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Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:45 pm
by Helio
Y'know... We got these awesome Spirit Beasts that look stunningly amazing...yet, far as I know...we know nothing bout them. I've searched over and over again and could not find any information on them beyond being nature spirits.... has anyone else learned anything? Please share!

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:47 pm
by Vephriel
Argh, I wish there was some backstory on each one as well. :( As far as I know, the only Spirit Beast that has any sort of lore whatsoever is Loque'Nahak, due to him being Har'koa's mate. And...that's about it.

I wish there were some sort of extensive histories for each one telling us what they are, how they came to be, etc. etc.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:55 pm
by Aleu
People wonder why Loque'nahak is in Sholazar and Har'koa is in Zul'drak. Well if you look at Har'koa, she's kind of being help captive so I assume she sent her mate away to avoid him getting involved. Thus why I RP my Loque as one of the offspring of Har'koa and Loque'nahak... It's the only thing I can think of. =/

As far as the others go... I believe they don't have any lore behind them. >.<

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:18 pm
by FuzzyDolly
Funny, I always thought of Scholazar as Loque's and Har'koa's homeland and when Harkoa was abducted she was moved to Zul. Loque, in my mind, is scouring their homeland looking for his mate.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:21 pm
by Ryai
Aleu wrote:People wonder why Loque'nahak is in Sholazar and Har'koa is in Zul'drak. Well if you look at Har'koa, she's kind of being help captive so I assume she sent her mate away to avoid him getting involved. Thus why I RP my Loque as one of the offspring of Har'koa and Loque'nahak... It's the only thing I can think of. =/

As far as the others go... I believe they don't have any lore behind them. >.<
There's really absolutely nothing wrong with roleplaying him as one of their children, it's what I do myself concerning Jupiter and Landowar, as well it's silly to see yourself as the tamer of a god. And there's the ZG demi god children you can tame, the Windserpents I mean. So if you can tame the sons or whatever of Hakkar, you can most likely tame a child of Loque and Harkoa.

Ryai's is one of their redeamed kittens, as she did that quest.

Yas just did what any impatient belf would do.

Kicked a troll in the ballbearings, stole the kitten he was trying to corrupt, and ran like hell. 8D

Don't see it as something lacking, see it as an open box you can fill with your own ideas.

Fuzzy: While that is a good idea, that's not really right, Hark and Loque are snow leopards, not clouded leopards unfortunately.

ZD was their homeland until the trolls went psycho. Thankfully there are still two tribes of sane trolls that love their gods :<

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:29 pm
by VelkynKarma
I think Loque'Nahak is the only one with any official wow Veph mentioned, Loque'Nahak is Har'Koa's mate.

Skoll doesn't have his own lore per se, though he IS named after a wolf in Norse mythology; Skoll is the wolf that will devour the sun at ragnarok, if I recall correctly. Considering a lot of Storm Peaks references Norse lore, that's probably where that comes from.

I know there's a lot of 'gondria' related gear but no Gondria lore per se.

Arcturis is, according to his wowwiki, a play off of a constellation referring to the greek word for bear...but that's just his name, and other than that there's no lore related to him at all. :(

They really do deserve histories though!


Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:25 pm
by Azunara
I haven't thought of Loque, much. But yeah, I'd say she's one of Har'koa's kitties that Har'koa sent to Sholozar for protection along with Loque'nahak. She's also sister to my Gondria, Echo, who I supposed is one of the orginal uncorrupted kitties who got killed in the corruption. However, restless and agitated, she latched onto Firewing after Fire and Moonlight were in ZD one day. Essentially, Echo saw their bond and was like, "D: I'll never get that. Maybe I can join them. Better than haunting trolls, anyway."

Skoll, I've got nothing.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:08 pm
by Ryai
Since Gondria shares the sounds with spectral tiger mounts -> and there's NPC nelves with spectral tiger mounts. And there's some items that have Gondria's name on them...

Perhaps Gondria WAS a spectral tiger mount, it's not far fetched one of the nelves had a Wintersaber as their companion/mount before they died and became undead. The trolls, looking for a replacement for the gods they're just killing off [nerd rage at the damned trolls in ZD], could have saw Gondria as a unique creature, and possibly so as she is the only one of her kind, rekilled her master, stole her away to ZD and attempted to corrupt/enforce her into their rule but she managed to slip away. But is now lost, unable to find her way out or back to her master. Mayhaps she can't even remember she ever had one.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:28 pm
by Valinai
I was also sad there was no lore for our beloved Spirit Beasts. I had an idea for a story but I haven't written it down.

Basically, with the exclusion of Loque, as he has some backstory already, I was going to write about a Hunter that roamed the lands long ago and used a bear, wolf and cat. A legendary Hunter and hero of Azeroth, whose beasts (and perhaps the Hunter themself) clings to Azeroth still. And that's why the SBs are tameable, because they ran with a Hunter before.

That's really condensed and sounds sort of hokey that way, but it was what I came up with to appease my noggin.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:32 pm
by Impulse
The trolls draw power for their voodoo magics by performing rituals and invoking the Primal Gods, Old Gods, forest spirits, and ancestral spirits: their Loa spirits and gods.

Loa spirits are more powerful than the elementals, but not as powerful as gods.M&M 46 Supposedly, these spirits are mighty entities that grant the faithful extraordinary powers. By calling upon these voodoo spirits, the shadow hunter gains special blessings with which he can combat darkness and help those in need. The abilities granted vary according to the Loa the shadow hunter calls upon. Almost any being who has died and transcended death can be worshiped as a Loa, including Forsaken shadow ascendants.

The shadow hunters' faith and communion with the Loa gods grants them shadow and healing magic, and other abilities. Shadow Hunters learn magic that hinders enemies and aids allies, gaining a unique mix of spells that delve into the more occult aspects of the Loa.

The five high priests in Zul'Gurub each have a corresponding Primal God. High Priestess Mar'li worships Shadra, High Priest Thekal worships Shirvallah, High Priestess Arlokk worships Bethekk, High Priestess Jeklik worships Hir'eek and High Priest Venoxis worships Hethiss.

The three high prophets in Gundrak each have a corresponding Primal God. Gal'darah worships Akali, Moorabi worships Mam'toth and Slad'ran worships Sseratus.
Har'koa is listed as one of Primal Ice Gods, as her mate, I think Loque'nahak should be considered as a Loa. Following that trend of thought rest of spirit beasts as well.
Since Loas are intelligent being, they should give us a spirit beast dragon/proto-drake!

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:45 pm
by Ryno
Skoll is a lazer doggeh. His kind are a rare breed of worg that was made by the titans in their experiments, but has since been long forgotton. Every so often another one escapes from the hidden prison.

Arc is a go-esteh-baer. He represents the spirit of the forest, a piece of the bear god in Grizzly Hills. Every so often another piece of the god's mind break away, driving them deeper and deeper into insanity.

Gondria is a lazzerz kitteh. She is one of Har'koa's offspring, and managed to get away before the trolls could completely corrupt her. She is more mature than all the others, and is the eldest of the children.

Yay imagination!

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:47 pm
by Saturo
Well, I'm pleasently surprised by your imagination this time, Ryno.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 3:50 pm
by Ryno
Saturo wrote:Well, I'm pleasently surprised by your imagination this time, Ryno.
I have my strokes of genius. Sometimes I even come out of the stroke and write down what I saw!

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:25 am
by Jeauno
Azunara wrote:I haven't thought of Loque, much. But yeah, I'd say she's one of Har'koa's kitties that Har'koa sent to Sholozar for protection along with Loque'nahak.
For RP purposes I've done something similar to this. Its actually rather adorable. On my server several people believe that Loque absolutely adores me. I've seen him over 30 times since I've tamed my baby. At least 25 out of those times I've helped another hunter tame him. One of those lucky hunters happens to be a close friend of mine named Kiko. She RPs with me a lot.

I tend to get these hunches while I'm doing things in WoW that a spirit beast has spawned. Often times I'm spot on, but by the time I'm able to fly there they've usually been tamed or killed. Well, after about the 14th time it occurred to me to leave earlier than I had in the past. I know. Should have been born a blonde right? Well, Kiko has spent all day long camping Loque and hasn't seen hide nor fur of him. I'm in Z. Marsh farming up my firefly vanity pet when all of a sudden I get this gut feeling that Loque is about to spawn.

Immediately over vent I say to Kiko, "You're at the waterfall spawn point right?" "Yeah..." "I have a hunch. Considering you're there...I just have this gut feeling he's going to spawn by the Gorillas at five past the hour." She basically laughed, and we both shrugged it off. I looked at the clock, it was 5:55pm. I had those extra five minutes to get there like I'd never had before. "Stay at the waterfall camp. I'm coming there. I just have to see if this hunch is right." So, the clock hits 5pm, I fly the northern most spawn point flying south so that I hit the gorillas by around 5:05pm. No sign of him until suddenly I'm swooping down over the Gorillas and there's this big ol spotted pussy cat just mingling with the primates. Safe to say we both had a hunter freak out over vent. She wasn't level 80 yet and had stopped at level 76 to tame him as I had. She raced to me from across the zone on her Talbuk, pulling half of the basin with her. Ironically, in the end by 5:15 she'd walked away with her new companion, Zero.

Ever since we've RP'd Loki and Zero being litter-mates and the offspring of both Loque and his pretty mate. I'll say one thing. They certainly have given us some pretty kittens. :P

PS: As Loque continues to seek and hunt me out here's an ironic gem of information. I went to the basin yesterday to tame Krush and not five minutes after he'd spawned and I was trying to tame him (and failing miserably at first) Loque spawned not but a few meters away. I think Kik nearly fainted. x3 Well...I'll never doubt those three rares not being able to be up at the same time ever again. That theory went out the window as of yesterday! hahaha. I did walk away with a new Yoshisaur however, after an hour of attempted tames. :P

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 10:47 am
by Vephriel
Jeauno, I just had to chime in that I get the exact same premonitions, so I fully understand what that's like! Pretty much the same thing happened to me with Gondria (who was the first Spirit Beast I acquired). I was about to log off for the night when I had a random urge to go look for her. I just knew that a Spirit Beast was spawned suddenly. Sure enough, the first point I go to check in Zul'Drak has her standing right there.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:13 pm
by cowmuflage
Well um seeing as they have spirit in there name what if there like just ghosts.....

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:17 am
by Ryno
cowmuflage wrote:Well um seeing as they have spirit in there name what if there like just ghosts.....
Mmm, but then Blizz would have to explain about all the other undead ghostie beasties that hunters can't tame since they're "undead." Most notably the ghost wolves in SFK.

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:58 am
by cowmuflage
Well maybe the spirt beasts were not ones summoned by necromancey like the "undead" ones?

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:20 am
by Gimlion
Personally, and I think a lot would agree... Thinking of these NAMED spirit beasts as just ghosts takes a ton of the Uniqueness and fun out of taming or having one. Most people would much rather have pre-made epic lore, or create their own epic lore on the creature than simply thinking 'Oh, it's just a ghost...'

Re: Spirit Beasts... Lore?

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:51 am
by Azunara
Gimlion wrote:Personally, and I think a lot would agree... Thinking of these NAMED spirit beasts as just ghosts takes a ton of the Uniqueness and fun out of taming or having one. Most people would much rather have pre-made epic lore, or create their own epic lore on the creature than simply thinking 'Oh, it's just a ghost...'
Exactly. And what about Loque and Skoll? Both aren't spectral-intangible creatures like Gondria and Arcturis.

And I wish I had that gut feeling. Would make finding Skoll so much easier. Dang spirit beast STILL eludes me! I was really miffed when I had competition but luckily after a chat and hearing my success with Loque at one point, he returned to Sholozar and I gave him a few tips. Come on, karma! Don't fail me now!

Oh! Skoll, perhaps, was once one of the pets of the Earthen up there, (like Blackmaw) but he fell in battle. Various higher beings saw his loyalty to his master and chose to raise him from the grave as a fearsome embodiment of storms and lightning. To this day, he still wanders, looking for his master. And us hunters, tamers of beasts, come in and heal the emotional wounds Skoll has, thereby rendering him our ally.

That's all I've got.