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My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side!

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:49 pm
by Ellonna
I've been hunting a green Madexx for almost three weeks now. :[ Unfortunately, I've only seen one of the little devils -- a bronze one I was able to tame. I even had a good idea of when it would spawn a couple days ago, when my boyfriend saw a dead one, but no luck camping.

This hunt is starting to totally depress me! Stop hiding from me, green Madexx. :[

On the other hand, I've been hunting Northrend rares on my toons lately, and rehoming them as I find them. I've seen so many Loque'nahaks now that I've already tamed him that it's like a slap in the face, haha. I don't think there is anyone from my server on this forum, but if you're on Ravenholdt, send me some in-game mail and I'll keep an eye out for pets for you!

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 8:02 pm
by Spiritbeests
Grr. I can only find the Red Madexx. I hate you Madexx... I flew in to Sakhet Wastes, didn't see anything, flew back into the inn and ta-da a blood elf has him in blue. He also had the green one. Overall, my collection was better but I was still jealous cause I HATE THE RED ONE >_< Anyone wanna trade?

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:34 pm
by Ellonna
I just tamed the red one. I took a friend to go tame the white core hound in Azuremyst Isle and had just gotten back. I was farming airs for Vial of the Sands mats and decided I would check on our little friend... bam, NPCScan freaks me out. I thought it was the bronze one again at first, then looked closer and it was red. Tamed successfully -- not my first choice but it's better than bronze for me.

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 2:36 am
by Ellonna
Super day for rehoming for me. Found an Alliance hunter to take Skoll, told someone about Olm when he was up, helped a little lowbie tame Humar and, just before I logged, found Skoll AND Loque'nahak back to back and rehomed them with a happy hunter.

So, green Madexx, what do you say? Gonna spawn for me tomorrow? <3

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:10 am
by Ellonna
Found another Loque'nahak the night before last and rehomed it after almost 30 minutes of searching. I find that people tend to ignore me when I whisper them, which is annoying if they don't have AFK tags up. :roll: I give them a couple minutes and usually still don't get a reply.

I also got a LOT of confused replies. "I'm not sure what that is" is a common reply which makes me sad. I know not everyone cares about rare pets, but still. I also got a smart aleck level 76 hunter who replied with "What's that?" and then apparently Googled it. A minute later, "You have to be a beastmaster to tame him, why did you whisper me? I'm not BM." /facepalm moment. I was only trying to get you a cool pet, dude. Sorry I didn't Armory you first to see if you had the right spec.

Finally found a level 77 hunter who must have logged on during my conversation with that guy. She dropped a dungeon queue and flew over and was very thankful. :D

Most of my grumpiness stems from the fact that I hunted for Loque'nahak OBSESSIVELY (as in, TLPD-camping-esque) for almost a month, and I've now seen him about 10 times in a week.

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:25 pm
by Ellonna
Just tamed a blue Madexx. I am somewhat surprised, I've gotten so used to NOT seeing him when I fly around his orange blob that when it registered I was staring right at him, I jumped a little even before NPCScan went off.

Not really a fan of the blue next to my character, but I will keep him anyway. The red one is growing on me. I do like the blue's eyes, though, they are gorgeous.

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:44 pm
by Ellonna
Just rehomed a Terrorpene -- literally logged into Mt. Hyjal on top of him. I blinked a few times and then figured I should fly away when he started trying to crisp me.

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:29 am
by Ellonna
My hunt is proving my theory that you only find rares when you aren't looking for them. :[ Trying to get Arcturis for my boyfriend and he's never there. Rehomed Loque again today and killed a Skoll (tried and tried to find someone... would have left him up but my priest needs Frostweave.).

Re: My green Madexx adventure, with pet rehoming on the side

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:09 pm
by Ellonna
Found Skoll in Storm Peaks and was literally tagging and trapping him when an 85 Alliance hunter swooped in and killed the poor thing -- with his OWN Skoll.

Um, nice, mister. Also, thanks for killing and corpse camping me and preventing me from looting my mob -- at least until my boyfriend got there and distracted you. You died a couple times AND got to see my own personal lightning wolf. You didn't deprive me of anything, you took durability damage disengaging off a cliff (we got a good laugh out of that) and you gave us some honor points.


Just rehomed a Gondria as well.