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Why the heck does making the right decision really suck?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:26 pm
by Boven
It's been 7 years since my last cat, Katie, died. It's only been in the past year or so that I've been able to consider adopting another cat. Even then, I kind of figured that if I was meant to have another one, one would end up dropped in my lap in need of help. That's how I got 2 of the 3 cats I've had in the past. They were strays who needed help.

Back on Tuesday, I swung by the pet store for some fish food before going to the grocery. When checking out, I noticed one of the staff over by the adoption kennel things they put in last year. Those've been empty whenever I was a the store during the past few months. Perhaps foolishly, I went over to see the new arrivals. The upper level had two brothers who were less than a year old. Cute lil guys. The lower level had a single young adult female black cat. She was quite affectionate and seemed content to cheekrub forever against any fingers one'd stick through the holes in the plexiglass. I talked to the woman there who said they'd rescued the cat from a beach a couple days before hurricane Arthur came up the coast. Her name is Sandy, which is kind of weird for a black cat, but fits in with being found on a beach. She's somewhere around 2 years old, laid back, loves to play with toys both by herself and with humans, and likes to cuddle in with folks. They say she doesn't seem to mind being alone but does like being around people. The woman did say she can be a bit talky at times.

I was seriously considering arranging to spend some time with her in one of the rooms they have for that purpose and even was persuaded to leave with an application. Of course, I had to figure out costs and think about other aspects of having a cat again, which is where the responsible side of me had to open its big mouth and point out reasons not to go any further. There'd be the up-front cost of supplies and such since I no longer have anything of Katie's aside from some of her favorite toys and a ceramic water dish. Then there'd be the $95 adoption fee, and a pet deposit for the apartment, and on top of that monthly pet rent. That was $15 when Katie was still alive. I think it's up to $25/month now. Of course, there'd also be vet bills and recurring costs for food and litter and stuff. Normally, I could probably budget for that and make the other lifestyle adjustments that a new kitty would entail, but...

There's a chance that the sale of the company I work for will happen around the end of September. That could mean drastic changes and I could even get laid off. Definitely not a good time to have the added expenses of a new pet. Thinking about it for a couple days, the responsible thing to do is to not pursue things any further. She seems like the kind of cat who'll get adopted pretty quickly, and odds are by someone with whom she'd be better off than she would be with me. I guess it's best to go back to the view that if I'm destined to have a cat, the world will drop one in my lap.

Being responsible and doing the right thing can really suck sometimes.

Re: Why the heck does making the right decision really suck?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:46 pm
by Dewclaw
I can't advise you. I lost Logan in Jan. Young, healthy, and struck down so very suddenly. The hole he left was vast, one I could not hope to ever fill. Financially, we're on ok ground, but it could be better. The wise choice would have been to let time heal in slow measured doses. two weeks later, I was at a shelter with my husband, and a little black kitty literally latched onto his leg and would not let go. He finally did manage to pry her off and placed her in my arms, and she did not want to be put down. Black kitties are less likely to be adopted because there's a stigmata against black cats in general. Cats older than kittens are less likely as well, simply because so many want kittens. Needless to say, we adopted her, and her name is Peek-a-boo. I cannot imagine life without her.

The smart thing for you to do would be wait, but sometimes life is a leap of faith.

Sorry you're in that position. :(

Re: Why the heck does making the right decision really suck?

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:38 pm
by Krysteena
Money adds factors to our life more than we'd like. It's a cats life, but it's also yours. You need the money but the cat needs a home. It's sad that perhaps there's a hole that you desperately want to fill but you can't. It hurts, I know. Here I shall sound like something off of a cartoon as I say this: what does your heart say? Does it say to take that kitty in? Or to take care of yourself first?

Being responsible is nasty. When we were trying to get a kitty we dropped by an animal centre. In a cage was the sweetest little kitty. Female, she purred like her life depended on it as my mum picked her up. Mother was ready to take her home and had fallen in love with this black cat. Yet, we then discovered she was blind. *world implodes* we didn't have the money to pay for vet bills and it felt wrong to turn our back on her like that. I admit, I cried a little.

It's a two headed thing with black cats and white cats Dewclaw. I read somewhere that some believe black cats are bad luck and white cats are good luck. I read that for many people blacks symbolise good luck and white cats are unlucky. It's the person you are inside I guess. Just a note, here I shall sound odd, but black cats smell with nice. Weird, but I've come across several black cats that smell like a perfume of sorts. Two separate cats. Never met before. Yet, they smelt exactly the same :) I was mindblown...

All in all, it depends on if you feel you're ready to fill the hole and if you feel it's right. It you aren't sure, it's best not to, but sometimes the best choices are made when you're going in blind, so to speak. I'm also sorry that I can't figure something out for you, but I don't think anyone can change your mind. Inside, you've made the right choice. You just have to accept which one you've picked.