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Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 2:43 pm
by Talihawk
why do people have to be such jerks? =P I hope you are able to find him.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 3:11 pm
by Nachtwulf
I actually found him! On Thorium Brotherhood (also Farstriders and Silver Hand). At about 12:30 AM, in a bush on the far side of the road kind of behind the ruined house at Addle's Stead. I don't think it was one of the bushes marked on that map; it was perpendicular to the road and not quite as far back as the bushes I remember seeing marked. I'm starting to think it's 'any blinking bush' but that he favors certain ones. And now I can't recycle that toon even though she's only 40, haha. (wasn't gonna anyway, I like her name).

And I get to gloat around all them 110s that've been camping and trying to /shoo me away 'cause I was a lowbie.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 12:31 pm
by Boven
I did finally manage to find and tame Lightning Paw recently and the location was kind of fitting. I woke up early and while having some coffee figured I'd log in to do a quick check. While logging on, my digestive system decided that it was time to get rid of the previous night's dinner. I figured checking the spawn points would be quick so I'd do that first. Finally got logged in, took the zep to Grom'gol, and flew up to Duskwood. Along the way my innards got a lot more insistent that I 'go' NOW. Hey, I was at the first spawn point and it'd take no time to check 'em all, right? Nothing at the first. Nothing at the second, at the third, I heard that stealth sound (NPCscan never did go off). While urging my body to give me just a few more seconds, I dismounted and tamed, then hurried to the bathroom.

When I got back, I realized that the spawn at which I'd found the fox was the one by the outhouse. Kinda appropriate, I think.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2017 5:39 pm
by Sukurachi
Boven wrote:I did finally manage to find and tame Lightning Paw recently and the location was kind of fitting. I woke up early and while having some coffee figured I'd log in to do a quick check. While logging on, my digestive system decided that it was time to get rid of the previous night's dinner. I figured checking the spawn points would be quick so I'd do that first. Finally got logged in, took the zep to Grom'gol, and flew up to Duskwood. Along the way my innards got a lot more insistent that I 'go' NOW. Hey, I was at the first spawn point and it'd take no time to check 'em all, right? Nothing at the first. Nothing at the second, at the third, I heard that stealth sound (NPCscan never did go off). While urging my body to give me just a few more seconds, I dismounted and tamed, then hurried to the bathroom.

When I got back, I realized that the spawn at which I'd found the fox was the one by the outhouse. Kinda appropriate, I think.
oh PLEASE find a funny poop-related name for your new fox!!!!!

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:11 pm
by Dysphoria
I tamed this little bugger today - finally after about a week of constant searching. So many other hunters also camping and doing the rounds in Duskwood. I tamed him in the cemetery on the eastern side. 10 seconds after I tamed him another hunter showed up who said he has also been looking for ages. Felt bad for him :(

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 3:25 pm
by sasrei7
well.. here I apparently was behind and didnt even check to see if there were any new beasts lately lol. Just tamed him a half hour ago, npcscanner really doesn't go off unless you click him (which sucks..) so he's not a traditional camp thats for sure. Like everyone else I too wish it was the new fox body style instead of the vanilla one but I dont mind it too much. He is less lightening paw and more like static shock though lol

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 10:06 pm
by Novikova
I finally got him a few days ago. I really like this little guy, he's grown on me. Just no more late night Duskwood runs unless my friend needs a buddy.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:53 pm
by Acadion
I had found him and actually recorded the whole thing. He was in a bush near Eliza's rare spawn. Somehow my settings have made it record in a .mkv format and it's unwatchable. No converter will correctly convert the file to mp4 in order to edit it. Tried everything... VLC "converts" it but it replays at 100% speed and the mkv recording is so pixelated it's not worth uploading. I'll try again in 5 hours I guess.

Very well hidden and a fun find. He's a great looking fox that's see-thru.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:09 pm
by Joshatdot
After 2 months, I finally got mine .. and on my Birfday too! 2017-03-06, 2:38pm PST, Alleria. I was about 12~14 location checks out of 55 I have on my Routes addon.


Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 6:17 pm
by Dysphoria
Joshatdot wrote:After 2 months, I finally got mine .. and on my Birfday too! 2017-03-06, 2:38pm PST, Alleria. I was about 12~14 location checks out of 55 I have on my Routes addon.

Happy birthday to you and Lightning Paw :hug:

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 3:10 pm
by Bristlenose
Somehow I only just now saw this was a new tamable, and has been since Janurary?!? :shock:

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:42 pm
by Rhyela
Nabbed mine tonight! He was in the bushes right by the road. :) Not sure what to name him yet, but I'm thinking either Zip or Zap (I'm creative, I know).



Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:49 am
by Quiv
He looks like he is more interested in a bug on the ground than you actually taming him :lol:

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:55 pm
by Makoes
Does "Track hidden" work on him?

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:02 pm
by Iowawolf
Makoes wrote:Does "Track hidden" work on him?
Yep it sure does he appears as a yellow dot when you are close enough.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:06 pm
by Makoes
Ohhhhh, wonderful!! Thanks :D

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:08 pm
by Iowawolf
Makoes wrote:Ohhhhh, wonderful!! Thanks :D
Your welcome just a suggestion but turn off track beasts that way only LP will show up and won't get overwhelmed with red dots.

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:10 pm
by Nachtwulf
Because he's nonaggressive, my method has basically been to fly from bush to bush and literally sit in said bush for a second or two. If there's a BRWOOOO noise, I found him. XD (I do have track hidden up though, I think it makes the 'stealth sensor' more responsive.)

Re: New Fox Spirit Beast: Lightning Paw

Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:37 am
by Boven
The excitement over him does seem to be dwindling a bit. I managed to tame Lightning Paw on my 2nd hunter over the weekend. Back when he was first discovered and there were hunters everywhere in the zone flying from spawn to spawn, I had both my main and my PvP hunters parked out there when I logged off. I tamed him on my main hunter eventually and hadn't logged onto the 2nd until Saturday. I logged on, figuring I'd do the DMF profession quests real quick and found I'd logged out next to one of the spawn point bushes and there was LP, just sitting there.

Re: Patch 7.1.5 pets

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2017 7:46 pm
by muajin
Rikaku wrote:I found mine in a different spot, 23, 76.

I noticed the first reported spawn point had one of those bushes that had glowing/blinking eyes on it. I decided to take a hunch and fly around Duskwood to check out other bushes with that same effect on them. Found mine in a bush with blinking eyes in Addle's Stead. Not sure if that's really the way to ID spawn points, but I managed to find him just using /tar and checking out those bushes specifically.

The lightning current/effect on him actually looks like a version of the "Titan's Thunder" effect that shimmers around your pet while active. But he is pretty cool :D

Example of the "blinking eyes" bush I was talking about. Note that this is the first reported spawn location in Raven Hill, but I also found it in the bush I tamed him at (there's two of these at Addle's Stead). Could be coincidence but, with all the weird hidden stuff Blizzard has added lately, I figured it couldn't hurt to investigate.

many bushes have the eyes, i heard some have a special eye animation. havent seen yet.