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Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2018 12:53 pm
by Syleye
yeah she probably gets too much hate for this because she wasn't solely involved but her writing style of female characters has some problems. Part of why I included Blizzard in the comment. In the end it's their decision and this feels like a big fu to horde players.

Just super sad right now

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:28 am
by Iowawolf
I can relate with the crap going on with psycho banshee burning the tree and Horde players laughing saying we burned your tree it is war get over it and such shit but quitting isn't the answer because in time this shall pass like everything else and where else can you get AOTC and a sweet mount when we burn the bitch at end game. It also feels like a big fu to Alliance as well cause we lost a tree when they should have gone after that wrecked space ship only an island away or instead of burning it and having Horde carry out war crimes they could have done an occupation where during BFA Alliance retakes it and the end game raid is SoD we are in Darnassus retaking what is ours.

I am sure it gets better don't let Blizzard win did we hunters let them win when they tried to remove our annoying lovable storm mutt Hati hell no we did #savehati and got animal companion and now conformation Hati is in BFA.

This is war players wanted this for a long time we should make it a war against Blizzard...

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:52 am
by Iowawolf
Now my official rant...

Where to start lets see first the psycho burning the tree all because she has a hissy fit from a night elf saying something about having hope still alive then we got idiot Horde players right after laughing saying haha we burned your tree and killed your civilians knowing full well it is a war crime.

"A war crime is an act that constitutes a serious violation of the laws of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility. Examples of war crimes include intentionally killing civilians or prisoners, torturing, destroying civilian property, taking hostages, performing a perfidy, raping, using child soldiers, pillaging, declaring that no quarter will be given, and seriously violating the principles of distinction and proportionality, such as strategic bombing of civilian populations."

Then they have the nerve to say it is war so get over it umm no we don't have to get over it this may be Azeroth but my brain is yelling at me this was a war crime just like Hitler and the Nazis why do you think they covered up the death camps they were killing innocents and yes I know U.S. did their share by bombing Japan in the end killing many civilians and they bombed Dresden again killing civilians but did the U.S. laugh and say haha no we didn't so those Horde players making fun of killing innocents in a video game really annoy the crap out of me.

War is coming for the Horde first the civil war where the psycho bitch sees the true Horde made from those who are bound by honor and hate seeing innocents die leave and all remains are the jackoffs who like many Horde players rather kill innocents after the civil war the Alliance with the brat king sweeps in destroying the fake Horde and killing the bitch for the end game AOTC with sweet new mount.

Get ready fake Horde the Alliance and real Horde are coming for you!!!

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:12 pm
by Makoes
Heard the kids get up this morning (8:30), but saw that their Dad was already up so I decided to just stay in bed and sleep in a little. Came out just before 9:30 this morning and discovered that our youngest still hadn't had her diaper changed (it was stinky) and the hubby was playing video games. He says "Oh good, your up. you can change her, I did one yesterday, I am not changing any today."
...this is the award winner I am leaving in charge of the kids when I go to work full time in October and he goes down to 2 days a week at work...

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:53 pm
by Lupis
Makoes wrote:Heard the kids get up this morning (8:30), but saw that their Dad was already up so I decided to just stay in bed and sleep in a little. Came out just before 9:30 this morning and discovered that our youngest still hadn't had her diaper changed (it was stinky) and the hubby was playing video games. He says "Oh good, your up. you can change her, I did one yesterday, I am not changing any today."
...this is the award winner I am leaving in charge of the kids when I go to work full time in October and he goes down to 2 days a week at work...
e.... excuse me.... he's a father and he expects to not need to change diapers??? Does he think kids are some sort of hobby??

I'm so sorry Makoes, you deserver SO much better. :/ I hope when you're at work most of the time he realizes the error of his ways, and how hard the role of caretaker of the kids really is.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 3:24 pm
by Ana
Makoes wrote:Heard the kids get up this morning (8:30), but saw that their Dad was already up so I decided to just stay in bed and sleep in a little. Came out just before 9:30 this morning and discovered that our youngest still hadn't had her diaper changed (it was stinky) and the hubby was playing video games. He says "Oh good, your up. you can change her, I did one yesterday, I am not changing any today."
...this is the award winner I am leaving in charge of the kids when I go to work full time in October and he goes down to 2 days a week at work...
You got to be kidding me... what kind of man is he? My hubby would love to teach him a thing or two about men doing household chores. .. it's called a partnership because you are suppose to help each other on an equal basic! !

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 5:39 pm
by Bulletdance
My sister is a police officer at a prestigious university. She teaches a self defense RAD class free to all women on campus or their family members and friends or she did rather. Some stupid guy claimed it was sexist because as a man he couldn't attend. Don't get me wrong sure men should be protected too, but there is no one in this state or the next that can certify a teacher for that. So essentially the people running the pace are now robbing extremely vulnerable women of something that could possibly save their lives because some guy with a small mind and likely other features felt he was wronged. She is devastated and I am too because making their flyers was the last graphic design thing I was doing now that I'm disabled and it felt good to help guide people to that sort of thing. They're trying to come up with some sort of work around and more inclusive class, but who knows if it'll work. It's so frustrating how stupid people can be.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:04 pm
by Teigan
Bulletdance, wow, that guy is a jerk! He probably doesn't even want to go, just wants to ruin it for the women.

Makoes, I don't even know what to say...I am astonished that you have to put up with that garbage. I have a hard time fathoming a father acting that way.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2018 9:07 pm
by Lupis
Bullet, that sounds EXACTLY like some butthurt dude's reaction to anything that's made for people that aren't him. I think Teigan is probably exactly right and ugh, that makes me furious. ;_;

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:11 am
by Niabi
LupisDarkmoon wrote:
Makoes wrote:Heard the kids get up this morning (8:30), but saw that their Dad was already up so I decided to just stay in bed and sleep in a little. Came out just before 9:30 this morning and discovered that our youngest still hadn't had her diaper changed (it was stinky) and the hubby was playing video games. He says "Oh good, your up. you can change her, I did one yesterday, I am not changing any today."
...this is the award winner I am leaving in charge of the kids when I go to work full time in October and he goes down to 2 days a week at work...
e.... excuse me.... he's a father and he expects to not need to change diapers??? Does he think kids are some sort of hobby??

I'm so sorry Makoes, you deserver SO much better. :/ I hope when you're at work most of the time he realizes the error of his ways, and how hard the role of caretaker of the kids really is.

/Agreed. He had a part in making them. He can take part in caring for them as well.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 12:46 am
by Castile
TĂ„rnfalk wrote:
Makoes wrote:Heard the kids get up this morning (8:30), but saw that their Dad was already up so I decided to just stay in bed and sleep in a little. Came out just before 9:30 this morning and discovered that our youngest still hadn't had her diaper changed (it was stinky) and the hubby was playing video games. He says "Oh good, your up. you can change her, I did one yesterday, I am not changing any today."
...this is the award winner I am leaving in charge of the kids when I go to work full time in October and he goes down to 2 days a week at work...
You got to be kidding me... what kind of man is he? My hubby would love to teach him a thing or two about men doing household chores. .. it's called a partnership because you are suppose to help each other on an equal basic! !
Exactly Tarn mine too! My hubby works away 14hr days and the week he's home he still voluntarily cleans the house, mows the lawn and even cooks me dinner while I am at work. I sometimes have to tell him to do something fun or take a break lol! "Did one yesterday"...what about the other 364 days of the year buddy?

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 10:10 am
by NoraNora
Ahh the tunnel-vision reactions of The Burning
I don't really choose sides, I play each one equally because I don't quite care really, nor do my characters when it comes to factions for the mostpart.

Nearly NO Horde players are 'happy' about fact, myself included, we're angry that not only does Blizzard write the Horde off as the bad guy and the Alliance as the whining victim faction YETT AGAIN, but we're all so irritated at how Sylvanas burned the tree because she was MAD. Even Saurfang is pissed at her because now the rest of the Alliance will come at the Horde full force, as much as their baby-king can at least. The only happy ones are either the fake 'tough guy' players or roleplaying characters that have their own outlook.

I'm tired of getting angry messages when I'm on my Horde characters and friends that are playing Alliance, jokes or not, continuously poke at how cruel I, not my characters, ME as a person is for shrugging the burning off. It's a GAME. If you're going to insult ME over characters that didn't actually die because they are NOT REAL, then seriously, get a hobby.

Some people are surprised Sylvanas acted so horribly. How is that surprising? She went against orders in Gilneas and killed countless innocents, and she did the same in Teldrassil, and she hasn't stopped there and most likely won't stop. She's Chaotic Evil. Has been, will be, it's just something that unfortunately for BOTH. SIDES. needs to be accepted. She's been written as Garrosh 2.0 only she has no real drive other than "this is about me", that's the way it is.

this is my rant as well because I'm just tired of playing Horde and having fun when friends close to me keep making little jabs as if we really did join a dead woman and go destroy a city, not in the game. Come on guys, keep your comments to your characters, not the person.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:27 pm
by Lupis
me: you know what, i'm really proud of this drawing and how hard i worked on it today. i got a lot done and it was fun and made me feel good.

also me: anyway im pretty sure i matter to nobody, everyone is just pretending to care about me but really find me boring and intrusive, and i should probably just stop taking up space because no matter what i do it won't really matter when nobody cares

also also me: thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard but now i'm angry at myself for being sad, despite being unable to stop being sad.

cool! i love it, brain, thank u. love crying for no reason. love this

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:25 am
by Castile
Tree burning meme's...enough. Seriously they are everywhere. I get the horde are salty for being the bad guys for all of five minutes but that quest was pretty upsetting as someone who mains a nightelf. My sympathy for your "bad writing" is shrinking by the day....

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 2:22 am
by cowmuflage
Alliance players who constantly compare Horde players liking the quest to liking real life war crimes can shut the hell up. Like get off your high horse and realise a fucking video game story is not comparable to real life crimes where real life people died in.

Like holy crap people.

I realise this may look like it's aimed at you Castile but it's not. It is aimed at the people who judge people's morality on a story in a game of all things.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:08 am
by Castile
cowmuflage wrote:Alliance players who constantly compare Horde players liking the quest to liking real life war crimes can shut the hell up. Like get off your high horse and realise a fucking video game story is not comparable to real life crimes where real life people died in.

Like holy crap people.

I realise this may look like it's aimed at you Castile but it's not. It is aimed at the people who judge people's morality on a story in a game of all things.
Oh nah not at all!! I've heard ppl who play undead being whispered and told to go kill themselves and other horrible shit. As an alliance that's bang out of line. I mean putting out the treants makes me super duper sad but I wouldn't say horrible things to players for it. Fair rant cow! :)

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:16 pm
by Ana

why does the tv-series I watch always kill off/write out my favorite character? - NCIS - Ziva dies, Tony leave. The Good Wife- Will dies, Kalinda goes away. Stop killing off the good characters.. Tony and Ziva should have ended up together happily ever after.. as should Will and Alicia... stupid writers :/

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:43 pm
by Sukurachi
Not much of a spoiler ;-)
Ziva left the series 2 years ago, and Good Wife hasn't been on the air for 2 years either (and Will's character was killed 2 years prior to that).

But I get where you're coming from. Often, getting rid of a favourite character like that can be enough to make a show unwatchable.

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:22 pm
by Ana
I just finished watching the episode where Ziva dies.. so I thought I put on a spoiler alert on heh.. Tony for me, beside Abby, was the best thing about NCIS.. not sure I like his replacement.. He is still the weird kid from the 70 show...The Good Wife to me just got bad.. I watched it to an end... but it was something I want to watch again...

Re: Rant Thread

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 6:09 pm
by cowmuflage
That people seem to forget Lordaeron was it's own kingdom and not just part of the kingdom of Stormwind.

So saying Lordaeron rightfully belongs to Anduin is like saying France belongs to the Queen of England.