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Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:05 pm
by Lisaara ... oming-Soon


Except I'm kinda ticked you gotta pay for it.....

Not sure if this is coming out in 4.2 but heres hoping.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:36 pm
by AdamSavage
That's pretty neat and I would pay for it if it meant saving the headache of pugging.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 7:52 pm
by Qinni

I like the idea but I wouldn't pay for it... *sigh* Hope they rethink this.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:05 pm
by Shinryu Masaki
Yeah they really need to rethink it. Most people will not pay extra just so they can use that system.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:21 pm
by Ziarre
Not pleased with the paid part whatsoever, especially if it's an ongoing subscription. Increase my WoW sub for that? As much as I'd love not to have to beat friends into rolling on my server(s), no thank you.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 8:32 pm
by Kalliope
Having an extra fee attached to this is silly. If people want to pay to play alongside their real id buddies, they can pay to server hop. If they're not willing to do that, why would they pay to do this?

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:17 pm
by Aleu
At first I was like: 8D!

But then I was like: --;

As much as I want to run with my friends on other realms, I wouldn't pay for it.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:12 pm
by Vasken
Wouldn't pay for it either. It's a much needed change, but... Ey'wat. Think I'll pass. :@

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:25 pm
by Comett
Yeah lol. >_> I really dislike the attitude Blizz is showing here in regards to "continue paying for our (reasonably) expensive game per month, but you can't use all its features, and if you do you have to pay more". I don't mind the Blizz store items so much because they're all flavour items... minipets, mounts. But this is quite a specific part of gameplay. SO YEAH. NOT COOL BLIZZY.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 11:03 pm
by AdamSavage
Maybe they could use the extra money to hire more staff so they don't have to rush patches all the time.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:11 am
by AdamSavage
You now that I think about this more, there going back on there word that they will never have gear you can buy with real money. You use real money to use this service that gives you points, plus whatever drops from the bosses. You use your Valor or justice points to buy gear..So in a sense your paying real money for gear....Which Blizzard has said they will never do..

Now Saturo is gonna say " I told you so!"... Sad day..What's next with them ?

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 12:56 am
by Chimera
We are paying blizzard so we can play the game, that doesn't necessarily mean we are paying them so we can gear, though that is part of it. We're paying them so we can have online entertainment in a social environment with a large array of things to stimulate us when we feel that we are lacking and bored-- though the game has become extremely repetitive with its content and we've already seen and heard and have quit ourselves to do something new that can give us that entertainment fix

They do need to get rid of the paying part on that feature, im not gonna pay just so i can play with my friends-- not that i have any who i can play with that are on different realms but same faction

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:40 am
by Rikaku
Personally, I don't mind paying for a feature that's optional (such as vanity pets, vanity mounts, etc). This IS technically optional, however, this seems like was MADE for, wasn't it? I dunno, I just kind of remember thinking that when they made it would be this cool thing that would link friends and characters across realms and factions for an awesome play experience.

It seems really silly (and a bad decision) to make this particular feature "premium service".


*grumble* This isn't Aion or Perfect World for pity's sakes...

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 1:50 am
by Makoes
The fact that it would require the use of real-ID I find undesirable. Just because I like playing with a person does not mean that I am willing to tell them my real name. If there was a way to change the real-ID name displayed to my computer-user name (in this case, Makoes), then I'd be for this.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 3:21 am
by Saturo
I told you so!

See, this is what I said would happen when the sparklepony came out. First flavor items. Then useful stuff that you can play without. Then bad gear. Then average gear. And then gear that is better than what is otherwise available.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:07 am
by Rikaku
AdamSavage wrote:You now that I think about this more, there going back on there word that they will never have gear you can buy with real money. You use real money to use this service that gives you points, plus whatever drops from the bosses. You use your Valor or justice points to buy gear..So in a sense your paying real money for gear....Which Blizzard has said they will never do..

Now Saturo is gonna say " I told you so!"... Sad day..What's next with them ?

You're not paying money for gear. That's sort of a weird way to look at it. As much as I think that making it to pay is a bad thing, you're just paying to play with your friends, not get gear. You're not garunteed gear just by paying for this service. You're still probably gonna get a few jerks and people who won't finish a dungeon just like you would the normal LFG.

Until you actually HAVE to use this feature and HAVE to pay to get gear, it's still a far cry from "paying for gear".

And as I post this Saturo said exactly that and I still disagree XD (and I mean that in a nice way, not OMFG NO MAN NO)

Then again, maybe Im optimistic cause I dont really use for.. anything XD

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:19 am
by Kikanu
I have ONE friend who plays on a different realm. I am in no rush to play with him if it costs money to pay a game that costs money. I think it's fairly obvious we need to petition the firing of whoever's in charge of the "MAKE THIS PAY TO USE" features, because that's just plain dumb to add such a simple feature, but make us pay AN ADDITIONAL SUM on top of the ridiculous 15 we already pay monthly. It's Activision's fault, and I'm glad that I pirate their stuff instead of properly buy it. They don't deserve it with their horrible customer support and such. I know my friend is going to pay for it though, and I tried convincing him against it because that's a stupid waste of money (just like wow is lololol). If he does pay for it, I'm gonna feel obligated to join him no matter what, because I'd feel bad for him wasting his money and not getting what he wants. Granted, he has a bunch of people he can invite, but still.

I'm against paying for a feature that should be free. It may only be a dollar more, even 5, but that's still incredibly stupid. that's like saying that a museum can have a painting for X dollars, but they need to pay an additional X dollars monthly to use the frame it's in.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:26 am
by AdamSavage
Your not paying directly for the gear, but when you use the paid service to do dungeons, this is how your paying indirectly for gear. The side effect of this is that puging will become worse. Everyone is going to stick to there own little group and do heroics that way. This will result in less good pug runs and more of people not knowing there class or just being total morons. I like concept, however I don't like that it's going to be a paid thing.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:30 am
by Rikaku
AdamSavage wrote:Your not paying directly for the gear, but when you use the paid service to do dungeons, this is how your paying indirectly for gear. The side effect of this is that puging will become worse. Everyone is going to stick to there own little group and do heroics that way. This will result in less good pug runs and more of people not knowing there class or just being total morons. I like concept, however I don't like that it's going to be a paid thing.
How is that different from now though?

I can queue with my guildies and avoid bad pugs. How is that really different than what this will do OTHER than applying to friends? XD

But I guess that's where we just disagree (and that's fine). To me, when I queue for a dungeon, I'm not promised gear. Heck, the group might not even make it to the end. The only thing I see LFD promising me (both the paid version and the "free" version) is a dungeon queue. Nothing more, nothing less.

But I agree, I don't like the paid idea either. I'm just saying I disagree with the notion that those who do use it are "paying for gear". You're not because you're paying for the experience of adding a friend to it; you're not guaranteed the gear or the experience to even go well.


I do feel this is stupid. This is a feature seems like something was built for. When was first announced, I envisioned it being this awesome system that made it easy to talk to friends, and hang out, across the Blizzard games. It seems stupid as hell to pay for something that seems like it should be just part of the experience anyways.

Re: Cross Realm Dungeon Feature Coming Soon!

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:44 am
by AdamSavage
Caught this comment on MMO Champion and I can very easily see this happening..
With the cross-realm dungeon finder, they're effectively selling gold: exactly what they said they'd never do.

Step1: [2][Person1]: WTS CRDF queues, 250g per queue.
Step2: Group of 3 pays Person1 so they can queue with a friend from X server, as well as exchanging personal information via Real ID.
Step3: Person1 leaves group after 3 queues or so. 750g pocketed for an additional monthly fee. ... th-Real-ID

EDIT: There is quite the outcry on the Battle Net forums over this.