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King krush and well.. wow

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 1:36 pm
by Sasrei
Well I pretty much wrote him off, I figured there was no way in heck I'd see him alive on my over populated crz realm crap.. I've been looking for loque (I think I need to bribe people on low pop crz areas or venture co lol) imagine my surprise to actually see him up and alive while I was doing my loque check! There were two flying over him, neither a hunter, so I landed, tagged him and hit tame as fast as I could. Thank God for tame beast glyph lol. Got him no problem!

Named him Shola after my mains hunters loque.. hoping that'll make him spawn lol.

Re: King krush

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 2:52 pm
by GormanGhaste
Congrats! My Krush came looking for me when I was distracted with something else as well.

Re: King krush

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:35 pm
by Eternallylostx

Mine came when I was looking for Aotona ._.

Re: King krush

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 8:48 pm
by Hatari

I got my Loque while looking for Aetona, and then got Aetona later that same day. :lol:

Re: King krush

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 11:19 am
by Boven
Congratulations! I spent 4 months looking for Krush back in WotLK before I found him. It's a heck of a rush when NPC Scan goes off and you see a rare you want both alive and untagged.

Oh, and during that 4 months I saw a half dozen Loqu's and two or three Aetonas. Go figure.

Re: King krush and well.. wow

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 1:46 pm
by Sasrei
Yesterday I got Arcturis, logged off in his area, did icc and what not and while waiting for the tank to come back I went back to check and there he was :)

Then last night.. or well.. at 1-2;30am lol I couldn't sleep so decided to check for loque and what not. Found nothing.. until while doing my loque checks, sd goes off for Aotona! I stop to look and see and there she was behind me! So I dismounted and tagged her.. then I was wondering why I wasn't taming... and then I noticed I was spamming arcane shot lol (so at that point im glad im not 90 lol) I hit the right button and then bang she was mine. About 10 mins later a thought came into my head, a brilliant thought "skoll is up, go and check skoll!" so I reluctantly left loques area and went to see if skoll was up. First spot nothing.. second spot and... npcscanner went off and there he was! A easy tame and I got him! Then I went back to shola.. first check and nothing.. at this time it was 2:17am so my thoughts were.. hey go to bed! But before I could I was going to fly to my usual sit and chill spot to log off and then this thought came into my head "congrats! loque is up on the next spawn point!" so im thinking yah right.. well npcscanner didn't go off but it didn't have to lol. There was loque! The sb who haunted me, kept me from leveling, kept me bugging all my friends for invites to check on him. At this point im beyond happy :)

Named King krush Shola (but I think im switching it to Sho) my Aotona Lazar and my Loque is named Basin lol. Seemed kind of fitting for the shola trio! Love it when my rare senses are right.