A Request for an Anniversary.

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Journeyman Hunter
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A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by nirvana »

In less than two weeks, my wonderful fiancee and I will have been together for five years. We met in our classic raiding guild and bonded through Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and beyond. Oftentimes we went out and explored the world together, finding our way into such romantic, secluded spots as Hyjal. Or we'd 2-man dungeons like Blackrock Depths. Months later I took the leap of faith and moved across the country to join him- I've never looked back :) I wanted to do something special for him for this milestone, so I'll be writing him a poem (or story if I can't condense it all into poetry form), but I'd like to have something visual to go with it. Unfortunately I haven't the time or skills to turn out something of the quality many of you can manage, so I thought I'd come here for help.

Back then I played, mainly, my Night Elf druid named Evelynn. He often grouped with me on his Night Elf warrior, Nefarain.

I'd like a picture of us - and I'm going to give whoever attempts this the creative license to take this in whatever direction they please, esp using the info I've given - together. My druid wore 8/8 Stormrage and his warrior, 8/8 dungeon 1.5, aka Battlegear of Heroism.

I've also got some writing to contribute if you want anything of the sort for this image, or at least to give you inspiration/ideas. Will post below. Pics of our old toons are also attached, and one can armory Evelynn of Dalaran US to see her (the warrior has since been race changed so that'll just be as close as it can get).
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Journeyman Hunter
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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by nirvana »

My fav poem of the ones I've written for my boy:
Some will say that such a meeting is chance,
this fortunate crossing of stars into one
binding them both in a celestial dance,
eternally as a constellation

Eternally as a constellation,
we will find a way through the endless dark
Bound together in a celestial dance,
never again will our souls be apart

Never again will our souls be apart,
for we are bound in a celestial dance
We have found a way through the endless dark,
though some say that our love is only chance

And whether or not our fates are chance,
We are bound to eternity by the celestial dance.
A short story, taking place in WotLK, of his proposal to me over vent (!!!). At the time I was playing my Draenei hunter and he his Human paladin :)
Dripping from a score of wounds, Nirvana knelt to catch her wind. Her companions, unheeding of the hunter’s momentary lapse, charged onward toward Thorim’s lair. An overwhelming helplessness sapped what remained of Nirvana’s strength as she watched one of her group die beneath the blades of one of Thorim’s guard. His spirit could be returned to is body, but what was the use? They would all perish in these halls, the corrupted inner sanctum of Ulduar.

Through the blur of her tears, Nirvana suddenly caught sight of the hem of a white paladin’s kilt, reinforced with plate. Raising her head, she gazed into the eyes of her long-time friend Razuvious. His long blond hair was drenched with sweat, and his armor smeared with blood, but his expression still beheld a smile of joy - and of hope. He extended a hand to Nirvana and she clasped it, feeling a momentary flutter of emotion deep within as he helped her rise to her feet.

The faith-sapping presence of Yogg-Saron was lifted from Nirvana’s soul, and she returned the paladin’s smile with a warm one of her own. Forcing herself to hold back the deepest of her emotions - she could never confess her love for the human, for they quite literally came from two different worlds - the draenei clapped him on the shoulder in a comradely fashion, rejoicing at the victories they’d earned so far. Their eyes met in that moment, and Nirvana’s heart burned with longing.

It was mere chance that had brought the two friends together - a defender of the Light, and a tamer of the Wilds. Both had finally overcome their initial reservations, and after numerous battles had learned that their trust in each other was far from misplaced. They had become the closest of friends then, inseparable, and were rarely seen outside of each others’ company. Yet Nirvana longed for more - what had begun as a partnership and turned into a friendship was now love.

Their companions were urging them onward now, speaking words the draenei huntress could not distinguish; the pounding of her own heart filled her ears. Razuvious gestured for them to wait - and then, before Nirvana, dropped to one knee.

“Nirvana, we have fought together, triumphed together, and even died together. I wish to do all of these things with you, not just now but always. Will you allow our souls to become one? Will you marry me?”

The breath that she had regained was snatched from her. Thankfully, the draenei found a way to respond that did not require words - hauling Razuvious up by his hands as he had done only moments before for her, she drew the paladin into an embrace.
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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by Rhapture »

Awww this makes me think of Max and I. *warm fuzzies* I hope someone picks up this request for you, I certainly love the one Serenith made me recently so maybe she will bless you with one too :D


Many thanks to Sookie for the awesome signature and avatar

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Journeyman Hunter
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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by nirvana »

I took an attempt at it myself in some spare time. It's...not really good. Still welcoming an expert's attempts if possible :)


From furthest to nearest, our couples throughout WoW's history: Nefarain and Evelynn, Razuvious and Nirvanah, Faltora and Kiche.
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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by Mychelle »

I know its not a picture or anything, but this thread reminded me of a video on youtube that I still go back and watch because it reminds me of alot of good memories. I hope it does the same for the both of you. =)

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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by guttershark »

Awww gosh, happy anniversary!!
I LOVE seeing couples who have met in game ; ;
I've been with my fiance for almost 6 years now as well, and we met through Final Fantasy XI! (no flaming please! haha)
I didn't quite leap across country, I suppose I got really lucky, he lived only 6 hours away, driving.

C: Congrats to the both of you, that's sweet of you to give him something sentimental like that.
It makes me miss my SO haha ; ;
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Journeyman Hunter
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Re: A Request for an Anniversary.

Unread post by nirvana »

Thank you everyone for your best wishes :)

It's certainly been a journey, both in-game and out! And I love the video, it makes me tear up from nostalgia.
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