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Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:58 am
by Tilo
How many of you since Cataclysm has been out, has released a pet or two for either; newer pets, or lack of bonding, just wondering.

I am wondering because I am looking at my two hunters I play often & their packed stables most with rares i.e a lot of spirit beasts; & debating which ones I really stick with, & which ones are just "ooh la la", but I don't want to feel bad letting one or two go to pasture again, as, well, they aren't going anywhere...when I decide to re-tame.

Looking over my spirit beasts now... have like; seven... & only two or three see the light of day. 'sigh' & my husband says: "They're ALL cool". ^_^

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:29 am
by GormanGhaste
My stables are constantly changing, as I don't keep more than one member of any family. I think it's kinder to release pets you don't use back into the wild, rather than keep them cooped up in the stables all the time.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:53 am
by Sasrei
My stables are always changing to, especially on Sas.. for some reason with her I dont like a full stable.. if I dont click with them as much as I want to I release them in hopes of new clickies, but I do have a few hunters which help.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 8:47 am
by Meggers
I have. So far: Humar, Ruby Serpent, Red Madexx, Bronze Madexx, Damaged Silithid, Jade Owl, Karkin...that might be it. That's in the past month as I reactivated a month ago. :)

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 9:42 am
by Kurasu
I had a major pet-taming binge when Cata came out, and since then had a lot of releases of them. The stable needs another cycling soon, I think; I have a few slots that are redundant, and I'm mostly keeping because of nostalgia or indecision.

Terrorpene was my main 'big release'. I was so excited to get him, and thought he was so awesome, but... we just never bonded. I think the thrill of the hunt and the 'shininess' were great for a while, but there's just no (sorry for the pun but) spark between us like with my Panzer.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:22 am
by Morven
I've done that with a fair few. I released Magria and Ghostcrawler among others. Just no feeling for 'em at all. I probably have a half full stable right now, and there are a few others I'm considering dropping. Perhaps some of my cats, because I have a bunch but only two are really "close"; my Ankha (ghostsaber) and Jorin (Skarr). I have the black lion and kind of like him too so I may give him more of a chance.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:32 am
by Worba
I have a bunch of hunters including maybe a half dozen in the 80-85 bracket, so I don't usually run out of stable slots, but there have been a couple exceptions, and in those cases what I let go depends primarily on how easily it could be retamed should the fancy strike me later on. E.g. SBs are usually the last to go, unless there are some from completed world phases or etc.

But it's not a big deal for me - the collector in me sighs a little, but I also like to at least *try* to keep my various hunter pet selections somewhat lean and functional. I don't always succeed in that, usually because I figure wth if it's either a pet I *probably* will never use, or just an empty stable slot, having the pet kicking around doesn't hurt anything.

For example I tamed Skoll a while back on my male nelf, and put him in the stables since I was already using Skoll as a main pet on my orc... more recently however I came to feel that Skoll was a little too scrawny for my orc and so decided to give it a try on my NE - lo and behold they clicked perfectly.

Now if they could just give my orc's devilsaur back some of it's pre-4.0 RAWR, that would be even cooler... ;)

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:52 am
by zedxrgal
Lately on Rexiah I've been going through some changes and releasing pets whom need to be free and make more babies. :D It's the pets I've just not bonded with in the slightest. I am still contemplating three or four other pets to release after already releasing five. So we'll see.
I will be going through my other hunter's stables and doing the same.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:48 pm
by Lupis
I had a lot of random stable changes going on for some time. I'd basically completely change my stable once or twice a month. By now, I've settled on a much smaller group of 12-13 pets that I loveā€¦ I found I wasn't taming what I bonded to anymore, just what was shiny.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 4:53 am
by Finduilas
I had kind of a taming-need when 4.2. came out and caught Banny, Magria, Ankha and Skarr on all three hunters on 85. Then I noticed that all 3 stables were almost the same (every hunter had every spirit beast) and started cleaning out. First one to leave my stables was Ghostcrawler. None of my hunters matched him. too small for my orc, too spikey for my Belf, even smaller for my Tauren. Then some spirit beasts were released into the wild while I kept them on my other hunter. I just took out every beast, tried it out and decided which toon it fit best and kept it there. Then I abandoned Terrorpene on my Orc, because I like his white bear much better with him as his tanking pet. I had tamed Terrorpene just because she was rare and shiny (again with two hunters) and now I only keep her with my Bloodelf. There are more examples (especially with rare cats) and I'm still changing my stables now and then. It finally turns out that my hunters get different stable-themes. My orc tends towards green and black pets, my Bloodelf more towards red and blue and my Tauren towards "natural" pets like brown bear, brown fox, brown cat.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:50 am
by Comett
It's like a constant battle to try and work out which pets fit where!

I'm pretty happy with my main's stables as they are, although she wouldn't mind a couple of additions (I'd like to get my green Devilsaur Rory back some day, if stable space allowed it; I ditched him because I rarely play BM on my main, and when I do, I generally use a more preferred exotic or my wolf whom I love for my crit buff... but I miss Rory, I was very fond of him, and I might have to re-find some stable space for him. Maybe I can go and tame him on my alt who is currently seeking ... uh, Magria or Ankha, I forget which the white one is). It took a long time to reach that "ok I'm good" point, though. She doesn't have much stable space free, and if more "must have" pets are released I'll have to reconsider, but she has a nice variety of shiny rares and much-loved commons and shiny commons and much-loved rares. :D

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 8:08 pm
by Sesamee
I've released tons of pets but the notable ones are Ban'thalos, Ankha, Karkin, Pogeyan, and Solix. If I'm not feeling a pet I'll release them, rare or not. If I decide I want them back I can always get them again. It might not be as easy as a non rare but if I want them that bad I'll have them eventually.

I had to release my favorite cat, Dulcineaa, one of the white sabertooth huntresses from Winterspring, to tame Karkin. I felt so bad that right afterwards I made a beeline for Winterspring to get her back! I had to do that to my Saber Worg, Boudicca, too and I hated it! Now I make sure to always have an extra pet slot on me. I hate releasing my favorites even if I know I can go get them back easily. It just doesn't feel right.

Re: Pets back to the pasture...

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 10:41 pm
by Shirubia
So far, have released Aotona, blue! Madexx, Jadefang, 2 kirix (just tamed them to clear the road) and 1 Karoma (because tamed another =/ ). All of them have been due to lack of bonding and couldn't find them to match my huntress.

Right now, debating if I should release Skarr, Karkin, Sambas, Ashtail and Hell-Hoot. First two where tamed on impulse... Sambas was also on impulse, but due to Deathwing charring everything no more than 2 seconds afterwards, kinda bonded with it (if a little), Ashtail and Hell-Hoot where tamed only because their beautiful colors.