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Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:47 pm
by nirvana
So I was doing Arch today, and on my way through his spawn area, I find a red Madexx.

Now I've already got a black Madexx and have no desire for another, so the first thing I do is ask in Uldum general if anyone has interest in a red Madexx. No one responds, but then I notice a Tauren hunter hovering (seemingly hopeful) above my trap. I /beckon, /point at Madexx, and FD. The Tauren dismounts, shoots Madexx, and I feel a momentary sense of satisfaction at managing to find a home for Madexx, regardless of it being cross-faction.

The Tauren doesn't stop shooting, however. He spams explosive shot, etc until the mob is dead, loots it, mounts up, and then flies away. At this point I'm /facepalming IRL. Why on earth would he kill a rarespawn that yields nothing but a 25g vendor item, when I'd so kindly offered it up to him for a tame? Was he trying to "grief" me, or just being a jerk in general? It's fairly disappointing that a couple minutes later, I receive a whisper from a hopeful hunter and have to explain to them that this other player killed the mob. People are really stupid sometimes =/

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:54 pm
by Maqueda
Maybe he already had Madexx too, and couldn't find anyone in general chat horde-side to tame it? Dunno, it does seem strange, but there are many reasons why people do strange things (not all of them make sense though XD). Perhaps he was experiencing a.. momentary lapse of reason.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 1:58 pm
by nirvana
I just armoried him and he has a grand total of three pets, none of which even use a Tenacity tree, and certainly none of which are rare. It would definitely take a lapse of reason to kill Madexx imo....he's such a hard find for hunters, the most logical thing to do is simply leave him alone and hope a hunter who wants him finds him before someone who isn't aware that he drops zero loot does. Save the hunter griefing for non-hunters; as a class we should be sticking together, and certainly in regards to rare tames.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:05 pm
by Lisaara
I hate people that do that. --;

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:06 pm
by Pooksie
I have had a guildie kill Terrorpene multiple times before I had it tamed. He only did it to piss me off too. Yay for being an officer! /gkick <3

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:34 pm
by Kormai
You should check the hunters achievements and see how long they have been a hunter. They kinda sound like a noob with three pets. Doesn't excuse them but certainly explains things a little.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:53 pm
by Mindsprocket
Honestly, I think the guy just didn't know what was going on.

I know it's hard to believe considering how (in)famous Madexx is on these boards. But outside of this community there are a lot of people that don't know or care about him and rares in general. That the guy only has three pets also suggests that he's not very informed on the subject. He probably had the usual "Rare -> Kill!" reaction but was polite enough to not interfere with whatever you were doing (I guess he was quite befuddled seeing someone freeze a mob and then seemingly do nothing with it). But once it was clear that you gave the mob to him he just went ahead.

I really don't think he wanted to grief you or he would've attacked right away instead of waiting for you to give the mob up. He probably honestly didn't understand what was going on and just did what he does with all rares without realising how many people desperately look for this one.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:02 pm
by nirvana
Perhaps it's hard for me to believe any Horde on my server are simply ignorant and not out to cause Alliance grief. When I tamed my black Madexx, a Tauren hunter came up and started attempting to kill him from underneath me. Thankfully, I did manage to tame him before his health got too low, and Neretzek became mine rather than just another wasted Madexx spawn. I guess there is a chance he didn't know...but the way he was hovering around, and moving in slowly, I get the feeling that even had I not emoted him and FDed, he would have eventually attacked regardless.

It just sucks camping this mob, and after MMO-champ announced that these guys drop no loot, most of my server (since the vast majority of them read MMO-champ) has wised up and not only left them alone, but also sought to locate a hunter to tame them. Seeing as this guy is dripping in more epics than my lonesome hunter, and has been 85 since Jan, I am inclined to believe his actions were quite intentional. I'm just glad it wasn't done while someone was taming him.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:36 pm
by erwil
Try not to judge the whole other faction on one individual's ignorance. Hunter is one of the more popular classes, and quite frankly I fail to believe every single one of them is as interested in the pets as the good ol' petopians, or simply, don't know how rare the beast is and how valuable it would be for someone else.

On topic, I've had one similar experience with Gondria on my old server. It happened after Cata went live, and the cat had spawned on the ledge with the bears and other cats. We found an owner for him from my friend's guild, or so we thought. When the new owner to be finally landed on the spot, he started shooting the cat and killed it. The reason? He didn't have BM spec. -.- It baffles me why he could not have just told us, or at least let us try to find another hunter for the cat, since he's not even part of Frostbitten.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:39 pm
by zedxrgal
If you feel the Tauren hunters actions were intentional then send it to a GM. Personally I would have jumped on a horde toon or created one and asked him what the hell. He may not have known what's going on but it seems like he assumed or that he would've killed him anyway.

What a shame. Poor Madexx.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 3:56 pm
by Araela

Poor Madexx. :(

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:46 pm
by Impulse
I also agree that tauren hunter didn't know any better if Madexx is a unique/rare tamable mob or doesn't drop anything worthwhile.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:04 pm
by evil950510
Sounds like a hunter only part-time. He plays a hunter alt, deosn't look at petopia forums, and saw it was rare so first thought is must drop a blue. Some peolpe play a hunter but don't know how to be a hunter.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:48 am
by Squake
Or he just hates scorpids :P

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:29 am
by Kurasu
With only three pets, I think there's a distinct possibility that they either were an 'oldbie' returning to WoW and didn't know about there being extra pets (and not considering the 'extremely valuable pet' thing), or someone who purchased a level 85 hunter and really had no clue what to do with it. I'd give a whisper on an other-side alt to see, myself.

Re: Things that make you /headscratch

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:41 am
by Vetiver
i hope he felt like a total jackass when he read the tear and replayed the events leading up to killing him