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You know what would be awesome

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:30 am
by pop
Beast Lore is a passive skills where the tool tip would automatically tells the tamability of the beast and also add another info about needing to be BM at certain level to tame exotic pets.

Would save a lot of threads 'I just found out X can't be tamed anymore' and saves time too.

Re: You know what would be awesome

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:35 am
by Chimera
Urgh, combined with 1 or 2 or even perhaps 3 quests being tracked on that mob, tooooooo much text @_@ i use blizz's quest tracker which puts down x/x of items needed off the quest mob or x/x many slain of that particular mob. It'd just become cluttersome if that happened on my hunters :/ Great idea overall tho, beats having to click the spell while targeting it or clicking the spell and then the mob, but needs tweaking in its approach

Re: You know what would be awesome

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:59 am
by pop
Xakaal wrote:Urgh, combined with 1 or 2 or even perhaps 3 quests being tracked on that mob, tooooooo much text @_@ i use blizz's quest tracker which puts down x/x of items needed off the quest mob or x/x many slain of that particular mob. It'd just become cluttersome if that happened on my hunters :/ Great idea overall tho, beats having to click the spell while targeting it or clicking the spell and then the mob, but needs tweaking in its approach
make it toggle-able like trap launcher