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Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:30 am
by Vephriel
For those of you on PvP servers in particular, it seems as though you will be intentionally vulnerable to attack while you are in a Pet Battle. I'm a bit surprised at this, considering you're swapped to a completely different interface and can't really do anything to defend yourself while in the middle of a fight.
The fact that players are vulnerable to PvP attacks while in a pet battle is intentional. However, a couple features that go along with this are not implemented yet.

First off, the exact pet you were fighting when you were broke out of pet battle will be respawned. Same quality, stats and skin color. Second, you will get a 3s damage shield that absorbs 50% of incoming damage to help negate the fact that you need time to recover after exiting the pet battle interface. Both of these will be in for the next build.

We feel its very important to keep the PvP aspect of the game intact and if you choose to play on a PvP server, you will certainly be fighting for those rare spawns. (This rule effects PVE servers as well but only in contested areas.)

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:45 am
by Kalliope
That's terrible news. I'm also surprised by this. Griefing will be SO EASY.

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:56 am
by Maizou
And now I am 10000000^100000% happy I am on a PvE server.

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:41 am
by Myrrmi
I was planning on transferring my 2 alts from a PvE server (my first one in wow) to a PvP one, where I currently play with irl friends, but after hearing this I doubt it.

I was hoping for a solution similar to what we have in PeacebloomVsGhouls - during a battle, where you see no map, don't have your tracking, don't have your bars/interface, can't move your camera and are as much as a seated duck, you would be immune to PvP. The attacker still has a huge advantage, as he can prepare an ambush without being noticed by you. Abusing the ppetbattle-safety could be prevented by not allowing to enter one when you're in combat.

The way it is now it's an equivalent of sitting in the middle of nowhere, pvp-flaged of course, with all your bags, skillbook, talents and character panel all over your screen, and typing something in the chat. It's not PvP, it's PvTrainingDummy.
First off, the exact pet you were fighting when you were broke out of pet battle will be respawned. Same quality, stats and skin color. Second, you will get a 3s damage shield that absorbs 50% of incoming damage to help negate the fact that you need time to recover after exiting the pet battle interface.
Don't. Make. Me. Laugh. :geek:

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:44 pm
by Vephriel
Yeah, it just rubs me the wrong way.

On the one hand I can see why they wouldn't want people to just lock themselves to a rare spawned critter by entering the battle interface and then not doing anything, essentially sitting there being immune. Maybe trying to hold it for a friend, etc. Much like we can't really stop people from killing rare beasts, I suppose it makes sense that we can be interrupted during the battle process.

At the same time however, the whole UI change really makes this harder to justify. Normally I would not expect an attack if I'm in something that feels like a seperate part of the game where my camera angle and interface is completely different. Even if you're booted back to your normal action bars instantly from the first hit, that's not going to help much. You could be dead before you even realize what's going on.

Anyways, it doesn't affect me all that much since I'm on a PvE server, but it just doesn't feel right for everyone on PvP realms. I can only imagine the griefing lowbies are going to experience if they're out and about trying to hunt down rare critters. Some bored 85 could just follow them around and prevent them from completing any pet battles.

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:12 pm
by Kalliope
That's true, Veph; I hadn't thought about it being a safe zone. It's, there's got to be another way. Like make someone vulnerable to attack if they've been in a pet battle for a certain amount of time.

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 8:33 pm
by Ickabob
From what I've read, (can't find the source) if you get attacked while in a pet battle, you are given a few seconds of invulnerability so that you can adjust and have time to try and defend yourself. Getting interrupted while doing pet battles still stinks tho. Griefers will have a field day when they find this out.

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:51 am
by Maizou
Ickabob wrote:From what I've read, (can't find the source) if you get attacked while in a pet battle, you are given a few seconds of invulnerability so that you can adjust and have time to try and defend yourself. Getting interrupted while doing pet battles still stinks tho. Griefers will have a field day when they find this out.
50% damage reduction for like 3 seconds. >_>;

Re: Vulnerable to PvP while in a Pet Battle

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 2:25 am
by Yaone
Happy to be on a pve server here... But seriously, they better fix the UI bug that even happens on live when you exit a pet battle.

Maly on live will currently bug and keep your drake action bar even tho you aren't on the drake. Seen in Ulduar recently too (FL fight). So the time of three seconds will be bad specially if you have to reload your UI to get it back to normal.