: Post Your Transmog Pics Here! [IMAGE HEAVY]

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:26 pm
by Kalliope
Surprise! Kallimon has changed bows, thanks to a totally generous Deathwing, who dropped TWO(!!) on Kallimon's first LFR. :)


Shocking matchiness!

(And much thanks to the OTHER Kalliope, the goblin rogue, who made sure I got one! Hehehe. :) )