The official post pictures of your pets thread.

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The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Not sure if we have a thread just for this. If not, it would be nice to have all the pictures into one thread. So as the title says! Start posting!

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Makoes »

My Oldest cat Pixie (18yrs old) runs on dust and spite, I love her!
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The brothers (just turned 1 yr on 04/15/13):

Mojo (Major Domo Mojojo) Yes he does have the Autobot symbol in his ear.
kayla 025.JPG
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Numair (aka raidwiper) Yes, that is a pokeball in his ear.
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And Zeke, a bearded Dragon I babysit when my friend has to go away from a bit :)
kayla 104.JPG
kayla 104.JPG (665.08 KiB) Viewed 42809 times
Last edited by Makoes on Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:19 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Cute cats!
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Makoes »

Thanks :)

Your kitties are pretty cute to :D


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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

I believe if you can believe out of nothing an explosion (big bang) happened then how far fetched can god be?

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Makoes »

Neeka is such a silly little kitten!!!!


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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Wassa »

We had a pet thread but it's years old by now. Best to start up a new one.

Anyways, here is my Mindy. She's a mini rex rabbit.

A rare visitor to this forum now that I don't play WoW anymore, but forever a Petopian.

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Cute bunny!
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Neilaren »

kitty cats :mrgreen: (omg and Mindy the bunny, so cute)

My cat (Spunkie) often sleeps in front of my Shu'halo server blade, as if he is a dragon hoarding his treasure.


He's also camera shy and once i take a photo or two he'll meander off so I often have to catch him doing the same thing multiple times over several days to get a picture I like. :lol:
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

He looks quite content.
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Corpsebryde »

I'm so glad another one of these has started. My old kitty passed away since the last one and I have gotten 3 new kitties!

This is my baby Gypsy (aka Poof). She's a little bobtail and the sweetest little girl.

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Lilith was at the shelter for all of her 3 years of life before we adopted her. When she walks her back legs shake so she had been passed over. She's blossoming into a sweet, loving and outgoing cat.

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Finally we have my fiance's cat Camo (aka Circles). She's a bit slow and will circle around the couch over and over asking for pats every time she walks in front of you. She also loves cleaning daddy, lol.

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Bonita »

Guess I'll add my guys :)

This is Rayne. He's 6 years old and is apparently rather large and skinny for a fixed male cat of his age according to my vet.

This is our new kitten Dobby. We've had him for almost 2 weeks and he's definitely loving it here. He has my parents who pamper him to death. He's currently 2 months and 5 days old.

3 days after we got Dobby, I managed to get Rayne and Dobby to play together.

Today I caught them relaxing together on my bed. (Dobby is watching my rats mess around in their cage) The quality is terrible because my iPod sucks at taking pictures lol.

I don't have any pictures of my rats that aren't just blurs, but I do have a picture of my turtle named Tiger. She's currently 11 years old.
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Daranara »

This is Asric, my muttlet:


Mostly his eyes face the same direction, but this gives you a pretty good idea of his personality.
This is him as of three minutes ago, peeking out from under my desk:


And then this is Patches, whose picture I pulled up when looking for pictures even though I had to put her to sleep last summer. She was 17 when this picture was taken, not that you can tell. Whatever, she can have her picture shown:


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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

Ah god, a chance to show off. XD

I even made little collage things for mine...
Darius is 19 and the benevolent patriarch of the household.

Tidus is the second-oldest. He used to be skinny and athletic. Now he is a blob. An apparently entirely healthy, non-diabetic blob. He's about 14.

Nooj is about 10. He's an adult male (albeit fixed), not a young female kitten, which he often gets mistaken for. Plans to become alpha cat when Darius dies.

Tikaboo (Tika) is only a year and a half. And yes, she really does see aliens. Also she catches flies out of the air and eats them.

Harley is the 'new kitten' although she's blossomed into a lovely young lady and isn't even a year old yet.

Also I drew this cartoon of the lot of them just for giggles...

I'm also currently fostering these kittens... and I hope to god I can manage to rehome them because as adorable as they are, 9 cats is WAY OFF into Crazy Cat Lady Land.

someday I'll find someplace to host a sig that isn't stupid money-grubbing photobucket

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Darius doesn't look 19.. what are you feeding them ?
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Nachtwulf »

Well, they're indoor-only for one thing. Originally he was on Science Diet but after he developed a problem digesting the starch/filler, I've switched to grain free...was Innova but I ended up going to Simply Nourish grain-free instead. Just kibble, and meat trimmings/greenies for treats.

Darius is also a milk fiend (even though it makes him barf), so he also sometimes gets half-and-half or whipping cream (which doesn't). Not a lot, just enough to get him to sh'up and stop begging. XD

someday I'll find someplace to host a sig that isn't stupid money-grubbing photobucket

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by AdamSavage »

Some new pictures of Neeka.

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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Vephriel »

Lots of pictures, here's my gang:

Ziggy - gargoyle gecko

Damion - ball python

Sabbath - G.pulchra (brazilian black) tarantula

Shelob - G. rosea (rose hair) tarantula

Koopa - mali uromastyx


Krauser - cane corso/rottweiler/german shepherd

Special mention to two additional cats (Chow and Chi), a blue tongue skink (Garrus), and a crested gecko (Thane) who belong to our roommate. Our house is a zoo. ;)
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Re: The official post pictures of your pets thread.

Unread post by Wain »

I don't get to reading this thread very often, but there's always so many awesome pics.

Veph, you should charge admission to your house. You really do have a zoo! :)

Nachtwulf, your cartoon of your cats is fantastic :)

So many pretty kitties from everyone. And a very cute rabbit, and tortoise :)

Oh and Dara, if you hadn't said your dog was a "muttlet" I would have assumed he was a corgi!
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