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Just Another Day in Azeroth? [RP Sign Up Thread]

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:09 pm
by Electraa
basic introduction
As the title states, it's just another day in Azeroth. With "panda land" opening up, and many adventurers running to help their factions. You can be in Pandaria, or any other continent that exists in game.
I'm going to put this out there, just for the sake of people knowing. You can play whatever character, be it a character you just play with a friend, your main character, or a character you are creating. As long as you follow the basic roleplay rules, you will be perfectly safe.

my character
This character is not used in game, just so you all know. She is a major WIP. And, besides being what she is, is not any more powerful than any other character. She can get hurt, die, whatever, but she is completely normal with her own personal aspects.
||Ayzeenus||"Ayze" as her "mortal form" counterpart.||Nether Drake||Female||
To keep it basic, she is a violet nether drake, and hides in the disguise of her "mortal form". In roleplay, your character will probably never know she is a dragon, unless she reveals it to them. She will be roleplayed as a High Elf Magi, and will stick close to the Alliance faction. Just because she is a dragon, does not mean she will be roleplayed as an all powerful being. She is normal, she can die, she can be injured, and is basically just a normal person that can shape shift into a glow-y magical lizard with wings.
some simple things to follow
Stated in the first part of this post, all that is required is that you follow the basic roleplay rules. Though, I do have some quick easy to follow things to throw out there.
--When speaking out of character, please use brackets. "((lol that was funny))"
--Try not to dodge more than three times in a fight. In example.
SoAndSo thrusted his blade forwards
LoAndBehold cringed as the blade pierced her shoulder, causing her to jump back to retaliate.
SoAndSo advanced forwards and swung again.
LoAndBehold scowled in pain as the sword swished against her abdomen.
LoAndBehold would lunge forwards, aiming to dig her dagger into SoAndSo's shoulder.
SoAndSo would yelp as the blade pierced his shoulder.
LoAndBehold would thrust the blade deeper, twisting it as she did so.
SoAndSo would attempt to jerk away, eyes wide in fury.
LoAndBehold would lose her grip and stumble back.
SoAndSo would swing his blade as the woman stumbled back.
LoAndBehold would jump back with a grin of defiance, returning a swing of her sword.
SoAndSo would jump back, the blade missing him by a hair.
LoAndBehold would thrust the blade forwards, aiming for is abdomen.
SoAndSo would again dodge.
LoAndBehold would again try the same attack.
SoAndSo would dodge yet again!
LoAndBehold would snarl and swing the blade wildly.
SoAndSo would cry out in pain as the blade slashed across his face.

Easy to follow, as stated. ^^
signing up

Code: Select all

[b]characters name;[/b]
[b]characters gender;[/b]
[b]characters race;[/b]
[list][i]brief appearance;[/i]
[i]brief personality;[/i][/list]
[b]characters faction;[/b]
[b]other details;[/b]
rp thread will be made after the rp gains a member :}

Re: Just Another Day in Azeroth? [RP Sign Up Thread]

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:10 pm
by Electraa
reserving this area :3