Double Luck for Galahandra!

Relate your epic tames and show off your pets.
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Double Luck for Galahandra!

Unread post by Galahandra »

So, today, I could only log on to WoW and play as Galahandra, my first ever WoW character, for a couple of hours. She's come out of retirement after a long, long time and have now been leveling her from 70+. She's been around since 2005.

Anyhow, she got to level 74 four days ago, so I decided I should go try my luck at getting Arcturis to add to my collection! Have been going in and out of random PvP whilst waiting for him to spawn.

This morning, after four days of waiting and waiting with Nany to keep me entertained in guild chat, decided I should log on for the 30 minutes before I had to go out for the day. Nothing. Went into a random PvP, came out, and Arcturis was right there! As Gala had gained 2 levels by this time, so now 76, I decided I'd go look for Loque. To my surprise, he had also spawned. Fantastic luck there!

So, two new additions have been welcome to Galahandra's stables to keep Tyrant the black devilsaur company. They are Oso (Arc) and Multo (Loque).

I will post pictures either tomorrow or Monday when I get back to my gaming PC. Till then, you can have a very old picture of Gala (then Seraphima) in Vanilla:


I had the Primal Fury buff here, turning me into said Tiger ^_^

Happy hunting folks

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