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Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:13 am
by zedxrgal
Since I once again couldn't find the answers to my questions on the FR forums or the encyclopedia I thought I'd post here.

The scrolls for breed changes.
Can you put them on any dragon to change it's breed?
I understand certain breeds are rarer than others and have a less likely chance of coming out of the eggs but could it actually throw the new breed instead of it's original breed?
Hope that question makes sense.

And with the accents.
Does that pattern transfer to hatchlings too potentially or is that also cosmetic only? Like the speckle etc.

Re: Scrolls???

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2013 12:16 am
by MaximumOverdrive
Yeah, you can change any dragon breed. And it will throw whatever breed it currently is, completely forgetting whatever it once was.

Accents are like skins, they just go on top of the dragon for looks, no genes involved.