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Dethy up on Brill 5:18pm Server Time - Tame 5:27pm

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:20 pm
by KutiePi
He's up up up now! No one near by. I'm standing near by ready to help anyone tame this beauty if they want.

Edit: Just helped a NE tame it. Pretty funny to see Deth kill himself lol. Good luck to anyone else after him! =)

P.S Has anyone seen those spirit kitties? =( I seem to keep missing them, always see Banthy and well I've seen all of the rares but the kitties. I pat around the top part like the guide say, am I doing something wrong to keep missing them?

Re: Dethy up on Brill 5:18pm Server Time - Tame 5:27pm

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:59 pm
by Ryannie
Yes it is funny to have Deth go after himself. But I haven't seen the kitties but I will update if I get a time on last tame/ hopefully not.... kill.